BRITISH COLUMBIA DEPARTMENT OF MINES HON. R. C. MacDONALD, Minisler JOHN F. WALKER, Demly Minislet BULLETIN No. 23 CalcareousDeposits of the Georgia Strait Area BY W. M. MATHEWS Chapter 111.-Examination of Calcareous Deposits-Continued. Chemical Analysis of Limestone-Continued. PAGE. 32 32 32 32 33 34 35 37 38 39 41 43 43 44 44 45 46 47 47 48 50 50 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 56 56 56 56 58 60 60 G Calcareous Deposits of the Georgia Strait Area. INTRODUCTION. This bulletinincludes reports of surveys of most of the knowncommercial or potentiallycommercial calcareous depositsreadily accessible tothe industrial and agricultural areas of south-western British Columbia and north-western Washington. Limestone deposits on the west coast of Vancouver Island and on the inland passage north of the difficultly navigable waters of Seymour Narrows, OkisolloChannel, and Yuculta Rapids have not, however, been examined. Deposits more than 4 or 5 miles from tide-water have likewise been omitted from the study, except in the eastern part of the Fraser Valley and in the western part of the Cascade Range of Washington whereadequate road 01- railtransportation is available. Unconsolidated calcareous deposits, marl, travertine, and shell, which are of someeconomic importance within this area, have been included in the study. Three introductory chapters dealing with the geology, extraction and utilization, and examination of these western limestone deposits have been included in this bulletin to aid in the appreciation of the reports on individual properties. Three months of the summer of 1944 were devoted to field-work on Texada Island, andtwo months of the summer of 1945 to field-work on VancouverIsland and the Lower Mainland. Brief visits were made to operating and recently operating deposits in theState of Washingtonin December, 1945. J. G. Fylesand W. E. Redpathin 1944 and W. C. Thomsonand R. R. Steiner in 1945 assistedin the field-work. The manuscript for this bulletin was written in the first half of 1946. The writer wishes to acknowledge the assistance extended to him by the operators of the various deposits, by W. S. Planta, of. Texada Island; Dr. H. C. Gunning, of the University of British Columbia; and by many others encountered during the course of the work. DEFINITIONS, CHEMICAL SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS. The classification of limestone usedin thisbulletin follows closely that used by Goudge in“Limestones of Canada,””differinp from Goudge principally in using “ High-calciumLimestone ” as a separate class rather than part of the “ Calcium Limestone ” class. Limestone denotes a rock of sedimentary origin consisting mainly of calcium car- bonate (calcite) or the double carbonate of calcium and magnesium (dolomite). A rock containingless than 50 percent.t combined calciteand dolomite is, therefore,not considered to be a limestone. Limestonemay be subdivided on thebasis of chemicalcomposition intofour classes :- (1.) High.-culeiu~nLimestorze.-Denoting a limestone containing at least 95 percent.+ calcium carbonate (CaCO,) andnot more than 2 percent. magnesium carbonate (MgCO,) ; these are equivalent to 53.3 per cent. lime (CaO) and 0.06 per cent. magnesia (MgO). (2.) Calcium Limestone.--Denoting a limestone whose calcium content greatly predominates,but which cannot be classed as high-calciumlimestone. * Gondcs, M. F.: Limestones of Canada-Mines Branch, DePt. of Mines, Ottawa. t Ail Dereentaees are by weizht. 7 Calcium limestone may contain up to 4.79 per cent. magnesia, equivalent to 10 per cent. magnesium carbonate. (3.) Magnesian Limestone.-Denoting a limestone containing more than 4.79 per cent. and less than 19.15 per cent. magnesia. (4.) Dolomitic Limestom-Denoting a limestone containing more than 19.15 per cent. and less than 21.86 per cent. magnesia, the theoretical magnesia content of the mineral dolomite. The term dolo?nite is restricted to the pure mineral (CaMg(CO,),). The term marble is used in this report in its geological sense as crystalline limestone, not in the popular sense as an ornamental limestone. In the chemical analyses quoted in this bulletin the components of limestone are givenin terms of oxidesand "ignition loss," thelatter consists chiefly of carbon dioxide(CO,). The essential oxides in limestone, lime (CaO), and magnesia (MgO) are reported in some publications as calcium carbonate (CaCO,) and magnesium car- bonate(MgCO,). These oxides may he recalculated as thecarbonates or vice versa using the following data:- 1 per cent. CaO is equivalent to 1.78 per cent. CaCO,. 1 per cent. MgO is equivalent to 2.09 per cent. MgCO,. 1. per cent. CaCO:3 is equivalent to 0.560 per cent. CaO. 1 pes cent. MgCO, is equivalent to 0.478 per cent. MgO. In order to save space, chem,ical formulz and other abhreviations have been used in thetables of chemicalanalyses throughout this bulletin. The abbreviations used are explained below:- Symbolic Formula. Foli Chemical Name. Fe20, iron oxide; contains 69.94 per cent. iron by weight. MnO ..~..~..-...~Manganese oxide; contains 77.44 per cent. manganeseby weight. P,O j~~~~...~.~~.~Phosphorouspentoxide; contains 43.65 per cent. phosphorous by weight. TiO, ~...~~~~..~~~Titanium dioxide; contains 59.95 per cent. titanium by weight. Al,O, aluminium oxide (alumina) ; contains 52.91 per cent. aluminium by weight. CaO calcium oxide(lime) ; contains 71.47 percent. calcium by weight. AfgO.~.~~...~~.~ Magnesium oxide (magnesia) ; contains 60.32 per cent. magne- sium by weight. S~~.~~~~.~~~~...~~~Sulphur. in sol.^^^^.. acid insoluble matter; contains those minerals, chiefly silicates, which do not dissolve when heated with hydrochloric acid as described on page 31. R,O,~~..~~~~~..~~Aluminiumoxide, with those oxides of titanium, zirconium, beryl- lium,chromium, quinquavalent phosphorous, quinquavalent arsenic,and qninquavalent vanadium present in the lime- stone. Usually for limestones R,O, is essentially aluminium oxide, the remaining substances listed being present in very low percentages if at all. Ig. Loss the percentage loss in weight when the limestone is ignited in a furnace.Such ignition decomposes thecarbonates of cal- cium andmagnesium, forming calcium and magnesium oxides andgaseous carbon dioxide. Thiscarbon dioxide escapes and, together with the minor amounts of water and organic matt.er present, accounts for practically all the loss in weight on ignition. H,O 105".~~~~.Waterwhich is released from the sample when it is heated at 105" Centigrade. n CHAPTER I."GEOLOGY. ORIGIN OF CALCAREOUS DEPOSITS. Carbonates of calcium and magnesium may be precipitated from aqueous solutions, usually sea water, by several different agencies. The calcareous deposits thus formed may be subdivided into several more or less independent types based on their modes of origin:- (1.) Those consisting of the accumulated shells, or fragments of shells, pre- cipitated by the larger organisms. (2.) Those nrecipitated by micro-organisms in which shells or shell fragments are not evident, at least to the unaided eye. (3.) Those precipitated by chemical means, such as a change in the tempera- ture or in the CO, content of the solution. (4.) Those composed of any two or all of the above agencies. Except where limestones have been extensively recrystallized, those formed by the accumulation of larger shells and shell fragments are easily recognizable. Where the limestone is fine-grained and devoid of visible shells or shell fragments, however, .the originmay be doubtful. Such a limestone may havebeen precipitated originally as a fine-grained ooze, either by micro-organisms or by chemical action, or by a combina- tion of the two. Where shells and shell fragments are found in a matrix of fine-grained limestone, largerorganisms and also micro-organisms or chemical action, or both, were responsible for the original deposition.Such a case is found at one horizon in the limestone of Texada Island where, however, shell fragments are exceedingly widely scattered. It isclear that this horizon and the adjacent unfossiliferous limestone originatedalmost entirely through microbiological or chemicalaction. Thescarcity of shells in most of the limestone deposits, except in some of the Palzozoic crinoidal limestones of the area, suggests that larger organisms played but a minor part in the precipitation of the original material, but in several deposits the recrystallization of limestone has been sufficient to obliterate fossil remains and their origin must remain in doubt. Submarine vulcanism,according toKania," may play an important part in the precipitation of limestone by heating the overlying sea-water, eliminating much of its content of carbon dioxide, and converting thedissolved calcium bicarbonate to insoluble calciumcarbonate. The precipitated ooze, be believes, may be carried by submarine currents into hollows in the sea-floor to give rise to thick but lenticlilar deposits of limestone. Nearly all the limestones of the area studied were evidently deposited as limy ooze, marine shells,etc., on ancient sea-floors. Underthese circumstances uniform con- ditions apparently prevailed over many acres or even many square miles of sea-floor for appreciableperiods of time.During such a periodseveral inches to several feet of calcareous material might be deposited and would retain fairly uniform physical and chemical characteristics throughout. At the same time greater or less amounts of mud and sand or volcanic ash might be deposited with the calcareous material, and thus con- tribute to the impurities present in the resulting limestone.
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