Winnipeg Wheal EDITION •October close 6678 :VOL. XXVl-rNo. 166. LETHBRIPG%:^|1RT^^ 15, 1933 ,: 14 EAGES R. B. Bennett .j. 4. + ^ 4, 4. ^ ^-y^'^: Irrigate, Cultivate Is Advice Given A crltloaf altuatfon has developed In augap beet dlatrlcta duo to the continued dry, hot period. Thl» was made clear In a states nierrt to the Herald Thursday by T. George Wood, district manager sof Canadian Sugar Factories, Ltd., who said that sugar beets to a large degree are "standing still." Baking and burning Is reported In some Instances and, aald Due U. S. Mr. Wood In an appeal to the orowera, "Irrigation Is needed now." This Is more Important right novy-than Immediate thin­ ning, aald Mr. Wood. Conterve tha moisture by thorough deep cultivation and Presses for Concerted In- France Owes $40,000,000 Preference On Wheat Shipped spread the Water. If further guidance Is required the field men Canada In Agreement With Progi'aitt : and Polarid $3,559,000 should be* conaulted, "Beeta are standing up fairly well," aald tcmationEiI Action Raise: Through U.S. Likely Following Mr. Wood, "but the tiny roots in many fields are imbedded in Outlined By Neville Chamberlain; —U. S. Informed the hard, dry soil. Cultivation and Irrigation right now Is Im­ _ Pnces i Recent Custohis Conferences portant. About 60 per cent; of the acreaoe Is thinned." Bennett Urges Simultaneous Action C.­ ACREAGE LBVllTATION: WILL MAKE York to the United Kingdom has LONDON, June 15—(C.P. Cable) nett. "1 wish, however, to stress Test Shipment Made Re; been in force for some years,' When, —Prime Minister . R. B. Bennett a few points o^ his program .which TOKEN PAYMENT cently Ruled Outside as a result of the imperial, confer­ opened his speech to the world we believe should recelvo.-.ovefa ence agreement, empire - grown economic conference today by in­ greater emphasis than he'gave to <By George Hambleton; Canadian WASHINGTON, June Requirements wheat received a six cents a bu^el Edmonton Expects dicating how Canada, although rela­ them. ; Press' Staff Wfiter.) preference in the markets, of the tively small in population, had "In the first place I wish to urge tONDONi June 15.—(C. P. Cable.) 15—(A.P.) —France and —In precise terms Prime Minister OTTAWA, June 15.—(CP.)— U.K., the regulation became of con achieved a position of world im­ with all the power at my command •Poland defaulted a,gain slderable moment. It provided that portance. In 1932 she attained that the two greatest trading and B. B. Bennett today submitted Can- Repeirts from New York indicate ada's case before U today on their war debt conferences Held recently be­ to assure that the wheat was act­ Mattern To Arrive fifth rank among the exporting creditor nations represented at the ually empire-'grown and that no conference should at the earliest the' World Eco­ instalnjents to this govern- tween representatives of United countries of the world, her exports nomic Conference. iStfltes exporting'firms and Brit­ ether wheat -was substituted; it being exceeded only by those of possible moment reach agreement • mient while Gz'eat Britain should be consigned directly • from upon a de facto stabilisation of Be pressed : f o r ish customs officials seemed tho United Kingdom, the United concerted inier- arranged to pay $10,000,- Ukeljr to make It iioesible for Canada to the, buyer ta Britain.. It From Nom,e Tonight States, Germany and France. their exchange rates.. - eould not be consigned to a United "I am aware how,exceedingly dl!!- natipiial action t« • OOi) in silver on its $75i- Canadian wheat tb be shipped iraise the world throngb U.S. ports to Great Brit­ States port .and recommended to Canada therefore waa deeply con- flcult this- will be under exlstin 950,000 due and Italy Britain. Young Flier Takes Off for Second Time from .cerned with the outcome of the con­ conditions but it is clear,that with­ level of wholesale ain and yet obtain the British prices. tendered .about $1,000,- preference^ During tbe last ses­ Test Shipments Barred , Khabarovsk Oyer Bleak Arctic Wastes—Everyr ference. out euch agreement thie conference 000 on its obligation of sion of parliament Premier B. Test shipments were held by the Canada was agreed,' the prime will fail in the purpose for which But this alonei B. Bennett emphasized the In- customs, authorities as not copiing tHing in Readiness for Quick Get-Away minister, continued, that the mone­ it is.called. .The United .Kingdom would not; solve , ?13,546,000.v within the four comers of the regu ard the United States mupt agtee the immediate Finland Pays DeMs terpretatton of the British cns- for Final Hop to New York tary and economic -aspects of- the toms regnlations was a matter lation and eyldehOy it has been de depression were inseparably inter­ to stabilize .their currencies in rela­ difScnlUes of the • Barring clianges ;2ate in Uic day, for the British government. elded that the conferences are a SEATTLE, June ,15..—Low-- woven and that a solution must be tion to> each other and. It a con^- : B. B. Bennett: producers :of^ prir • Pinl^d was the only nation to meet good flying' conditions, the lone flier mary j^odncta, he told the confer­ Present Regulation more expeditious method of banging cldnds and fogs which can reach here late toriighf. sought by simultaneous action. mon price-raising'.policy can be • Its' obligation In fiiH, paying straightening but the situation to would freeze on the wings of agreed upon, in relation to the gold ence. The accumulated carryover of The customs regulation which re­ Service Corps Beady Supports Program 350,000,000 bushels of wheat eoiild cently, has prevented the shipment the extent'it Is possible to straighten Jimmle IVbttem'S. plane, "Cen- Whether by day or nlght,'Mattem "On the monetary side we are franc. ! The Britlah vnbflasador. Sir Ron- it out. tury .of Progress" may again "The: ratio*., originally selected -be-dcalt effectively with only byiio- ! ^ald Lindsay, dlficuased'tl* Method of of Canadian. wheat through New win find the municipal aifport in wholeheartedly in agreement with iernationat agreement involving » hayC thwarted theefforts of the readiness for hliri: Ground crews ,th» program outlined Ay the chan­ may be provisional, but they should : • palyttwnt with Under-Secretary Wil- Texas aviator to fly from .Kha­ represent so far as may be ascet- possible reduction of acreage- fwwn •: iliani'PhllUps Of the detJartment of await the' landing of his big plane, cellor of . the • exchequer of the to wheat until the abnpnnsl cirry- - barovsk, Siberia, to Nome, Alas­ "Century of Progress," to give it a United - Kingdom," said Mr. Ben­ . (Continued on Page Three.i 'state. He ateo was underfttodd to ka, today. over whicfa.tnntinned io depr«^ the ; havd taken up plans lor early open­ thorough overhauling and refuel­ market had' been disposed of. -' ing &f diplomatic negotiations on the THEHERALD At 12:30 n.m.. Pacific Stan­ ling and see that its equipment is PEG POUND AND DOLLAR WITH i debts here, looking, to, thfli reduction dard Time, Mattern would haVe : a.11 in order. "Most Assuring" ,desired by Great Britain,' been in the airv24 bonrSi or Captain Jimmy Ball, manager of . Prime Minister. Bennett described' seven bonrs more than the j POUND AT $4.05 IS SUGGESTED as '.'most: reassuring." the statiehlent After the conY?r»Uo&,tjie vxi'. 2,500-miIo route Ihonld require ; (Ppntlnued on Page Three.) yesterday, of Neville' Chamberjalii,-, bassadcr'told new^impfatneii tba^ in bis speedy plane. fBy Claude A. Jagger, Associated accomplished .as.the dollar steadied chancellor of-tho,British excheqTier,- details <>f ;arraBgetnenta forthe pay-i jentlemen: > Forced to Land? Press Staff Writer.) close to .a quotation of $4:05 to. the thai^.the world's greatest,-^heafc-im- ) .meM jjii$l,0,(lOO,000 in silver—at 50 LONpON, June 15.—(A.P.)—Brit­ pound. " ^' • I War Raging You will find our cheque; Weather - obeei-vers here scanning porting country recognized ••tll«"'iee- .tmiy^ix^ ounce—had.not com- ish flmandal queers -were.-inclin­ enclosed to coyer the cost, of latest refoits from tlie.'westem ; .The pound bad been substantialljr ^ty of'sU<a^"action. ' v.r 7' 'p1(Sted, but he said the payment will coast of Alaska-and the Aleutians, SupnerfloineOf ed tor. the .^oirinioh, that r.stabilization^ ;higber, earlier ;t}ip; day. ; :"And we would"suggeat,": the. Ca-- be made In the united .States. our announcement concertUngo of .the pound and .Uhiteii'States. ^ tftftvOfflMjagrot the.district of- expressed : the : •opinion fTMatteri) •'•r, ^' '•WorW|i|'''-0nt^^rinti^', .' Indian, prime-^minister-said. Iiv';h3f' A'note telling of tl^e Paris gov- prices Drop^as Low as lYz TfouJd- nob, be aijW to" ffl:(^^jaae^ ,but dollar'fftrrthe "duraAlon, ipf the tmdsl^ •ffliet'-' stet^ia -tSiW ti^ear to- accoi?^ .jieai^cut toiieS,-;:'thBt. thC^ im|Kirt- • emmeiit's dtel8i<:m ,4iot 10 tn^lce'ita {((^-liP^bri^e oLCXQV4;ti9r(k woK&igl*-: tatoferen^^ Cent's Bus^—Little H0po- Syndicate.: .'^ woulj4.b«<^igef,tB landlh the In- Rooseyek'S Sdli plisb deficlo stabilization had beeh iiig countries"^buid' give their 'se-' 'payment of $40i788,668 was handed terlo&.of vAIaska because of over­ the"subject of much . spsoiflaflbn, i3ous cbtwideration to the ffeasi- ! to MI*. Phillips, and-Ambassador Pa- -'-The writer-', has recently- ' ~ .1?of'*^greernenr " been making a tour of al} our cast" skies, if he had not been forced both- in> banking' .'qiiiA:t^s ind: fbllity; of ''enlarglhg.their, -demand tek bf Poland caUQ^ 'V^lth' % similar to'torn 1>aWe 'tpmtM. Siberia.
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