2009/135/702 Creation Date(S): 7 December 1979 Extent and Medium: 21 Pages Creato

2009/135/702 Creation Date(S): 7 December 1979 Extent and Medium: 21 Pages Creato

NATIONAL ARCHIVES IRELAND Reference Code: 2009/135/702 Creation Date(s): 7 December 1979 Extent and medium: 21 pages Creator(s): Department of the Taoiseach Access Conditions: Open Copyright: National Archives, Ireland. May only be reproduced with the written permission of the Director of the National Archives. Gm•crGOI'Clllllh mnc mlit in;ill; ;lt1/1... .. ,l!ivr:I!i,,r: ~ crvi("['Jn·it·cs Sd··bl." i... b},:,; :,,; 1'-,1(1;',' ·,tai · anCon Ria/taiJ,Ria/t 'r, Dub/,11f)uM,1! 2 fr,Ir!t !t.Jld I'd [fH,,;I, Jilc. -';/ ~If,, (, l!ir•!h:?r!',!!h :! 1 c!q,/w,c!qJ/1<J.1C 1c ; 6151(11511 l 71 ~~ t,:~r \ 5800580U PJ'E.SS CONFEP.E,,::· f·:-'10\Y 7 J)I ·'.Cl",Cl· "1C'q lCR }Q791 79 /"'" . .. po] ':''-'Y 011 [.J'orU.er 1 1 r' ld! .... ? F'annul'i .. nn Fail.Fdll no.!.icylO~.j,Cy emcm _·,.rtL"art.!. 11:H. .trclar!d1 "eland .. s been quiteq\lilc -r clcu.rlycl &rly enuncintcdenunciator in t',C'th0 ];-;r;1 I I c ·clar<t~1.on h~·h~ the part~':)art~' 1here"'here m,y.:1 Y be,Le I oerhuPS,oerhaps, I am of(b. n<nort rt ht~rnlh'rn ext·C'xt racti0nrac J.<:, r•,r<,(rlV~;' 1l -F.f. '{y pcontepcoryie have been aroun(1drOt nll tL~till..! oroviLccurovincc of t.Ulster11.stc:r to: r.... n~)('rh0.o.) rh~ns abo"bo t 5,000 yY a.t.s:l S Jo•.,r.1".0'..'. ThereT ere ·.dJl','i]1 he, rI think,thi!1.'·, :)erhcHlSl)CJ.h<m.s es_9ectsils?ects of thrhe 'i!ortherrt'I1orthern culturu.lcultural scenescen _ .,.:.\·'i....h th v:hv:hic:l ir' I nightmight be III } 1!10 l i...ttll.L i,l .iil.i li U'tr ':J•.-lith ill lhuLIl<. .. Jot.:Jaci: Ly11C.l.L I.C ••• /1.'fI.s s you.Iou all kno'fl,k n O'tl , he w,s very much a Cor'man. But, subjects bje~t to thatthat. didifft.•unt f 1: 1 'n L levellc~v0l of0: em~"h~em~hc1sis si f:, r.erehere.- andCind t.h'3ret~ere ,I the thrust of our PoJicypolicy will\.,i.ll be the same ... the rcunificationreunification of our'-our ..:ountry untry bybv nI aeac ful rr... '<1nsnns ... theth Lrin~lillgl>r..1l~Ti!1g tOCTcthcrtccrethcr c[f the t.:rCld·~r2diU tj o,0, s iLin UtLe (' countrycc: untry. ... .. and theth T)ursuanccoursuancc of the aim of u.lrvinau .i r.vin(~: th0th IIrish "iRh neoryle.ne0•)lc. Qn noDo you favou)'"fuvour. ·\g1·ccmcnt'\~)"C('I E'nt of Bl.:itishBritish withdl"m'H'IlvJi thdravh 1 from N "l iu.. ! {\ -: l:e] _i:'I '? 'I'he'l'hc l'ia'1:1u.I'ia:::"\!1<1 1'ail'~il 1 1975 do'do:.:UI:lcnt unent is ':~q 'lteJ.te specificspecif.i.c in thatLhat m.'ltm~ ttcr rand and l' ~uq~'lslsuqq.:.•sL rll;:rhansj">lhiiPS thcltthe t it ha,nhac;n l'tt hh··,en .n as cl ~elysely r"adrea~ .SJs it shouldshoulrl hnvehave b~en.been. It.It begbegins ins wiwith t.h a clcclay,tio:-".dcr.::1ar, tio .. ~!..hat, r. ~lC>·JC \lant\;ant Loto br.Lrabr.i..na ahouta'"Jout th:.!the unification<lr.i.fica:...ion of the count!"" b/ ucac( f1'l m~ans. \']eWL ,!~bho: ho .." violence. \'1\•lc COllc<cmnt'OJtrc•nn vi()len(;~,vlolenc""', <1I!C.l.nd Ll.cu en .. it. qOE.:Sqoe~> on to say t!1<that, t, ttcMnrd:; )\J,\rl.; l.hi.t:hi end, "kwe woul'"!•-:oul~ like the- B~"iBritish tish to enter intointo'! " c,_C•,n,mit:ll nmi t ~'Col:'" "!_ lor) elisclisC.l :Wd!'TC .. dCIU fren~=.~Cf' ortherno ·ther:n Ir\;,;landIr\;;land iron.i1orr. h'shis countrycountt! .. 4...' , J • GOVCI"III7H'ntGm·cmmc:nt Ill!JnformGtion rmc.liOll .~Senriccs n'icf!s ScirhhisiSeirhhisi Eo!aisI.o/nis 1111nn Rialta::,Rialtais, Du/'/inDublin 2. irela/:JJrc/,u:d BaileBailc AAtha tl,{ ClializCli.llh 2 J'l'!cpJrTclcplz me 767511767 51 I TTelex c/ex 581JO5S JO IJAUGHEYHAUGHEY '1'\'10/T\·10/ .•••.• \<Jould\-Jould vou aceacccul l)l 11tl (!e rL.!centre ... ·C'n l ,~c cur.:..tycur. i ty ~4""r.l..4r.qe!!.cnts,,r rc.1 .qen.cn ls agrc.edagrc.:ed wLthw.i.t..h Mrs.~1rs . Thatcher and~nd your r>r""'dccessor11",Oc.ccssor .Mr~Ir . Lynch about the Border and2nd so on ... ... ? 'I'hc'I'he.. sccurisecuri lv arrc.tn<lcmcna:r:: run<JenE:·nt. U; s v/hid.which have ht'cnb en 1nin existencecxi stence will be Maintaine~maintaine~ . Q Could you stnt0 unLquivicallyuncquivically what is your attituecattitude to th·the Provisional)rovisional IJIRA? A? I condcnmcor denm the Provi~;ionalProvi~.i('mal IRA and all their activities . • . ... I ,.;antvlnnl to.... o mab·m2k(' it clenrclc;-,r that I have neverne 'Cl' done anythingc-nything elseelso. Q You huvehave not previm·slypreviollsly conderrmcdcondcrncd the Provisional IRA. This is ththe first tin·time today,today , in two yAarsyears,, th~tthat you Lavehave condemned Uwmthc.m . It is lhcthe first timetiMe that I have b .enen asked in this position . UI"'Uf' to nC'HnC\-1 the resoon~,rcsnon. ...ibility bility for makinq Fianna!:'ianna FailFai] nartyr)arty statements in these mc.~ttersme tters belonged to another . Q You are regardedregard cl as&5 a highhioh green Tory and a man to be feared bv the Unio~istsUnionists in Northern'orthern IrelandIrelano. Do you takeb. ke any nleasurer)lcastlre in thut?thal? II dm notnol a Tory .. I1. r)robablJnrobably nmaIn tin?Ccltinged vofith'"i th green <alriqht lriqht ,, but II thinkh1.nk a lot of m"mu unioni~tunionist friends inin the ,orth~orth arenre toooo .. "· ------.--~-------------------- .. • GO\'frlllllel/lGOI'l'rlllll(?llf ln/utJIIfu! llIaliollmatio11 SaServices vices Scirbhisi ColaisI::olais 01:an Riailais,Ria!tair, Dublin 2,2. Jr,lrdand tand lJaileD(1ile .l.1111G tlw CliathCIiatJ: 2 TelepholleTrh·plrone 76757176757 I TcletTeln: 5SOO5800 HAUGHEY THREE/ •••. What is your feelingfeeljng about the~he nursuilnursuit of terrorists acrossa ross the Border to the south? I bclibc.lieve ve vexy strongly that our lrmy and Garda Siochana are totallyto~ally capable of dealinadealin~ vlithwith security matters in so far as the territory ofo{ this state is concerned. Q Do(sDo s that mean then that~hat you would not sunport the idea of helicont.erheliconter overflightsoV2rflights from tl.et .. e North to the South in l)ursuitt>Ursui t of terrorists? OnlJOnly with permission.?ermission. Q l'lould~·ould thatthat.. "C?ermissiongermission be c:rranted0ranted in normal 'circumstances? It wouJdwould d yenapend on the circumstances . Let me make it abHolulelynbsolutcly cle,rcl"dr that I believe that the responsibilitv for the ?reservation9reservation of peace and s~curity within the territ..orybcrri lory of t:.tLis is sS · ate belongs to~o the Gardai and the Army of this country.cotm try. Q Could you qiveqiv~ us your priorities on taking over this administration? I would rcgarciregard ththe oeaceful unification of the oeooleocoole of IrelundIrel,nd as my nrirnaryorimary ooliti\_;alnolitical oriority . Naturally, alJalJiec1 .ied withwl th that,thd t, I haveh< vc a c)earcJ car r)rioril)riority ty to oromote the econoniceconomic develonmt.!ntdevelo~ment of the COU!country try in every way - toto ?rovidcprovide the best oossible social welfare arrangements for ouronr !)Conlepeonle and in relation to snecifics, I believebeU.eve that dealingne- lin<"] with\·],ilh enerqvCJ10rq' is qoinqsoiner to be a too nriorioriority ty of the reformccreformetl Fiannaj"ianna Fail government. .r ..• ~J .. • CV\'t'TlJI1IClltGovcmmc,a /11/'"/nf.wmation motion Sc1')cn'iccs \'ices Seirblzisi,)'eirblzfsi E%i«t:.:n/ai~ ann Ria/tais,rid/als, Dub/inDublin 2.2, IrelandIreland Baile AthaA tha CliathCliatlz 2 1Tel et' p!lone['hone 767571 Telex 5800 lIAUGIlEYHl\UC:llEY FOUn/l'OUH/ •.. Q What rremedies medies will't!.Lll you hc.veh2vc to qi'lc~TiVI'"! a boost andartd get ththe Irish economyecononN back on the riqhtright road aaain?a?ain? I wou1t1vlould ratherr.:1t.her !lotnot deal tli,iU tl. plilnspLms this evenjngevening because: that is.is a mattermatt~r for Govrrnment~"";overnment . Cl(} \'/hat\;That are our planspJ an s in r0.lationl"(!lation to the comooscOr!'loosit':'on i tion of your Cabinet . 'l'here'{'here are suggestionssuqqcst1ons that thereth re willvlill be major chanceschDnaes . Would you anticioatentjcicate those?t hose? I will~ill not answer that questionquestion.. That is a matter entirely for myself . Q .. Whit~White Pa~erPacer due out n xt week.week . Will you be allowi1allowil<J g it to go ahead? y ss.. I ~)artiparticiJoled ci:)nled n the formul.:ltionformulation of that \-Jhi\1hile tc PnnerP",ner . Q H,B<v. vc you mac'lemade anv conunicommit.ments t.ments about.about CabinetCabinet:. positions innth> th! cours12c ur~e of the nasto.sl few davs?days? Dono you reareallyl ly ~::: xneclx ect ..mee Loto tell vouyou .. Q On torthernJor-Lhern Irelun..tIl"elan~l again, wh.t1ht::t •' s your attitudettitude to the HHumphrcy MPhrei' Atkin s documentc!ocumen '.'lhichwhich is at nrcsentnresent the subjectsub;ect of discussions there? .... it hash s aalreadyl ready bceneen shmm~h(~vm toto be inddequateinadequate .. ,.,_... .. ... r --- --- - ...' • GmGo\'c'fllli!Cill'i'lIlmelT! /111Jnjv10111 nralilm aJion Sl'nSen•icl'S'icl's St'irbh;siScirbhisi EEolaisolais an Ria/fRialtais,als, DllblinDub/ill ?2, Ireland BallcHaile ArJiaAtha ClialilCliath 2 Telcp/roneTdl'plimre 76757767571 J TelTelexex 5800 llAUGllEYHAUGHEY FIVE/,FIVE/ . ..• . Q In what rcsl?ccts?respects? I don't intend to deal \-lithvTi th thth<~ t at tIlt},ee moment.moment .

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