S3316 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 6, 2005 SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS coach, Patricia Sue Head Summitt, for three Whereas the Tar Heels showed tremendous decades of excellence as a proven leader, mo- dedication to each other, appreciation to tivated teacher, and established champion. their fans, sportsmanship to their opponents, and respect for the game of basketball SENATE RESOLUTION 97—COM- f MENDING PATRICIA SUE HEAD throughout the 2005 season; and SUMMITT, HEAD WOMEN’S BAS- SENATE RESOLUTION 98—COM- Whereas residents of the Old North State KETBALL COACH AT THE UNI- MENDING THE UNIVERSITY OF and North Carolina fans worldwide are to be commended for their long-standing support, VERSITY OF TENNESSEE, FOR NORTH CAROLINA MEN’S BAS- KETBALL TEAM FOR WINNING perseverance and pride in the team: Now, THREE DECADES OF EXCEL- therefore, be it LENCE AS A PROVEN LEADER, THE 2005 NATIONAL COLLEGIATE Resolved, That the Senate— MOTIVATED TEACHER, AND ES- ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION DIVI- (1) commends the champion North Carolina TABLISHED CHAMPION SION I MEN’S BASKETBALL Tar Heels for their historic win in the 2005 CHAMPIONSHIP National Collegiate Athletic Association Di- Mr. FRIST (for himself and Mr. vision I Men’s Basketball Tournament; ALEXANDER) submitted the following Mr. BURR (for himself and Mrs. (2) recognizes the achievements of the resolution; which was considered and DOLE) submitted the following resolu- players, coaches, students, and support staff agreed to: tion; which was considered and agreed who were instrumental in helping the Uni- S. RES. 97 to: versity of North Carolina Tar Heels win the Whereas Pat Summitt, in her 31st year as S. RES. 98 tournament; and head coach of the Lady Volunteers (the Whereas on April 4, 2005, the North Caro- (3) directs the Secretary of the Senate to ‘‘Lady Vols’’), has become the Nation’s all- lina Tar Heels defeated the Illinois Fighting transmit a copy of this resolution to Univer- time winningest NCAA basketball coach Illini 75–70 in the finals of the National Col- sity of North Carolina Chancellor James (men’s or women’s) with her 880th career vic- legiate Athletic Association (‘‘NCAA’’) Divi- Moeser and head coach Roy Williams for ap- tory, surpassing the legendary coach Dean sion I Men’s Basketball Tournament in St. propriate display. Smith of the University of North Carolina; Louis, Missouri; f Whereas Pat Summitt, at the age of 22, Whereas the Tar Heels now hold 5 men’s SENATE RESOLUTION 99—EX- took over the women’s program at Tennessee basketball titles, including 4 NCAA tour- in 1974, when there were no scholarships and nament titles—the fourth-most in NCAA his- PRESSING THE SENSE OF THE she had to wash the uniforms and drive the tory; SENATE TO CONDEMN THE INHU- team van; Whereas the Tar Heels’ men’s team has MANE AND UNNECESSARY Whereas Pat Summitt won her first game won championships in 1924, 1957, 1982, 1993, SLAUGHTER OF SMALL on January 10, 1975, and continued to win and 2005; CETACEANS, INCLUDING DALL’S games as she became the youngest coach in Whereas Tar Heels head coach and Ashe- PORPOISE, THE BOTTLENOSE the nation to reach 300 wins (34 years old), ville, North Carolina, native Roy Williams 400 wins (37 years old), 500 wins (41 years old), DOLPHIN, RISSO’S DOLPHIN, won his first NCAA title in just his second FALSE KILLER WHALES, PILOT 600 wins (44 years old), 700 wins (47 years old), year coaching the team, improving to 470–116 and 800 wins (50 years old); in 17 seasons as a head coach, and has the WHALES, THE STRIPED DOLPHIN, Whereas Pat Summitt has coached the best record of any active coach in men’s bas- AND THE SPOTTED DOLPHIN IN Lady Vols to 15 30-plus win seasons, includ- ketball; CERTAIN NATIONS ing a perfect season of 39–0, 13 Southeastern Whereas seniors Jawad Williams, Jackie Conference (SEC) regular-season titles, and Mr. LAUTENBERG (for himself, Mr. Manuel, Melvin Scott, Charlie Everett, and LEVIN, Mr. SARBANES, and Mr. LIEBER- 11 SEC tournament championships; C.J. Hooker celebrated 4 years at North Whereas Pat Summitt has appeared in MAN) submitted the following resolu- Carolina with a ‘‘Final Four’’ win; more NCAA tournament games (107), and has tion; which was referred to the Com- Whereas Sean May was named Most Out- won more tournament games (89), than any standing Player of the tournament, scoring mittee on Foreign Relations:: other collegiate coach, including a record of 26 points and collecting 10 rebounds in the S. RES. 99 36–0 in the first two rounds, 16 NCAA Final final game; Whereas the United States has consist- Four appearances, and 6 NCAA Champion- Whereas Tar Heels Raymond Felton and ently worked to increase protections for ma- ship Titles, including the NCAA’s first back- Rashad McCants joined Sean May on the All- rine mammals, such as dolphins and whales, to-back-to-back women’s titles in 1996, 1997, Tournament Team, along with Illini players since the enactment of the Marine Mammal and 1998; Luther Head and Deron Williams; Protection Act of 1972 (16 U.S.C. 1361 et seq.); Whereas Pat Summitt played on the 1976 Whereas dolphins and whales are found United States Olympic team and later Whereas the North Carolina Tar Heels fin- coached the United States women’s basket- ished the 2004–2005 season with 33 wins and worldwide, including in both of the polar re- ball team to its first Olympic gold medal in just 4 losses, and won the championship by gions, throughout the high seas, and along 1984; defeating an Illinois team that tied an NCAA most coastal areas; Whereas Pat Summitt has been named SEC record for wins in a season at 37; Whereas these unique, highly social, and coach of the year 6 times and national coach Whereas freshman Tar Heel Marvin Wil- intelligent animals have caught the imagi- of the year by several associations, including liams helped seal the victory with a tip-in nation of the public not only in the United the Sporting News Coach of the Year, the with 1 minute and 26 seconds left to play; States, but in many nations around the Naismith Coach of the Year, and the Associ- Whereas the Tar Heel defense held Illinois world; ated Press Coach of the Year; to 27 percent from the field in the first half Whereas the over-exploitation of small Whereas Pat Summitt and the Lady Vols and prevented the Illini from scoring during cetaceans for decades has resulted in the se- were selected by ESPN as the ‘‘Team of the the last 2 minutes and 37 seconds; rious decline, and in some cases, the com- Decade’’ (1990s), sharing the honor with the Whereas North Carolina defeated Michigan mercial extinction, of those species; Florida State University Seminole’s football State 87–71 to earn a spot in the final con- Whereas each year tens of thousands of team, and Summitt became the first female test; small cetaceans are herded into small coves coach to appear on the cover of Sports Illus- Whereas the Tar Heels defeated Oakland in certain nations, are slaughtered with trated; and Iowa State in Charlotte, North Carolina, spears and knives, and die as a result of Whereas Pat Summitt was officially ac- then Villanova and Wisconsin in Syracuse, blood loss and hemorrhagic shock; cepted to the Women’s Basketball Hall of New York, to advance to the ‘‘Final Four’’; Whereas in many cases, those responsible Fame in 1999, and was then inducted to the Whereas Albemarle, North Carolina, native for the slaughter prevent documentation or Basketball Hall of Fame on October 13, 2000, Woody Durham has been the radio play-by- data from the events from being recorded or as only the 4th women’s basketball coach to play voice of North Carolina’s basketball made public; earn Hall of Fame honors; programs since 1971, and this was his 11th Whereas the deficient information on hunt Whereas Pat Summitt’s Lady Vols have a ‘‘Final Four’’ with the Tar Heels and third yields and small cetacean populations indi- remarkable graduation rate, as each student- national championship call; cates a lack of commitment to maintaining athlete who has completed her eligibility at Whereas the Tar Heel team members are sustainable populations and prevents scru- Tennessee has received her degree or is in excellent representatives of a fine university tiny of humaneness of killing methods; the process of completing all of the require- that is a leader in higher education, pro- Whereas for at least the past 4 years toxi- ments; and ducing 38 Rhodes scholars, as well as many cologists have issued warnings regarding Whereas Pat Summitt has recently been fine student-athletes and other leaders; high levels of mercury and other contami- honored by the University of Tennessee, as Whereas each player, coach, trainer, man- nants in meat from small cetaceans caught the court at Thompson-Boling Arena will be ager, and staff member dedicated this season off coastal regions; named ‘‘The Summitt’’: Now, therefore, be it and their efforts to ensure the North Caro- Whereas some nations that participate in Resolved, That the Senate commends the lina Tar Heels reached the summit of college small cetacean slaughter are members of the University of Tennessee women’s basketball basketball; United Nations Convention on the Law of VerDate Mar 15 2010 20:25 Jan 30, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00080 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2005SENATE\S06AP5.REC S06AP5 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY.
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