________________ GLEN COVE _______________ We do one thing. Lower property taxes Save you money HERALDOk, two things. Gazette THE LEADER IN PROPERTY TAX REDUCTION Sign up today. It only takes seconds. Ripe for Your Home: Apply online at mptrg.com/herald18/21 itc FG or call 516.479.9176 Hablamos Español the picking Ready for Fall Demi Condensed Maidenbaum Property Tax Reduction Group, LLC Page 20 Page 15 483 Chestnut Street, Cedarhurst,Page NY 11516xx Vol. 27 No. 38 SEPTEMBER 20-26, 2018 $1.00 MB_NassHerald_3x3Note_BottomSide_OneThing.indd 1 Glen Cove 9/5/18 4:25 PM schools link safety, bullying By ZACH-GoTTEHRER CoHEN the spring of 2017, will present [email protected] its findings at the next board meeting, scheduled for Sept. 26. Over the past year, mass The committee has conducted shootings have dominated dis- walkthroughs of all of the dis- course around the country — trict’s facilities, accompanied by particularly the district architects tragedy at Marjory and engineers, to Stoneman Douglas discuss capital im- High School in ullying has provements, in- Parkland, Fla., in cluding some that February that left Bchanged would improve the 17 students and buildings’ security. faculty dead. For drastically since The high school much of the 2017- has also signed on 18 school year, dis- the days of to Rachel’s Chal- cussions at Glen lenge, a nation- Cove’s Board of our parents. It wide anti-bullying Education meet- program started ings focused on used to end at by Dar rell and keeping district 3 p.m. at the Sandy Scott, the students safe. As parents of the first the new school schoolhouse student killed in Zach Gottehrer-Cohen/Herald Gazette year begins, some- the 1999 Colum- TWo TEENAGE SIKH martial artists showed off their gatka skills. The Punjabi sword-fighting style is new intiatives are doors. bine High School a tradition that Sikhs — who proudly call themselves “soldier-saints” — hold dear. being implement- shooting. Glen ed. JoSH lAFAZAN Cove has its own A t a s c h o o l chapter of the board meeting on County legislator, Friends of Rachel Sept. 12, Superin- 18th District club, which — fol- A cultural exchange in G.C. tendent Dr. Maria lowing a school- Rianna said that wide assembly about bullying the materials for a “man trap- and school violence — trains Sikh Turban Fest welcomes guests of all faiths per” vestibule at Glen Cove student participants to promote High School, designed to pre- a culture of compassion to min- vent intruders from entering imize the psychological factors By ZACH GoTTEHRER-CoHEN cane Florence a ride to Vir- Nassau County. Manmeet the building, were en route to that lead to school shootings. [email protected] ginia, where they could wait Lamba, a Glen Cove gurdwara the district. Rianna said that high school out the storm. The drivers, member, conceived of the A bond committee, formed in When a truck bound for true to their Sikh faith, which event 14 years ago, as a way to CONTINUED ON PAGE 7 the 14th annual Sikh Festival demands acts of seva, or self- bring her children — the only in Glen Cove, carrying food less service, happily com- Sikhs in their elementary and other supplies, stopped at plied. a checkpoint in South Caroli- The Sikh Festival is held school classes at the time — na, the drivers were asked to every year at the Sikh temple, together with others who, like give a number of evacuees or gurdwara, of Glen Cove, them, were bound by their seeking refuge from Hurri- one of three such temples in CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 2 Harbor Patrol name new boat after WWII POW By ZACH GOTTEHRER-COHEN While he was interred in Luckenwalde, [email protected] Noon came down with an ear ailment that threatened to deafen him. His captors An earnest ceremony was held on Mon- allowed a fellow prisoner to operate on day to officially christen a new Harbor him, and his hearing was saved. Patrol vessel, donated to the City of Glen After returning home, Noon lived in Cove by the state Department of Parks, Bellmore, where he worked as a milkman Recreation and Historic Preservation. and volunteered for the Bellmore Fire The 26-foot Boston Whaler Justice Department, where he ultimately worked Patrol boat is named after the late Private his way up to chief. He died in Aug. 2017 of First Class Louis J. Noon, a Glen Cove complications from a fall and is remem- native and World War II veteran who was bered by his family as carefree and happy- held by German forces for a year as a pris- go-lucky, always with a nice thing to say oner of war at the Luckenwalde POW about everyone. camp near Brandenburg before being lib- For the christening ceremony, Mayor erated at the end of the war. Tim Tenke threw a bough of green leaves Noon raised his six children in Glen onto the bow of the vessel, and Christina Cove. His daughter, Christina — herself a Noon poured a bottle of sparkling water September 20, 2018 — GLEN COVE HERALD GAZETTE 2018 — GLEN COVE September 20, member of the Air National Guard, slated over it. to deploy to the Middle East in the coming Glen Cove Director of Veterans Affairs months, her second deployment to the Tony Jiminez said that the christening of region — performed the actual christen- a ship is a time honored tradition, rooted ing. in superstitions about the sea. In ancient Noon thanked the city and said that it Mesopotamia, he said, animals were sacri- was appropriate that her father’s memory ficed on the hull of new ships. Vikings sac- live on in the form of a harbor patrol boat, rificed human enemies, he said, and then “so that his spirit can watch over the men urinated on the vessel. Ancient Greeks and and women . as they protect the waters Romans solidified the tradition of pouring that he and I both enjoyed when I was a lit- wine over the bow as an offering to the god tle girl.” of the sea — Poseidon or Neptune, respec- P.F.C. Noon enlisted in the Army in 1943 tively. when he was 19 years old, and after a year According to legends, the sea-gods kept and a half of training, was deployed to a ledger of ships that had been christened. Normandy shortly after D-Day in June, If they saw a boat that wasn’t in their led- Tab Hauser/Herald Gazette 1944. After six months in the European the- ger, the gods would conjure a storm to sink CHRISTINA NOON, CHRISTENED the new Harbor Patrol vessel, named in honor of her atre, his entire 12-man squad was captured the ship, sending it and its crew into the father, World War II veteran and POW Private First Class Louis J. Noon. by German forces. depths of Davy Jones’ locker. TH! OUR 10-WEEK CHALLENGE STARTS SEPTEMBER 24 Become your best self when you take the challenge. Glen Cove 87 Forest Avenue Glen Cove, NY 11542 Franchises available to talented individuals throughout the US. Extensive training provided. THEMAXFranchising.com Call now for more information: (516) 261-6050 THEMAXChallenge.com 992126 10 WK Challenge EDDM 6.25 x 11 Sept 24.indd 1 7/16/18 11:46 PM Regents reverse course on opt-out penalties 3 GLEN COVE HERALD GAZETTE — September 20, 2018 HERALD GAZETTE — September 20, GLEN COVE By ERIK HAWKINS to improve test participation rates. test, but leaves to the states how to get to [email protected] Education Commissioner MaryEllen that 95 percent. What’s next? Elia was quoted Monday night in the North Bellmore mother Jeanette Deu- The State Education Department last Albany Times Union that the penalty was termann founded the group Long Island After approval by the full Board of week announced that it would pull back misunderstood, but caused “too much Opt Out, which helped spur the nation- Regents, the amendments will be on plans to penalize schools that have stress and tension.” wide movement of student test boycotts. effective as an emergency measure on high numbers of students boycotting The initial plan also called for schools In May, she called the proposed regula- Sept. 18. state standardized tests. with “excessive percentages of students” tions “absolute insanity,” The decision came after the education not participating in the tests Officials from New York A public comment period will then department and Board of Regents to be placed under public State United Teachers decried received almost 2,000 comments from school registration review — the proposed penalties as “a open from Oct. 3-Nov. 2. activist groups, parents and educators which could eventually lead direct frontal assault on the concerned about the state punishing dis- to them being closed. rights of parents to opt-out The Board of Regents will vote to per- tricts academically and financially if 95 State officials, in docu- their children.” manently adopt the amendments at percent of students did not participate in ments attached to the new NYSUT officials added, in its December meeting, and they will the tests. amendments, responded to a May 29 letter to Elia, that become a permanent rule on Dec. 26. Schools with 95-percent participation criticism of the registration- the regulations would make it rates on Long Island — considered the review provision by arguing all but impossible for schools birthplace of the test-boycott movement that the department had simi- to exit comprehensive or tar- walk back the plans of the commissioner — are scarce. In recent years, about half lar powers for more than a geted support and improve- by rejecting the plans to reallocate Title I of third- through eighth-graders in Glen decade.
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