The bird is still in the tree Increasing cloudiness today. slight chance of showers Wednesday, High 'VeT Teen today 53; low 30. Chance of precipita- lion 10 percent; 20 percent tonight. Tuesday, March 22, 1983 VoL LXXXIX No, 109 Established 1894 Washington State University Pullman, Washington Write-ins not allowed to debate Three teams of executive candidates have offi- teams would remain to debate. Schulz said, candidates to participate in the debate for a few by Julie Wurth , cially filed. paid a $50 filing fee and collected 300 She also said because the debates are limited to minutes while leaving official candidates the Assistant Campus Editor signatures to legitimize their campaigns. Burns an hour. having four teams debate might take too majority of the debate time, and Vickerman did not file or pay the filing fec. much lime. and mentioned that allowing write-in Write-in candidates for ASWSU president and The group also discussed letting any write-in "They're not full-fledged candidates. so they candidates to participate would open the debates vice president cannot participate in the debates candidates air their opinions during an "open shouldn't get the full benefits. but they arc recog- to any university students who decided to declare sponsored annually by the ASWSU Political Un- forum" session. nized. so shouldn't they be involved a little bit'!" themselves write-in candidates. ion. a group of students decided yesterday. Theresa Schulz. political union chairman. asked "Whatever we decide now is going to set a Six political Union members decided by a 4-2 the other members at the meeting, precedent for future debates." Schulz said, The '.'1 think we should forget them because they're vote to bar write-in candidates from the debate During the meeting. Schulz outlined several decision will apply to future write-in candidates. trying to get the benefits out of the system without after university students Matt Bums and Merlin reasons the candidates should be left out of the not just Bums and Vickerman. she said, gomg through the system." student Mike Coan Vickerman announced their write-in candidacy debates. Before voting to exclude the write-in candi- said. for the executive positions, The debates were deliberately set for Thursday. dates. the group tossed around several solutions. This year's debate is scheduled for Thursday at so if a primary election was necessary it would Political Union Adviser Paul Kyllo suggested . 'Our stand is that people who have filed should noon on the CUB Mall for the March 28 and 29 have been over before the debates so only three settmg up standards which would allow write-in reap the benefits (of filing)." Schulz said, ASWSU elections. Accidental shooting injures student here by Brian Vasey skull after coursme rnrouuh hi' nee]•. Evergreen Staff According to th';- shain\ otficc, the car. driven hy Stephen Gerard. 19. of ,A student here accidently shot and Pullman. pulled off the road to alarm critically injured himself Sunday after- house where help W:lS xumrno ncd . When the Pullman ambulance arrived. noon while riding In a car on Whitman Road just south of Pullman . said the the VICtim was in respiratory and car- Whitman County sheriff's office, diac arrest and cardiopulmonary rcsu-- Brent L. Myers. a freshman from citation was started, . Bellevue. was transported by a Pull- He was taken to Memorial Hospital man Fire Department amb~lancc to on campus where he responded to the Sacred Heart Hospital in Spokane CPR but it was still necessary til keep where he was in critical condition him on a mechanical respirator. said a yesterday. spokesman for the Pullman Public Myers. 20 .. of 423 Goldsworthy Safety Office, Hall. was riding about eight miles He was then transferred 10 Sacred south of Pullman. near the town of Heart. where he arrived at 6 p. m. Sun- lohnson at aproximately 3:20 p.m. day in critical condition. with a .22 caliber rifle on his lap "hen There were four other students in the car at the time of the gunshot. accord- the gun accidentally diSCharged and Daily Evergreen/Andy Mechling ing to the sheriff's office, "We were Anti-nuclear protesters gather in a circle to shot him in the neck. The cause of the just out shooting targets." said Joe marine base in Bangor. The protest in Spokane accident is still under investigation by protest the passage of a train belie~ed to be Brady. a member of Tau Kappa EpSI- carrying nuclear warheads to the Trident sub- drew about 30 people but missed the train. the sheriffs office. The bullet. said Capt. George Bailey lon fraternity ami one of the people in of the Whitman County sheriffs the car. "It "as a very unfortunate Protesters miss nuke train office. lodged near the base of Myers' accident." he said, is a community problem. and that the community should Committee approves by Andy Mechling decide whether to try and stop the train, Evergreen Staff ~he protest in Spokane followed a series of protests as the and the Associated Press tram made its way from the Pantex Corp. plant near Amaril- lo. Texas. over the weekend. Pantex is the nation's sole repeat regulation A group of approximately 30 people gathered at the producer of nuclear warheads. Amtrak depot in Spokane yesterday to protest the arrival of .. U,S. Energy Secretary Donald Hodel said the train was Students who withdraw from classes will be able to retake classes with the same the armored train believed to be carrying nuclear warheads to perfectly safe." ' priority as students who receive lower than "C" grades if a motion passed by the the Trident Submarine base in Bangor. Hodel's comments came in a news conference Sunday Academic Affairs Committee IS approved by the Universitv Senate, The trai~ was expected in Spokane by early afternoon. but following the arrests of 10 people in Colorado who either did not arnve until later in the day when most of the protes- The committee added "W" grades to the provisions of ;cademic rule 34, stood In the path of a Burlington Northern train or refused to "I'd rather give them the benefit of the doubt." said one committee member tors had left the station, move away from it as it proceeded north, The arrested protes- Demonstration organizer Joe Gafny Brown, who is the after the body considered whether students who withdraw should be denied ters were released on bond following their arrests Saturday. priority because they displayed a lesser effort than students who stay in class all . acting director of the Peace and Justice Center in Spokane A spok~sman for the federal Department of Energy said and a member of the Ground Zero Center for Non-violent semester. Sat~rday 11 was a specially outfitted DOE train with cars Registrar C. James Quann said there is no real evidence students are using the Action. an anti-nuclear group, said he assumed the train designed for the transport of nuclear weapons. nuclear mate- would pass through Spokane sometime in the late evening "W" grade to bailout of classes. nals or weapons-related parts. The spokesman. Ben McCar- "If they have to bailout with a 'W' legitimately. they should have the same and make the rest of the trip to Bangor by night. ty, would not identify the specific cargo of the train, priority.' he said, Brown said the protest was organized primarily to call Hodel. who met with reporters at a Denver hotel said A survey of II selected courses indicates the number of withdrawals in nine of "these kinds of shipments take place frequently throughout attention "to the reality of the train passing through Spo- those classes dropped from fall 1979 semester. kane." and to the likelihood that the train was carrying the country. I can say that they are perfectly safe." The committee also approved a statement concerning institutional responsibility He said he did not know what the train carried but added nuclear warheads. to enrolled students when an academic program is discontinued. "We. as a community. are in danger," Brown said, that routes chosen by the federal government are selected The statement said when a degree program is dropped due to serious reductions Brown. who led the goup in scripture readings as well as with "full concern for safety." in financial support. loss of faculty or other "significant" reason. further admis- spiritual songs. said people need to recognize the "power of Anti-nuclear activists said they think the train carries nuc- sion will be frozen and "every effort" will be made to allow currently enrolled love" in their lives. This contrasts with the enormous power lear warheads for the new Trident submarines. students the chance 10 complete their degrees within' 'reasonable period of time, .. of hate and destruction represented by nuclear weapons. he Shelley Douglass. of the Ground Zero for Non- Violent To do this. department and program chairs may encourage students to complete Action, near the Navy's Trident submarine base at Bangor. their reqUirements In Similar or related degree tracks. and a student' S major said. said her group has been working since December to develop a . 'We want to let the people know there is a different way." department may waive or substitute departmental requirement. network of protests along the train route. Graduate. students may be allowed to. complete remaining requirements at 7 he said, In Wyoming on Sunday. protesters greeted the train in There were no attempts to obstruct the train by the demon- another msurunon under academic regulation 1 14(a). according to the statement.
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