*«*.•,* «A —«A«*' r ■ ' / A k OF^ ^ 1*, ' ; ’ ' f .-*s 1 r i.Vf. ‘ ïÉÈéÀ^éhmLÈ.. ^;¿7 l 7 7 7 ; v5, i«,r ii ’■ ■ & !(& v.‘ , <>• « -V t: The Official Paper Of Fallon Connty, at Baker, Mont., the Center: of the Baker Oil ^d:OM .^ticline, Where: Natural Gas Is Used for Man trfaotwSng-ixi^^ ■ ■ iio> r- "... 0.' ï 7 7 ' 7 7 and Piped to Other Citiesm Monten&gto^ Black JETllls District of South: Dakota. ,/ * v; " ' " ’ ■ ■ I ■ H I ,|| ■■■ ■ — ... ■■ . , , , ................. ^ I ■! - " — ' - ___________ - -■ - -V *_________ V X» • * 'Y 1- ^ ' V-7 ^7'7'C77:r7':- VOLOME XVI. BAKER, MONTANA, THURSDAY; JUNE 23, 1932. ' ° V ' 7 7 ; :Nu»^R^2pX..r • " ..■•■¿Writ' -Av.v-* • 7.:7. y : ’ ’ EVERYONE INVITÉD IMPORTANT TO TO LUTHERAN RALLY CHURCH •t AND PICNIC OF NAMES Next Sunday, June' 26th thé "Tiff American Lutheran Conference of FARMERS HERE Churches will hold a Rally and picnic at the Kempton ranch, three J. A. Pepper from Bozeman, Mon­ CHURCHjSCHOOliyPROGRAM miles south of Terry, „ tana of the Department of Ethno­ The Community.^Çhurch School The picnic is for the entire public. • logy was in Baker Monday inquir­ which has !.been%Xuk^ing for the - ,'-7- , :• past, two [weeks .Under;, the super­ An outdoor altar is’ to be con­ n , Following 'is a list of the candi- ing about grasshoppers., He left the following formulafcrgrasshop­ vision' of. ;liIÀ?Bentiey gave a pro­ structed ;for the occàsiop. Services ’fdatesT.Republican and Democratic, “■GOVERNOR ERICKSON per poison so that farmers may kill gram of some of: the -work accomp­ will start at 11:00 a. m. Mr. c . M. whoiled • for state and ‘county v i e Ws. s t a t e - c o m p a n y /; SMALL WELLS any of the insects at once. Weswig of he Lutheran Theologi­ „fllcaipy.There are more names on lished by the ¿ children. Sunday MANY TO ATTEND Bran—100 lbs. cal Seminary of St. Paul will de­ He/ballot this year than ever be- morning at 10 o’clock.. \ -7 . Crude Arsenic—5 lbs. The service: was «.opened with the liver the sermon. The Montana.mttional-é'fûfwC }'$ ■;for and .the voters will have to be Lunch may be'had at the ranch FALLON COUNTY i FARMERS 'One ^Hündrèà,.Sixty-third . Infantry..;,^ dvery ckreful in making their FOR IRRIGATION Cane Molasses—1% gallon. school using thelr mbrning exer­ AND, RANCHERS7T0.T MAKE If cane molasses oannot be ob­ cises consisting; of-'Rêverai songs, for\ a nominal fee or brought by made Its? annual ' p afàdet Tu éa d ^ ¿-choice of the different candidates. the people. ALFALFA TOUR OF PRAIRIE tained at a reasonable price It can reponsive reading,-.¿Flag salute, Camp Erickson'^and wis -Tevièwedü “ Shallow Wells Near Terry, COUNTY. 4- ' \i'7 v 'by rts-'cdnimandcr-ln-cliiet, Got.' J.',;-’ be omitted. * Beet .molasses has and prayer. :7‘v ‘ ¿7 ' In the: afternoon Gov. J. E. Erick-, Montana, as a Source of Irrigation son of the' State Of Montana will' ^ .'-''E r ic k s o n .-,4.,77«4 -<•*' REPUBLICAN PARTY • Water” is the title of a new report been used with fair success in cer­ Beginners—Song - , y . Sponsored by 'tee 'Baker? Goim tain places’;' but it is not recom­ speak to the gathering. l/'A'.liand-mado slk' 'flag waa./.'pr»- |FOR CONGRESS—FIRST DIST.: by Dr. Engene S. Perry, geologist Memory Versé-^Beginners class -merclal . Club arrangements ' have- sonted.ta.thè .regiment by boiwrairh;;^-; mended for general use. Story of Moses—Dramatization There will be other noted speak­ 7 Mark Fitzgerald, Stevensville for the State Bureau of Mines and ers and a' program of games for been made to drive ;to Terfyv'Mon:, .officers,«.Col. Susan-'Barbour;-CapC;77' '¿SECOND DIST.: . Geology at Montana School of Primary young and old. tana, Tuesday * June' 4 28 th, „¿'where, CALL TO FARMERS Memory Verses—Beginners and Ellen Erickson apd GapL,Àni'?C«t77 * fer Scott Leavitt, Great Falls Mines at Butte. The public is Invited to come the' Baker’ carav&ii' wlll b e ’.taken 1er.; .- - - ' v: |FOR GOVERNOR Tlie report is called Miscellane­ From reports In the newspapers Primary- * v to different fainhs’.andi ranches in In the.reviewing stand .with' the and from telegraphic correspond­ Story of Joseph—Primary Boys and spend the day at the ideal 1 Frank Hazelbaker, Dillon ous Contribution No. 3 and is in­ picnic spot in Eastern Montana. Prairie county and shown, the governor?were Coi, B. H.- William«,: r-M Wi S. McCormack, Kalispell tended for distribution to persona ence from Washington, it seems List of Apostles— ttli Grade method ad success [that .has beeii probable that Cogress may make Rev. Harold M. Allison of Glen­ Maj.;Jôseph, C. Tliomas,. Maj R-LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR: in the area covered^by the work. Beatitudes—6tli Gradé made -in. the' growiug bt.'alfalta. Luck;;, of ’’Laramie, ..Wyo.,. and -tCoL:.. an appropriation for grasshopper Memory Verses— 6tfi, 7 th, 8tli dive chairman o f affairs says that Steve C. Arnold, Broadview Dr. Perry discusses the situation the committee is working hard to The tour froxhvTerry?wiU:be in D,;W? Hantd-of-'San Francisco, -wkii» v: 7r < R. G. Linebarger, Havre of Terry, the surface features near control in eight western states. If grades charge of County. Agent; >, G-; ¿B. is'in;. command . of" the national':- this does happen it will be neces­ have a program that will make the .FOR SECRETARY OF STATE: the town, underground features, Good American Laws-f-Boys Lewis and Dan • Noble7vDevelpp guard' in this ' area. ' . , • sary for the State department to day both enjoyable and instructive 4 .F . E. Williams, Billings occurence of ground-water, both After this program, Mr. Eentley for everyone. meat Agent for*' the ¿.Milwaukee ■>!';ReprGseixtativcS'of -the American" 7 Frank Cone, Hamilton deep and shallow, water utilization give an estimate of the grasshop­ gave an excellent talk on “The railroad ..who also expects--’ tov'.'be pers in this section. Rev. H. Janssen of Marsh will Légion; ’ tho'.'Disahled . American-* ;FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL: and various conclusions and recom­ Possibilities of an Average Life” also be present. present. About' twelve' to -fifteen ,Wai,J ;Voteralis,- -Siwr 13h.-Amtt-lcaa.:. % J. Justin Bourquin, Butte mendation, together with ¡infer-, An expression from farmers as to pointing out-that all cannot bë cars will leave, Baker at S: 00 [a. m- the approximate acreage which war [vétérans, .anti’ "Vétérans •<•©#' r..,y ,X Leroy A. Foot, Choteau mation on costs. geniuses but’ are able.to live their for the trip, and .anyone"-who,- is, Foreign'Wars',., were . also ■ In. '.-tha ;-:i will have to be poisoned In their COMMUNITY^ LADIES .FOR RAILROAD COMM.: Speaking of Montana, Dr. .Perry lives to .the..iullest possibility. Interested in, 'this important , crop stand. • , 1 7 7 district will be very helpful and Ruby Hopper rendered a solo, £ID MEETS Jesse H. Stevens, Great Falls says, “Water has fibt bean pumper The Community Ladies Aid will should signify; their ...intentions, by,« v ’l'lie vi’sttbrs and. their ladies willy- Lee Dennis, Great Falls from shallow wells for ’ Irrigation • necessary to receive an appropria­ “My Task". ; advising Mr.. Bruggeman,[ chairman have “ moss" with« tlic regiment la' tion from the Federal government. meet this afternoon (Thursday) J. R. Hartley, Billings purposes as is frequently* done in , The service was ended by Rev. for the lost meeting -before vaca­ of this committee; whol:will ’ pro­ camp this „evening and, a prograa»’., Report at once to the County Com­ Phillippi pronouncing'¡tbe benedic­ William 0. Gilbert, Butte California and other states, except | tion. Mrs. T, FitzSimmons who vide automobile’ space for all who of/r entertalnment will'-'be given LcJ. Goodman, Helena perhaps in the case of small missioners any such,.information in tion. wish to’ attend. ' ' = ‘ ’ : " your district was elected president at the last afterward.. ‘V -«? FOR STATE SUPT.: garden patches. If water is ade­ The display of the,, hand • wqrk regular meeting will- preside. The Elizabeth Ireland, Havre quate value can be obtained suifi-’ finished by the children was* shown MON JANA-DAKOTA> - Aid will take a two months, vacn- ¿¿■ Christine Smith, Helena ciently close to the surface, this in- the 'basement., of¿T the ^.church lion and open again ' September unemployment .;, r: 7 IFOR STATE AUDITOR last method may be the most eco­ .. PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION after'the progranv,MivBentley will iLrst, < ■ v RELIEF MEA.SURE>' - ^"George P. Porter, Butte nomical. -The executive committee qf the. continue his work iri bthèr parts of " 7 ' V'VOTE, 18 ‘DELAYEO' M)rtntana-Dakota ' Protective Asso-i Washington;- ¿u n e;,. 21 -7 ;* u g ht : l a- OR STATE TREASURER: “At the request of the Terry thé state but will return to Baker" VISITORS AT SEELEY HOME H*Robert F. Thibaudeau, Helena Chamber of Commerce, the writer, ciation .for protection of livesock a odd Intervals." * ; ¿..tide of risi n g.cò n Lx c>.v e n« t es over- 'j<S met in Baker on Tuesday. They are Mrs. F. T. Seeleys brother and # Glenn T. Davis, Carlylfe during April, 1932, examined an family from Bremei'ton,. Washing­ GOLVA TEAM tlietj- 2,0.00,0.00,0.00 .- unemploymaat:. 7 J. W. Walker, Helena area near that town to investigate offering a reward of $250.00 to xAlléchllV teé.-.senaié late. Tueaday others than members for infor­ CHURCH SCHOOL BEGINS ton arrived Monday. Her brother, F.OR ASSOCIATE JUSTICES: the possibility of developing _____ nas a'1 daily paper In Birmnigton , The Baker-baseball team-' : won abanctond hoa>e ;o f.’early ,:actlon'. o«:.,.'7 X'v S. C. Ford, Great Falls ground water for irrigation pur­ mation concerning butchering or The Catholic Church School over,Rhame.2 to i last Sunday,In ;a tlïeh'méasu're," or,, of "early,., adjour^ :7 $ ' selling of stolen cattle.
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