USOO9365574B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,365,574 B2 Raghavan et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jun. 14, 2016 (54) SOLUBLE GUANYLATE CYCLASE (52) U.S. Cl. ACTIVATORS CPC ............ C07D 487/04 (2013.01); A61K3I/519 (2013.01); C07D 519/00 (2013.01) (75) Inventors: Subharekha Raghavan, Teaneck, NJ (58) Field of Classification Search (US); John E. Stelmach, Westfield, NJ CPC ... C07D 487/04; C07D 51.9/00; A61 K31/519 (US); Cameron J. Smith, Lawrenceville, USPC ........................................ 544/280; 514/265.1 NJ (US); Hong Li, Edison, NJ (US); See application file for complete search history. Alan Whitehead, Scotch Plains, NJ (56) References Cited (US); Sherman T. Waddell, Westfield, NJ (US); Yi-Heng Chen, Whippany, NJ U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS (US); Shouwu Miao, Edison, NJ (US); Olga A. Orinoski, Teaneck, NJ (US); E. A 13:38 SR et al 1 Joie Garfunkle, Metuchen, N(US); 67 A 556 S.E." Xibin Liao, Edison, NJ (US), Jiang 663,772 B1 92003 Schindler et al. 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