, 1944 , .-:: r:atIon Calendar PROCESSED FOODS .reen stamPi O. Hanel J (book 4) Cloudy tlCplre Feb. 20: MI'lAT brown stamps R, 8. T an<! I! ,book S) expire Jan. 29: SUGAR stamp 30 (book 4) IOWA: l\fostly Cloudy-8U&'btly expires March 31: SHOll lIIamp 18 (book I) and airplane stamp I (book 3) valId IndeflriJlely. GASOLINE A-10 colder tonieht. • coupons expire Ma...,h ll : FUEL OIL per. 2 coupons expire Feb. 1. Iowa City's Morning Newspa'per FIVE CENTS TBf A"OClftJ!D ..PBII:SI IOWA CITY, IOWA WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26, 1944 :nrc ASSOCIATED PUS. VOLUME XLIV NUMBER 102 . Reds, Send Nazis Inlo Relreat FIRST LADY, DEMO BIG WIGS AT JACKSON DINNER Fifty Army Patrols EnterCross-,ltaly Line; from Last Hold on~ Trunkline May Mean Nazi Withdrawal From ·Front LONDON, Wednesday (AP)- Krasnogvardeisk, the Volkhov ALLIED IIEADQUARTER" Algiers (AP )-Fifty army patrols were reported la t night to , RlISsian troops have fought their army of Gen. Kyrill A. Meret­ have entered Cw 'ino, long a bastion of the German' cross-Italy line, and tbis may indicate the way into the streets of Krasnog­ shov advanced to within artillery vardeisk, important rail junction beginning of a German witlldrawal from t]le southern Italian front. range of the last of the Ger- I 30 miles southwest of L~ningrad, t~o Allied ll'OOps extended their bridgebead south of Rome more than 12 miles inland and appar­ Moscow announced today, while man escape routes to the south. ently fore d Field 1arsbal Gen. Albert K scIring to withdraw units from the bloody Cas ino other forces to the east have sent Chasing the Germans into area to m et the thr at to the Nazis' two major s upply arteries from Rome. the Germans into retreat from Krasnogvardeisk, Gen. Leonid A. (Ameri can patrols ent ring the outskirts of Cassino could see into the "heart of the town, only their last 50-mile hold on the Govorov's Leningrad armies con­ ~ yards away," the London radio said la, t night in a broadcast recorded by CB I and "the Moscow-Leningrad trunkline. tinued the pursuit into the streets he Wa, In still a third sector of the of the town where the rail lines only 'ign of liCe wa a single German walking down the street." IS WeU northern tront, 80 miles south of from Estonia and Latvia meet. (" But even if Cassino hM been evacuated," the broadcast continued, "the surrounding height~ Da\l ls, The Germans, wbo have been in still are held by the Germa11s." constant retreat before the power (A German broadea t aid the tOWI1 of Velletri, 24 miles southeast of Rome on the Appian way, of Russian planes and guns, were had been destroy d by allied bombs and intimated American troop. had occupied the town amI Grand Jury Indicts expected to fall back shortly from cut the highway. the lown which is already out­ "American troops are find­ oit Ickes Aide on Forging flanked east and west. ing debris and ashes there nffer Vladlmirskaya, 9 miles east of their own bombs trauformed the 69-Year-Old Senator. IAllied Fighten dura Krasnogvardelsk on the spur line Ii tHe town into n hell p of ruins, /I :or, de. Count in Hopkins Case to Tosno and Chernovo, six miles the broadcast said. VeUetrl is 17 Frederick Van Nuys, . west of the rail junction, also e pres­ mlles trom the original aUled land­ were captured. ing point at Nettuno.) ling in Charges George Briggs The Moscow midnight commu­ Dies While Sleeping Shoot Down Already the historic Appian :rystal­ nique. recorded by the Soviet Ie sen­ With Responsibility way, which with the Via Casilin! mOnitor from a broadcast, report­ feeds an estimated 100,000 Na;r;1 here is For Celebrated letter ed that 1,000 Germans were killed Death Resulted nee In in the northern advance and a troops in the Gustav line, was From Heart Attack 46 Jap Planes lto be WASHINGTON (AP)-A feder­ German railway train stocked with within reach of allied patrols and to all intents and purposes was ons ot al grand jury yesterday indicted tanks and guns captured. Several At 5 in Morning ADVANCED ALLIED HEAD­ Red army men and officers were denied to the enemy. At Velletri George N. Briggs, confidential the two great highways connect­ Q U AR'T ER S, New Guinea, Y. Miss aide to Interior Secretary ' Ickes, mentioned by name in the bul­ WASHINGTON (AP)-Freder­ CHATTING TOGETHER, 'from leU to right, are Ville-president Henry ~. Wallace, l'ostmaster General Ing Rome with southern Italy arc Wednesday (AP)- Allied fighter l mat~ on charges of forgiItg tbe "Hop­ letin for outstanding heroism in ick Vlln NUYS, senior senator trom this fighting, while Leningrad Frank Walker, Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt and Robert E. Uanneran. newly-elected chairman of the only eight miles apart. planes, torpedo and divebombers eca use kins letter," the cel!lbrated docu­ Democratic national committee. Occasion was the annual Jackson day dinner of the Democratic com­ The allied force w'hlch landed 'Indiana and as chairman of the nntter, area guerrilla& were. credited with judiciary committee one of the in second-day visits to Lakunai ment whicb Implied that the mittee which was held this year In the Mayflower hotel. Washington. D. C. Saturday m 0 r n lng-under the as no White House is in ' political ca­ destroying three railway stations schate's most inl)uential members. personal direction bf Gen, Sir Har~ airdrome at Rabaul, New Britain, I sym­ hoots with Wendell Wllllde. of great importance to the enemy. ------------------------------- died in his sleep early yesterday. The push from the east. aimed old Alexander, commander-in­ He was 69 and serving his 12th shot dOwn 46 Japanese planes for If the Besides (or eery , the IncUet­ cWef In this theater-fully eK­ ment accused Brins of false at freeing the last portion of the year in the senate. sure, bringing to 64 the number Leningrad-Moscow double-track pected to be struck by a violent Death apparently resulted from of enemy aircraft destroyed over I'genee ,retense and using the malls to Interpreting the German counterattack within the rail line from the Germans, reach­ News the important Nipponese base in Art is llefraud. In effect, the jury ab­ a heart attack. Because of a sllght ed . the line at several places be­ next 48 hours. cold, he did not altend the senate two days against a loss at 11 al­ ~an not IOlvecI all others mentioned In By KIRKE L. IMPSON A headquarters officer said that leople. the 1I1zarre ease. tween Tosno in 'the north and session Monday bllt called no phy­ lied planes, Volkhovo in the so uth. Adolf Hiller "may decide to thJ;ow sician and stayed at his home at The latest visits, on Sunday, re­ ng as The language of the three bills Associated press War Analyst OPA Pro'bes great forces into Italy and tell his The Germans were in steady re­ There arc intimations that the' allied forces seem to be moving ported in Oen. Douglas MacAr­ " per- of indictment was ~hat , Briggs nearby Vienna. VII. A member of Minturno-Casslno flank thc most rapidly. generals they must produce a vic­ alone wrote the celebrated letter; treat but still were able to mine ot the household statt found him thu~'s communique today, were roads and blow up bridges. tory at any cost." dead lit 5 a. m. made by escorted bombers before that he signed the name of Harry Nazis' Gustav line across Italy is The allied threat to all three ( • , Th ft The Getman air force struck In Meretskov's advance from The senate adjourned out of re­ dawn and then later by tighter Hopkins, close adviser to Presl~ beginning to buckle under the roads is so grave that it is Novgorod one of the towns taken dim~ . oupon tl e with increuin.& eroclty at the al­ spect lor his- memory aiter his planes. The previous attacks were dtnt Roosevelt; tllat he carried 011 is$ued was Ostrov, nine miles east of the threat 0:( thll aUiOO ~hhead to CuJt40 account for Nazi delay in . , lied 1 and 1 n g fleet. employing dcath was announced by Senator made Saturday. \!IHer, the correspondence leading to its Leningrad-Vitebsk railroad, with­ its rear commumcations just south oJ'gal'lizlng coul1tel' atlllcks. It is a among othel' weapons a jet-pro­ \lUblioation in an anti-WUlkle Raymond E. WUlis, his Indiana In the pre-dawn Sunday raid 'l\n D. in range of big Soviet guns. Thus of Rome. The Germans are re­ double threat in fact, with another pelled gllder bomb that weighs colleague, and a brief session de­ the bombers destroyed e i g h t Ie M .. book, and obtained money from the value of this line as a retreat ported to be pulling back units to allied fOl'ce moving up the Anzio­ Investigation of Large weU over 1.000 pounds, a spokes­ voted to tributes to Van Nuys parked planes. 17 gun positions, :1, and the book's author. the Rome area to meet the danger. Rome road, probably aiming to man for the allied coastal com­ , Bel­ from Leningrad was considerably Black Market Results trom other senators. Willis said started large fuel fires and dam­ The 55-year-old Briggs, brother decreased, throwing the main If that is true, the first formid­ pas between Rome and the Alban mand said. The glider bomb was . Iowa the bOdy probably would be sent aged a cargo vessel In Matupi har­ of the late cartoonist Clare Briggs weight of Nazi withdrawal on the able allied-Nazi clash on the new hills to reach both the via Casi­ In Seizure of 4 Men reported not to have been as suc­ tonight to Indiana for funeral rites bor.
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