E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 162 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2016 No. 163 Senate The Senate met at 4 p.m. and was MEASURES PLACED ON THE The Chair announces, on behalf of called to order by the President pro CALENDAR—S. 3464 AND H.R. 6094 the majority leader and the Demo- tempore (Mr. HATCH). Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I cratic leader, pursuant to Public Law f understand there are two bills at the 110–298, the appointment of the fol- lowing individual to serve as a member PRAYER desk due for a second reading. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The of the Federal Law Enforcement Con- The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- clerk will report the bills by title for gressional Badge of Bravery Board: fered the following prayer: the second time. Rick McCubbin of Kentucky. The Chair announces, on behalf of Let us pray. The senior assistant legislative clerk the majority leader and the Demo- Eternal Lord God, You have told us read as follows: in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 that it is Your cratic leader, pursuant to Public Law A bill (S. 3464) to provide incremental in- 110–298, the appointment of the fol- will for us to be thankful in every cir- creases to the salary threshold for exemp- cumstance. So today we thank You for tions for executive, administrative, profes- lowing individual to serve as a member the orderly transition of governmental sional, outside sales, and computer employ- of the State and Local Law Enforce- power and for the substantive contribu- ees under the Fair Labor Standards Act of ment Congressional Badge of Bravery tions to liberty of President Barack 1938, and for other purposes. Board: Michael Walters of Nevada. The Chair announces, on behalf of Obama. We are grateful for his labors A bill (H.R. 6094) to provide for a 6-month delay in the effective date of a rule of the the majority leader, pursuant to the of faith, patience, and hope. We are Department of Labor relating to income provisions of Public Law 114–215, the thankful for his dependence on You. thresholds for determining overtime pay for appointment of the following individ- Lord, we also express gratitude for executive, administrative, professional, out- uals to serve as members of the John the limitless possibilities available to side sales, and computer employees. F. Kennedy Centennial Commission: President-Elect Donald Trump. May he Mr. MCCONNELL. In order to place the Honorable JOHN MCCAIN and the receive inspiration from Your declara- the bills on the calendar under the pro- Honorable ORRIN G. HATCH. tion in Psalm 75:6 and 7 that elevation visions of rule XIV, I object to further The Chair, on behalf of the President comes neither from the east, west, proceedings en bloc. pro tempore and upon the rec- south or north, but You are the sov- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- ommendation of the Democratic lead- ereign judge who puts down one and tion having been heard, the bills will be er, pursuant to Public Law 98–183, as lifts up another. placed on the calendar. amended by Public Law 103–419, re- Lord, we give You our thanksgiving f appoints the following individual to for our lawmakers, old and new. Bless APPOINTMENTS the United States Commission on Civil and keep them in all they think, say, Rights: David Kladney of Nevada. and do. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I The Chair announces, on behalf of Finally, we thank You for the life understand appointments were made the Democratic leader, pursuant to the and legacy of Gwen Ifill. during the adjournment of the Senate, provisions of Public Law 106–398, as We pray in Your merciful Name. and I ask they be stated for the amended by Public Law 108–7, and in Amen. RECORD. consultation with the chairmen of the f The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senate Committee on Armed Services Chair announces, on behalf of the and the Senate Committee on Finance, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Democratic leader, pursuant to the the reappointment of the following in- The President pro tempore led the provisions of Public Law 114–198, the dividual to serve as a member of the Pledge of Allegiance as follows: appointment of the following individ- United States-China Economic Secu- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the uals to serve as members of the Cre- rity Review Commission: Katherine United States of America, and to the Repub- ating Options for Veterans’ Expedited Tobin of Virginia. lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Recovery (COVER Commission): Dr. The Chair announces, on behalf of indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Wayne Jonas of Virginia (Veteran) and the Democratic leader, pursuant to the f Jon Soltz of Virginia (Veteran). provisions of Public Law 114–196, the The Chair, on behalf of the majority appointment of the following individ- RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY leader, pursuant to Public Law 112–272, uals to serve as members of the United LEADER appoints the following individual to be States Semiquincentennial Commis- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. a member of the World War I Centen- sion: Members of the Senate: the Hon- LANKFORD). The majority leader is rec- nial Commission: Terry Hamby of Ken- orable ROBERT P. CASEY, Jr. of Penn- ognized. tucky. sylvania and the Honorable JEANNE ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S6317 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:50 Nov 16, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15NO6.000 S15NOPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6318 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 15, 2016 SHAHEEN of New Hampshire. Private I watch the ‘‘NewsHour’’ as often as I and most powerful microphone in the Citizens: Dr. Andrew Hohns of Pennsyl- can, and I will miss her. I thought she world. But even as those workers ham- vania, David Cohen of Pennsylvania, had such a fine way of presenting her- mer away on Trump’s platform, and Heather Murren of Nevada, and James self in the news that she reported. even as we as leaders accept the results Swanson of the District of Columbia. Every night she would do the nightly of this election, we must also give f review. She was really a good person, voice to those who are afraid because and I will miss her. I think we all will. there are many who are afraid. THE ELECTION AND WORKING f Indeed, a majority of Americans op- TOGETHER posed Donald Trump. Many of my Re- THE ELECTION OF DONALD TRUMP Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, we publican colleagues in this Chamber have had a regularly scheduled election Mr. REID. Mr. President, I have been opposed Trump. They were not alone. in this country every 2 years since 1788. in politics for five decades. I have not Trump will be the first President to This year’s campaign was long and it seen anything like what we are seeing take office having lost the popular vote was tough, and I think everyone is glad today in America. The man who lost by 2 million. it is over. I think Americans are ready the popular vote by 2 million votes is Every day for the past week, the ma- to come together and move the country now the President-elect. I will repeat jority of American voters have awak- forward. that. A man who lost the election by 2 ened to a difficult reality: Not only did As President Obama reminded us, we million votes or more is now the Presi- the man who lost the popular vote win are all on one team. This is an intra- dent-elect. the election, but his election sparked a mural scrimmage. We are not Demo- His election has sparked a wave of rise in hate crimes and threats of vio- crats first. We are not Republicans hate crimes across America. This is a lence. Since Election Day, the South- first. We are Americans first. We are simple statement of fact, but it raises ern Poverty Law Center has reported patriots first. Now, as he put it, we are critical questions for us as a country hundreds of incidents of harassment all rooting for the success of the Presi- and as a nation. How do we respond to and intimidation. The last count re- dent-elect for uniting and leading the the election of Donald Trump? ported is 315 from their calculations. country. The Democrats want to work with Overwhelmingly, the hateful acts are I want to congratulate President- Mr. Trump when we can. I understand anti-Muslim, anti-Hispanic, anti-Afri- Elect Trump on his victory. I want to and respect the impulse because Demo- can American, anti-woman, anti- thank the American people for placing crats like to get things done. That is LGBT, anti-Semitic, and anti-Asian. their trust in this Senate majority and why most of us are in government in I have heard these stories from the House majority as well. Speaker the first place. friends and family. My and my wife’s For example, Democrats have been RYAN and I had productive discussions Nevada physician is a Pakistani-Amer- with the President-elect last week. We trying for multiple decades to get Re- ican of Muslim faith. We think so much are both looking forward to working publicans to invest in our deteriorating of him. We have known each other for with him, but first there is work to be infrastructure.
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