1996 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES T82.18 Nussle Sanford Thomas So the motion to lay the resolution on D-day, the night before. It was Packard Saxton Thornberry Parker Scarborough Tiahrt on the table was agreed to. about my 200th speech. The gentleman Paxon Schaefer Torkildsen A motion to reconsider the vote from Wisconsin [Mr. GUNDERSON] has Peterson (MN) Schiff Traficant whereby said motion was agreed to made about seven, eight speeches in 16 Petri Seastrand Upton was, by unanimous consent, laid on the years. I am about to break 200 tonight, Pombo Sensenbrenner Vucanovich Porter Shadegg Walker table. I think, warning about the spread of Pryce Shaw Walsh T the world's greatest health problem, at Quillen Shays Wamp 82.18 POINT OF PERSONAL PRIVILEGE least in this country, particularly be- Quinn Shuster Watts (OK) Mr. DORNAN rose to a question of Radanovich Skeen Weldon (FL) cause it involves young men in the Ramstad Smith (MI) Weller personal privilege. prime of their lives. Regula Smith (NJ) White The SPEAKER pro tempore, Mr. ``This is from a young man dying of Riggs Smith (WA) Whitfield LAHOOD, pursuant to clause 1 of rule AIDS. His name is John R. Gail, Jr. He Roberts Solomon Wicker IX, recognized Mr. DORNAN for one Rogers Souder Wolf is from Centerville, OH. It says: hour. Rohrabacher Spence Young (AK) `Mr. Dornan, I caught your speech on Mr. DORNAN made the following Ros-Lehtinen Stearns Young (FL) AIDS yesterday over C±SPAN. I must Roth Stump Zeliff statement: Roukema Talent Zimmer ``Mr. Speaker, I will be showing no commend you. I am a 29-year-old hemo- Royce Tate philiac who was infected with HIV in Salmon Tauzin charts or pictures of the principal focus of my discussion tonight, because of a 1983. Last September I was diagnosed NOESÐ170 discussion I have had with staff and with my first opportunistic infection cryptosporidia, an intestinal virus Abercrombie Furse Neal leadership and references to a prior Andrews Gejdenson Oberstar battle over photographs that we were which causes severe stomach cramping, Baesler Gonzalez Obey chronic diarrhea, and the wasting syn- Baldacci Gordon Olver funding by a young Catholic man named Robert Mapplethorpe who had drome. Barcia Green (TX) Ortiz `I have already lost nearly 40 pounds Barrett (WI) Hamilton Orton died of AIDS and we were using tax Becerra Harman Owens dollars to defend some of the cruder and I am on long-term disability from Beilenson Hastings (FL) Pallone photographs of this very, very gifted work. Obviously this infection, after 13 Bentsen Hefner Pastor years of being asymptomatic, has made Berman Hilliard Payne (NJ) photographer. But we were told that it Bevill Hinchey Payne (VA) would hurt the decorum of the House me another AIDS statistic. Bishop Holden Pickett to show what taxpayers are being `Mr. Dornan, above being a hemo- Blumenauer Hoyer Pomeroy philiac or having AIDS, I am a Chris- Bonior Jackson (IL) Poshard asked to pay for. I accept that. But I Borski Jackson-Lee Rahall have them here to remind American tian. And I must tell you, it is refresh- Boucher (TX) Rangel citizens watching on C±SPAN, Mr. ing to hear the truth being told about Browder Jefferson Reed Speaker, that there is a level of hypoc- homosexuality and the homosexual Brown (CA) Johnson (SD) Richardson agenda, as you did last night. Not Brown (FL) Johnson, E. B. Rivers risy in this country and a moral de- Brown (OH) Johnston Roemer cline that we may be the last Chamber many representatives would stand up Chapman Kanjorski Rose in the world to have a decorum while and say the things you did yesterday, Clayton Kaptur Roybal-Allard which I applaud. Clement Kennedy (MA) Rush all else melts around us. Clyburn Kennedy (RI) Sabo ``The man, and my friend NEWT GING- `I am not a bitter person and have Coleman Kennelly Sanders RICH knows this, who I would have sup- forgiven the man who infected me. I Collins (IL) Kildee Schroeder ported for minority whip back in 1989, can forgive a homosexual, but not their Collins (MI) Kleczka Schumer sin. It was a homosexual's perverse ac- Conyers Klink Scott and if he had won, he would be the Costello Lantos Serrano Speaker today, and the gentleman tions, polluting the blood supply, Coyne Levin Sisisky from Georgia, [Mr. GINGRICH] knows which will, without God's intervention, Cramer Lewis (GA) Skaggs bring about my untimely death. Cummings Lofgren Skelton this, is the man I most respect in this Danner Lowey Slaughter House, HENRY HYDE of Illinois. `I am asking you, Congressman, to de la Garza Luther Spratt ``HENRY just gave me some brotherly inquire about the status of the Richard DeFazio Maloney Stark advice, that, Mr. HYDE, I would dearly Ray Relief Fund which could com- DeLauro Manton Stenholm pensate the hemophiliac HIV-positive Dellums Markey Stokes love to take. He said, `My friend, BOB, Deutsch Martinez Studds I love you like a brother. Go in the well community for the wrongdoings of the Dicks Mascara Stupak and say that one of our own colleagues pharmaceutical companies, the Red Dingell Matsui Tanner Cross, the CDC, the FDA and the Na- Dixon McCarthy Taylor (MS) called you a hater, a bigot and a liar. Doggett McHale Tejeda Simply say, I am not a hater, I am not tional Hemophilia Foundation. The Dooley McKinney Thompson a bigot and I am not a liar, and I for- fraud and negligence perpetrated by Doyle McNulty Thurman give anybody who used those words these organizations was, and I am sure Durbin Meehan Torres you are well aware, documented by the Edwards Meek Vento against me, and take a walk.' He says, Engel Menendez Visclosky `You will be a hero. Everybody likes to IOM in July of 1995. The bill has over Eshoo Millender- Volkmer be a hero.' 230 cosponsors, I think it is up to 240 Evans McDonald Ward now, but it seems to be stalled by the Farr Miller (CA) Waters ``So I showed him my remarks, I Fattah Minge Watt (NC) mentioned Moses, I mentioned that in hand of a Republican. Please help us Fazio Mink Waxman God we trust, I mentioned Abraham, I move H.R. 1023. I hope you are on it. Fields (LA) Moakley Williams `I have been on it for months. Filner Mollohan Wise mentioned a few lines from the end of Foglietta Montgomery Woolsey Cecil B. DeMille's classic 10 Command- `I appreciate your attention to this Ford Moran Wynn ments `and they did give themselves up great matter of importance to me and Frank (MA) Murtha to vile affections,' and I showed him thousands of innocent hemophiliacs in- Frost Nadler what I had slaved over. I told him I fected with the HIV virus. God bless ANSWERED ``PRESENT''Ð9 begin it with the words that my school you. John R. Gail, Jr.'. ``Now, look, a lot of you folks tease Cardin Hobson Pelosi teachers told me years ago: Gephardt Johnson (CT) Sawyer `If you want to have everything going me about my memory. I hate war, but Goss McDermott Wilson for you, just say, Come, Holy Spirit.' I am fascinated by people that will put ``I showed HENRY a letter. I said, their lives on the line and die for our NOT VOTINGÐ25 `How about if I open with this letter freedom of speech. I know that being a Ackerman Jacobs Taylor (NC) and then take your advice?' combat-trained fighter pilot, never Brewster LaFalce Thornton Bryant (TX) Lincoln Torricelli `That's good, do that.' tested in combat, that I have an extra, Clay McDade Towns ``Well, I will open up with the letter, extra respect and affection for those Ehrlich Oxley Velazquez and, so help me God, Mr. HYDE, I will like DUKE and SAM, PETE PETERSON, Flake Peterson (FL) Weldon (PA) then make up my mind. who were called upon, just by the year Gibbons Portman Yates Gutierrez Smith (TX) ``Here is a letter from this month, of their birth, to put their lives and Hall (OH) Stockman June 7, about a speech I made on AIDS their freedom for 6 and 7 years, in two 1437 VerDate 23-MAR-99 16:22 May 11, 2000 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 01437 Fmt 9634 Sfmt 9634 S:\JCK\04DAY2\04DAY2.082 HPC1 PsN: HPC1 T82.18 JOURNAL OF THE JUNE 27 of those cases, on the line for my free- over the line, Mr. Speaker, it would ne- corroborated by even some homosexual dom of speech. cessitate usually a 40-cannon broad- journalists in the Washington Times ``Because of my affection for the side. I will try to be a little more the day after Mr. GUNDERSON's point of military and the fact that my father gentle than that. personal privilege. They were waiting won three Purple Hearts, they were ``It is worth noting that in 16 years of with their evidence for somebody to called wound chevrons then in World service together, Mr. GUNDERSON and I trigger it. They thought I would do it War I, two for poison gas, I have memo- have never exchanged a cross word off with a special order. Mr. GUNDERSON rized some statistics, and it has abso- this floor. We have never been impo- did it. lutely torn me up over AIDS. Listen to lite, discourteous, or uncivil toward ``So Mr. Speaker, I now step out into my words, please. If somebody is each other, not once. Mr. GUNDERSON the minefields of political correctness, watching on TV, Mr. Speaker, I hope will confirm this, just ask him.
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