SWINGING ABOUND GOLF NEWS OF THE GOLF WORLD IN BRIEF By HERB GRAFFIS Al Dienhart, pres. of Indiana GCSA more than in 1957 when the old mark was and supt. at Elks CC in Lafayette, Ind., established. has teamed up with his father in building Wilmington (Del.) muny had 14,000 a Par 3 course in Lafayette . 1961 rounds between July, when course opened, tournament schedule, issued by Southern and Dec. Fifteen of its holes are from f California GC, lists more than 100 events former Wilmington CC . Wilson, N. C., . When Port St. Lucie CC, developed getting two courses: Long Range, being by Mackie Co. of Miami, Fla., opened developed by Harry Lamm and Archie in mid-January, Chuck Johnson, pro at and Alton Whilley; and Happy Valley GC, Butterfield CC, near Chicago, was install- ed as head man in the pro shop, and Rob- ert B. Stone was handling the general mgr's job . Both had been appointed FRONT COVER to these positions only two weeks before by Chick Harbert, golf dir. at the resort You're lookng out on Bermuda Dunes CC, . Another recent addition to the Port one of the fine resort courses in Palm Springs, Calif. It also is one of the sites of the Desert St. Lucie staff is Mike Skeffington, one- Classic, the $50,000 added tournament played time club mgr. of Selfridge AFB course in February. Beautiful scenery, such as is in Mich. Bob Fry, pro-mgr. at Ft. seen on the cover, is typical of the entire Madison (la.) G&CC, for the past several Dunes layout. years, named pro for three Davenport muny courses, Duck Creek, Credit Island and the new Emeis GC, which will open being constructed by Sen. J. C. Eagles ' in June. Both should be ready in June . Harry Eckhoff, the National Golf Foun- Colonial Williamsburg (Va.) planning to dation's tireless traveller who covers the add 9 to its present 9, to be ready in 1962 East coast, had 200 course planning con- . Fredericksburg (Va.) CC also adding ferences in 1960 as he put 30,000 miles a second 9 . Geoffrey Cornish designed behind him ... He says there is a trend course that N. R. Church is building near to mass memberships (1,500 or 2,000 to Lincoln, R. I. ... It is surrounded by a club) and installation of adjoining Par homesites. ' 3s where standard courses are built . Some of the pro changes in western Two Negro private clubs in planning N. Y. have the following pros established stages in N. C., one at Raleigh and the in new jobs . Gerald LaVergne is at other in Greensboro . 18-hole Riverside Cazenovia GC; Charles Paris is at Nor- Muny course in Portland, Me., had rec- manside in Delmar; Gene Coghill has ord breaking year in 1960 even though moved over to Penfield CC; Bill Griffith course was flooded for two weeks in the is taking charge at Ridgemont in Roches- busy season . More than 35,000 18- ter; F. Rizzuto and Bob Tullev are now ^ hole rounds were recorded, about 800 operating Elms GC in Sandy Creek; Golfdem Is published monthly except Nov. and Dec. at Rochelle. III. Acceptance under Section 34-64 P L &R Authorized Please address all advertising, circulation & editorial correspondence to GOLFDOM, 407 S. Dearborn St..' Chicago 5. Frank Hattala presides at Brooklawn in East Syracuse; and Frank McMullin is at Windham CC . Drumlins GC in Syra- cuse, where Frank Urzetta is pro, has added 12 new bowling alleys. GOLFING's "Dictionary of Golf In- formation," that has gone out to more than 250 golfwriters among others, has made a big hit . So that we aren't accused of favoritism, we'll quote what Charlie Bart- lett said of it in his "Locker Room" col- umn in the Chicago Tribune . "Eagles to GOLFING for publishing its Diction- ary, a 24 page pamphlet containing 233 concise definitions of the old game's com- monest terms, the terminology of iron and wood clubs, the swing weight scale, pair- ing charts, and sharp sermons on golf manners, slowpokes and safeguards vs. lightning." . To show how thorough Charlie is about things, we didn't count AUGUSTINE ASCENDING ELM the number of entries but he did. THE GROWTH PATTERN makes it George Cobb has designed 18-hole AN IDEAL TREE for GOLF COURSES course at Cliffs Lodge & CC, resort set- Hundreds of Clubs have had outstanding up between Highlands and Cashiers, N. success when planting for specific purpose: C. • . Construction is to start soon . *Traffic control . to define fairways and Nick Bersan, pro at Diplomat CC, Holly- encourage golfers to play in their own wood, Fla., reports that Gulfstream Par- fairways * Definition of greens *Shade * Beautification of the course CONVENIENCE: A magnificent tree whose columnar shape tends to minimize the dif- ficulties of making shots under or around it. Non-surface rooting habit permits grass to grow freely right to trunk base. This elm is practically seedless which prevents springtime litter. Little pruning is required. Transplanting can be done easily and with- out setback. BEAUTY: Majestic, vertical form is distinc- tively architectural. Large-leafed, rich green foliage provides ample shade, but the tree's unique structure promotes a thick lawn be- neath by permitting the sun to reach the grass more hours per day. STRENGTH: Upslanted branches sturdily withstand wind and weather; deep, down- growing roots provide firm anchorage; vig- orous resistance to fungus or virus disease and to drought encourages healthy growth. ADAPTABILITY: Compact yet graceful con- tour, and dependable uniformity make the Augustine Ascending Elm ideal for matched landscaping effects as well as for stately specimen plantings. Narrow, upright shape BENT GRASS STOLONS permits close planting for windbreaks or enclosures, as well as practical for lining • Washington (C-50) • Cohansey (C-7) fairways and setting off greens. • Congressional (C-19) RAPID GROWTH: Just 5 years from sapling to tree. Liners, as well, ready now. • Arlington (C-l) • Toronto (C-15) True to Name, Weed and Seed Free! Write For Special Offer Send for Free Literature Quotations to Golf Clubs We Ship Anywhere in the United States Augustine Ascending Phone: KE 1-0361 Elm Associates, Inc. HIRAM F. GODWIN & SON 932 E. 50th St., 22366 Grand River Ave., Detroit 19, Mich. Chicago 15, III. A Reliable Source of Supply Since 1920 3, designed by Mark Mahannah, opened in Dec. American consulate employees Cut Sharpening Costs! in Budapest, Hungary, are busy building three par 3 holes . Front 9 at Colon- with a NEW ial CC, Lynnfield, Mass., to be ready this spring and full 18 will be dedicated in July . This fine layout will be watered and its clubhouse will accommodate 1,500 diners when completed . City of Miami proceeding with 18-hole Lejeune race track course that will be ready in April . Construction to start soon on Han- over CC course, Ashland, Va. It has 300 members lined up. • LIGHTER • MORE COMPACI Tommy Sullivan has purchased the Min- ne-Monesse GC in Grant Park, 111. His • LOWER PRICED Simplex "150," the newest father was pro there from 1938 through portable lapping machine 1942 . The elder Sullivan is at Phillips reconditions any hand, power, or gang reel Park GC in Aurora, 111. Clayton Heaf- type mower with lapping compound . ner, who came awfully close to winning keeps mowers in top condition between the Open in 1949, and again in 1951, died sharpening jobs. Couples to either side of in Charlotte, N. C. on Dec. 31 ... A mower; gang mowers need not be unhitched. leading tournament player for many years, Weighs only 30 pounds—easily carried right he was a member of the 1949 and 1951 to the job. G-E Vs hp motor with reversing switch for quiet, dependable operation. Ryder Cup teams . Clayton, known as the "Candy Kid", bought the Eastwood Write today for FREE folder. GC in Charlotte in 1954 and built it into one of the city's most popular courses The FATE-ROOT-HEATH Company . Wise investments made him a wealthy man . He is survived by his wife, Dept. G-2 Plymouth, Ohio SAVE TIME AND MONEY use Scotts turf program and a Scotts Spreader ^ O M SCOTT & SONS Marysville, Ohio Mary, and two children . Zeke Brat- kowski, not the most accurate throwing quarterback in the National Football League, proved to be the most accurate golfer when he won the first pro football tournament with 81-74—155 . The tourney was played in Hollywood, Fla. Martin Turner, 81, a member of the staff at Exmoor CC, Highland Park, 111., for 40 years, died in Jan. at his home in Lake Worth, Fla. Bob Goalby, win- ner of the L. A. Open, has long been a tough competitor ... In high school he once had a string of 14 basketball games in which he fouled out . Golf Writers Assn. has awarded its second "Putter of the Year" accolade to Deane Beman, the 1960 Amateur king . One of ex-Presi- dent Eisenhower's putters has been re- tired and enshrined as a permanent trophy by the Palm Springs, Calif., tourn- ament group. Tanforan GC, San Bruno, Calif., has 1 named Shirley Spork head golf profes- Ford pays half your fuel sional . She is returning to the Bay area after five years at Tamarisk CC, bills for a full six months (or 400 Palm Springs, and has complete charge of Tanforan's golf operation . Shirley tractor hours) on the purchase of any is a graduate of Eastern Michigan U., played the Ladies PGA tour for a while, new Ford or Fordson diesel tractor. This offer, made possible by the amazing fuel-saving performance of these low-priced diesel tractors, expires March 31, 1961.
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