MILITARY AVIATION REVIEW MARCH 2013 ISSUE No. 304 EDITORIAL TEAM COORDINATING EDITOR - BRIAN PICKERING WESTFIELD LODGE, ASLACKBY, SLEAFORD, LINCS NG34 0HG TEL NO. 01778 440760 E-MAIL”[email protected]” BRITISH REVIEW - MICK BOULANGER 27 Tudor Road, Heath Town, Wolverhampton, West Midlands WV10 0LT TEL NO. 0770 1070537 EMail "[email protected]" FOREIGN FORCES - BRIAN PICKERING (see Co-ordinating Editor above for address details) US FORCES - BRIAN PICKERING (COORDINATING) (see above for address details) STATESIDE: MORAY PICKERING 18 MILLPIT FURLONG, LITTLEPORT, ELY, CAMBRIDGESHIRE, CB6 1HT E Mail “[email protected]” EUROPE: BRIAN PICKERING OUTSIDE USA: BRIAN PICKERING See address details above OUT OF SERVICE - ANDY MARDEN 6 CAISTOR DRIVE, BRACEBRIDGE HEATH, LINCOLN LN4 2TA E-MAIL "[email protected]" MEMBERSHIP/DISTRIBUTION - BRIAN PICKERING MAP, WESTFIELD LODGE, ASLACKBY, SLEAFORD, LINCS NG34 0HG TEL NO. 01778 440760 E-MAIL.”[email protected]” ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION (Jan-Dec 2013) UK £40 EUROPE £55 ELSEWHERE £60 @MAR £20 (EMail/Internet Only) MAR PDF £20 (EMail/Internet Only) Cheques payable to “MAP” - ALL CARDS ACCEPTED - Subscribe via “www.mar.co.uk” ABBREVIATIONS USED * OVERSHOOT f/n FIRST NOTED l/n LAST NOTED n/n NOT NOTED u/m UNMARKED w/o WRITTEN OFF wfu WITHDRAWN FROM USE n/s NIGHTSTOPPED INFORMATION MAY BE REPRODUCED FROM “MAR” WITH DUE CREDIT EDITORIAL With this issue comes bad news from the USA resulting from the continuing budget stand off that is bringing in major mandatory reductions in the current year’s budget. The armed forces, along with all other government departments, are taking drastic steps to reduce their spending and one way they have adopted is to cancel air shows at bases and aircraft participation at other events (there is even talk about the future of the Tnunderbirds and Blue Angels!). One of the shows to be hit by this will be RIAT at Fairford where there is not expected to be any US participation. The following shows are known to have been cancelled (please check if you are planning on visiting any other US displays before travelling) - 16/17.03 Luke AFB, AZ 6/7.04 MacDill AFB, FL 13/14.04 NAS Corpus Christi, TX 11/12.05 Spangdahlem AB, Germany 4/5.05 JB Langley-Eustis, VA 15/16.06 Indianapolis, IN 18/19.05 Seymour Johnson AFB, NC ??? Dover AFB, DE. Also cancelled is the bi-annual Rodeo airlift competition. COVER PHOTOGRAPH: The VF-11 CO’s F/A-18F, 166628/AB-100, visited Alliance RAP in Texas on February 23rd together with its wingman 166629/AB-104 (Mike Keaveney) Closing date for the April issue is 08.04.13 Brian Pickering 16.03.13 112 BRITISH REVIEW In an official announcement issued during March 2013 regarding future Army basing plans’ following the withdrawal of forces from Germany, it stated that 1 Regiment AAC would move from Dishforth to Yeovilton during 2015-2016, (this of course should be 9 Regiment but was officially listed as 1 Regiment). 1 Regiment itself would also move from Gutersloh to Yeovilton during the same period with 42 Engineering Regiment moving from Hermitage to RAF Wyton in 2014. The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards to move from Fallingbostel to Leuchars in 2015, which means that the RAF will have vacated the two Typhoon units (1 Sqn and 6 Sqn) currently based there to RAF Lossiemouth. The current Tornado units at Lossiemouth will therefore have to relocate to Marham, but it is understood that 12 Sqn will disband within the next 12 months while the OCU task currently undertaken by 15(R) Sqn will be transferred to a current Marham unit leaving 617 Sqn as the only unit to actually transfer. The grounding of the Grob Tutors is still in force and is expected to continue for sometime while the grounding of the Tucano fleet has now been lifted (the official date for this is believed to be 28th February 2013)..... Mick Boulanger (Military movements is history, now and for our future) ABINGDON DALTON BARRACKS - Resident’s noted during February 612 VGS Vigilant T.1 ZH126/TM ZH207/UN ZH268/SA BELFAST INTERNATIONAL- Military visitors noted during January: - 13 ZH872/872 Hercules C.4 24/30 Sqn 20 ZZ330 Voyager K.2 10 Sqn 16 ZE706 Tristar C.2A 216 Sqn 24 ZH880/880 Hercules C.5 24/30 Sqn RAF BENSON - Resident’s noted during February 28/78 Sqn Merlin HC.3/3A ZJ123/G ZJ126/K ZJ132/Q ZJ133/R ZJ134/S ZJ135/T ZJ990/AA ZJ992/AB ZJ998AE ZK001/AF 28/78 Sqn Merlin HC.3/3A notes ZJ129/N previously with 1419Flt Kandahar was noted at Brize Norton on 18.02 and returned to 28/78 Sqn Benson ZJ136/U previously with 28/78 Sqn Benson has departed on operations with 1419 Flight Kandahar BIRMINGHAM AIRPORT- Military visitors noted during February: - 13 ZZ175 Globemaster III 99 Sqn “ISF19KP” 20 ZE704 Tristar C.2 216 Sqn “ISF19KP/ 14 ZJ782 AS365N3 8 Flt * RRR3249” 18 ZE705 Tristar C.2 216 Sqn “RRR3247” 21 ZD284/K Lynx AH.7 671 Sqn “AAA736”* ZE707 BAe 146 C.3 32(TR) Sqn “RCJ42”* 25 ZJ229 Apache AH.1 4 Regt “Prowler1”* 19 ZD284/K Lynx AH.7 671 Sqn “AAC736”* ZJ167 Apache AH.1 4 Regt “Prowler2”* 20 ZD703 BAe 125 CC.3 32(TR) Sqn “RRR1494” BIGGIN HILL - Military visitors noted during January/February: - January 18 ZJ882/AB Merlin HC.3A 28/78 Sqn “SHF290” 10 013 C-295M Polish AF 13 eltr “PLF033” 20 ZJ78? AS365N3 8 Flt “1AM13” 17 ZF573 Islander CC.2A Northolt St Flt “RRR7963” 21 017 C-295M Polish AF 13 eltr 22 025 C-295M Polish AF 13 eltr “PLF033” “PLF038/34” February 22 ZK459/X King Air 200GT 45(R) Sqn “CWL15” 07 012 C-295M Polish AF 13 eltr “PLF032” BLACKPOOL AIRPORT - Military visitors noted during January: - 03 ZD895/115 Tornado GR.4 Marham Wg “MRH13”* 10 XX285/CB Hawk T.1A 100 Sqn “LEE04”* 06 ZK458/D King Air 200GT 45(R) Sqn “CWL68” ZG750/128 Tornado GR.4 Lossie Wg “LOS21”* 10 XZ589/E Sea King HAR.3 22 Sqn C Flt/203(R) Sqn 13 ZD714/082 Tornado GR.4 Lossie Wg “Club02”* SRG122” 16 XZ590/F Sea King HAER.3 202 Sqn A Flt “SRG131” BOSCOMBE DOWN - Notes from here for February: ZA677 Chinook HC.4 has departed back to the Odiham Wing following completion of the HC.4 trials with QinetiQ An interesting report has been received on various aircraft on this airfield. Still resent in the Apprentice School during February 2013 is Gazelle HT.3 XW906/J and Bulldog T.1 XX705. Lynx Mk.5X ZD559 is now withdrawn from use and is being used by the ETPS for ground instructional use. Also now withdrawn from use is Lynx AH.7 ZD560, along with ZD285, which are now stored. Lightning T.4 XL629 has been taken down from the main gate and is currently being refurbished. RAF BOULMER - Resident’s noted during February: 202 Sqn E Flt Sea King HAR.3 XZ590/F XZ596/L 113 BOURNEMOUTH HURN AIRPORT - Military visitors noted during February: - (With thanks to BAEG) 01 041 Mystere 20ECM RNorAF 717 Skv “NOW41” 15 ZA708 Chinook HC.2 Odiham Wg “SHF413”* ZF622 PA31-350 QinetiQ “Gauntlet56”* 17 ZH870/870 Hercules C.4 24/30 Sqn “RRR068”* 05 ZH869/869 Hercules C.4 24/30 Sqn “Jigsaw1”* 18 115/ABQ TBM.700A ALAT DGAEV? “FMY8047” ZH870/870 Hercules C.4 24/30 Sqn “Jigsaw2”* QQ101 RJ-100 QinetiQ * ZH851/66 Merlin HM.1 814NAS* 20 159/ABU TBM.700B ALAT EAAT “FMY8032” 06 ZJ782 AS.365N3 8 Flt “1SW07”* ZA296/Q Sea King HC.4 845NAS “Yankee431”* ZE701 BAe 146 CC.2 32(TR) Sqn “NOH36”* 21 ZZ501 Avenger T.1 750NAS “NVY805” 07 ZH881/881 Hercules C.5 24/30 Sqn “RRR605”* ZK456/P King Air 200 QinetiQ “Gauntlet80”* ZJ782 AS.365N3 8 Flt “1SW07”* 24 ZE700 BAe 146 CC.2 32(TR) Sqn “NOH11”* ZA674 Chinook HC.2 Odiham Wg “SHF552”* 25 ZK456/P King Air 200 QinetiQ “Gauntlet89/0”* 13 ZR322 A-109E 32(TR) Sqn “RRR1579” ZJ992/AB Merlin HC.3A 28/78 Sqn “SHF798”* 14 14+04 BD-700 GAF FBS “GAF689” 26 556 A320-214CJ RAFO 4 Sqn “MJN535” ZA293/A Sea King HC.4 848NAS “Avenger933”* (until 28.02) ZF115/R/WV Sea King HC.4 848NAS “Avenger915”* 27 ZJ998/AE Merlin HC.3A 28/78 Sqn “SHF790”* 15 ZH870/870 Hercules C.4 24/30 Sqn “Judgement 28 ZA670/AA Chinook HC.2 Odiham Wg “RRR330”* Formation” + ZH879/879 BRAMLEY CAMP - A welcome report has been received from this former Ammunition Depot. The two Gazelle AH.1s XW900/ TAD900 and XZ300/L are still present and located inside building E27; they are used for crash training. The Whirlwind HAR.10 XK970 has been cut into several sections and is awaiting the scrap man. Finally the two Lynx AH.7s XZ219 and XZ661 are located in different areas of the depot. BRISTOL LULSGATE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT- Military visitors noted during December: - 01 G-BYXB Tutor Bristol UAS “UAD02” 12 2235/FZ AS332L FrAF EH 03.067 “CTM1360” 03 ZE426/WX Sea King HC.4 848NAS“Commando520” ZJ135/T Merlin HC.3 28/78 Sqn “Halifax1” 05 ZF116/WP Sea King HC.4 848NAS “NVY Y431” 13 ZE706 Tristar C.2A 216 Sqn “RRR901” 06 ZH881/881 Hercules C.5 24/30 Sqn “RR316” 14 ZE425/WR Sea King HC.4 848NAS “NVY A911” 10 ZA291/N Sea King HC.4 848NAS “NVY A095” 17 ZE425/WR Sea King HC.4 848NAS “NVY A911” ZZ173 Globemaster III 99 Sqn “RRR814” 18 ZH881/881 Hercules C.5 24/30 Sqn “RRR223” RAF BRIZE NORTON- Additional Military visitors noted during February: - 01 ZG885 Lynx AH.9A 9 Regt 11 01-0040 C-40B 89 AW 1 AS ZB691 Gazelle AH.1 671 Sqn 12 ZJ217 Apache AH.1 4 Regt ZR322 A-109E 32(TR) Sqn KAF323 L-100-30 Kuwait AF 41 Sqn 04 ZE701 BAe 146 CC.2 32(TR) Sqn 13 ZE701 BAe 146 CC.2 32(TR) Sqn (QQ102) RJ- 70 QinetiQ G-BVRJ ZE396 BAe 125 CC.3 32(TR) Sqn KAF325 -L100-30 Kuwait AF 41 Sqn 14 ZJ253/53 Squirrel HT.2 670 Sqn 05 ZR322 A-109E 32(TR) Sqn 15 ZG995 Defender AL.1 651 Sqn 06 XZ192 Lynx AH.7 9 Regt 17 ZJ783 AS.365N3 8 Flt XX287/287 Hawk T.1A 208(R) Sqn ZE707 BAe 146 C.3 Hawker Beechcraft 07 G-781 C-130H KLu 336 Sqn 18 5699 C-130J-30 RNorAF 335 Skv 08 1625 C-130H RSaudi AF 16 Sqn “RSF601” ZK456/P King
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