J • i MANCHESTER'S STORES AND BANKS OPEN THURSDAY NiGHT BEGINNING OCT I NET PRESS RUM a v e r a g e DAILY CIRCULATION OF THE EVENING HERALD for the month of September, 1927 Fair tonight and Tneadax* 5.040 , PRICE THREE CENTS MANCHESTER,. CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1927. (TWEILYB PAGES) VOL. XUL, NO. 20. Claaelfied Advwtisiiig on Page 10. ' A h it s s ix a u t o s CARROLL HESLOS BROADWAY 3RD ATTEMPT . IN A WILD RIDE t l N O r ENDS SCORES POINT I Darien., Conn., Oct. 24.— Bev- ‘ erly H. Ferber, 18,.of Butler Is­ BY GRAYSON land, is awaitihg a hearing here 25.000 MLE because of a wild early morning ride by some motorist. Police say Ferber was, the motorist and U.SJOURNEY PLANE FAILS that they caught him putting his machine up in the garage of Ms father, a wealthy man. The mo­ torist, according to the police Visited 89 Flying Fields, Goyemment Counsel Proves Engiae Cracks on One Mo­ summary, struck three automo­ To Use An Ancient Law biles, hit a concrete bridge abut­ That Sinclair Paid Million ment, broke off a telegraph pole, Made 150 Speeches, and tor and Flyers Are Forced sideswiped three more, autos, In Effdirt To Save Ruth and drove through Stamford and Dollars For Quit Claim Greehwich at high speed. Some Was Honor Guest at 69 To Again Dump Gasoline time j in his ride the motorist Albany, N. Y., Oct. 24.— ^Attor­.^sweetheart’s husband, Albert Sny­ turned around and went home neys for Ruth Snyder,, comely sash- der. Deeds Which FaO Knew Banquets in 3 Months. Samuel L. .Miller, attorney for and Return. I at seventy miles an hour. weight murderessj wlU use an Eng­ j-------------------- ----------------< Gray, conferred with his client last lish law 300 years old afp authority week in the death house and read to- Were Invalid— Land Offi­ New York, Oct. 24.— Safely back for a new trial they wfere to ask hlm a brief on the logic of which A Old Orchard, Me., Oct. 24.— Af­ his life depends. Gray told him. ac­ in New York after a 25,000 mile air today in the court Of appeals. ter their third unsuccessful attempt tour under all kinds of weather cording to Miller, that he felt con­ cials on Stand Today. DEALERS WILL Edgar Hazeltbn, who defended fident of escaping the chair. to spaa the Atlantic ocean to Den­ conditions which, at times, taxed the woman at her Wial before Su­ Mrs. Snyder, however, it was mark, the crew of Mrs. Frances his flying skill to the utmost, Col. Charles A. Lindbergh today began preme Court' Jnstice Scudder, for said, does not have much faith in . ’Washington, Oct. 24— ^The prose­ Grayson’s plane “ The Dawn’’-today URGE ONE-HOUR work on the voluminous report of the murder o£ her husbsud, 'will the appeal for a new trial and has cution drove home another impor­ become highly nervous contemplat­ were awaiting "Doc” Kinkade, mo­ his observation, which will embody contend 'she should not' have been tant point in the Fall-Slnclair oil tor expert, upon whose decision his personal recommendations lor tried jointly with Henry Judd Gray- ing her fate. She: has not read the rests the possibility of another at­ the advancement of America’s air Hazelton says the dotthle trial 'wm brief which is to be filed in her be­ conspiracy trial- today when It de­ tempt this year. P A R K RULE against the provisions of the half, nor has she read the argument veloped that the oil magnate had development. which Hazelton will. nmke. So confident was the motor ex­ Baumes law. a : 30 Millions Saw Him . Both ajipeais wilt bi^'opposed by paid a million dollars for quit pert that the plane was at last well More than 30,000,000 people A plea for a n ^ trlAl on-^Imllar. claims on the Teapot Dome naval on its way to Europe that as soon grounds will be made at t ^ Assistant District Attorney Charles have gazed on “ Llndy” and his W. Froessel, of Queens, who assist­ reserve which former Secretary of as it disappeared from view he left To Recommend to Select­ famous plane since the start of the time by Gray’s lawyers. ^ The^ Interior Albert B. Fall already for New York. ground is that he war emotional^ ed District Attorney Newcombe in tour. prosecuting the pair. knew were absolutely invalid. ■ Kinkade was expected to reach “ This tour demonstrates the re­ insane on the night he killed his The defense holds that these here by plane from New York early men Restrictions During liability of aviation,’^ he said this claims were good and that Harry F. today and examine the plane’s mo­ morning. “ It would be impossible to Sinclair bought them up so there tors. Failure of one of them to Day and on Thursday and make any such tour by other means could be no question as to the function caused Wilmer Stultz, pi­ than aviation. I found an adequate BIG BILL KEEPS UP legality of the lease he subsequent­ lot, to turn back yesterday evening airport, or a movement under way ly acquired on Teapot Dome. when about 600 miles at sea. Saturday Evenings. to provide one, in every city I visit­ Government Witness May Try Again ed.” WAR AGAINST UON COMIDTS SUICIDE However, Owen J. Roberts, gov­ If repairs can be made quickly, The flrst fruits of his campaign ernment counsel, put two officials Mrs. Grayson said, another stkrt Members of the Merchants’ Divi­ were noticeable in airplane postal of the General Land office— L. E. may be made soon. Concensus of receipts today, which show sub­ Eddy and Roy Tallman— on the sion of the Chamber of Commerce opinion, however, indicated that the stantial increases in cities visited by Benny Marinelli Kills Self stand, who produced reports which flight of “ The Dawn’’ was definite­ who attended a meeting on parking the tireless “ We.” Says School Histories De­ had gone to Fall’s office in advance ly off until ne.xt spring. regulations this morning, will rec­ Despite the 69 dinners and 150 qf the Sinclair lease and which Mrs. Grayson’s words as she step­ speeches, Lindbergh landed at WMi & s in Room— Hurt were to the effect that all claims ped'out of her piano for the third ommend to the Board of Selectmen scribe Out Patripts as a one-hour parking rule on Main Mitchell Field here one hour earlier on Teapot Dome were entirely with­ time after having entered with the than he had anticipated at the out­ out merit and should be ignored. hope of not alighting until Euro­ street, to be in effect from 9 o’clock In Track Acddmit. in the morning until 6 at night set of the tour three months ago. Band of Pirates. One of the reports recommended pean soil had been reached clearly Col. Lindbergh S£ud today he had an injunction be obtained to force indicated how she felt about the every day except on Thursday and Earl Carroll, keenly enjoying his new freedom from the Atlanta no Immediate plans for the future the “ squattdrs” off the land. ill-luck that has apparently follow­ Saturdays. On the latter two days penitentiary, arrives in New York with his wife and hails the Broadway other than completing his detailed New York, Oct. 24.— Injuries It is the government’s contention ed this expedition. She said: the division asks for an extension with which his name is so closely associated. He said that “ half a Chicago, Oct. 24.— Mayor 'VYil- “ Isn’t it a rotten shame.’’ of the restricted time until 9 o’clock report, break” was all he asked of the Great White Way so that he might “ come llam Hale Thompson’s private war suffered in a fall at the Jamaica that Sinclaj;^ h^hght the claims up at night. On. other evenings no re­ and gave the quit-claims to the gov­ Third Attempt" back.”- . against Great Britain continued to track it was believed today drove Mrs. Grayson’s third attempt to strictions are to be recommended. ernment regardless, because he Theater Patrons hum on four definite fronts today. Benny Marinelli, classed a few didn’t want to take any* chances be the first woman to span the At­ GENERAL DICKMAN DEAD; years ago as the country’s leading lantic in a non-stop flight ended af­ The area affected by the regula­ With Napoleonic vigor, Chicago’s that someone would raise an issue ter about ten hours of futile flying. tions will be the east side of Main PRINCE CAROL PUTS cowboy mayor stalked at the head jockey, to end his life by gas. after he had gotten his lease which street from the Center to the term­ REMUS AHORNEYS would bring out the manner in Dark smears, streaked the shining WORLD WAR COMMANDER of his mythical legions and aimed Marinelli, who was 25, commit­ wings of the plane when it return­ inus and all the west side of the which it was obtained. street, with the exception of the straight for the lion’s Jaws. ted suicide in a furni^ed room in ed, bore testimony that oil had fig­ END TO ROMANCE Jamaica, He left a ’ note whidh ured in another trans-Atlantic area between Myrtle and Forest Passes Away Suddenly From NOW INJEW YORK His campaign to “ rid Chicago’s WITHHOLD’S DECISION. streets. This e.xception is made out hinted that ha had not been on _ Washington, Oct.
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