ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE SILVERBELLIES (PISCES: FAMILY LEIOGNATHIDAE) P. S. B. R. James M. Badrudeen V. Edwin Joseph CMFRI SPECIAL PUBLICATION Number 50 ICAR CENTRAL MARINE FISHERIES RESEARCH INSTITUTE (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) P.B. No. 2704, Dr. Salim AH Road, Cochin - 682 031, India APRIL, 1992 Published by Dr. P. S. B. R. James Director Edited by Dr. K. J. Mathew Dr. P. Bensam Mr. K. N. Krishna Kartha and Mr. K. Kanakasabapathy PREFACE Fishes of the family Leiognathidae, popularly called silverbellies, ponyfishes, slipmouths and toothponies are small to medium sized fishes living at the bottom in shallow coastal waters. They are widely distributed in the Indo-Pacific region. These fishes are captured in several types of fishing gear including bottom trawls, shore seines, gillnets, bagnets etc. Some species occur in dense schools offering great potentialities for commercial exploitation, especially along the coasts of India and Sri Lanka. A few species enter brackishwaters and estuaries. Being small and scanty of flesh, they are consumed very little in fresh condition but mostly sun dried or salt cured. As such they are an important source of food and fish meal. Till date 21 species of the family are on record in their entire range of distribution. Literature on various aspects of individual species on their taxonomy, distribution, biology, fishery etc. is very extensive, widely scattered and published in various scientific and other journals from several countries. Pauly et al. (1981: ICLARM Bibliographies, 2, 62 pp.) covered 941 references on this group in an annotated bibliography. It was felt necessary to supplement this list with all those publications not covered in it as well as to include the recent ones after that date. Many of the annotations also required elaboration. Therefore, the present authors made an exhaustive list of 1,442 references, annotating 1,418 of them in fair detail. The other 24 could not be annotated for want of access to original publications. It is hoped this uptodate and detailed annotated bibliography would be an useful source of information to all those interested in the study of this group of small tropical marine fishes of considerable economic importance. The authors are grateful to Mr. K. Krishna Kartha, Principal Scientist (Retired), Dr. P. Bensam, Principal Scientist, Dr. K. J. Mathew, Senior Scientist and to Mr. K. Kanakasabapathi, Librarian (Retired), CMFRI, Cochin for all their help in the preparation and editing of this publication. P. S. B. R. JAMES DIRECTOR CONTENTS Preface i I. Bibliography 1 - 214 II, Additions without Annotations 215 - 216 III. Subject Index 217-220 I. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. AAGAARD, J., J.G. DISNEY, K.M. JAYAWARDENA, R.G, POULTER 1980. Studies on the preparation of fish silage. 4. Economics of production. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn. Sri Lanka, 30 (1-2): 37-39. Economic aspects of producing liquid and dried silages from Leiognathus splendens in Sri Lanka are considered. A discounted cash flow analysis for the production of a dried fish silage/rice-bran product suitable for use in compounded poultry feeds showed that the internal rate of return for a 10 year project would be 34 - 777o and for a 5 year project it would be 26 - 78%. It is concluded that the project would be extremely profitable. 2. ABE, T. 1939. A list of the fishes of the Palao Island. Palao Trop. Biol. Stn. Stud., 4: 523-584. P. 537 lists Gazza minuta. 3. ABE, T. AND Y. HANEDA 1972. Description of two new species of the ponyfish genus Leiognathus from Indonesia. Sci. Rep. Yokosuka City, Mus., 19: 1-7. Leiognathus hataii and L. aureus from Ambon are described. 4. ABRAHAM, J. G. 1962. A survey of the hydrobiology and fisheries of the Cooum River. Madras }. Fish., 1 (1): 50-69. Equula sp. is recorded from the catches of trial nettings. Desmids, diatoms, green algae etc. were noted as its food items. 5. ABRAHAM, J. G. AND V. RAMAMOORTHY 1968. Statistics of marine fisheries of Madras State 1965 - '66. Madras Fisheries Statistics Report, No. 65, p. 1-25. Govt, of Madras. District-wise landings of silverbellies during 1964-'65 and 1965-'66 and their landings and values from the places of fish landings are included. 6. ABRAHAM, J. G. AND V. RAMAMOORl'HY 1969. Statistics of marine fisheries of Madras State 1966-'67. Madras Fisheries Statistics Report No. 65, p. 1-94. Govt, of Madras. District-wise landings of silverbellies in the Madras State during 1965-'66 and 1966-'67 and landing and value of silverbellies from different places during the period April, 1966 to March, 1967 are given. 7. AGARWAL, A., M. R. RAGHUN.^TH AND K. K. SOLANKI 1986. Frozen storage stuides of composite fish mince from Dhoma (Sciaenid sp.) 1 and Lactarius {Lactarius ladarius). Fish. Technol, 23 (2): 129-133. p. 129. Silverbellies among low priced fish. 8. AGASSIZ, L. 1837. Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles. Vol. 5, Neuchatel. Skeleton of Leiognathus fasciatus is given under Equula setigera on p. 24. 9. AGASSIZ, L. 1846. Nomenclator Zoohgicus. Pisces. Soloduri. Emendation of Leiognathus to Liognathus 10. AHMAD, J. 1982. On a new species of the genus Opschona Looss, 1907 (Digenea : Lepocreadiidae) from a marine fish, Leiognathus (Leiognathus daura (Cuv.)), from the Arabian Sea. Proc. Indian Set. Congr., 69 (3): 126. Opechona thapari a new parasite is reported from Leiognathus daura. 11. AHRENS, G. 1965. Untersuchungen am Leuchtorgan Von Leiognathus klunzingeri (Steindach- ner). Z. Wiss. Zool, 173 (1/2): 90-113. Basic work on light organ of L. klunzingeri. 12. AKYUZ, E. 1957. Observation on the Iskenderun red mullet {Mullus barbatus) and its envi­ ronment. Proc. Cen. Fish. Counc. Mediterr., 4, Tech. Pap. 38, p. 305-328. Leiognathus klunzingeri is reported from Iskenderun Gulf, Turkey. 13. ALAGARAJA, K. 1989 A brief appraisal of marine fisheries in India. Bull. Cent. Mar. Fish. Res. Inst., No. 44 (Part 1), p. 36-41. Reported on contribution of silverbellies in commercial catch during 1983 with its percentage. 14. ALI-KHAN,J. 1985. Occurrence and distribution of fish larvae in Gulf of Aden during October- November, 1966, and February-March, 1967. Indian ]. Fish., 32 (2): 198-214. Three leiognathid larvae in the Strait of Babal-Mandab in February are recorded. 15. AMATO, J. F. R. 1983. Dignetic trematodes of percoid fishes of Florianopolis, Southern Brasil —Homalometridae, Lepocreadiidae and Opecoelidae, with the description of seven new species. Revista bras. Biol, 43 (1): 73-98. Eucinostomus mehnopterus a digenean parasite and Opecoeloides tnelanopteri a new species from South West Atlantic are described. 16. ANGOT, M. 1950. Poissons littoraux de Soalara. Mem. Inst. Sci. Madagascar, Ser. A, 4 (1): 175-196. Gazza minuta, G. equulaeformis and Equula edentula are listed from a poikilohaline bio tope, with muddy waters. 17. ANNAM, V.P. AND S.K. DHARMA RAJA 1981. Trends in the catch of silverbellies by mechanised boats in Tamil Nadu during 1971-75. Indian J. Fish., 28 (1 & 2): 87-95. Catch trends of silverbellies landed by the mechanised boats in Tamil Nadu during the period 1971 to 75 and the "relation between the index of abundance and the total fishing effort both in respect of total landings and landings of silverbellies are reported. 18. ANON. 1915. Papers from 1899 relating chiefly to the development of the Madras Fisheries Bureau. Bull. Madras. Fish. Bur., 1 (1): 1-237. List of Tamil names of Equula splendens, E.fasciata, E. insidiatrix, E. edentula, E. daura, E. ruconius, E. bindus and E. dussumieri is given. 19. ANON. 1929. Liste ds poissons de 1' indochine envoyes, par le Doctem Gilbert Tirant, an. Museum des Sciences Naturaelles de Lyon. In: (Reimpression)Oe«uere ichthyologique de G. Tirant. Scrv. Oceanogr - de I'Indochine 6 ieme p. 167-175. Note. Lists Equula brevirostris and £. edentula collected in Hue' 1882. 20. ANON. 1930. Report On a systematic survey of the Madras deep sea fishing grounds by S.T. "Lady Goschen" in 1930. Madras Fisheries Bulletin, No. 28 (Part 2), 27-95. Leiognathus edentula, L. insidiator, L. dussumieri and L. lineolatus occurred in almost every haul as major quantity in the east coast. In the west coast the silverbellies occurred in small quantity. Scientific, popular Tamil, Klalayalam and Kanarese names of these species are given. 21. ANON. 1948. Brochure on the marketing of fish in India, p. 1-34. Ministry of Agriculture, Directorate of Marketing and Inspection, Govt, of India. Landings of silvet-bellies in the different coastal areas with popular names of E. splendens in Bengali, Canarese, Malayalam, Marathi, Tamil and Telugu are given. 22. ANON. 1951. Preliminary guide to Indian fish and fisheries, methods of fishing and curing. Agricultural Marketing in India, Marketing Series, No. 66, 37 pp. General morphological description and vernacular names of silverbellies are given. 23. ANON. 1951. Report on the Marketing of Fish in the Indian Union. Agricultural Marketing in India, 165 pp. Names of Equula splendens in English, Behgali, Canarese, Malayalam, Marathi, Tamil and Telugu and silverbellies landed in different coastal areas are reported. 24. ANON. 1951. Annotated list of animals and plants of Mie Perfecture, Japan. The Committee of the Biological Survey of Mie Perfecture. Lists Leiognathus nuchalis (T & S) and L. rivulatus (T & S). 25. ANON. 1953. Annual Report of the Chief Research Officer for the Year Ending 31st March, 1953. Indian ]. Fish., 1: 377-402. p. 382 gives percentage of yield of silverbellies for 1950,1951 and 1952. The prominant species in catches of silverbelly in Rameswaram Island was Leiognathus splendens. 26. ANON. 1955. Annual Report of the Chief Research Officer, for the Year Ending 31st March, 1954. Indian }. Fish., 2 (1): 373-404. Gives the catch data and percentage of silverbellies for nine centres.
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