THE 3IORNIXG OEEGOXIAX, "WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13. 1919. 13 Oeorere Moriarty said it was not an "in- field fly" because the shortstop did not BRITTDN TO MEET reach it. Hugh Jennings used to boss George Moriarty. Now George bosses Hugh. AUGUST The Detroit manager and the umpire' O'OOWD 22 had a run-i- n the other day at Boston and iloriarty came out on top. Jen- nings drew a suspension, even though he telegraphed Ban Johnson that the umpire "robbed" his team. Welter Middleweight Mix Is AXGELS SIGN YOtTH. OF 16 Criticised by Some. Jimmy Reese to- - Become 3Iember of Team at Age of 18. LOS ANGELES, Aug. 12. Jimmy FIGHT WILL GO ROUNDS Reese. mascot of the Sub- 8 marine baseball team, of San Pedro. Cal., has just been signed to play with the Los Angeles club of the Pacific Coast Baseball league when he becomes 18 years old. He is said to be" the Instructive Boxing Lesson Given to youngest player to be signed with a St. Paul Thumper Two Class AA contract. Years Reese has been working out at Wash- Ago Causes Speculation. ington park, here, the home of trie Angels. Fans are enthusiastic over his fielding, while he is said to have a re- markably fine arm for his age. He has been tutored by such players That time-wor- n question of. "Can a as Howard Ehmke, Harry Heilman. f ood little man beat a good big man?" Herb Hunter. "Butch" Byler, "Lefty" is coming up for discussion again. This O'Doul and Don Rader. time jack Britton is the good little shout man and' Mike O'Dowd the good big man. Britton islhe holder of the wel- AT BUT terweight crown, while O'Dowd boasts LEMS o'clock of middleweight ME 6 the title. Britton and O'Dowd will meet in an eight-roun- d bout at Newark, X. J., on BEE SEEMS WELL 'ESTABLISHED August 22. Some of the critics are AT HEAD OF LEAGUE. does criticising Dan Morgan, the welter- now tjour cigarette weights champion's manager, for let- ting him take on O'D.owd, but Morgan Sam Crawford Is in Second just smiles. Place, begin Maybe Morgan has a reason to smile. Ten Points Behind .3 70 Mark. to taste It is just two years ago since Britton and O'Dowd met in the .ring, and the AVisterzil Tops Beavers. great welter then gave the St. Paul thumper an instructive boxing lesson. Beyond question, Britton is stiil the Bill Rumler of Salt Lake seems to be master of O'Dowd in the matter of box- sufficiently well established in the bat-ti- n- NOTE 'This is the severest test to which ing, and the only question is whether leadership of the league td fear no Alike s improvement in combati veness opposition. He is hitting the ball at you can put your cigarette. ' and attack is sufficient to overcome .370, while Sam Crawford of the Angels Britton's .'advantage in boxing skill. is in second place, ten points below him. Judged by the way in which O'Dowd With but two months of the season left, disposed of a trio of light heavyweights Rumler is not apt to be headed. at the military cournament in London, Hugh High of the Tigers took a he has gained in aggressiveness and big jump during the past week, and is force, and Britton will need all of his now hitting .322. But Bob Meusel with dinner time. You've been ring craft in order to keep him at bay. .333 is still the Tiger leader. Justin If the welter king can do that, he Fitzgerald advanced one point, and so NEARIY all day. How is your cigarette should then be in line for a battle did Phil Koerner, but Fitz is the chief Jack Dempsiy. slugger of the Seals, with an average appetite? O'Dowd is above the mediocre class of .327. of middleweights and has proved him- The base-runni- championship is in self a worthy holder" of the title. How- still the hands of Billy Lane of the If it is tired and jaded in other words, ever, Britton's chances loom even Oaks, with 3S steals. Ernie Johnson of greater when it is known that Ted the Bees has 38 to his credit, while unless it's as fresh, crisp and snappy as right Lewis, the former welterweight cham- "Babe" Pinelli of Sacramento, who was pion, whom Britton knocked out, on in the lead for many weeks, is now in after breakfast you ought to look around several occasions gave O'Dowd more third place with 36. than he could take, in Harl Maggert has a long edge on for a different brand of cigarettes. matches and the last time was not so competitors as the league's best run-gett- very long ago in Boston, just before He has crossed the plate 95 O'Dowd joined the army. times. Billy Lane of Oakland and The right brand (when you find it) will At any rate, a great deal of interest Justin Fitzgerald of San Francisco are smoke-hung- Is being displayed in the contest, and tied for second honors with 86 each. let you feel fine and fit and ry be enough while if Britton should fortunate Jjk Fournier of the Angels is x bed-tim- e. to land a k. o. punch he will be the next with 83. clear up to holder of two world's titles. O'Dowd "Tex" Wisterzil has the lead over all Just enough Turkish is making 158 pounds ringside for Portland hitters in the unofficial aver will give you enough the delicious Britton, while the latter will enter the ages up to and including games of last It of ring weighing between 145 and 148 Saturday with a mark of .286. Follow 1 tobacco pounds. ing are the averages: AT most of the places where straight flavor of Turkish but it will be so Last Turkish cigarettes used to have the as off-s-et over-richne- ss Lux, the Kansas City welter- U. A H. K. BH. Pet. Wk. ! blended to the or Morris . , J. more recently of Portland, made Boelzle. Prattle . 'I 1 1 1 .500 Fatima is now the leading ciga- weight, Rumler. Suit Lake .10:! 414 7!) .M7(J .371 "call", heaviness that comes from smoking too in San Francisco the Craw-ford- . his ring debut Los Ang ii:i A.ut 7:1 l.i.. .:ti .;itii few night and fought a draw with Miller. Oakland . 04 11 an ih .:i... .: rette. Here are a of these places other .:;.-- .: much a battler by the name of Blliy Shade. Krause. Oakiund . 17 :t a ..": Turkish. golf a good deal Dale. n!t Lake . 11 21 .S42 .:4 just as examples of Fatima's popularity Lux has been playing spencer, Salt Lake .. OS 20: 0 .340 .3 and a. slice to advantage over urover. Ua IS ;5 13 22 .3.".S .. men who really know how to used kland .... .l among The one cigarette which today seems to Shade. Fournier, Los Ang ..lis 4."il S3 l.-- .33.1 . Meusel, Vernon 101 402 74 13". .333 .337 judge "cigarettes: Jimmy Kldred Sacramento .112 421 73 13S .32S .330 be attracting most men who tire of straight Now who wants to fight. l.-.-o old, Fitzgerald. .San Fran.Hr 4.V1 so .327 .320 Wilde' None other than little Hifcli. Vernon t;0 2:i:i 42 73 .322 .3112 Atlantic City Turkish is Fatima (see at left). bale-head- ed Johnny Coulon, who was Sheely. Lake ...110 422 72 13,) .320 .310 HoOxteri twice in Portland several Koerner. San Fran ..110 ;1MH 42 120 .318 .317 Marlborough-Blenhei- m Borton Vernon 12(1 407 HQ 12S) .317 .323 years ago by Billy Mascr.tt. coulon Vv ilie. Oakland Ion .1.14 7:i 1 1 '2 31 Hotel Traymore As soon as look ,nrl-- r manage you are ready to seriously i ,.i i vimcalf the MaKEert, Halt Lake.. 114 4:10 13ti .310 .Soft ment of Al Lippe. the Philadelphia hdilinKton. ernon ..112 3SS 72 120 .:0I9 .3ll Boston planning on Killefer. Los Anselee.lOS 440 S2 l:ifl .300 .rtir into the cigarette question, put Fatimas to fight promoter, who is SarramenLO-.ll.'- .V2 Copley Plaza England Wolter. I 402 124 .3nS .;I08 Hotel making an invasion of with Compton. Seattle ...111 428 6S 132 .308 .:lott the 6 o'clock test. a stable of boxers. Coulon has in- Oillisan, Seattle ... 13 " 4 .308 Harvard Club formed him that if he is taken along Johnson. Salt Lake.. 92 302 B0 111 .3o7 .310 Stock Exchange could whip Zam'.oeh. S.in Fran 44 OS 7 30 .300 .2!t3 he is quite sure that he Cooper. Oakland .... 1 322 r3 !17 .301 .31 rt Hotel Touraine "Wilde., Thsre was a time long, long Kassler. Los Angeles. 3S 123 14 37 .3111 .310 ago when Coulon very probably would UricK?, Sacramento.. 3 a:;S 3t llll .2S.SI .302 Chicago whipped Wilde. Coulon, as far CunninKham. Seattle. S2 320 32 94 .204 .3(13 have now a Sweeney. Seattle .... 22 73 4 22 .'.'. .203 "Auditorium Hotel as fighting is concerned, is little r.iiiott. Oakland 1 204 23 33 .2S9 old man. .Murphy. Oakland 120 4." 00 131 .2S4 Congress Hotel vv'ist-rz- il. Port land. 07 33 46 1(12 .2S .203 containing 100 names of Larkin, Sacramento. 0 21 2 ,2S .300 Narragansett Pier The petition Bohne.
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