Chronology The Arabs 612 First Mosque in the Indian State of Kerala 630 Ships of Muslim travellers on Indian coast 644 Muslim Arabs forces enter Sindh 661 Arab expeditions along the Indus 711 Muhammad b. Qasim invades Sindh 713 Multan conquered 738 al-Mansura founded 750 Abbasid expeditions 965 Ismaʿili state established around Multan The Ghaznawids 977–997 Sabüktigin 999–1027 Mahmud of Ghazna invaded India 17 times 1026 Mahmud at Somnath in Gujarat 1031–1041 Masʿud I 1041–1050 Mawdud 1050 Masʿud II 1050 al-Biruni (973–1050) 1053–1059 Farrukhzad 1059–1099 Ibrahim 1071 death of al-Hujwiri (b. 1009) 1099–1115 Masʿud III 1115–1118 Arslan Shah 1118–1152 Bahram Shah 1152–1160 Khusraw Shah 1160–1187 Khusraw Malik The Ghorids 1156–1160 Ghorids advance to and conquer Ghazni 1173 Ghorids advance eastwards 1175 Muhammad Ghori occupies Multan and Uchh Jamal Malik - 9789004422711 Downloaded from Brill.com10/01/2021 10:08:05AM via free access Chronology 703 1180 invasion of Gujarat 1186–1187 Lahore occupied by Muhammad Ghori 1191–1192 Delhi and Ajmer invaded 1200 Ghorids conquer Bengal 1206 Muhammad Ghori assassinated The Sultanate of Delhi The Slave Dynasty 1206–1210 Qutb al-Din Aybak in Delhi 1210–1211 Aram Shah 1211–1236 Iltutmish 1235 death of Bakhtiyar Kaki Chishti 1236 death of Muʿin al-Din Chishti 1236–1240 Radiyya Sultana 1240–1242 Muʿizz al-Din Bahram 1242–1246 ʿAla ʾ al-Din Masʿud 1246–1266 Nasir al-Din Mahmud 1258 Mongols capture Baghdad 1262 death of Baha ʾ al-Din Zakariyya Suhrawardi 1266–1286 Balaban 1266 death of Farid al-Din Ganj-e Shakar 1286–1290 Muʿizz al-Din Qaiqabad The Khalajis 1290–1296 Jalal al-Din Khalaji 1294 conquest of Devagiri (Daulatabad) 1296–1306 several Attacks by Mongol at Delhi 1296–1316 ʿAla ʾ al-Din Khalaji 1297 conquest of Gujarat 1305 conquest of Malwa 1316–1320 Qutb al-Din The Tughluqids 1320–1324 Ghiyath al-Din Tughluq Shah I 1324–1351 Muhammad b. Tughluq 1325 death of Nizam al-Din Awliya ʾ 1325 death of Amir Khusraw 1327 capital shifted from Delhi to Daulatabad Jamal Malik - 9789004422711 Downloaded from Brill.com10/01/2021 10:08:05AM via free access 704 Chronology 1333–1345 Ibn Batutta (d. 1377) in India 1335 and 1342 famines 1351–1388 Firoz Shah Tughluq, jizya imposed 1388–1389 Tughluq II 1389–1390 Abu Bakr Shah 1390–1393 Nasir al-Din Muhammad 1393–1394 Sultan Mahmud II 1394–1413 Nasir al-Din Mahmud Shah 1397 Timur (d. 1405) invades South Asia The Sayyids 1414–1421 Khizr Khan 1421–1434 Mubarak Shah 1434–1448 ʿAlam Shah The Lodhis 1451–1489 Bahlul Lodhi 1489–1517 Sikandar Lodhi 1517–1526 Ibrahim Lodhi 1440–1518 Kabir 1469–1539 Guru Nanak Independent Muslim Centres 1352–1576 Bengal 1381 death of Sharf al-Din Yahya Maneri 1453 death of Shaikh Qutb-e ʿAlam 1339–1561 Kashmir 1385 death of Sayyid ʿAli Hamadani 1438 death of Nur al-Din 1420–1470 Zain al-ʿAbidin 1347–1527 Deccan (Bahmanids) 1422 death of Muhammad Gesudaraz 1370–1601 Deccan (Faruqids) 1490–1633 Ahmadnagar (Nizamshahis) 1490–1686 Bijapur (Adilshahis) 1512–1687 Golconda (Qutbshahis) 1394–1479 Jaunpur (Sharqis) 1445 death of Shihab al-Din Dawlatabadi Jamal Malik - 9789004422711 Downloaded from Brill.com10/01/2021 10:08:05AM via free access Chronology 705 1505 death of Sayyid Muhammad Kazimi in Khurasan 1406–1570 Malwa 1407–1572 Gujarat 1411 Ahmadabad 1431 death of ʿAla ʾ al-Din Maha ʾimi 1498 Vasco da Gama at the Port of Calicut 1500s European traders on Indian shores The Coming of the Mughals 1526 Babur defeats Ibrahim Lodhi at Panipat 1530–1539 Humayun succeeds his father Babur 1539 Humayun defeated by Surs Suri Interlude 1538–1545 Sher Shah 1545–1553 Islam Shah Suri 1553–1555 ʿAdil Shah The Return of the Mughals 1555–1556 Humayun 1556–1605 Akbar I (b. 1542) 1564 jizya abolished 1560s– Rawshaniyya Movement 1575 jizya reimposed 1580s– Mahdawiyya Movement 1581 Akbar proclaims sulh-e kull 1605–1627 Jahangir 1624 death of Ahmad Sirhindi 1627–1658 Shahjahan 1631–1647 Taj Mahal and Shahjahanabad 1658 Awrangzeb succeeds Shahjahan 1659 Dara Shikoh executed 1666 death of Shahjahan 1668–1678 Fatawa-ye ʿAlamgiri 1663–1689 Shivaji and Shambhuji and the Maratha War 1678 great Rajput rebellion 1679 re-introduction of jizya 1680 death of Shivaji Jamal Malik - 9789004422711 Downloaded from Brill.com10/01/2021 10:08:05AM via free access 706 Chronology 1680–1689 Shambhaji 1681 Awrangzeb founds Aurangabad 1694 Farangi Mahall handed over to Muslim scholars 1698 British acquire zamindari rights over Calcutta 1707 death of Awrangzeb 1707–1712 Bahadur Shah I 1712 Jahandar Shah 1713–1719 Farrukh-Siyar 1713 Peace of Utrecht 1717 EIC allowed to carrying out duty-free trade 1719 Shahjahan II 1719–1748 Muhammad Shah 1700s independent movements towards successor states 1716 Murshid Quli Khan in Bengal, Murshidabad capital 1722 Burhan al-Mulk in Awadh, Lucknow capital 1724 Nizam al-Mulk in the Deccan, Hyderabad capital 1729 death of Shah Kalim Allah Chishti 1739 Nadir Shah invades Delhi 1748 death of Mulla Nizam al-Din 1748–1754 Ahmad Khan Abdali (Ahmad Khan Durrani) 1754–1759 ʿAziz al-Din ʿAlamgir II The Colonial Context 1757 Battle of Plassey 1759–1806 Shah ʿAlam II 1761 Battle of Panipat 1762 death of Shah Wali Allah 1763 Treaty of Paris 1764 Battle of Buxar 1765 Diwani of Bengal to EIC 1761–1782 Haydar ʿAli in Mysore 1773 Warren Hastings first Governor-General 1781 Madrasa Aliyya Kalkatta 1785–1793 Charles Cornwallis, Governor-General of India 1793 Permanent Settlement 1798–1805 Lord Wellesley, Governor-General of India 1801 Awadh partly annexed 1803 Delhi annexed 1803 fatwa by Shah ʿAbd al-ʿAziz (d. 1824) Jamal Malik - 9789004422711 Downloaded from Brill.com10/01/2021 10:08:05AM via free access Chronology 707 1806–1837 Akbar II 1813 EIC’s Charter; Christian missionaries 1815 Congress of Vienna 1818 EIC establishes almost all-India rule 1818–1862 Fara ʾidiyya in Bengal 1820–1857 Tariqah-ye Muhammadi in north-west and later also in Bengal 1828–1835 William Bentinck Governor-General of India 1829 sati banned 1830s Ahl-e Hadith movement 1831 Sayyid Ahmad of Rae Bareli and Shah Ismaʿil Dihlawi killed 1835 English and Hindustani replace Persian 1836 education minutes by Thomas B. Macaulay (1800–1859) 1837–1857 Bahadur Shah II 1843 Punjab annexed 1849 Sindh annexed 1848–1856 Dalhousie (1812–1860), Governor-General of India 1856 Annexation of Awadh 1857 Great Upheaval, Rebellion, Mutiny 1858 India becomes part of the British Empire 1867 seminary in Deoband 1870s Barelwi movement 1875 Arya Samaj founded 1876 Mohammedan Anglo-Oriental College at Aligarh founded 1885 Indian National Congress founded 1889 Ahmadiyya founded by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835–1908) 1892 Nadwat al-ʿUlama ʾ inaugurated in Kanpur 1893 Muhammadan Anglo Oriental Defence Association 1898 death of S. Ahmad Khan 1905 partition of Bengal 1906 foundation of All-India Muslim League 1916 Lucknow Pact 1919–1924 Khilafat Movement 1919 killing at Jallianwala Bagh 1919 Jamʿiyyat al-ʿUlama ʾ-ye Hind founded 1920 Treaty of Sèvres 1920 Aligarh Muslim University 1920 Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi established 1929 Khuda-ye Khidmatgar founded 1930 Iqbal’s address at Allahabad 1931 Khaksar movement founded 1934 Tablighi Jamaʿat founded Jamal Malik - 9789004422711 Downloaded from Brill.com10/01/2021 10:08:05AM via free access 708 Chronology 1938 death of Muhammad Iqbal 1940 Pakistan Resolution 1941 Jamaʿat-e-Islami founded The Nation States 1947 India and Pakistan (East and West) independent 1948 M.K. Gandhi assassinated, death of Muhammad ʿAli Jinnah 1948 war over Kashmir between India and Pakistan 1948– Congress rule in India 1952–53 anti-Ahmadiyya campaign in Pakistan 1956 Baghdad Pact 1958–69 martial law imposed by General Ayub Khan in Pakistan 1964 death of Jawaharlal Nehru 1965 war between India and Pakistan 1968 Green Revolution 1971 war between India and Pakistan 1971 Bangladesh independent 1972–77 Zulfiqar ʿAli Bhutto (hanged 1979) Prime Minister of Pakistan 1974 Ahmadiyya declared un-Islamic in Pakistan 1975 Sheikh Mujibur Rahman assassinated, coup d’etat by Zia al-Rahman 1975–1977 emergency under Indira Gandhi 1977 coup d’etat by General Zia al-Haqq (d. 1988) in Pakistan 1979 Soviet occupation of Afghanistan followed by guerrilla war 1979 death of A.A. Mawdudi 1979 Zia al-Rahman’s Bangladesh National Party 1980s– Kashmir militant movement 1981 Zia al-Rahman assassinated 1982 General Irshad in power in Bangladesh 1984 Zia al-Haqq president of Pakistan 1984 Indira Gandhi assassinated 1985 Shah Bano case in India 1986 Benazir Bhutto returns from exile 1988–1990 Benazir Bhutto Prime Minister of Pakistan 1989 Rushdie affair 1990–1993 Nawaz Sharif Prime Minister of Pakistan 1991 Rajiv Gandhi assassinated 1992–1996 Mujahidin declare Islamic State in Afghanistan 1993 Benazir Bhutto Prime Minister of Pakistan 1991–96 Khalida Zia Prime Minister of Bangladesh Jamal Malik - 9789004422711 Downloaded from Brill.com10/01/2021 10:08:05AM via free access Chronology 709 1992 Babri Mosque demolished in Ayodhya 1996–2001 Taliban control Afghanistan 1996–2001 Sheikh Hasina Prime Minister of Bangladesh 1997–1999 Nawaz Sharif Prime Minister of Pakistan 1998–2004 Bharatiyya Janata Party in India 1999 nuclear crisis between India and Pakistan 1999 coup d’etat by Pervez Musharraf in Pakistan 2001 attack on World Trade Center 2001 Musharraf backs US in its war on terror 2002 Godhra train incident in Gujarat/India 2002 President Musharraf wins referendum 2003 rapprochement between India and Pakistan 2005 Indian Prime Minister’s 15-point programme launched 2006/07 Sachar Commission to evaluate Muslim backwardness 2007 Security forces
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