AND THE NBPTUTfB TOtfEB —i and of: iho Indcpcndcnce of the SEVEN CENTS Vol. LXXYII, No, 52 OCEAN GROVE TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1956 United States of Amcrica tlie lBXst year Post Wheeler 1956 Saw Record MEMORIAL CROSS Services Monday Business AndJFinaiicial ? The 18-foot Memorial..Cross In Philadelphia Author, Diplomat Family Gains In on th e fro n t1: o f tlj^ 'O c e a n Grove. Auditorium,, facing' the " re 87 Life Insurance "^sea, will ije lighted tffi'week For Samuel Yeo of Dec. 29, ,1956 to Jan. 6, i957,.in memory of Dr. George Former Grove Resident All-Time Peak In Pur­ By Rof^r W. Babson advise readers who do not caTe for , Ocean Grove Summer 1 v W. Henson, former president Resident Over 50 Years' -j : ’ '/ Spent 28 Years In Dip- chases And Total Own­ income, but only for profit. As Both presidential candidates, in .. of the Cdriip Meeting Asjsocia- ©ies Dec. 21, Age' 77: v: lomatic Service Abroad ership Are Reported above stated, thc ^ow-Jones;.Ind{is- their pre-election speeches, prom­ ^ tion, by Mrs. George AV|;Hen- ... trial Average^Inay approach, dur­ American families in 1956 boilght ised PEACE, PROSPERITY, and ^son, of Philadelphia and Ccean. Samuel P. Yeo, a su m m e r; Post Wheeler, th^ country’s first ing 1957, either 400 or 600. It,jvill more new life insurance, increased PROGRESS. They stated that they .“G rove. : resident of Ocean , Grove -for , career 'diplomat, died Sunday in be very easy , to mafce. a. mistake their ownership of life insurance must do this in order to enforce more 'than 50' years, died :Iast •■ Frances Convalescent Home, Nep­ by either bilyiril;1 or 'selling ^stcrclts to.a larger aggregate and received the Employment Act of 1946. This Friday -evening in Philadel­ tune City; at the age of 87. .He at this time, except for intelligent more in life insurance benefit pay- is the basis of my Outlook for. p h i a after an illness of-several . was the' son of. the - late Dr. and switches. X am willing to's’ay,.how­ ments tjian in any year on record, 1957, tempered of course, by Rus- months. His age was 77sv ^ r. ‘ :* Mrs. Henry Wheeler, , of. Ocean ever, that readers should not"get according ;to the institute of "Life sia. ’ '. ••'■••• .. ' V • •. •.. • ■' Improvement Fund Mr’ Yeo'was a fnembei-of tlie \; Grove,' and . their homestead yt&B panicky and sell their, oils,. Everi; In su ran ce. 1. World W ar III will not start Ocean; drove Auditorium Ushers 102'Mt.'Hermon Way. Gulf Oil, which has . the largest .in- . The year’s purchases. of. new life in 1957. Association since 1928 and proudly On his retirement in 1934. after terests in the very rich Middle East insurance are estimated at $56,600,- ••; 2. 1957 will witness gradually wqrc his silver 25-year badge. For ' 28 .years, of diplomatic‘service,‘Mr. fields, should not be sold.^A, ’ 000,000, ' some $7,200,000,000 more increasing inflation. ; Ocean Grove’s Restoration and many years; he was one oj the .dij Wbeeler was United States minis­ ', . 37.': A ll sensible'' in v e sto rs :. will than in 1955 arid nearly $45,000,- , 3. Manufacturers will be faced Improvement Fund now 'totals rectors of, the communion service .., ter to Albania. His career had carry good bank balances and. re­ 000,000 more than in’ 1940. with higjier costs for both ma­ $227,645.72, of which $216^134.28 op en in g Cam p Meeting. He origi- ; taken him an assignments to sev­ serves during.1957 so as riot to be terials and labor. has been paid in cash and the' bal­ rioted the idea of. the “Ocean Grove, eral continents. .. • Aggregate ;life‘^insurance, owned caught; whatever happens. • • in the .country, reached, an esti- ’ 4. All businesses will be con­ ance of $11,511.44 has been pledged. W inter Reunion,” which was ' held .. Published Book. - 38.; There should be no panic in m ate^415,000,000,000 at year-end, fronted by increased competition, ROGER W. BABSON.' ili'crna- Donors to ^the Fund sinc^ last, i'aSh year in ' Philadelphia "untH' W ith his wife, the late Hallie tionally-known business 1 corii- th e ■ stock* m a rk e t d u rin g 1967.. up nearly. $'43,000,000,000 in the both within their own industries week’s listing in1 The Times are:'/' World W a f n interirened. The' rfe- • Ermine Rives, a well-known author, mentator- and investment ad­ Stock8/ will either fluctuatt! near year' and nearly: $306,000,000,000 and from other industries. ■ Rilla B. Huber .-•! ■ unions were^ attended by/as many.; ■ Mr.. -Wheeler last February - pub­ viser, hns prepared his j Bpsincss their- preserit levels or. else will more than in 1940. Life, insurance 5. More advertising will be nec­ and Financial Forecast) for the' M r. & Mrs. H. E. Houghtaling as 600 lover's o f O cean G rove. ' 7-';v, lished a book-of their reminiscences gradually slide downward, jor up- V. - in force now averages over $3,900 essary in 1957 if profits of manu­ coming' year, an annual New. Herbert C. Vanaman ; ' ' ■Mr. Yeo’s w in te r ]iom e wap a t in the foVeign service titled “Dome Year’s feature of Tiu- Ocean ward. .It ,will be risky to 'bwrow for the'nation’s 106,000,000 policy­ facturers ahd retailers are to equal John S. DeMott' ' ' Broad Street; Philadelphia., He of - Many-Colored .Glasses.” 'Lr> Grove Times. Babson’s 1956. money to,.buy stocks in, 1957; ^ th - holders. It is more than $7,500 those of 1956. ' Forecast, upholds thc remarkable •D.-S. Dlblth v . ' V: , purchased his summpr home at 6 Mr. Wheeler„was graduated from erKone migl)t sell stocks to get out per family, countrywide, and over , 6/Failures ' will increase in average of past years. By be«. Rev.' Paul H. Ketnnitz H eck Avenue: in .1928..- - ; . Princeton University and has early 1957, both as to numbers and lia­ ing 85% correct. oIde^ - , w- ' • ‘ Miss Helen Mitchell $9,000 per insured family. 39. The way to make money in Mr. Yeo, a lifelong. resident • of . career was as a newspaperman.. He bilities, Thousands of small con­ G. *A. & E d ith T u rn e r ' !j';- Benefits at New, High ’. the stock market is: ( 1 ) Confine Philadelphia, was bom March 21, was, a correspondent in Paris arid cerns will -be wiped out. .'One or 20. This means; (hat .1967 will be. Mrr & Mrs. George Weiss J' Benefits paid in 1956 to life in­ your purchases to'the stocks of the 1879; He attended ,Philadelphia . Morocco for The- New York Eye- two of the largest corporations s! good year for investors to switch F. Sustmann • ■ surance policyholders and their, leadjpg companies 1 in each indus­ public schools and was -an honor ning'Post before serving as editor will face bankruptcy or re-organ- from low-yielding stocks! to attjaci R o b e /t y tp s s , - ' beneficiaries were an estimated try. (2) Diversify moderately graduate -of Spring Garderi Insti­ 'of the'old New York Press from iauttaonl^|a':/!/ . - vV:0. .!V | tive-bond issues. i‘ ’ ' 1 Anna Moore .. • T $5,830,000,000. This was': nearly and do not fry■ to pick out winners, tute of .’Engineering. He. married ' . 1896 to 1800. 7. 'Cost.of living will rise slightr Real Estate Outlook V- ■ I. padikow , 'f‘ 5 ' $450,000,000. moro than the year remembering, that, whether you Abigail L: Sailer ,of Philadelphia In '1906, under an order of B rest ly during 1967. ■ ,. 21. Home building,’ corporate ex­ Annie M. Heritage \ before' and more than twice the buy' or sell,,someone, (probably as in 1907.- Her family was Vummer- dent Theodore Roosevelt, Mr. 8. Most labor unionB; will hesi­ pansion, and municipal iinjrove^ Marine Alexander payments in 1945. Of the aggre­ sm art‘,,BS^:'’you) is doing the op­ tent cottagers of Ocean,Grove dat­ Wheeler became the nation’s' first tate to make public fights for high­ ments will decline in 1 l95ll?:.Theirei Mabel'Eu' Bumm ' gate .payments, 58.7 percent were posite atHhe same time. (3) Store ing back .to the 80V; Mrs. Yeo career diplomat. His first assign­ er wages, but, will work for shorter fore, it will not be a good year; Mrs. Laura R. Schyrartz ‘living” ' benefits m ade' to policy­ up cash/'whcn most people are adied in 1942. ;• ment Vwas as second secretary to hours, pensions, and,“ fringes,” for speculating in real estate. '• - i; ..M r, & M rs..J. M. Bruno holders thcmselvc/ arid 41.3:. per­ bullish;/use this cash to buy stocks ' Mr. Yeo was, a bank ., yajtlt en­ the uJs. Embassy, at Tokyo; where ■. 9. Europe.must pay.so much 22. Interest ratesren iSortgag^ • '• : '» * e eight, please" cent -were death , benefits paid to wheri,]A(jiit people-are bearish, gineer. He designed many . oC the _. he remisnetl until 1909. • .*■• mere for oil that it will have less will be higher in 1957. Lfeaps n^t beneficiaries. The death benefits • 4p,'^t¥e are no longer on. the QolS vaults of prominent banka fri, tto money for purchasing other goods. ‘“federally" guarariteed will require - Served in Russia' , ' were-.Tip $170,000,000 in' the year, Standard but on a political Stan­ Cantata E ast. Heyestiblisbed his.oyro busi- ; ; 10. Unexpected events will-occur larger, margins, ! i \ 'V ^ Mr.' Wheeler served os secretary even though the,death.rate among dard.’ Alt}u)uj?h the Law of Action ness in.
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