Research Centers 2007: Academic and Federal Research Centers in Maryland Data last updated in November, 2006. Republished in March, 2007. Martin O’Malley, Governor ❚ Anthony G. Brown, Lt. Governor ❚ David W. Edgerley, Secretary Table of Contents About This Report . .1 Acknowledgements . .2 Research and Development in Maryland . .3 Research Centers Academic . .4 Federal . .100 Private . .129 Common Abreviations . .134 List of Keywords . .135 About this report This listing of scientific research centers and institutes ty and a federal agency are usually listed with a in Maryland was compiled by the Maryland parent organization that lists the university name Department of Business & Economic Development. first. Originally created in 2002 and updated periodically ❚ through 2004, this version represents the most sub- Name of the center—Within each parent organiza- stantial improvement to the report since it was creat- tion, centers are listed alphabetically. ed. A limited number of private research centers are The listing of research centers is organized as follows: included. DBED recognizes that the list of private research centers is incomplete due to the proprietary ❚ Affiliation—All centers housed within a university nature of private research, but we welcome additional are listed first (note the word “academic” in the private research centers for inclusion in future ver- center of the page header). They are followed by sions of this list. federal centers, and then a small number of private centers. While this is believed to be the most comprehensive such listing available at the time of publication, DBED ❚ Parent organization—Within each of the three acknowledges the likelihood of omitting research cen- affiliation groups (academic, federal, private), cen- ters that may be appropriate for inclusion. The ever- ters are grouped by the parent organization, such changing nature of scientific research also results in as “Johns Hopkins University” or “National the creation of many new centers each year. Institutes of Health.” An abbreviation of the first parent organization of every page can be found in Additions, changes and corrections to this list are wel- the right corner of the page header (“JHU”). comed by DBED and will be incorporated into future versions. The scope of this project is to focus on ❚ Centers that are administered jointly by more than research centers and institutes of a scientific nature. one organization are listed with a separate parent Centers and institutes that do not have a primary organization. An example is the Joint Center for focus on scientific research will not be considered for Astrophysics, administered jointly by UMBC and inclusion at the discretion of DBED. NASA. It can be found at the end of the UMBC research centers since the parent organization is Please contact DBED at researchcenters@choosemary- considered to be UMBC-NASA, not UMBC. land.org with any suggestions regarding the content of Centers that are administered jointly by a universi- this report. Page 1 Acknowledgements DBED wishes to thank the representatives of the ❚ Brian Darmody, Assistant Vice President for research centers we contacted in the course of compil- Research and Economic Development, University ing this report. Without their help and cooperation, of Maryland; this report would not be possible. ❚ Dr. Charles K. Nicholas, UMBC Department of DBED also acknowledges the following for their con- Computer Science and Electrical Engineering; tributions: ❚ Dr. John L. Eichelberger, Federal Laboratory ❚ Will Baber, a former DBED employee who devel- Consortium, Mid-Atlantic Region. oped the original list of research centers in 2002; ❚ Katherine Schmitt, a DBED intern and undergrad- uate student at UMBC who conducted the research for this most recent update during the summer of 2006; Page 2 Research and Development in Maryland The State of Maryland plays a leading role in science An important engine of R&D in Maryland and the and technology research and development in the U.S., the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda United States. The resulting explosion of knowledge employs approximately 18,000 scientists, doctors, has made the state a center of genomics, proteomics, technicians and administrators. These individuals computer science, aerospace engineering, bioinformat- conduct research primarily in medical fields, but also ics, and physical science. in bioscience, computer science, and engineering. The federal government employs over 27,000 scientists and Federal and academic institutes and research centers engineers in Maryland, more than in any other state. in Maryland receive billions annually from the federal government in the form of research grants. This mas- Other major federal research facilities in Maryland sive, on-going research effort takes place at over 350 include the National Institute of Standards and federal and academic research centers in Maryland. Technology, the Army Research Laboratory and the This report of academic, federal and private R&D cen- Food and Drug Administration. Many new research ters provide basic information about centers and insti- centers have been created in recent years in response tutes, including the name, the parent agency and any to changing technology and needs, such as the sub-agencies, a brief description of activities, an National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures address and contact information, and keywords that Center, part of the Department of Homeland Security, help to identify the research thrust of the center. and the Institute for Cell Engineering at John Hopkins University, which is doing research into the biology of Four major academic institutions—the University of stem cells as well as other important research. Maryland College Park; the University of Maryland, Baltimore; the University of Maryland, Baltimore Maryland’s universities, and most federal research cen- County; and the Johns Hopkins institutions—have ters, have business offices that coordinate with private created more than 250 research centers in science and industry to develop, evaluate or transfer technology. technology. Some of these centers are operated in con- Maryland businesses benefit from development and junction with federal agencies, state government, evaluation services that are easy to access and save major universities around the U.S. and non-profit program development time and expenses. These R&D foundations. More than a dozen federal agencies unique assets are distributed around the state in sub- conduct R&D work in some 70 research centers in urban, urban, and rural locations. Maryland. These centers not only conduct research, they also award grants and contracts to Maryland businesses for research work and related services. Page 3 Research Centers in Maryland Academic BSU / NASA Bowie State University Satellite Operations and Control Center Bowie State University (BSU); National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) http://apollo.cs.bowiestate.edu/mie/bsocc.html The Bowie State University Satellite Operations and Control Bowie State University Satellite Operations and Control Center is a joint venture between Bowie State University and NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) of the National Center Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), supported by Computer Science Bldg (CSB), Suite 208 Honeywell Technology Solutions, Inc. (HTSI). This unique 14000 Jericho Park Road program features a training facility and mission control center for NASA spacecraft, located on the Bowie State University campus. Bowie, MD 20715-9465 Under the supervision of professionals, students take part in the Telephone: (301) 860-4000 daily work of satellite flight operations, while earning several Fax: different levels of mission controller certification. Personnel: Keywords: Satellite Arthritis Center, Johns Hopkins Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions (JHMI) Division of Rheumatology, Department of Medicine http://www.hopkins-arthritis.com Joan M. Bathon, Director Conducts research and clinical trials on various forms of arthritis Arthritis Center, Johns Hopkins and their therapies. The trials include studying how rheumatoid arthritis (RA) contributes to heart disease, whether people with RA would benefit from yoga, how to prevent and treat knee osteoarthritis, and the genetics of autoimmune diseases. 5501 Hopkins Bayview Circle, Suite 1B Baltimore, MD 21224- Telephone: (410) 550-8089 Fax: (410) 550-5601 Personnel: 26 faculty Keywords: Gerontology, Genetics Asthma and Allergy Center Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions (JHMI) JHM Department of Medicine http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/allergy/index.html Bruce S. Bochner, M.D., Division Director Conducts basic as well as clinical and translational research into Asthma and Allergy Center the mechanisms of and therapies for allergies, asthma, and related problems. Specific research interests of the faculty include drug hypersensitivity, immunotherapy, childhood asthma, genetics and epidemiology of asthma, inflammatory cell recruitment and 5501 Hopkins Bayview Circle survival in allergic diseases, innervation of the airways, molecular mechanisms of gene regulation in the immune system, mast cell Baltimore, MD 21224-6801 signaling, molecular genetics of asthma, and IgE receptor signal Telephone: (410) 550-2101 transduction. Fax: Personnel: 25 researchers Keywords: Clinical Trials, Genetics, Immunological Tuesday, March 27, 2007 Page 4 Research Centers in Maryland Academic JHMI Baltimore Huntington's Disease Center Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions
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