=- u ~ C, C/l < J < t> .C} 0 ~ 0- 0 C\l t- 0 ~ :c Support . By Jewish . Read ::: ...C/l - More Than Cl) • Agencies - .3 Cl! 35,000. E:: J With.Your Cal w • People .., g ..0 tw',embership • < • > THE ONLY ENGLISH-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. /. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. c- 0 C x. 0:: C\l Q. .V II , NUMBER 50 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1974 20¢ _PER COPY 16 PAGES Home To Remain On Hillside Ave. Harold Leavitt; president of the Jewish Home for ' the Aged of Rhode Island has announced that a special meeting of the board of trustees was held on Tuesday eve­ ning, February 12, to consider the results of an updated architectural, comprehensive site feasibility study as well as numerous other studies conducted in order to assist the board in determining a future course of action for the expansion or relocation of the Jewish Home. Following a presentation by Max Alperin, chairman of the planning and development com­ mittee, Irving Kronenberg, execu­ tive director of the Jewish Home, and Murray Sput, architect-con­ sultant of Nikita Zuk-0v and Part­ ners, Architects, the board of One of the projected views for the Providence Jewish Home for the Aged trustees voted in favor of ex­ pansion of the Jewish Home in its present location on Millside Ave­ US To Equip Jordanians With Antitank Missiles nue in Providence, ,tnd to proceed with the development of plans for AMMAN, Jordan - The soldiers firing the missile, but the Syrian front, where a reinforced surface-to-air missiles was a new construction as well as sub­ United States ) \;~ equiRping the weapon was not identified in the brigade of Jordanian armor was significant factor in the improved stantial renovation and modern­ Jordanian Arm}( wilh sophisticated film. also fighting. Arab performance on the ization of existing facilities. antitank missiles of the sort used Like Soviet Weapon The Israelis also developed a battlefield. by Israel during the October war. It is a tube-launched, op(icall y­ technique - still undisclosed - of Mr. Alperin estimated that the The Israe li Defense Minister. reliable sources said recently. tracked, wire-guided weapon, and evading the Soviet-built Sagger. new construction and renovation Moshe Dayan, acknowledged this It was the first time that the is called a TOW missile. It is Their initially heavy tank losses ccyld be accomplished at a cost of publicly after the war. He said United States has provided suer capable of knocking out a tank or from the. ,Sagger were reduced as approximately $5 million. Mr. Al­ that Israel had badly miscalculated weapons to an Arab country. The · an armored personnel ·carrier at the war ' continued a nd ·as they perin a lso indicated that building the number of antitank missiles Sov_iet Union delivered large several thousand yards. The refined their evasive technique. a nd construction, fund raising, and that the Russians had delivered to numbers of comparable antitank weapon is an improved version of Nonetheless, the widespread use public relations committees will be the Arab forc es a nd how missiles to Egypt and Syria before the Soviet-built Sagger missile, by infantry of antitank missiles appoi nted within the very near fu­ effectively infantry could use them and after the fighting last fall. which the Egyptians and Syrians was the major combat war, ture in order to implement the de­ against mas~ed armor. cision of the board of trustees.· A Jordanian Government used effectively against - Israeli accounting for much of the heavy spokesman declined to confirm or tank forces in the opening days of loss in armor suffered by both The delivery of the American Following the meeting Mr. deny published reports from the October war. sides. missiles fills a significant gap in Leavitt indicated that he was de­ Beirut on the new missi le, but The United States missiles were Israelis Caught Off Guard the Jordanian arsenal. Reliable lighted with the unity of the board reliable sources here said that rushed to Israel after the outbreak Using large numbers of Soviet sources said that the missiles had of trustees and with the long over­ units of the Jordania n Army had of fighting . as part of the Saggers, the Egyptians caught the been ordered by Jordan before the due decision to expand facilities already received the. weapon and American arms airlift that Israeli tank forces in Sinai off war, as part of the United States for the care of the elderly. used it in training. continued throughout the war. The guard. In the opinion of military a n n u a I m i I i t a r y-a s sis tan c e A film broadcast recently on Israelis used the weapon with specialists the combined use of the program, but that delivery had He pointed out that an ex­ Jordanian television showed particular- effectiveness on the antitank missiles and Soviet been stepped up since the fighting. panded Jewish Home in its present location, cooperating with The Mi- · tiam Hospital, Brown University Medical program and other com­ munity agencies can now develop as a model institution for the care of the elderly in our community. Pro-Arab Articles Lucrative Pastime NEW YORK Jlan Chevojinski, a Paris-based reporter for the Brazilian weekly Resenha Judaica, reports that the Arabs are "paying in dollars" to obtain pro-Arab articles written by .;espected journalists whose columns appear in European mass­ cir cu I at ion newspapers and magazines, according to a report released here by the Anti­ Defamation League of B'nai agencies which will adjoin the Jewish Community Center. The new por- AITIST'S CONCEPTION of the new office building for Jewish community tion is in the right foreground. - B'rith. ON HUNGER STRIKE Another aspect of this "news for LONDON - A great sensation sale" trend, also reported by the was caused by the disclosure in JFRI To Construct New Building AD L, was provided by Jewish Parliament by the Minister of After four years of study and The new plan adopted by the classrooms for the Community leaders in Milan and Rome. They State at the Home Office, Mark deliberation, the board of directors board calls for a two-story build- Hebrew High School, and library told ADL that important Carlisle. that among four men and newspapers and radio-television of the Jewish Federation of Rhode ing with 4,000 square feet per space. two women who are being force­ Island has approved a plan to con- floor, which will interconnect on stations are disseminating fed in British prisons. after having struct a building to house new of- both levels with the Center. Facil­ The Rhode Island Jewish His­ verbatim, in the guise of news, gone on hunger strikes, was one Arab propaganda material · fices for the Federatlon and the ities will include executive and torical Society wiU also be pro-,. Jew, Keith Baillie, who refuses Bureau of Jewish Education, as business offices for JFRI, and of­ supplied by the well-financed Arab vided offices and archive space in rood because it is not kosher.· well as other Jewish community fices for the JFRI Women's Divi­ the building. information agencies of those Baillie. 31. the Minister said. had agencies. Tlie building will be lo- sion, and the Jewish Community cities. been on a hunger strike for 819 cated on the corner of Elmgrove Relations Council. The Bureau of Groundbreaking is scheduled to Arab efforts to purchase days, an unprecedented length of Avenue and Sessions Street and Jewish Education will also relocate take place shortly, and it is hoped favorable news and comment are time, and is alive only because he will adjoin the present Jewish in this new structure. Their facil- that construction will be com­ also reported from Latin America. is being force-fed every day. ,·coinmunity Cenier building. I ities will include executive offices. pleted by October of this year. --• 2 - THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15 1974 an official welcome of the Russian LETTERS to the editor must be signed. Jewish families who are now resid­ ing in Pawtucket will be held at a ORGANIZATION NEWS cocktai l hour on Sunday, February I I 24, at 7:30 p.m. in the social hall TO HOLD DOG SHOW Uxbridge, Massachu setts, and of the synagogue. Mrs. Elli ot LM4LLCO\JERINGS The Providence County Kennel Debbie Fass of Cranston. Mr. Le­ Brown, president of the Sister­ Club will hold its 66th Dog Show vin is the regional social action hood, has announced the cospon­ WHEN YOU WANT and Obedience Trial on Saturday, chairman of the Ocean Bay AZA, sorship of the affa ir by the Lad ies' THE UNUSUAL February 23, at the Providence and Miss Fass is the district BBG Aid and Sisterhood. Civic Center. presiqent and a general worker for One of the highlights of the eve­ Judging will begin at 9 a.m. and Ocean Bay BBG . Linda Feigen­ ning will be the reacti on of one of continue through the day with the baum, assistant director of the the Russian immigrants to hi s six groups and best in show com­ New England Region BBYO, is leavi ng the. Soviet Union and settl­ petition rounding out .this contin­ staff worker for the affair. ing in Pawtucket. uous program. TO SPONSOR FROLIC Serving on the committee are LETTUCE & GRAPE BOYCOTT A mid winter frolic will be Mr. Zaner, Carl Passman, Elliot Paul Kleinbaum, who represents sponsored by the Connecticut 92 NARRAGANSETT A VE. Brown, Evelyn Brown, Bea Mal, ~zi- the United · Farm Workers in Chapter 189 of Bnai Zion at the Daily 8:30 to 5:30 'TIL 9 TUESDAY Myrna Finn, Donald Shein, Ed CLOSED WEDNESDAY 781-7070 Providence, will lead a discussion Agudas Achim Community Hall Gershman, Jani ce Trac htenberg, and slide show on the United on 1244 North Main Street, West Saby Gadol, Susanna Gadol and Farmworkers' Lettuce and Grape Hartford, Connecticut on Sunday, Rabbi Yaakov Uvsitzky.
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