The International Conference of Business and Banking Innovations (ICOBBI 2019) Proceedings Products, Prices, Locations, and Promotions and Their Effects on Auction Purchase Decisions Hendra Sugestriawan, S.E. STIE Mandala Jember, Jalan Sumatera No.120, Jember, East Java, Indonesia ARTICLE INFO ABSTRAC T Article history: This study aims to determine the effect of marketing mix factors, namely varia- Received ble product, prices, place, and promotions simultaneously and partially influ- Revised ence the decisions in purchasing by auction. Population is all auction buyers Accepted who participate in and register in the auction at KPKNL Jember. The number of samples studied was 50 people. The sampling technique that used in the JEL Classification: study was using the Nonprobability Sampling technique with the Quota Sam- pling technique. The method of data analysis uses multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that the mar- Key words: keting mix variables simultaneously have a significant effect on purchasing Marketing Mix, Product, Price, Place, decisions by auction. While partially the price and location variables signifi- Promotion, Auction Decision cantly influence the purchase decision by auction. DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.9810686 ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh faktor bauran pemasaran yaitu variabel barang, harga, lokasi, dan promosi secara simultan dan parsial mempengaruhi keputusan dalam pembelian secara lelang. Populasi adalah se- luruh pembeli lelang yang mengikuti dan mendaftar dalam pelaksanaan lelang di wilayah kerja KPKNL Jember. Jumlah sampel yang diteliti sebanyak 50 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah menggunakan teknik Nonprobability Sampling dengan teknik Quota Sampling. Metode analisis data menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dapat disimpulkan bahwa variabel bauran pemasaran (4P) secara simultan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian secara lelang. Sedangkan secara parsial variabel harga dan lokasi berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian secara lelang. 1. INTRODUCTION mine the effect of marketing mix factors in the Currently we often hear sales transactions form of products, prices, place, and promotions through auctions. Sales with an auction mecha- simultaneously and partially affect the purchase nism are actually nothing new in Indonesia, the decisions in auction. auction was officially entered into legislation since 1908. KPKNL Jember is one of the Opera- 2. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK AND HY- tions Offices under the auspices of the DJKN in POTHESES the East Java region which also carries out the Sumarmi and Soeprihanto (2010: 274) ex- duties and functions of carrying out auction ser- plain, Marketing Mix is a combination of varia- vices. Since 2014 until 2018, the target of the bles or activities that are the core of the market- main achievement of the Jember KPKNL auction ing system, namely products, prices, promotions, has never been calcified and the number of auc- and place. In other words, the Marketing Mix is a tion frequencies is smaller than the TAP auction. collection of variables that can be used by com- Based on the above, the author really wants to panies to influence consumer responses. So the do research related to "Products, Prices, Place, elements of the marketing mix consist of prod- and Promotions and Their Effects on Auction ucts, prices, promotions, and place. Purchase Decisions (Case Study at the KPKNL Many previous studies have been carried Jember)". The purpose of this study is to deter- out by researchers using the same variables as * Corresponding author, email address: [email protected] 1 this study. Novitasari, Kantun, Umar, in 2014, Sugiyono (2015: 90). The sampling method used conducted their research with the title "The In- in the study was using the Nonprobability Sam- fluence of Marketing Mix on Decisions on the pling technique with the Quota Sampling tech- Purchase of Type 36 Simple Houses in Taman nique. The method of data analysis uses multiple Gading Jember Housing Through Bank Muama- linear regression analysis. This study uses a type lat KPR Facility" where the results showed that of descriptive research. the marketing mix had a significant influence on The variables to be analyzed in this study decisions the purchase of type 36 simple houses are the independent variables namely products is 79.8%, while the remaining 20.2% is influenced (X1), price (X2), place (X3), promotion (X4) and the by other independent variables which are not dependent variable is the purchase decision by examined, namely physical evidence and income auction (Y). The method of data collection in this level. While the research from Algrina Agnes study in the form of questionnaires, interviews, Ulus (2013), with the title "Marketing Mix Influ- observations (observations), documentation, and ence on Daihatsu Car Purchase Decisions at PT literature. The analytical tool used in this study Astra Internasional Manado" with the results of is in the form of multiple linear regression using simultaneous product, price, place, and promo- the SPSS 24 program. tion significantly influence purchasing decisions at PT. Astra Manado, and partially products, 4. DATA ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION prices, places and promotions also have a signifi- Based on the results of the study the re- cant effect on purchasing decisions. spondents' characteristics dominated male as The conceptual framework in this study is as much as 78%. Based on age as much as 32% is follows: dominated by respondents aged 31-40 years. Based on work dominated by civil serv- Product (X1) ants/military/police as much as 34%. Based on the type of object auction in the form of land Price (X2) Auction Purchase and/or building dominating as much as 68%. Decisions (Y) 4.1. Instruments Data Test Place (X3) 4.1.1. Validity Test Promotion (X4) Validity test is done by correlating between the questions in the total score (Sanusi, 2014: 77). The validity test used to find the correlation value is the Pearson Product Moment correlation for- Information: mula. The value of r obtained is compared with Relationship of Simultaneous : the value of r table with free degrees (n-2). If the r Relationship of Partial : value of the calculation results is greater than the r In this study, X1 variables are products, X2 table value then it means significant and it can be namely price, X3 namely place, X4 which is concluded that the question item is valid. promotion, while variable Y is a purchase Based on the results of the overall statement decision by auction. To find out the purchasing in each variable, the value of rcount > rtable, it can be decision by auction, there is no standard that has stated that the whole variable is declared valid. been used as a guideline, because purchasing 4.1.2. Reliability Test decisions are relative and the expectations of Reliability is a measuring device that shows each buyer of the auction object are different. But the consistency of measurement results (Sanusi, empirically, purchasing decisions by auction can 2014: 80). Calculation of reliability is carried out be understood using 4P in the marketing mix, on valid questions where the method used to namely, product, price, place, and promotion. calculate the reliability of the instrument is by measuring the halves. The total score of the two 3. RESEARCH METHOD halves is correlated with product moment The research was conducted at KPKNL correlation. Furthermore, with the product Jember which was held from February to March moment correlation coefficient generated, it is 2019. The population was all auction buyers who entered into the Spearmen-Brown formula. The had participated in the auction in the Jember correlation coefficient results from the calculation KPKNL working area. The number of samples are then compared with the r value in the table. studied was 50 people obtained from the number Where if the correlation coefficient is calculated of sample members at least 10 times the number than the r value in the table, then the reliability of variables studied According to Roscoe in test is significant in other words the research 2 instrument is reliable. 4.3. Analysis of Multiple Linear Regression Based on the results of the overall study of To find out how much influence the variables, the correlation coefficient calculated> independent variables namely product (X1), price rtable, then the reliability test of each variable is (X2), place (X3), and promotion (X4) on the significant in other words a reliable research dependent variable is the purchase decision instrument. through auction (Y). 4.2. Classical Assumption Test Analysis Based on the results of the study obtained the 4.2.1. Normality Test results of multiple linear equations are as follows: The normality test conducted by researchers Y = -0,011+0,042X1+0,388X2+0,376X3+0,212X4 + e using graph analysis can be done by looking at a From the regression equation above can be normal plot / scatterplot graph. Where if the data explained as follows: spreads around the diagonal line and follows the a) Constants of -0,011 means that if there is no direction of the diagonal line or the histogram item variable products (X1), price (X2), place graph shows a normal distribution pattern, then (X3), and promotion (X4), the decision on the regression model meets the assumption of purchase by auction (Y) will decrease. normality (Ghozali, 2016; 156). b) The independent variable has a positive value, Based on the results of the study with a this means that each of the independent normal plot / scatterplot graph that the point variables even though in the absence of other spreads around the diagonal line and follows the independent variables (4P) still has an direction of the diagonal line on the histogram influence on the dependent variable, namely graph, this indicates that the pattern is normally the purchase decision by auction (Y). distributed. So it can be concluded that based on 4.4. Coefficient of Determination (R2) the P-P chart plot, the data is normally The coefficient of determination R2 is used to distributed.
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