Volumn 27 – Issue 3 • September, 2016 African dancers teach Congress attendees their moves. Photos cour- tesy of Piet van Wyk Photography. 27th STTI Nursing Research Congress in Cape Town, South Africa n late July, our own Daniel of research topics being investigated in was immensely beneficial when pre- Doolan,PhD, RN, one of Cal State the international nursing community. paring the conference presentation. East Bay’s Nu Xi Faculty Counsel- Members from across most of the 30+ These are just a few of the many ways Iors, presented his research at Sigma countries affiliated with STTI partici- that the Nu Xi Chapter provides op- Theta Tau’s 27th Annual Nursing Re- pated in the event. portunities for its members and sup- search Congress in Cape Town South This is Dr.Doolan’s first qualitative ports nursing research. Africa which was held from July 21-25, research study and, throughout his The 28th Annual STTI Nursing Re- 2016. His presentation, “United States research, Nu Xi Chapter has support- search Congress will be held in Dub- Civilian Prisoners of War,” focused on ed him in a variety of ways includ- lin, Ireland from July 27-31, 2017. his phenomenological study of World ing providing him a research grant Abstracts for presentations will be War II prisoner of war survivors. and a travel grant. Additionally, stu- accepted by STTI until October 26th, Daniel would like to thank the Nu Xi dents and Nu Xi members provided 2016. For more information, access: Chapter for making this presentation Daniel with wonderful presentation http://www.nursingsociety.org/con- possible. The conference was very well feedback during last March’s Life- nect-engage/meetings-events/interna- attended and included a wide variety long Learning Academy Event which tional-nursing-research-congress-2017 Volume 27—Issue 3 • 1 More Research Congress Photos Top to bottom, Cape Town from the air; Daniel Doolan, PhD, RN; African banquet entertainers; attendee in costume; member of the African dance team. 2 • Eye on Nu Xi NU XI CHAPTER NEWS Left, the newly installed Nu Xi Board of Directors. Below, Daniel Doolan, Barbara Doss, & Tammy Valenta, Nu Xi Board Mem- bers at the 2016 Board Retreat. Nu Xi Board of Directors Sets Agenda for 2016–7 Message from Nu Xi President Mileva Saulo-Lewis, EdD, RN: Newly installed President, Dear Colleagues, Mileva Saulo-Lewis, EdD, I want to thank you for the privilege of serving as RN, led the annual Board of President of Nu-Xi, Chapter at large for the next two Directors Retreat on Sep- years. The Board of Directors wishes to be guided by tember 10, 2016. The retreat and responsive to the needs of our members. This fall, was held at the home of Re- we will begin a strategic planning process using the gion 1 coordinator, Juli Max- Appreciative Inquiry model is a strength based model worthy. New board mem- which focuses on what we do well and what do we want bers were oriented to their more of. It is a planning model widely used in non- roles and the group of outgo- profit organizations, including higher education, to ing and incoming officers engage people to “discover, dream, design, and create” and committee members their organization’s vision for the future. The Board of considered strategic plans Directors will begin this process at its retreat on the 10th for the next biennium. High of September. While it is ideal to conduct this planning priority was given to mem- process in face-to-face focus groups, we recognize that ber engagement in programs and services, sustaining and it is not practical to do so. Please watch your electronic growing chapter membership, converting more invitations mail for a SurveyMonkey® link to complete our survey. to join to actual memberships, awarding of student schol- We look forward to making our chapter work for you arships, support for medical missions, and support for the and to being responsive to your needs and interests. STTI Foundation. The Board has made a commitment to Warmest regards, continue its efforts to prepare chapter officers for their roles Mileva Saulo Lewis, EdD, RN through support for attending STTI meetings, including President, Nu-Xi Chapter at Large the Leadership Connection Event in Indianapolis, Septem- Sigma Theta Tau International ber 17-20, 2016. Professor Emerita, Samuel Merritt University Volume 26—Issue 3 • 3 The Cambodian Medical Mission Project cial educational corner where dozens of children of the patients worked on developing English vocabulary and The FNP of Samuel Merritt University joined Commu- art projects. This kept the children busy and very happy nication International on a service and cultural tour to while their parents received their check-ups. One other Cambodia December 2015. Cambodia is experiencing a small project was to bring new computers for the local serious increase of diabetes type 2. It is called the Silent school administrators. Killer of Cambodia. Many people are not aware that they Support for the Cambodian Project 2015 came from a may have the disease. A clinic was set up in a small Cam- generous donation of $1,000 from Nu Xi at Large. These bodian village close to the Vietnamese border. The prima- funds were used to buy many bags of rice for local villages ry purpose of this 20-member group was to assess people and a refrigerator. The refrigerator will be shared by these for high blood pressure and high blood sugar. Over 160 villages and is the only one in the area. Additional support villagers participated in the clinic. Many learned that they came from the SMU students including the donation of were able to stem the tide of the increase of their disease seven new computers for local schools. by eating a healthier diet. For example changing from The Cambodian provincial and local governments ap- white to brown rice. However, changing strong and long- proved this project. They were very grateful for the ser- time eating traditions is difficult. vice and asked for more teams to come to help with their In addition to checking blood pressure and blood sugar serious health issues. The next team will go to Cambodia levels, many people were taken to an optometrist to be fit- the last week in December 2016. If you are interested in ted for reading glasses. Another group was taken to a den- joining us, contact Dr. Valerie Dzubur at vdzubur@samu- tist for emergency care. Hundreds of pounds of rice and elmerritt.edu or 510-520-2743. clothing were given to needy families. There was a spe- 4 • Eye on Nu Xi Nu Xi Supports Medical Mission Work the mountains. Nu Xi contributed $750 for the purchase of the drug, Albendazol, an antiparasitic which was used to treat an entire village and patients who came to their clinic. The water supply to area villages is not good and the population suffers from chronic parasite infestations. With the help of grant funding from a local charitable organization, undergraduate (18), physician assistant (10), and physical therapy (3) students participated in the medical mission and provided a wide array of nursing and medical services. While onsite, Dr. Durham initiated interviews and data collection for the research project recently approved for Nu Xi funding, “Community Health Needs Assessment with Ngäbe-Buglé in Rural Panama.” Nu Xi Annual Fund Drive to Begin for Scholarship Funds Members will soon be receiving the annual fund drive Dr. Roberta Durham and colleague interviewing a local villager for a appeal for donations for student scholarship funds to Nu Xi-funded research project. be awarded by Nu Xi at Large. Six grants of $750 are awarded, two grants to students at each of our affiliated Roberta Durham, PhD, RN, Associate Professor from universities. Funds are used to purchase textbooks, pay CSUEB and faculty colleagues Sharon Gorman, PT, PhD, for travel expenses to clinical sites, and to support living and Michael De Rosa, PA-C, PhD, from Samuel Merritt expenses of students in our nursing programs. Please be University have just returned from their annual medical generous. The demonstrated financial need of our stu- mission trip to Panama where they provide health care dents is significant. services to over 700 members of an indigenous tribe in STTI LEADERSHIP CONNECTION PROGRAM JOIN US IN INDIANAPOLIS { 17–20 SEPTEMBER, 2016 } INFLUENCING CHANGE THROUGH LEADERSHIP The Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI) invites you to Leadership Connection, 17-20 September 2016, in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. Chapter leaders and nursing leaders are encouraged to attend this event focused on influencing change through leadership in their personal and professional lives. Learn more about yourself, your peers, your profession, and your organization at Leadership Connection. www.nursingsociety.org Volume 26—Issue 3 • 5 NU XI CHAPTER AT LARGE CALENDAR OF EVENTS, 2016–2017 Event/Topics Date/Time Location September 10, 2016 70 Ardilla Road Board of Directors Retreat 9:00-4:00 PM Orinda, CA 94563-2233 STTI Leadership Connection September 17-20, 2016 Indianapolis, indiana Samuel Merritt University Bayside Performing Arts Center October 27, 2016 SF Peninsula Induction San Mateo October 29, 2016 CSUEB Grand Lake Room CSUEB Induction 3-5 PM Downtown Oakland Center Samuel Merritt University December 15, 2016 Bayside Performing Arts Center, San Mateo SF Peninsula Induction Samuel Merritt University December 15, 2016 The Crest Center Sacramento Induction January 18, 2017 Holy Names University Hall of Fame Awards Event 6:00 PM Bayside Room Samuel Merritt University April 10, 2017 SMU Sacramento Campus Sacramento Induction Samuel Merritt University April 13, 2017 Bayside Performing Arts Center, San Mateo SF Peninsula Induction Samuel Merritt University Bechtel Room & Atrium April 22, 2017 Oakland-Induction Health Education Center Samuel Merritt University April 24, 2017 The Crest Center Sacramento Induction Holy Names University Induction April 29, 2017 Holy Names University Samuel Merritt University May 25, 2017 Bayside Performing Arts Center, San Mateo SF Peninsula Induction Samuel Merritt University August 21, 2017 The Crest Center Sacramento Induction Dublin, Ireland Dublin, Ireland 28th Annual Research Congress Abstract accepted Abstract accepted until Oct 26, 2016 until Oct 26, 2016.
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