A Father's Advice If a sportsman true you'd be Listen carefully to me ... Never, never let your gun Pointed be at anyone. That it may unloaded be Matters not the least to me. When a hedge or fence you cross Though of time it cause a loss From your gun the cartridge take For the greater safety's sake. If twixt you and neighboring gun­ Bird shall fly or beast may run Let this maxim ere be thine "Follow not across the line." Stops and beaters oft unseen Lurk behind some leafy screen. Calm and steady always be "Never shoot where you can't see." You may kill or you may miss But atall times think of this: "All the pheasants ever bred Won't repay for one man dead." Written by Mark Beaufoy of Coombe House, Shaftsbury, Dorset, England, in 1902, on pre­ senting his eldest son, Henry Mark, with his first gun. Reproduced here by permission of the au­ thor's granddaughter, Mrs. P. M. Guild. STURM~ RUGER & Company~ Ine~ 2 Lacey Place Southport, Connecticut 06490 IT.S.A. Manufacturers of Firearms for the Responsible Sportsman WEATHERPROOF The Charter UNDERCOVER .38 SPL. Model 7382 in stainless. STAINLESS CONSTRUCTION. .. STAINLESS PERFORMANCE.'. DEPENDABLE. The Undercover .38 SPL. FAST. On-target capability with wide comes in all stainless steel for maximum cor- patridge-type front sight and square notch rear rosion resistance, minimum maintenance. sight. INDESTRUCTIBLE. Lifetime Beryllium ACCURATE. Rifling with 8 grooves instead copper firing pin. of 6 gives superior accuracy. SAFE. Completely blocked hammer for that FREE. Write for our catalog detailing the extra measure of safety. complete Charter Arms line. Send $2.00 with RELIABLE. One year full warranty on ma- your catalog request and get the Charter Arms terials and workmanship. .. shooters patch. ~TER AAMS e Dept. 2G-AHI, 430 Sniffen, Lane, S...tfo,d, CT 06497 AMERICAN HANDGUNNER . JANUARYIFEBRUARY 1982 AMERICAII JAN UARYIFEBRUARY, 1982, Vol. 7, No. 32 FEATURES FLYING WITH HANDGUNS, Walter Leonetti ........... 18 Each Airline Handles Guns Differently REMINGTON 7MM BR, Philip Briggs ......... 30 Just How Good is this Cartridge? THE GAMMON PISTOL, Rick Miller .33 COVER: An experiment in winning. The Gammon. A .45 Designed to Win Matches pistol from Devel. Photo by Neil Nissing. COLT NEW ARMY, Walter Rickell .... .36 D. A. Revolvers are Nothing New HANK WILLIAMS, JR, Michael Bane .38 STAFF This CW Star is a Gun Nut GEORGE E. VON ROSEN Publisher JEROME RAKUSAN Editorial Director CUSTOM GUN OF THE MONTH ..................... 40 DAVE EPPERSON Editor SYDNEY BARKER Art Director CHARTER ARMS EXPLORER, Larry Sterret 42 HENRY MICHELE Art Assistant Test Report on New Semi-auto .22 JOE ROSS Art Assistant TOM HOLLANDER Circulation Director MAG·NA.PORT'S NEW SPECIAL EDITIONS, J. D. Jones .44 Africa's Big Game Animals TRIAL BY FIRE,'John P. Crowley . .46 Author's First PPC Match NATIONAL ADV. OFFICE: Bob Cusick, Adver­ tising Sales Manager, 591 Camino de la Reina, M·S SAFARI ENFORCER, Mike Barach ... .48 Suite 200, San Diego, CA 92108 (714) Test Report on a Production·.45 297-8520 WEST COAST REPS.: Media Sales Associates, CUSTOM PISTOLSMITH DIRECTORY .50 Bill Hague, Rick Ayer, 26944 Camino de Estrella, Capistrano Beach, CA 92624 (714) Revised List for 1982 661-2423 EAST COAST ADV. REPS.: Buchmayr Associ­ ates, 19 Birch Rd., Darien, CT 06820 (203) SHORT SHOTS 655-1639. AMERICAN HANDGUNNER (ISN 0145-4250) is published CUSTOM 'SMITH PROFILE, Roy Fishpaw 24 bi-monthly by Publishers Development Corp., 591 Camino de la Reina, San Diego, CA 92108. Second class postage paid al San Diego, CA 92108, and at additional mailing offices. Sub­ RELOADING TESTS, Dan Cotterman 26 scriptions: One year (6 issues) $9.95. Single monthly copies $2.00. Change Of Address: Four weeks' notice required on IPSC NATIONALS 56 all changes. Send old address as well as new. Contributors submitting manuscripts, photographs or drawings do so at their own risk. Material cannot be returned unless accom­ panied by sufficient postage. Payment will be made at rates current at time of publication and wilt cover reproduction'lrr DEPARTMENTS any or all AMERICAN HANDGUNNER MagaZine edilions. Advertising rates furnished on request. Reproduction or use of any portion of this magazine in any manner, without written permission, is prohibited. All rights reserved. Title to this pub­ INDUSTRY INSIDER, J. Rakusan . ... 6 lication passes 10 subscriber only on delivery to his address. SUBSCRIPTION PROBLEMS: For immediate action write to HANDLOADING, Hercules, Inc. ... 9 AMERICAN HANDGUNNER. Allenlion Donna Maass-591 Camino de la Reina, Suite 200, San Diego, CA 92108 of ell SILUETAS, Philip Briggs . 10 (714) 297-8524. Ask for Donna Maass or Tom Hollander. SIGHT SETTINGS, Lucy Chambliss . 12 PISTOLSMITHING, Claud Hamiliton . 14 COP TALK, Massad Ayoob . 16 HANDGUN LEATHER, Bob Argenbright .22 WHAT'S NEW .62 SPEAK OUT .... .65 HANDGUN MARKET .77 4 AMERICAN HANDGUNNER . JANUARYIFEBRUARY 1982 Customize your own gun with the famous M·S Safari Arms components At M-S Safari Arms, we are constantly d~veloping cus­ customize your Browning, S&W, or Colt automatic easily and tom components for the average shooter/sportsman as well inexpensively with the same professional features that were as the true professional. We developed the .45 caliber auto­ once only attainable through custom gun mechanics. matic Enforcer® and MatchMaster® pistols and now, those All components are supplied in satin finished stairiless same custom features are individually available for your own steel or high luster blue ready for your~ :M!!! handgun. These parts are designed and priced so that you can local gunsmith's installation. ® c:n~orcer T Fixed Rear Sight Set. No-nonsense front and rear sights • The Enforcer (3.8" barrel, E·I02) designed for fast target acquisition. Provides the prope.r light or The MatchMaster (5" barrel, E-I03.) gap between front and rear sight. Melted full radius style. Blue Deadly accurate, .45 caliber or stainless steel. Rear sight fits standard dove tail. $14.95 combat pistol$. Loaded with cus- tom features. Available in Teflon, Armaloy, blue, alloy, or stainless II T Ambidextrous Combat Slide Release Set. steel finishes. Send $2.00 for fully ~ Now full control of the .45 automatic with illustrated catalog and ordering the left hand. $29.50 information. T Ambidextrous Combat Safety Set. Full position control with right or left hand. Get the most from your automatic. A must for combat shooters, police officers, a~d all left handers. Browning High Power: $39.95 Colt: $34.95* "Manufactured under pat. =3492748 ... Hammer. Stainless steel . ~ ... Adjustable Rear Sight Set. Includes commander style. Designed wi front sight. Gives the proper light gap enough metal for correct fitting between front and rear sights. Provilles of the sear engagement. $14.95 shooter with optimum flat sighting surface. Combat Style Hammer for Designed for fast sight/target alignment. Browning High Power, Blue or Blue or stainless steel. Will fit S&W K Stainless. $19.95 frame. Standard: $29.95 Dove tail front: $34.95 .II. Ambidextrous Safety Set for S&W Models 39 & 59. A must for ... Beavertail Grip Safety. Provides __........ the serious combat shooter, police better control of the weapon by officer and left handed shooter. spreading recoil over a larger area of $39.95 the shooter's hand. This reduces apparent recoil and eliminates hammer ... Combat Magazine Base Pads. Available - pinch. Requires minimal frame for all Colt, S&W Model 3.9, S&W Model 59, contouring for a perfect fit. $15.00 Browning High Power automatics. ... Extended Combat Safety. Match proven design assures positive control of safety without having to shift or • Magazine Chute pro· reposition grip. Browning High Power: $19.95 . Colt $16.95 vldes the fastest possible reloading under combat or ... Extended Combat Slide Release. Now the same technology as match conditions. No fitting applied to the Enforcer parts provides for one hand control necessary. Includes 2 base during reloading leaving the left hand free to insert a fresh pads. $9.95 . magazine. Browning High Power: $19.50 Colt: $17.50 MAIL TO: M·S Safari Arms AH-1 ,..-------------P.O. Box 23370 • Phoenix, AZ 85063 Make. I Please enter my order for: Quantity: Quantl~~)(g{~~~ng Dealer Inquiries Invited 0 Fixed Rear Sight Set Sta,nles< Blue (e) Colt Total' o Standard $14.95 I o With front sight ready for insert $19.95 ... $ __ 24 HOUR TOLL FREE ORDER DESK 0 Ambidextrous Combat Slide Release Set $29.95 ------$-­ Master Charge o Ambidextrous Combat Safety Set Visa I 0 Browning $39.95 0 S&W $39.95 C.O.D. 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