89 Solihull - Coventry via Meriden, Balsall Common Mondays to Fridays Operator: DIA DIA DIA DIA Notes: BZ BZ BZ COV MZ MZ MZ MZ PC PC Solihull Town Centre (Stop SE) 1400 1625 House Of Fraser (opp) 1400 1625 Solihull School (adj) 1401 1626 School Lane (adjacent) 1402 1627 Oakland Close (opposite) 1403 1628 Solihull By Pass (after) 1404 1629 Field Lane (adj) 1406 1631 The Boat Inn (opposite) 1409 1634 Catherine De Barnes, Friday Lane (after) 1411 1636 Eastcote, Barston Lane (before) 1413 1638 Eastcote, Knowle Road (opposite) 1414 1639 Hampton in Arden, Hampton Nurseries (opposite) 1418 1643 Hampton in Arden, Hampton-in-Arden Church 1420 1645 White Lion (opp) 1420 1645 Hampton In Arden Station (opp) 1421 1646 Diddington Lane (adj) 1423 1648 Patrick Farm (opp) 1425 1650 Meriden Green (after) 0805 0850 1435 1700 Leys Lane (adj) 0808 0852 1437 Four Oaks (opp) 0819 0858 1446 Home Farm (opp) 0824 0901 1450 Berkswell, Coventry Road (adj) 0830 0905 1455 Wootton Green Lane (opp) 0833 0908 1458 Chapel Drive (adj) 0834 0909 1459 Library (adj) 0835 0910 1500 The White Horse 0912 Blythe Avenue (adj) 0914 Catchems Corner 0915 Little Beanit Farm (opp) 0918 Bridge (adjacent) 0920 Nailcote Lane (opp) 0921 Electricity Station (opp) 0923 Water Tower (opposite) 0925 Peeping Tom (adjacent) 0927 Cromwell Lane (before) 0928 Bockendon Road (opp) 0931 Woodleigh Road (after) 0933 Broadwells Crescent (adj) 0935 Gibbet Hill Road (before) 0936 University Westwood Site (adj) 0939 Lynchgate Road (before) 0940 Cannon Park, Cannon Park Shops (opp) 0942 Leeming Close 0942 Centenary Road (opp) 0942 Sir Henry Parkes Road (adjacent) 0942 Canley Road (adj) 0942 Cannon Park Road (opp) 0943 Fletchamstead Highway (after) 0943 Coat of Arms Bridge Road (opp) 0943 Beechwood Avenue (adj) 0943 Earlsdon Avenue South (adj) 0944 Davenport Road (adj) 0944 Leamington Road (opp) 0944 Rail Station Bridge (Stop WR3) 0944 Quadrant (Stop BY1) 0945 Saturdays no service Sundays no service Notes BZ Roaming zone operates in Balsall Common. Please call 01527 813120 to request service. COV Service continues to Coventry on request only. MZ Roaming zone operates in Meriden. Call 01527 813120 to request service. PC Service serves Peel Close on request Route 89 is operated by Diamond Bus Cross Quays Business Park, Hallbridge Way, Tividale, B69 3HW Tel: 0121 322 2222 89 Coventry - Solihull via Balsall Common, Meriden Mondays to Fridays Operator: DIA DIA DIA Notes: BZ BZ MZ MZ MZ PC PC PC Quadrant (Stop BY1) 0945 1230 Rail Station Bridge (Stop WR1) 0945 1230 Leamington Road (adjacent) 0946 1231 Davenport Road (opp) 0946 1231 Earlsdon Avenue South (opp) 0946 1231 Beechwood Avenue (opp) 0947 1232 Coat of Arms Bridge Road (adj) 0947 1232 Fletchamstead Highway (before) 0947 1232 Cannon Park Road (adj) 0948 1233 Canley Ford (opp) 0948 1233 Centenary Road (adj) 0949 1234 Cannon Park, Cannon Park Shops (adjacent) 0950 1235 Lynchgate Road (after) 0950 1235 University Westwood Site (opposite) 0951 1236 Gibbet Hill Road (before) 0951 1236 Gibbet Hill Road (adj) 0952 1237 Westwood Church (adj) 0952 1237 Broadwells Crescent (opp) 0952 1237 Woodleigh Road 0953 1238 Bockendon Road (adj) 0954 1239 Cromwell Lane (after) 0955 1240 Westwood Heath Road (adj) 0955 1240 Peeping Tom (opposite) 0956 1241 Water Tower (adjacent) 0957 1242 Cromwell Lane (Opp) 0957 1242 Electricity Station (adj) 0958 1243 Nailcote Lane (adj) 0959 1244 Bridge (before) 1000 1245 Little Beanit Farm (adj) 1001 1246 Catchems Corner 1002 1247 Blythe Avenue (opp) 1002 1247 The White Horse (opp) 1003 1248 Elmwood Close (adj) 1004 1249 Library (opp) 1005 1250 1525 Chapel Drive (opp) 1007 1252 1525 Wootton Green Lane (adj) 1010 1255 1526 Berkswell, Coventry Road (opp) 1020 1305 1530 Home Farm (adj) 1021 1306 1531 Four Oaks (on) 1022 1307 1532 Leys Lane (opp) 1024 1309 1534 Meriden, Meriden Green (before) 1025 1310 1535 Patrick Farm (adj) 1043 1331 1600 Diddington Lane (opp) 1047 1336 1606 Hampton in Arden, Hampton In Arden Station 1050 1340 1610 (adj) White Lion (opp) 1051 1341 1610 Hampton-in-Arden Church (opp) 1051 1341 1610 Hampton in Arden, Hampton Nurseries (adjacent) 1052 1342 1611 Eastcote, Knowle Road (adjacent) 1055 1345 1613 Eastcote, Barston Lane (after) 1056 1346 1613 Catherine De Barnes, Friday Lane (before) 1058 1348 1614 The Boat Inn (adjacent) 1100 1350 1616 Field Lane (opp) 1102 1352 1617 Solihull By Pass (before) 1104 1354 1618 Solihull, Solihull Hospital (Stop SJ) 1107 1357 1620 Solihull Town Centre (Stop SE) 1110 1400 1623 Saturdays no service Sundays no service Notes BZ Roaming zone operates in Balsall Common. Please call 01527 813120 to request service. MZ Roaming zone operates in Meriden. Call 01527 813120 to request service. PC Service serves Peel Close on request Route 89 is operated by Diamond Bus Cross Quays Business Park, Hallbridge Way, Tividale, B69 3HW Tel: 0121 322 2222 89 Solihull - Coventry via Meriden, Balsall Common NOTE: SMS codes are different in each direction. Make sure you choose the right direction from these lists. SMS Code Stop Name Street ATCO Code nwmdmjma Solihull, Solihull Town Centre (Stop SE) 43000158108 nwmtdtwg Solihull, House Of Fraser (opp) Warwick Road 43000159302 nwmgdmga Solihull, Solihull School (adj) Warwick Road 43000157101 nwmgdmgm Solihull, School Lane (adjacent) Hampton Lane 43000157202 nwmgdmjd Lode Heath, Oakland Close (opposite) Hampton Lane 43000157501 nwmgapwd Lode Heath, Solihull By Pass (after) Hampton Lane 43000107501 nwmgapwa Catherine de Barnes Heath, Field Lane (adj) Hampton Lane 43000107402 nwmgaptp Catherine de Barnes Heath, The Boat Inn (opposite) Solihull Road 43000107302 nwmwdpmp Catherine De Barnes, Friday Lane (after) Friday Lane 43007402302 nwmdpwmg Eastcote, Barston Lane (before) 43001335301 nwmdpwjp Eastcote, Knowle Road (opposite) 43001335201 nwmdmwam Hampton in Arden, Hampton Nurseries (opposite) 43001335101 nwmtmjtd Hampton in Arden, Hampton-in-Arden Church Solihull Road 43000147003 nwmgaptg Hampton in Arden, White Lion (opp) High Street 43000106301 nwmgaptd Hampton in Arden, Hampton In Arden Station (opp) High Street 43000106202 nwmgapmt Hampton in Arden, Diddington Lane (adj) Meriden Road 43000106101 nwmdpajg Hampton in Arden, Patrick Farm (opp) Meriden Road 43000106601 nwmadgpg Meriden, Meriden Green (after) Main Road 43000100502 nwmadgmw Meriden, Leys Lane (adj) Main Road 43000100401 nwmgapda Four Oaks, Four Oaks (opp) Berkswell Road 43000101201 nwmgapdg Four Oaks, Home Farm (opp) Meriden Road 43000101301 nwmgapdm Berkswell, Coventry Road (adj) Meriden Road 43000101403 nwmadgwt Balsall Common, Wootton Green Lane (opp) Kenilworth Road 43000104201 nwmadgwm Balsall Common, Chapel Drive (adj) Kenilworth Road 43000103901 nwmadgwg Balsall Common, Library (adj) Kenilworth Road 43000103801 nwmadgtg Balsall Common, The White Horse 43000103302 nwmdtjad Balsall Common, Blythe Avenue (adj) Kelsey Lane 43000109001 nwmgapma Balsall Common, Catchems Corner 43000103201 nwmgapjt Carol Green, Little Beanit Farm (opp) Waste Lane 43000103101 nwmgapja Carol Green, Bridge (adjacent) Waste Lane 43000102601 nwmgapgw Carol Green, Nailcote Lane (opp) Waste Lane 43000102502 nwmgapgm Carol Green, Electricity Station (opp) Hodgetts Lane 43000102401 nwmwgjtd Tile Hill South, Water Tower (opposite) Cromwell Lane 43000102202 nwmwgjpw Tile Hill South, Peeping Tom (adjacent) Cromwell Lane 43000102102 nwmdwtjt Tile Hill South, Cromwell Lane (before) Westwood Heath Road 43000067901 nwmdwptw Westwood Heath, Bockendon Road (opp) Westwood Heath Road 43000065801 nwmdwpwd Westwood Heath, Woodleigh Road (after) Westwood Heath Road 43000065901 nwmtjgmd Westwood Business Park, Broadwells Crescent (adj) Westwood Heath Road 43000066902 nwmptjgw Kirby Corner, Gibbet Hill Road (before) Westwood Heath Road 43000000804 nwmdwpjg Cannon Park, University Westwood Site (adj) Kirby Corner Road 43000063701 nwmdwpjd Cannon Park, Lynchgate Road (before) Kirby Corner Road 43000063602 nwmdwpgd Cannon Park, Cannon Park Shops (opp) De Montford Way 43000063102 nwmgawmj Cannon Park, Leeming Close 43000123801 nwmdwpam Canley, Centenary Road (opp) Sir Henry Parkes Road 43000062402 nwmdwpag Canley, Sir Henry Parkes Road (adjacent) 43000062303 nwmwagdm Canley, Canley Road (adj) Fletchamstead Highway 43001061101 nwmdwmwj War Memorial Park, Cannon Park Road (opp) Fletchamstead Highway 43000061601 nwmdwmta Green Lane, Fletchamstead Highway (after) Kenilworth Road 43000061101 nwmdwmjm War Memorial Park, Coat of Arms Bridge Road (opp) Kenilworth Road 43000060501 nwmdwmjd War Memorial Park, Beechwood Avenue (adj) Kenilworth Road 43000060401 nwmdwmgw War Memorial Park, Earlsdon Avenue South (adj) Kenilworth Road 43000060301 nwmdwmpt War Memorial Park, Davenport Road (adj) Kenilworth Road 43000061001 nwmdtgwj Earlsdon, Leamington Road (opp) Warwick Road 43000052202 nwmdpwga Coventry, Rail Station Bridge (Stop WR3) Warwick Road 43000008203 nwmdptpm Coventry, Quadrant (Stop BY1) New Union Street 43000002101 89 Coventry - Solihull via Balsall Common, Meriden NOTE: SMS codes are different in each direction. Make sure you choose the right direction from these lists. SMS Code Stop Name Street ATCO Code nwmdptpm Coventry, Quadrant (Stop BY1) New Union Street 43000002101 nwmdpwdt Coventry, Rail Station Bridge (Stop WR1) Warwick Road 43000008201 nwmdwgad Earlsdon, Leamington Road (adjacent) Warwick Road 43000052201 nwmdwmpw War Memorial Park, Davenport Road (opp) Kenilworth Road 43000061002 nwmdwmja War Memorial Park, Earlsdon Avenue South (opp) Kenilworth Road 43000060302 nwmdwmjg War Memorial Park, Beechwood Avenue (opp) Kenilworth
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