L.'' an·dr'-II.. ·l·· '., tran porlation t- ,o'rf:'.' •ma·::··;y··',-'"'-, ... ',,, .. : '. b·e·'·.; ' ...., •• ' '-,.<>O·····p:.,'", ·p··:'·r··.,' .. ·o'·' .. ' ·b········I·:•• ' ','e··m'··"'·'':.;' ":,'., '.';. ':°0"':''7'-.,,_' ~ ~ ~ < , ~ ")' .~,,; ~ (,.,;~.. ~ ~1 ~" 't 1-' ]" "']n :~if 1:~'(' "j t W'·'".I'..~'i P 1"'1:1 ~ l~ Gruzillg L.te~~ l.' '. ,1, :r<" .. 1..Jj , .. Id·: .. :'" 'jc;-, ,. " :" ,,,,t, .J • r I"C! ,~~ -(ltj"~a ofi r'11'~: .;jrJ[lOfcAl : ,~Y\ r:-,: 1'rt~ h'V 1": ~i'- ~ {;,., 'I.) I rat., r:;~ 1 -' 'I ,. 1.:.: ' - .' ~, ..... I ,,- • + II ; '1.1 r.' ~ ~ ,,. ~.t ~ .. ' ... : A": ::'«:'J lA lilt """'f' . 1:' .~ -:, ~ '''''''~.I 1-: ,,' . I , :;.. .1.;; f1 "., '\ '. lJl- :\' 'I \1 .' .. ~ t.P. '. - ~~ , ~.. ~ , IJ ~ ., ~.. ,. .. ~_ ::.-~ -..:;. • __ ~ ~ • __ ._~'__' ,",--,,- _'••__._•.......-;,~~,_~~........It~~ :;;.~••"-~~_..~ __'-_~ _,,_~ __ .......... _~ , " . ,- -, - -~- • '\ . ' " .. ' ,') "t' B<IS'l'INll'SEN'IIi!B lil .IZ~S 81")!':' , " , ,. , I' . I " I ,I I , " t: I I ,. J BE-GilAtJE :J:!l\-aKING ~BE), 10 DR\!;IN WAniiB·./iWAY"ElIlllM !l~JL.IilIJjG • In a, fellY months, the. RU'ide:SCl PIJlllliG: Lil;l:N;tr-y will haV\il ,CXHzerlSC~ritetf 'lNiill. be, ~t!GtQ~ed, ,i;i!3lJfing thbrel'n'aJ! i ~$:C1Q r1lQ:~e ,;;{val1atjle re'~d1.ng r(lottl, ~tOf'1\g,e sp-a,csal'1d ~f{iGe:s.; :square fl3e:tto tl\1,!3: Ubr'af;Y, Tfue· enotci:se.darea will fe,atLlre The ,clj.rre·n't pJ;3.ti·o P~tlNlil:e,n th€tltt,Wrar;y«tmd th~, S'e.nim.r a s:kyU'g/:lt and s.tU:€l~ :&arrets. " h ~ ~""'___,.___~~_~~. Landfills-- ",---'r State gets s:et to , fOnH/lm'\te. He '!,liso pI<Iised bhe ·vil- joining·toge~h~r on is~!1eS in~ol¥iJW' when. :the .city admini'stnation and larg¢i,s '¥e!J,~oJ" t:l\U:0rli~d the worl!: Ruidosll, both for and .llgains,ttKose:coUf\W recently gathered 'a con-·. gf the: tillage: Pti)'[<inasing Dellllrl-· ll\s.ues. ne !llltd: r~gard.\e~ of c1av.:e. iJi<:1llding 'mllm.D~ts of" the mcot. whether ~Qp.le )\Iere:fOP an01SSUe 011' th8pi!>~tor COmp:lerce, ,th~ t,Ubll:.imd "!'m also proud of'the PIir.dhas-, a:gatll'st't!.~"e ~all'j~fad,to'see'peopl~gJjh!ll"s, .m ~e~t ·~th: ,Rreljjdent j , , ,eo• .' ~ , >', , w·... , 'O·"I"··d., <'n" M·····e·:·,c··h,• " • e'l11"':"• ' i~g: D,epartmerit, 'fue prof'eseion;al' f1hAlly:gettmg'mvl)1ved. ,(Wendell) <:!hino,of,the Mescalern 'way 'U:t'ey save' 't~e village c!D.pney . ''W~:ve' giltmQre pepple .,invo'1velt !·~y.lC;be 'hibeto fOrplul'a'te plallll: for l!l Y Iltm.M\1 BL!!.'L.. GlJ;,':;K fum'J,l.g'~ ]>!ll'IlPQ.Sl.trg, :co.ntroJ ·8,I.1il in lifty· gove=eot, 'al'ld' that.'can1t ·~'PtojeetilloIlg. on the drawing bQ~, f"lUIWGfSl1l. N,e,,!!> S;t<;itl Witter a:naly·si's,:' Jame.!! sai.d, be bad," Kblb llaid, bilt never 'advaJ;lc!ld bllyoJ!d the 'J.l,~:flrt!f;~~1U1:til'e6l:If Lh:e'l'l-ew Ml::te ,Jlllnes .aIBo.li:ste:d ·S'S: acc:,omplisb- Roll! said !lhe· Issue df landfills Wiring s.tage," .Jpnge, said:' 1.<'0 .l:!b(Le ~hghw;"y and 1'ra'n.p,Qrba-, ments,in, :198'!t, the: village's :solullion, 'vrill ,b~:l1 =ajot'problem in '1!f90. He, ,;Y'!Wge said p,efter :comqllllllca­ bU'Ji) 11"l"firtm&o.L' went ,n Ruidoso' wi,tb lW~wll:li tQ, th:ei landf'i'll si.tua,- ilmlllJh;e ¥illage;willhav.e .to la,eW.e;· tlQQ8 I)litf':een the l:Qun~l" tire: 'Vcii.­ 0,1). Tl.urnda.;y rand ~',ri.d"y wndnc.tJing. do,,:, :the Q1Ysitlldy; r'e1l91't1l nom the; the pl'!lblem: ,and getitsolved. llige ·admll:ri.stl'atlpn and the public a' ·/5 ..1M. /l'8",Ig;n I'nSp(!c·tiTI'o 'Of /!II trw CPl'!.yIHltIOIl.' :aali Visitor.s· 'I!w:lfB1.l, H.e ,aIM rsaid the· ,New Mexico are a m.UlIt fOJ'·1990. M:",xti.t:I). I:!.ig,hw:wy ~ thepmgres.8 of tlie, MainStr.eet pro,. Highway·48' e><panslpn projec,t @c;l "We' I1iioo to reacti:vs'f,e, an o~n Th" J:l.""hway ,n"I"a'Itm<rot pla:./il'R gram and the opening Of'COIilIIiinrl- th~ Mainstreet projeit Q.l'.e yel:)" 'doorpolicy wifli,fu11 communication 1." lfllif1lt.m,! 1~ i.gh'W.ay, '1:,il' \nW' ,a '£0 aT' cations p¢t'We;en'the "mage ~nd t;:he' :m~~.h tied ~g~j;he:r:.. ·]II<;. sai\1wa~l! between.'the C'oun¢ the lidmjpis" hlJ~~ rrri\dw.l'l,y f:rpm ,te:\'l.~ iltltl:cc,seqt·ii:l;F) *esllllletoJ~'p-a"he I'qP1'aQ,T!jibe·, 'Will have to be'folIDd to"keep traffic; tr.a.tion and ',fbjl pubfrli,:' he sai'lL fif ,~J1iilfJ"rt1l, ~U'ld N1echecw ,(:l~rwe8' txt ')''8lalit th:.e. people':m 1m.ow .r liln ·mowng' and' protect local "~~tore' tbepraetiCll of s,tuJiy ses" :--;1<) IhLl,l Rgt1d. TI:,... proj",ct i'R pr'!lud \!if eacA. and .Elv:e:r:y 'empllryee businesses. si'O'n~ '1;{l b"e held priot· to· council d:I},id"d ~nu, two b,,~vea, 'with tne ·t'he'.aJlage hall," JamM sald. ()Jounw.Uor' J'es,s, $tlnso,1). sai'd Jle ml!'etingl!, ll'ofd: pllDlio;'meetings on Ku:dd...rth and Mtrchem. ',iWrS'el).ti:GfO James' aha had prwse for (the ~s .pr'(I.u\1 ,of .!.'maHy ,com'P1e..thrg' the .l1, .I!limnlld basi's .of· 'DO 'less '~. t;u lU,,;L p'a,~t WhIm :Mlll'lfJta,.f., D.r;iv:e' cOWlei) J\ts~!f..· Qrurd's.tI!n-e C'J,anyoQ dam. twIce:llnnuaJ}y aird amend theeur- t,a:Il/!'d 't1H:' r!<tJ.llth h~"'.l'r «.n.d WMl:!' "The 1Ielllnw:or~, wit'fu.'n ,Ole QOun" ''We. finally got the -damfixetl tl\rit council .'agenlla format t:o lIpiln .M0u:n'tlll.tl ,Dl'iy;e- ,t./) j:CiRt plI'$t the 15,ki !!il" ·w5l!11 lI'few ex:re:ptions.. lias.heen where it wilUiold water;" he··said. up par1ilc1P~fi'on '1rY Iih(,)l!e .mtiillJP,l ~'1' R\1~p C» lll:d Llif!, n4rih biiff. Jk~'["R.eot.at.iYe.", I)utli.t':a'l\durg," he ·Bata. "The pO'siffi.ve Stinson ali.deil that sjhce 'tl;1e whpattend t\1e colinel:1 meitings:;u 01 the HJglrway' er- gpt ~ thinking'ofthecounCiI has,been engi,Qeers. tQgjlther.J.!l get, thll 'Ein,dly, M'llYOl" IJo,yd L, Da:rill . J)"-1"<1 rtonmt 'W,(1re jUI;olfd a't tJrd(;$'p. .ce!l eJ:(t,ev:en .t,hoU!\'.hwll :\lav:.e hail wO$k Q;pne; the' village, ,ha:s started Jr,sai'/lhe n.etievell one ofthe'm.ain M.llai"lp"l A.dmlrii.stmj;ivlt 'C"t'rtkc s,l),me' ,v\tW'lU>!18e :6:,1;\111. '!l few' Aega" filling :the lake behind tnedam. 'accomplishments' 'of .1989. was:'tibe I.y rlfpr~$~.nl1'!,~h'!lB oJ the Feder,ail tjv<! Br9U:ps." . '. "We' .afir' .finll'Uy. goin'g 'to Mye a coming togeth'er of'the MaffiStreet l;hKl;,~v.: A.cl nti:r>JJ;rtr1\kr <>0" , pCI')j ~ d as 5S ((11" is.sue's. 11).·1990, Jllmes said. 'beautifUl bike. 'Out there for e:very- projeCt.' (or:f:l<\J,lttt,mLs 'M'C)iJ Bwvle E.rr/tJ.Q'l...ri Qg the viUs,ge needs. to lollk. for .new bne't.aenj,oy,"hesaid. " "That J!as~'h.oWJl ·that p-eopll\, of <If N Itu.lJlIl1:r\IOU " , ·vi:na.g,,,, o:l'll'n.a ger in~r,e8ts toget~w, If,,,arj~ m'fmittruc.t.ar~ land{or,a cemete"Y' Spnson s,llid g!J'tpn:g an aiding illVl$8e can /fom'll Pv.t'tler. dlrlfC1" ':Oureeme~O'i~ reitper ~Q pllr- in,to the Sierra ;~JanCl..a Regional flldh.ej~p:('oyeinento!'t:h~'attituile I tor ~e eli'y' 13~1J ..:QJ1TJxam <lOci "n!ngl' o~OU.liil\lt" ~an f~ re~~c;- ,,~er ll'e(\lt so'lll, or he lIald, Ai1]lQ,t;t.Yl'ill i88:ue 1n 1990.. 'ifnI! ellY'U"<lb.IIient th'elr rons uJ.ti:o'll' ,engJi John '$-h'a w. ' 'J:am.es llil.8o sifid. work neildt!·tll be ''We have, to get an ll.irline 'In tive. biiSinesses;" Davig !laid, ;/kco,rdl'n'g 'tv Shilwf dunng, :t.hHt Mri~ ~ m.e~hng" With tire, problem nf ll.ommllili"· hereone way 'or'the ollieI';:' he, Blil'd. "MainStree.tcoUld ·ol).e qf tl1.e s'e.v'e.wJ 'c!:JllJa'g'es v,;e"lf ;r'j)at!ll? cating. with certain groiIpsin ,town. Stinson ,s!rid. an· iPrline .will b~ a :!Ilof¢, 1l1ej;l;~g 'tbings in th~ yiJ-. '!wi Mo,i:' ll:rI'g('I'JIIl) rieB~~n He' sa'fd, eV'el'}'o~e ;llho~d b'eVlQrk- big !mosttil ~uidoso. lIe said he'bas lage.· He Bald l-l':if! ,deS:?ign ;nnw 11811" for In;g 'fllr th.e gOqQ ,of R\tidosp an-a!'!!lt; talked to 'pl!:Qple; WBO 'llaid, they 'fi i:QT J.a,A'e·B ,,1' t.r,a ffic Wl'tn a co n,· engag,->n:g 'i·npcrson.a:l vend.etta:s;.
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