The HALFLING point of view by Roger Moore The smallest and physically weakest of function is to help maintain the security insistence upon security are readily all the demi-human races are the half- of the halfling community to the best of apparent. The average halfling is reluc- lings, so named because they are almost their abilities, and their most common tant to take action in unexpected situa- exactly one-half the size of humans, Male prayers are for the continued support of tions without looking for a consensus halflings average 3' in height and females their deities in keeping their homes safe among other halflings of what would be slightly less; they all weigh about 50-60 and their lives untroubled. the best thing to do. Thus, halflings tend Ibs., and they look much tike small The normal (0-level) members of the to appear shy, fearful, and overcautious humans. In fact, evidence suggests that halfling community generally believe in when on their own for the first time. halflings are more closely related to an orderly, cooperative system of working Their society appears stagnated in the humans than to any other demi-human together to ensure the continued stability eyes of other races, and they tend to close race. of their society. Individuals who break themselves off from the rest of the world. Most humans tend to see halflings as the rules are scolded and punished for Halfling life, while it seems to suit child-like, basically happy, naive, and "rocking the boat," and it is impressed them well, ran be described at worst as hungry most of the time. Some of these upon them that their activities are endan- clannish and on the boring side. Yet there observations may be correct, but the gering not only themselves but their is a great strength in this lifestyle, too. whole impression is still rather superfi- neighbors as well. "Safety in numbers" is Once they are motivated by a leader-type cial. How do halflings see themselves and the moral of many of the children's sto- toward some course of community action, the rest of the world? How do they see us? ries halfling youngsters hear. This out- halflings en masse can be powerfully One of the key words in halfling look tends to discourage notions of going effective in dealing with invaders, disas- society is security. The world, from their adventuring in all but the most coura- ters, or other such problems. Oppressors viewpoint, is both helpful and hostile, geous — or foolhardy. can be overthrown almost before they are and it's the hostile pan that concerns It is an interesting contradiction of even aware there is a rebellion afoot, due them. The average halfling has a strength their society that, while halfling adven- to the halflings' speed and the intense rating of about 8, weaker even than an turers and heroes who leave the commun- cooperation halflings demonstrate in a average kobold. Direct hand-to-hand ity for long periods of time are much group of their fellows. On more than one combat with an opponent o[ almost any revered, they are also seen as being out- occasion, brigands who had previously sort can easily be a losing proposition side the bounds of "normal" halfling raided a halfling community have been because of this physical weakness, along behavior. No parent tells a child to grow wiped out on their second raid, because with the halfling's height disadvantage up and be like Uncle Boffo, who killed a they overestimated their abilities against (against most creatures) and the limited worg singlehandedly and saved his such apparently weak folk. fighting ability halflings can achieve friends from death by backstabbing a How is this possible? This ability is (most never exceed the 4th level). ghoul. "Uncle Boffo is not like us regular largely due to the halflings' sense of These facts profoundly affect halflings' halflings," mother would say instead. organization and willingness to work lifestyles and the structure of their com- "We're awful glad he's around, but still it together. At least as much of a factor is munity. Halfling fighters, despite their was foolish of him to go adventuring like that halflings, more than any other race disadvantages, are still quite common in that when he knows he could get hurt or except elves, are natural-born guerrilla any such community. They function in lost. We're safer slaying here at home." fighters. This is not to say they practice an almost entirely defensive role, gener- The negative consequences of this warfare a great deal — they don't. But ally unwilling to travel with large armies halflings can conceal themselves in natu- off to war except in the most urgent cir- ral terrain so well as to become effectively cumstances. Halfting fighters also serve Dragon invisible. Their feet (usually noticeable as the local police or sheriffs department, only because they are hairy) are thick- keeping the peace among their fellows soled and well adapted for silent and among the non-hatfling travelers movement. who pass through town. Most helpful of all in many ways is Halfling fighters are known to go halflings' skill with missile weapons. adventuring, but they rarely go very far Short people of any race, unless they are and are prone to retire quickly soon after very strong, are at a disadvantage in they reach their highest possible level of hand-to-hand combat. The best they can ability. Then they may become involved hope for is to kill an opponent before the in the local militia or government, devot- enemy gets within striking distance; ing the rest of their lives to community bows, arrows, and slings fill the bill. service (for which they are greatly Halflings practice long and hard with appreciated). short bows and slings for this very reason, Halfling clergy, either druids or nor- as well as using them for hunting and mal clerics, almost never go adventuring sport. Halflings have exceptional natural unless it is a matter of great importance dexterity as well, AH this combines to to the halfling people. Their primary From issue #59, March 1982 make them +3 to hit when using any VOL. Ill 17 With all the things working to discour- age halflings from ever becoming adven- turers, one wonders why some do anyway. Every society, no matter how closely knit, will have some rebels, those who don't fit smoothly into the usual Scheme of Things. Many halfling adventurers (par- ticularly thieves and fighter/thieves) are from this sort of background. They grow tired of the unchanging nature of their life at home and set off seeking a little excitement. Nearly all halfling adventurers start out with naive attitudes and high expecta- tions of how things are going to turn out; subsequently, some fall prey to the multi- tude of subtler dangers one meets in the adventuring life. Yet even then, these halflings see their troubles as a fair price to pay. Going adventuring is a sort of protest against comfort, a reaction to hav- ing things come too easily. Certainly these adventurers aren't rejecting alt com- forts (some have been known to bring their pillows with them in case they were short bow or sling — an amazing degree gene pool. Cross-racial marriages are unable to find a bed). of accuracy, especially for a halfling who quite rare in halfling society, but have Adventuring is a dare to halflings, a aKo has exceptionally high dexterity. been known to occur. Very little is said or calculated risk. It makes the adventurer Imagine, then, the effectiveness of a heard about them, though. more acutely aware of his or her own lim- group of thirty halflings, wearing only Most halfling towns are set in temper- itations and capabilities, and, in the leather armor and equipped with short ate hills and plains. The dwellings them- words of one halfling, "It makes you feel bows, hiding in a woods by a roadside, selves tend to vary as described above, but more alive." Halfling adventurers of any awaiting the passage of a robber gang are usually a curious mixture of above- class almost never travel alone, and prefer who cannot see or hear them. Bows are ground cottages and hillside burrows and going in a large group with a lot of non- very quiet, and pinpointing the location tunnels. Individual homes are outfitted halflings in it. (Any being who is not a of a bow-sniper in a forest is hard enough for comfort and a restful atmosphere; halfling is automatically seen as capable without having to locate a sniper who greens and yellows are much used in inte- and experienced in adventuring.) can effectively disappear in the same rior color. Large spaces are set aside for Because of their natural abilities to environment. And halflings do not shoot outdoor gatherings like parties, commun- move silently and hide, most halflings to wound their targets. They have trouble ity meetings, and sports events. Gardens desire to take up a profession that makes taking prisoners, for the same reasons are common, and halflings are prone to the best use of these talents. Being a fight- why they aren't particularly good at close outfit their homes with odd bits of natu- er has the drawback of putting the half- combat. ral decoration: rocks, plants, bark. ling in frequent close-combat situations One of the things a small person can Everything about halfling society con- (the disadvantages of which have been do to protect himself is to ally himself tributes to the feeling of closeness and noted before).
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