A Complete Bibliography of Publications in Lisp and Symbolic Computation Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail: [email protected] (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 14 October 2017 Version 1.10 Title word cross-reference Application [88, 89]. Applications [69, 145]. Applicative [6]. Approach [30, 36, 48, 70]. Architecture [27, 52, 114]. Aren't [18]. Arity [30]. Arrays [16]. 2 $47.50 [4]. λ [93]. R [114]. Artificial [15]. Assignment [78, 142]. Associates [15]. Author [140]. Automatic - [113]. -Calculus [93]. [20, 123]. 1991 [50]. Baker [50]. Balancing [68]. Based [29, 45, 84, 108, 111, 128]. Basis [85]. 2d [4, 15]. Benchmark [40]. Benjamin [41]. Benjamin/Cummings [41]. better [113]. 3D [89]. Binding [98, 101]. Binding-Time [98]. Book [4, 15, 19, 25, 33, 41]. Boston [4]. Abstract [86, 128]. Abstraction [62]. Acid Bromley [4]. Browser [39]. [89]. Adding [119]. Addison [19, 25]. Addison-Wesley [19, 25]. Algebraic [17]. Calculus [76, 93, 110]. Call [82]. Algorithm [122]. Algorithms [85]. Call-by-need [82]. Callee [59]. Analysis [20, 36, 46, 88, 98, 101, 102, 110]. Callee-save [59]. Calls [21]. Categorical Answer [50]. Applicable [13]. 1 2 [109]. Cells [5]. Charniak [15]. Chinese Expansion [3, 99]. Expansion-Passing [3]. [8]. CL [90]. Class [9, 38, 64]. Classes [44]. Experiences [114]. Experiment [143]. CLOS [19, 119]. Code [7]. Collection [27]. Experiments [13]. Extended [46]. Combination [17, 39]. Combinator [32]. Extension [26, 72]. Extents [64]. COMMON [10{12, 17, 19, 25, 28, 29, 33, 41, 58, 118]. Fexprs [125]. First [38, 64]. First-Class Company [25, 41]. Compilation [57]. [38, 64]. Foreword [97]. Formal [75]. Compiler [13, 96, 143]. Compiling [37]. France [145]. Franz [25]. Free [38, 100]. Composable [81]. Computation [41, 85]. FRPOLY [40]. Function [5, 21]. Computing [114]. Concepts [11]. Functional [14, 16, 22, 32, 57, 61]. Functions Concurrency [71]. Concurrent [54, 55, 86]. [12]. Conjunction [35]. Conjunction-Type [35]. CONSAT [87]. Considered [108]. Garbage [27]. General [3, 52]. Constraint [60, 87, 89]. Continuation General-Purpose [52]. Generation [59, 77, 82, 84]. Continuation-Passing [13, 143]. Generator [123, 143]. Gentle [41]. [59, 77, 82]. Continuations [74, 81, 127]. Gentler [41]. Global [108]. Graph [90]. Control [24, 84]. Conversion [78, 142]. Grasper [90]. Grasper-CL [90]. Gr¨obner Corrigendum [142]. Cost [116]. Counting [85]. Guest [97]. Guide [4, 19]. [124]. CPS [78, 93, 142]. Critique [49]. Cummings [41]. Hall [33]. Hank [4]. hardbound [4, 15]. Hardware [124]. Haskell [104]. Headers Data [85, 91]. David [41]. Debugger [23]. [93]. Heap [124]. Hierarchies [24, 60]. Debugging [6, 61]. Decision [58]. Defining Higher [115]. Higher-Order [115]. [118]. Definition [48, 49]. Delimiters [24]. Demonstration [124]. Dependent [114]. Imperative [105, 110]. Implementation Description [1]. Descriptions [75]. [29, 45, 57, 84, 92, 94, 144]. Implementing Designing [39]. Determination [89]. [54, 118]. Index [140, 141]. Inference [70]. Dialect [2]. Dictionaries [9]. Dictionary Inheritance [43]. Integrating [14, 31]. [100]. Dictionary-Free [100]. Dijon [145]. Intelligence [15]. Interactive [117]. DIN [48, 49]. Direct [21]. Discoveries [74]. Interface [11, 12]. Interpretation Distributed [27, 54, 85, 91]. DPOS [56]. [57, 106, 128]. Interpretation-Compilation Duplication [113]. Dynamically [45, 46]. [57]. Interpreter [86, 112]. Dynamically-Typed [45, 46]. Interprocedural [20]. Introduction [41, 47, 51, 73, 79, 103, 108]. Introspection ed [4, 15]. Editor [97]. Editorial [111]. Issue [107]. Issues [5]. Iteration [80]. [65, 121, 129]. Education [67]. Efficient Iterative [46]. [45]. Encapsulation [43]. Endpaper [5, 28, 40]. Environment [8, 56, 61]. Jersey [15]. July [50]. Environments [38]. Erlbaum [15]. Essence [99]. Eta [99]. Eta-Expansion Keene [19]. Kernel [48, 49]. Kinder [41]. [99]. Euclidian [122]. EULISP Kluwer [4]. [66{68, 70{72]. Evaluation [7, 32, 63, 99, 100, 113, 122, 126, 143]. L [33]. Lambda [76, 110]. Evaluator [13, 26]. Execution [37]. Lambda-Calculus [76]. Lamson [4]. 3 Language [45, 57, 75, 106, 111]. Languages [33]. Preprocessor [29]. PreScheme [96]. [6, 16, 61, 113]. Lawrence [15]. Lazy [7, 61]. Problems [89]. Procedure [58]. Level [123]. LISP [4, 8, 10{12, 17, 19, 21, 25, Procedures [30]. Processing [52, 54, 56]. 28, 29, 33, 37, 41, 48, 49, 58, 91, 118]. Local Program [36, 123]. Programmer [109]. Logic [14, 31, 53, 57, 84]. Logical [11, 12, 19]. Programming [26, 32, 36]. LogScheme [31]. Loop [93]. [4, 9, 14{16, 19, 31, 56, 57, 117]. Programs Lore [4]. [20, 22, 28, 32, 37, 44, 46, 53, 77, 84]. Projections [101, 102]. Prolog [88]. Machine [4]. Macro [3]. Management Protocol [68, 119]. Prototype [111]. [90, 116]. Mark [27]. Massachusetts [19]. Prototype-Based [111]. Prototypes [45]. May [145]. Mayfly [52{54]. McDermott Prototyping [8]. Publishing [25, 41]. Pure [15]. Measuring [116]. Mechanism [3]. [16]. Purpose [52]. Meehan [15]. Message [46]. Metacircular [26]. Metalanguage [56]. Metaobject Rapid [8]. Reasoning [77]. Recursion [80]. [68, 119]. Method [17, 39, 115]. Milner [33]. Reference [25, 55, 124]. Mix [13]. ML [35, 98, 120]. Models [109]. Reference-Counting [124]. Reflection Modules [117]. Monads [81]. Moped [23]. [114]. Reflective [1, 111{113]. Registers Multi [123]. Multi-Level [123]. Multilisp [59]. Relative [22]. Reliable [117]. [89]. Multimethods [39]. Mystery [1]. Remarks [50]. Removal [115]. Research [124]. Reuse [22]. Revealed [1]. Review Names [109]. Necessary [18]. need [82]. [4, 15, 19, 25, 33, 41]. Revisited [40]. Next [75]. Non [1]. Non-Reflective [1]. Rewriting [145]. Richard [4]. Riesbeck Nucleic [89]. [15]. Runtime [18, 34]. Oaklisp [2]. Object S [41]. Satisfaction [87, 89]. save [59]. [2, 9{12,17, 19, 45, 46, 108]. Object-Based Scalable [52]. Scan [27]. Schemata [76]. [108]. Object-Oriented [2, 9, 19, 45, 46]. Scheme Objects [43]. OOP [106]. Operational [2, 20, 26, 31, 54, 55, 62, 92, 94, 95, 126, 144]. [120, 128]. Optimizations [7]. Optimizing Self [13, 42, 43, 45]. Self-Applicable [13]. [46]. OR-Parallel [88]. Order [115]. Semantics [108, 111, 120, 128]. Separation Organizing [44]. Oriented [2, 9, 19, 45, 46]. [5]. Several [28]. Shared [43]. SIMD [72]. Overloading [100]. Overview [10, 66]. Simple [105, 112]. simplicity [42]. Softcover [25, 33]. Solving [89]. Sonya P [118]. pages [4, 15, 25, 33]. Parallel [19]. Special [107]. Specialization [123]. [37, 52{54, 56, 63, 84, 87, 88]. Parallellization Specification [11, 12, 17, 22]. Splitting [46]. [20]. Parents [43]. Partial Standard [35, 98]. State [104, 106, 108]. [13, 63, 99, 100, 113, 122, 143]. Parts [43]. Static [102]. Storage [116]. Strictness Passing [3, 59, 77, 82]. Scheme [91]. [110]. Structure [89]. Structures [85, 91]. Performance [28]. PERs [101]. Style [3, 59, 77, 82]. Subcontinuations [83]. Persistence [119]. Persistent [118]. SUBTYPEP [58]. Support [39, 119]. Phylogenetic [88]. Plurals [72]. Symbolic [41]. Syntactic [62]. System Polymorphic [78, 142]. Polymorphism [10{12,17, 34, 54, 87, 88, 90, 95]. Systems [35, 105, 120]. Portable [23]. power [42]. [28]. Practical [70]. Predicate [58]. Prentice REFERENCES 4 Tags [18]. Technical [5]. techniques [145]. ter. Oaklisp: An object-oriented dialect Telos [69]. Their [24]. Theory [102, 125]. of Scheme. Lisp and Symbolic Compu- Threads [71, 127]. Time [98, 101, 114]. tation, 1(1):39{51, June 1988. CODEN Time-Dependent [114]. Title [141]. LSCOEX. ISSN 0892-4635 (print), 1573- To olb ox [71]. Touretzky [41]. Tower [1]. 0557 (electronic). Trace [128]. Trace-Based [128]. Tractable [92]. Transformational [22]. Trivial [125]. Dybvig:1988:EPS TS [91]. TS/Scheme [91]. Tutor [8]. Tutorial [33]. Two [28]. Type [3] R. Kent Dybvig, Daniel P. Friedman, [35, 46, 70, 78, 102, 142]. Typed [45, 46, 106]. and Christopher T. Haynes. Expansion- passing style: A general macro mech- UCL [118]. Unboxed [120]. anism. Lisp and Symbolic Computa- understanding [113]. Unnecessary [108]. tion, 1(1):53{75, June 1988. CODEN Using [89]. LSCOEX. ISSN 0892-4635 (print), 1573- 0557 (electronic). Value [5]. Variable [30]. Variables [32, 38]. Verified [94{96, 144]. Version [49, 50]. via Anonymous:1988:BRL [119]. Visualizing [126]. VLISP [4] Anonymous. Book review: Lisp Lore: [94{96, 107, 144]. Volume [130{139]. A Guide to Programming the Lisp Ma- chine,2ded.,HankBromleyand Wendy [33]. Wesley [19, 25]. Without [44]. Richard Lamson, Boston: Kluwer. 1987. 337 pages hardbound. $47.50. Lisp and Yield [127]. Symbolic Computation, 1(1):77{79, June 1988. CODEN LSCOEX. ISSN 0892- References 4635 (print), 1573-0557 (electronic). Wand:1988:MTR Gabriel:1988:ETI [1] Mitchell Wand and Daniel P. Friedman. [5] Richard P. Gabriel and Kent M. Pit- The mystery of the tower revealed: A man. 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