2588 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE February 12, 1999 widespread and well-documented expressing their views since the Presi- SENATE RESOLUTION 46—RELAT- human rights abuses in violation of dent’s human rights dialogue at the ING TO THE RETIREMENT OF internationally accepted norms, in- June 1998 summit in Beijing. WILLIAM D. LACKEY Mr. President, the situation is just as cluding extrajudicial killings, the use Mr. LOTT (for himself and Mr. bad in Tibet, where, according to of torture, arbitrary arrest and deten- DASCHLE) submitted the following reso- Human Rights Watch, at least ten pris- tion, forced abortion and sterilization, lution; which was considered and oners reportedly died following two the sale of organs from executed pris- agreed to: oners, and tight control over the exer- protests in a prison in the Tibetan cap- S. RES. 46 cise of the rights of freedom of speech, ital in May. In the weeks following, press, and religion.’’ scores of prisoners were interrogated, Whereas, William D. Lackey has faithfully According to testimony to Congress beaten and placed in solitary confine- served the United States Senate as an em- ment. Other deaths in prison report- ployee of the Senate since September 4, 1964, by Amnesty International, the human and since that date has ably and faithfully rights situation in China shows no fun- edly occurred in June, with Chinese au- upheld the highest standards and traditions damental change, despite the recent thorities claiming that many were sui- of the staff of the United States Senate; promises from the government of cides. Further, during the 1998, Chinese Whereas, during his 35 years in positions of China. At least 2,000 people remain in officials continued the ‘‘patriotic edu- responsibility in offices in the United States prison for counter-revolutionary cation campaign’’’ designed to force Ti- Senate, William D. Lackey has at all times crimes that are no longer even on the betans, especially Buddist monks and discharged the duties and responsibilities of books in China. At least 200 individuals nuns, to denounce the Dalai Lama and his office with extraordinary efficiency, aplomb, and devotion; and, detained or arrested for Tiananmen to attest that Tibet has always been a part of China. As a result of the cam- Whereas, William D. Lackey has faithfully Square activities nearly a decade ago served the United States Senate with honor are also still in prison. By China’s own paign, authorities reported that 76 per- and distinction in the Office of the Journal statistics, there are nearly a quarter of cent of Tibetan monasteries and nun- Clerk since October 1, 1978 and his hard work a million people imprisoned under the neries had been ‘‘rectified’’. and outstanding performance resulted in his ‘‘re-education through labor’’ system. In a December speech Secretary appointment as Journal Clerk: Now, there- One of these, Yang Qinheng, received a Albright said, ‘‘As we look ahead to the fore, be it three year term in March after he was new century, we can expect that, per- Resolved, That the United States Senate commends William D. Lackey for his Service arrested for reading an open letter on haps, the greatest test of democracy, human rights and the rule of law will to his country and the United States Senate, Radio Free Asia citing workers’ right and wishes to express its deep appreciation to unionize. be in China.’’ If the Administration be- lieves this, perhaps it should use the and gratitude for his long and faithful serv- The litany of specific violations of ice. human rights also has continued time left in this century to take posi- SEC. 2. That the Secretary of the Senate unabated in the last several months. tive steps to encourage international shall transmit a copy of this resolution to Attempts to register the fledgling op- condemnation of China’s human rights William D. Lackey. position China Democratic Party re- practices. f In January, Assistant Secretary of sulted in at least six arrests of opposi- State for Democracy, Human Rights SENATE RESOLUTION 47—DESIG- tion political leaders. In December, and Labor, Harold Koh held a bilateral NATING NATIONAL INHALANTS Wang Youcai, a student leader during human rights dialogue with the Chi- AND POISONS AWARENESS WEEK Tiananmen Square protests, Xu Wenli, nese, the first such discussions in four and Qin Yongmin were each sentenced Mr. MURKOWSKI (for himself, Mr. years, and notified them of the possi- to over 10 years in prison allegedly for LOTT, Mr. DASCHLE, Mr. AKAKA, Mr. bility that the United States would ASHCROFT, Mr. BAUCUS, Mr. CONRAD, ‘‘attempting to overthrow state power’’ sponsor a resolution in Geneva. In tes- because of their roles in the Demo- Mr. DEWINE, Mr. ENZI, Mr. GRASSLEY, timony to Congress following these dis- Mr. LAUTENBERG, Mr. MACK, Ms. MI- cratic Party. cussions, he further promised that China took great strides to keep KULSKI, Mr. SMITH of Oregon, Mr. ‘‘The Administration supports the Ge- overseas dissidents out of China. In TORRICELLI and Mr. HELMS) submitted neva process, and intends to partici- April, less than an hour after her ar- the following resolution; which was re- pate vigorously in this year’s Commis- rival at her parents home, Li Xiaorong, ferred to the Committee on the Judici- sion activities.’’ I was encouraged to ary: a research scholar at University of hear these words and I hope they will S. RES. 47 Maryland, who was traveling on a US translate into determination by the Whereas the National Inhalant Prevention passport with a valid visa, was taken Administration actively to pursue this into custody. Her crime, according to Coalition has declared the week of March 21 issue, in this forum, this year. through March 27, 1999, ‘‘National Inhalants police, was that her work in the US on I urge the Administration to make a behalf of human rights in China was and Poisons Awareness Week’’. decision to sponsor a resolution and to Whereas inhalant abuse is nearing epi- unacceptable. Similarly, in October, begin high level lobbying of govern- demic proportions, with almost 20 percent of Shi Binhai, a journalist at the state- ments around the world to support a all youths admitting to experimenting with run China Economic Times and co-edi- resolution before Secretary of State inhalants by the time they graduate from tor of a book on political reform was Albright travels to Beijing on March 1 high school, and only 4 percent of parents indicted for collusion with overseas and 2. suspecting their children of inhalant use; dissident organizations. As recently as Mr. President, the situation in China Whereas according to the National Insti- February 4, Wang Ce was sentenced to indeed remains troubling. The United tute on Drug Abuse, inhalant use ranks third four years in prison for illegally reen- behind the use of alcohol and tobacco for all States has a moral responsibility to youths through the eighth grade; tering China and providing financial take the lead in sponsoring and push- Whereas the over 1,000 products that are support to the banned Democratic ing for a resolution at the United Na- being inhaled to get high are legal, inexpen- Party. tions Commission on Human Rights. I sive, and found in nearly every home and Demonstrating that the range of po- believe that there is a strong bipar- every corner market; tential crimes has moved into the com- tisan consensus in the Foreign Rela- Whereas using inhalants only once can puter era, this year in late January, tions Committee—and I predict on the lead to kidney failure, brain damage, and Lin Hai received the distinction of floor—that we must send a message to even death; being sentenced to two years in prison China and that this is the appropriate Whereas inhalants are considered a gate- for providing e-mail addresses to an way drug, leading to the use of harder, more time and place in which to do it. deadly drugs; and Internet pro-democracy magazine. I strongly commend my friends, the Whereas because inhalant use is difficult These are but a few of the many deten- Senator from Arkansas and the Sen- to detect, the products used are accessible tions, arrests, and assignments to ator from Minnesota, for their leader- and affordable, and abuse is so common, in- forced labor that befell individuals for ship on this terribly important issue. creased education of young people and their VerDate Aug 04 2004 12:42 Sep 27, 2004 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00214 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR99\S12FE9.007 S12FE9 February 12, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE 2589 parents regarding the dangers of inhalants is anced defense. Led this season by lead- His departure from the bench will an important step in our battle against drug ing tackler Bill Romanowski and vet- certainly mark a new chapter in his abuse: Now, therefore, be it erans Ray Crockett, Steve Atwater, life. I am confident that it will be as Resolved, That the Senate— (1) designates the week of March 21 Neil Smith, Maa Tanuvasa and Keith successful as his law career. Though he through March 27, 1999, as ‘‘National Traylor. The Broncos defense has im- plans to remain active in the Grand Inhalants and Poisons Awareness Week’’; proved every step of the way through Rapids area, he will surely enjoy spend- (2) encourages parents to learn about the the regular season and playoffs. ing more time with Marilyn, his wife of dangers of inhalant abuse and to discuss The Broncos defense was as equally over forty years, his four children and those dangers with their children; and team oriented in their Super Bowl ef- sixteen grandchildren.
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