1 NHamp ; 352.07 R53 1978 Annual Report RICHMOND NEW HAMPSHIRE For the Year Ending December 3 1978 University of UewHampshire Library INDEX Auditors' Report 45 Balance Sheet 20 Beach Committee Report 56 Budget 8 Cemetery Committee 55 Comparative Statement 18 Conservation Commission 53 Details of Payments 33 Dog List 65 Equipment Fund — Savings Account 31 Estimated and Actual Revenue 17 Health Officer's Report 59 Librarian's Report 48 Library Trustees Annual Report 49 Library Trustees Financial Report 50 Non-Resident Inventory 83 Planning Board 57 Property Owned by Town 21 Recreation Committee Report 58 Report of Civil Defense Director 51 Report of Fire Chief 52 Report of Police Chief 53 Report of Trust Funds 44 Resident List 60 Resident Taxes 69 Resident Tax Inventory 72 Revenue Sharing Accoimt 22 Selectmen's Report 47 Special Checking Account 22 Statement of Appropriations and Taxes Assessed 15 Summary of Long Term Notes 21 Summary of Payments 32 Summary of Taxable Property 17 Summary of Tax Sales Accounts 25 Summary of Warrants 24 Tax Collector's Report 23 Town Clerk's Report 22 Town Forest 21 Town Meeting Results 10 Town Officers 2 Treasurer's Report 29 Uncollected Taxes 24 Winchester District Nursing Association 58 Yield Tax Account 30 Yield Tax for 1977 26 Vital Statistics 67 Warrant 4 Printed by Hinsdale Press, Hinsdale, N.H. TOWN OFFICERS FOR 1978 MODERATOR Theodore Aldricli (1980) SUPERVISORS OF THE CHECKLIST Ruby Austin, Chairman (1980) Harold J. Dickinson (1984) Jennie B. Bennett (1982) TREASURER Jennie B. Bennett (1979) BOARD OF SELECTMEN Dana Taylor, Chairman (1980) Richard Bigda (1981) Leland Bobbins (1979) TAX COLLECTOR Dorothy J. Robbins (1979) TOWN CLERK Dorothy J. Robbins (1979) HIGHWAY AGENT Leonard Davis (1979) TRUSTEE OF TRUST FUNDS Judith Dodier (1979) LIBRARY TRUSTEES Joseph Thibodeau (1981) Richard Boutwell (1979) Regina Suderman, Resigned Stewart James, Appointed (1979) LIBRARIAN Edith Atkins SUPERINTENDENT OF CEMETERIES Francis Jillson (1979) FIRE CHIEF Robert VanBrocklin POLICE DEPARTMENT Robert VanBrocklin, Captain Richard Bigda Evert Quintard, Special OflBcer OVERSEER OF THE POOR The Selectmen AUDITORS Arnold B. Conway Evelyn T. Conway -2- HEALTH OFFICER Peter Whittemore CIVIL DEFENSE DIRECTOR Charles Coy PLANNING BOARD Joan Quintard, Chairman (1981) Betty Wicks, Secretary (1979) George Blais (1980) Jerald Merrifield (1981) Harry Bennett (1982) Brian Mahoney (1979) Richard Bigda (1979) BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Evert Quintard (1979) Resigned Donald Parsells, Secretary (1981) Tom Herman, Appointed, Resigned (1979) Walter Bradshaw (1983) Stillman Rogers, Resigned (1982) Leonard Davis (1980) Ferdinand Ahlberg, Appointed (1982) CONSERVATION COMMISSION Harry Bennett, Chairman (1980) Norman Tandy (1981) Jeffrey Taylor (1981) Evert Quintard (1979) Stewart James (1980) BEACH COMMITTEE John Hillock, Chairman (1980) Philip Dodier (1979) Robert Packard, Resigned Rodney Randall (1981) Joseph Thibodeau, Appointed (1981) Roger Carrier (1980) Mike Jillson (1981) RECREATION COMMITTEE Suzanne Whittemore, Chairman (1980) Mary Taylor (1979) Helen Blais (1981) Patricia Webber (1980) Sue Brewer (1981) Dale Randall (1981) Jean Ahlberg (1979) CEMETERY COMMITTEE Jane Jillson, Chairman (1980) Harry Bennett (1981) Valma E. Davis (1979) MONADNOCK REGIONAL SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER Sheila Foote WINCHESTER VISITING NURSE BOARD MEMBERS Judith Gilman Andrea Pearsall S.W.N.H. REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS Brian Mahoney William Pearsall -3- THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE The Polls Will Be Open From 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. To the Inhabitants of the Town of Richmond in the County of Cheshire in said State, qualified to vote in Town Affairs: You are hereby notified to meet at the Veteran's Hall in said Rich- mond on Tuesday, the 13th day of March, next at 7:00 P.M. of the clock in the Evening, to act upon the following subjects: 1. To choose all necessary Town Officers for the year ensuing. 2. To see if the Town will vote to increase the present salary of the Tax Collector to Six Hundred dollars a year. (By Ballot Vote) (By Petition) 3. To see if the Town will vote to increase the present salary of the Town Clerk to Four Hundred dollars a year. (By Ballot Vote) (By Petition) 4. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money for Town Officers' Salaries, Expenses and Vital Statistics. 5. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money for the Principal and Interest on Long Term Notes and the Interest on Short Term Notes. 6. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money for the Maintenance of the Town Hall and Other Buildings. 7. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money for Insurance, Damages and Legal Expenses. 8. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money for Election and Registration. 9. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money for Solid Waste Disposal. 10. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money for Street Lighting. 11. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the withdrawal from the Revenue Sharing Fund established under the provisions of the State and Local Fiscal Act of 1976 as set-offs against budget ap- propriations in the amount indicated, and further to authorize the Selectmen to make pro-rata reductions in the amounts if estimated entitlements are reduced, or take any action thereon. -4- APPROPRIATIONS ESTIMATED AMOUNTS Fire Department, New Truck $13,500.00 12. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money to be placed in the Capital Reserve Fund for Fire Fighting Equipment, or take any action thereon. 13. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money for the Police Department, or take any action thereon. 14. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money for the Fire Department, or take any action thereon. 15. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money for Planning and Zoning, including the Regional Planning Commission, or take any action thereon. 16. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money for Civil Defense, or take any action thereon. 17. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money for the Health Department, including payments to the Win- chester District Nursing Association, or take any action thereon. 18. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money for Highways and Bridges, or take any action thereon. 19. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money for Winter Maintenance, or take any action thereon. 20. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $669.32 the State to contribute the sum of $4,462.12 for the TRA Program. 21. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money for the Library, or take any action thereon. 22. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money for Town Poor, or take any action thereon. 23. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money for Old Age Assistance, or take any action thereon. 24. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money for Recreation Committee,, or take any action thereon. 25. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money for the Beach Committee, or take any action thereon. 26. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money for Cemeteries, or take any action thereon. -5- 27. To see if the Town will vote to authorize removal of a sum of money from the Fire Fighting Equipment Capital Reserve Fund to be applied toward the purchase price of the new Fire Truck. 28. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $78.00 for the Monadnock Region Association, or take any action thereon. 29. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money for the Meadowood County Area Fire Department, or take any action thereon. 30. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money for the Monadnock Family and Mental Health Service, or take any action thereon. 31. To see if the Town will vote to withdraw the remainder of the Library Addition Trust, or take any action thereon. 32. To see if the Town will vote to change the reading of Article 41 in the 1978 warrant to read: The Hood Cemetery Lot located in Middletown Cemetery, the income to be used for perpetual care and maintenance of the same, and known as the Nettie Hood Trust Fund. (By Request) 33. To see if the Town will vote to change the Scenic Road Law to allow the cutting of all species of Birch Trees up to and including 6" in diameter. (By Petition) 34. To see if the Town will vote to adopt an Ordinance governing Town Building Rental so that Richmond based non-profit organi- zations will be charged a maximum of $25.00 per day, with $5.00 refundable if left orderly, without additional fee,s, percentages or other encumbrances, or take any action thereon. (By Petition) 35. To see if the Town will vote to discontinue and make subject to Gates and Bars the Highwav described as follows: Greenwoods Road from the junction of Royalston Falls Road at Philip Orcutts residence in an East and North East direction for approximately 1.6 miles to the Frank Krouse Driveway, as provided in RSA 238:2, the Gates and Bars shall be maintained by the Town of Richmond.
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