Rays: Tampa Bay looks to remain hot against Brewers /B1 WEDNESDAY TODAY CITRUS COUNTY & next morning HIGH 93 Mostly sunny and LOW dry. 72 PAGE A4 www.chronicleonline.com JULY 30, 2014 Florida’s Best Community Newspaper Serving Florida’s Best Community 50¢ VOL. 119 ISSUE 357 INSIDE EDUCATION: Scallopers rescue trio at sea A.B. SIDIBE Corey Davidson and Heather “Their boat was bigger than “You can always buy new Staff writer Yates got close to the boat, they ours and we already had seven things. What Detective Davidson could see it was listing and people in our boat. We were re- did was great. He is a hero and he Two members of the Citrus sinking. ally at capacity and they had cool- saved our lives,” Keller said. County Sheriff ’s Office and their The three occupants of the boat ers and other stuff that we didn’t Keller said she and friends families were out on the water in distress — Anastasia Keller, really have room for,” said Yates, were visiting from Dade City and scalloping Monday afternoon — Debbie Billington and David spokeswoman for the sheriff ’s decided to go fishing near the 10 to 11 miles from the mouth of Pratt, along with their brown- office. mouth of the river. However, they the Homosassa River — when and-white Pomeranian, Tikki — Keller, the owner of the sinking soon noticed that their boat, a they noticed occupants of a boat hopped into the rescue boat, boat, said they feel blessed to Hurricane deck boat, was taking waving feverishly. which provided them only the have been rescued by Davidson When the families of Detective bare essentials. and Yates. See SCALLOPERS/ Page A9 School days With public school about to begin, the Hospital Chronicle’s Education section returns with a profile of teacher- turned-administrator at to buy one school./Page C1 Training day LOCAL NEWS: women’s center Genesis sale ensures OB/ Gyn services MIKE WRIGHT Staff writer INVERNESS — Citrus Memorial hospital offi- New role cials say they are commit- Holli Herndon has been ted to making sure hooked on the American obstetric services con- Cancer Society and tinue long after the hospi- what the organization tal is leased. does since her time in Now they can prove it. college./Page A3 The Citrus Memorial Health Foundation board EDUCATION: voted Monday night to buy release dates: August 2-8 31-1 (14) TM Mini Spy Genesis Women’s Center -INI3PYAND"ASSET"ROWNAREACTINGIN h4HE7IZARDOF/Zv3EEIFYOUCANFIND Q bell QLOCK Qdragon QCHICKEN Qthimble Qnumber 7 Qfrog QBOOK Qladder Qfish Qstar Qneedle © 2014 Universal Uclick from The Mini Page © 2014 Universal Uclick in Inverness to ensure ob- A 75-Year Enchantment ‘The Wizard of Oz’ Can you finish these famous movie The Scarecrow (Ray Bolger), lines? the Cowardly Lion (Bert Lahr), Dorothy (Judy Garland) and the sh4OTO )VEAFEELINGWERENOTIN Tin Man (Jack Haley) eagerly stetric and gynecological ________ anymore!” approach the Wizard. sh4HERESNOPLACELIKE?????????v Actor Buddy Ebsen was cast sh)LLGETYOU MYPRETTY ANDYOUR as the first Tin Man. He inhaled the silver aluminum crystals LITTLE??????? TOOv dusted on his face and suffered sh&OLLOWTHE?????????? a severe reaction. He had to ????????????2OADv be in an iron lung, a machine h4HE7IZARDOF/ZvMOVIEFIRSTLIT to help him breathe, for two UPMOVIESCREENSIN!UGUST weeks. The role of the Tin Man was taken over by Jack Haley. services remain at the 3EVENTY FIVEYEARSLATER ITISSTILLONE The aluminum crystals were OFTHEMOSTBELOVEDMOVIESOFALLTIME mixed with Haley’s makeup 3AYONEOFTHEMOVIELINESABOVE AND to form a paste. That way, he © 2013 Warner Bros Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved. Courtesy Home Video PEOPLEKNOWEXACTLYWHATYOUMEAN would not inhale the crystals. 4HE-INI0AGETALKEDWITHAN/Z American adventure Changing the story from The Mini Page © 2014 Universal Uclick HISTORIANTOCELEBRATETHELASTINGPOWER h4HE7ONDERFUL7IZARDOF/ZvWAS 4HEMOVIEDIRECTORSTHOUGHTKIDSIN OFh4HE7IZARDOF/Zv !MERICASFIRSTFAIRYTALE EXPERTSSAY WOULDNOTLIKEMAGICALWORLDS TM Rookie Cookie’s Recipe hospital. 5NTILTHATBOOK MOSTKIDSBOOKSWERE SOTHEYTURNED$OROTHYSADVENTURES Magical story BY%UROPEANAUTHORS ANDLESSONSWERE INTOADREAM)NTHEBOOKS /ZWASNT Pineapple Cloud Pie 4HEMAGICOF MOREIMPORTANTTHANTHESTORY ADREAM)TWASREAL AND$OROTHY You’ll need: h4HE7IZARDOF /ZCHARACTERSAREINDEPENDENTAND RETURNSTO/ZINLATERADVENTURES s OUNCE CANCRUSHEDPINEAPPLEWITHJUICE /ZvSTARTSWITH WORKTOREACHTHEIRDREAMS2EADERS s OUNCE PACKAGEINSTANTLEMONPUDDINGPOWDERONLY THEGREATSTORY CANUNDERSTANDWHATTHECHARACTERS s OUNCE CARTONLIGHTWHIPPEDTOPPING s OUNCE CANMANDARINORANGES DRAINED 4HEMOVIEIS AREGOINGTHROUGH4HEYKNOWABOUT s INCHPREPAREDGRAHAMCRACKERPIECRUST BASEDONh4HE CARINGFORAPETANDHOWSCARYITWOULD What to do: photo courtesy Library of Congress Four physicians at the 7ONDERFUL7IZARD BETOBELOSTFARFROMHOME #OMBINECRUSHEDPINEAPPLEWITHLEMONPUDDINGPOWDERBYBEATINGBY L. Frank Baum wrote )NTHEEARLYS !MERICANGIRLS HANDUNTILWELLMIXED OF/Z vWRITTENBY 14 Oz books in all. 'ENTLYSTIRINWHIPPEDTOPPINGANDDRAINEDORANGES2ESERVEORANGE ,&RANK"AUMIN WERENOTUSUALLYTHEHEROESOFBOOKS SLICES © 2013 Warner Bros Entertainment Inc., All Rights Reserved, courtesy Warner Home Video (EHADWRITTENTHREEOTHERBOOKS "UT"AUMBELIEVEDGIRLSCOULDBEJUST In the book, Dorothy’s magical slippers are 0OURMIXTUREINPREPAREDGRAHAMCRACKERPIECRUST FORKIDSBEFORETHAT BUTTHE/ZBOOKS ASSTRONGASBOYS'IRLSAREOFTENTHE silver. But the movie’s producers changed !RRANGEORANGESLICESONTOPASAGARNISHh'ARNISHvISADECORATION them to ruby so they would shine out in color. #HILLFORHOURS-AKESTOSLICES MADEHIMFAMOUS HEROESOFHISSTORIES You will need an adult’s help with this recipe. from The Mini Page © 2014 Universal Uclick from The Mini Page © 2014 Universal Uclick center plus staffers will be Meet Judy Garland MATTHEW BECK/Chronicle !LTHOUGH*UDY'ARLANDWASASTAROF MANYMOVIES SHEISBESTKNOWNFORHERROLE The Rainbow Dream AS$OROTHYINh4HE7IZARDOF/Zv3HEWAS YEARSOLDWHENSHEMADETHEFILM AND Colors of the rainbow For the scenes where Emerald BYTHEN SHEHADALREADYBEENACTINGAND City shines in the distance, the SINGINGFORYEARS 4HEBRIGHT DEEPCOLORSOFh4HE city was drawn onto a large *UDY'ARLANDWASBORNAS&RANCES%THEL 7IZARDOF/ZvDAZZLEDAUDIENCESIN piece of cardboard and filmed separately. That film was then 'UMMIN(ERPARENTSWEREBOTH 4HEMOVIEWASFILMEDWITHAN given Citrus Memorial vaudeville combined with the film of the PERFORMERS6AUDEVILLE6!($ ADVANCEDTYPEOFTechnicolor A actors. Lights shining through © 2013 Warner Bros Entertainment Inc., All Rights Reserved, courtesy Warner Home Video VIL WASATYPEOFLIVEVARIETYSHOWTHAT PROCESSTHATMADERICHERCOLORSTHAN holes in the art made the city APPEAREDTHROUGHOUTTHE53INTHEEARLYS sparkle. For other scenes, sets Citrus County Sheriff’s Deputy Brian Coleman works through a training exercise Tuesday afternoon, *UDYANDHERTWOOLDERSISTERSSANGANDDANCEDINVAUDEVILLE EVERBEFORE of Emerald City were built. All of 7HENSHEWAS *UDYWASHIREDBYTHE-'-MOVIESTUDIO3HE 7ALT$ISNEYWASONEOFTHEFIRSTTO Munchkin Land and parts of the STARREDINMANYMOVIES INCLUDINGh-EET-EIN3T,OUIS vh%ASTER witch’s castle were built. USETHENEW4ECHNICOLORPROCESS IN In the Horse of a Different Color 0ARADEvANDh)NTHE'OOD/LD3UMMERTIMEv3HEDIEDIN THECARTOONMOVIEh3NOW7HITEAND from The Mini Page © 2014 Universal Uclick scene, horses were coated with THE3EVEN$WARFSv)THELPEDMAKE different flavors of Jell-O mix. from The Mini Page © 2014 Universal Uclick Horses kept trying to lick off the employment. The Genesis TM THATMOVIESUPERSUCCESSFUL Lucy Li "UTFILMINGLIVEACTORSWITHTHE © 2013 Warner Bros Entertainment Inc., All Rights Reserved, courtesy Home Video sweet powder. NEW4ECHNICOLORWASSTILLINTHE Technicolor Over the rainbow )TISOFTENSAIDTHAThGOODTHINGSCOMEINSMALL shouting commands to a “bad guy” while subduing the subject. The exercise consisted of hand-to-hand Goldie Goodsport’s PACKAGESv!MATEURGOLFER,UCY,I AN YEAR OLDSIXTH TESTINGPROCESS!TTHATTIME ONLY 4HEFIRST4ECHNICOLORPROCESSWAS About the first 18 minutes of the Supersport GRADER PROVEDTOBEAhGOODTHINGvWHENSHEBECAME ABOUTSEVENOTHERFULL LENGTH LIVE INVENTEDIN4HISEARLYSYSTEM MOVIEWEREINsepia3%% PEA YUH THEYOUNGEST EVERQUALIFIERFORTHE537OMENS/PEN ACTIONMOVIESHADBEENMADEWITH HADALIMITEDRANGEOFCOLORS)T ASOFTBROWNCOLOR #HAMPIONSHIPONEOFTHEFIVEMAJORTOURNAMENTSONTHE ,ADIES0ROFESSIONAL'OLF!SSOCIATION4OUR THENEWPROCESS7HENh4HE7IZARDOF BASICALLYWORKEDBYMIXINGNEGATIVE 7HEN$OROTHYOPENSTHEDOORTO ,UCYWASABLETOPLAYINTHE/PENAFTERQUALIFYINGINHER /ZvWASMADE ONLYNINE4ECHNICOLOR STRIPSOFGREENANDRED /Z EVERYTHINGBURSTSINTOCOLOR4HE Women’s Center, across HOMESTATEOF#ALIFORNIA3HESBEENPARTICIPATINGINGOLF CAMERASEXISTEDINTHEWORLD )N ANEW4ECHNICOLORPROCESS CONTRASTBETWEENTHESEPIAANDTHE EVENTSSINCESHEBEGANTRAININGATAGE7HENSHEWAS 4ECHNICOLORNEEDEDALOTOFLIGHT ,UCYWONTHE#ALIFORNIA7OMENS!MATEUR#HAMPIONSHIP WASDEVELOPEDTHATUSEDTHREECOLORS RICHCOLORSREALLYDIDFEELLIKEMAGICTO WHICHMADETHESETVERYHOT4HE combat exercises at the Withlacoochee Technical Institute in Inverness. 7HENSHESNOTSMASHING YARDDRIVESORENDINGHER 4HESETHREECOLORSCOULDBEUSEDTO THEAUDIENCESOF Height: 5-1 PLAYINGROUNDWITHSOMEICECREAM ,UCYDOESHERBESTTO COSTUMES ESPECIALLYTHE#OWARDLY PRODUCEEVERYCOLOROFTHERAINBOW 7HEN$OROTHYOPENEDTHEDOOR Birthdate: 10-1-2002 ENJOYTHEMOMENTONTHEGOLFCOURSEh)JUSTWANTTOGOOUT ,IONS MADETHEACTORSEVENHOTTER 4HEYWEREcyan3)'( AN A TOTHEBRIGHTCOLORS EARLYAUDIENCES Hometown: THEREANDHAVEFUNANDPLAYTHEBEST)CAN AND)REALLY &ILMINGOFTENHADTOSTOPUNTILTHE greenish-blue; magenta (muh-JEN- Stanford, DONTCAREABOUTTHEOUTCOME vSHESAIDINANINTERVIEWh) GASPED ANDMANYSTOODUPAND California CANLEARNALOTFROMTHESEGREATPLAYERSv SETSHADCOOLEDDOWN
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