The Bucharest Pogrom: New Archive Documents MARIUS CAZAN Abstract This article brings into light new information about some episodes of the Bucharest pogrom which have not been sufficiently documented, so far. Due to documents found by the author in spring of 2016 in the archives of the National Council for Studying the Securitate Archives (CNSAS), this paper focuses on the use of criminal cases for the conviction of those who participated in the legionary rebellion, in January 1941. Many of these people were investigated and prosecuted for crimes committed against Jews. The newly discovered archive documents open different paths of research and make it possible to launch new assumptions about the perpetrators. The article displays the variety of offenses they committed during the pogrom, as well as the different fates of the perpetrators. Keywords Holocaust perpetrators, Legionary Movement, Bucharest pogrom, legionary rebellion, Mircea Petrovicescu Deportările romilor din Piteşti în Transnistria (1942) PETRE MATEI Abstract Articolul îşi propune să înţeleagă cum s-a ajuns ca un orăşel precum Piteştiul să deporteze, în septembrie 1942, peste o mie de romi (cel mai mare număr de romi deportaţi dintr-o singură localitate). Pentru aceasta, este necesar să nu ne limităm strict la ce s-a întâmplat în perioada deportărilor, ci să analizăm istoricul comunităţii rome din Piteşti pentru o perioadă mai lungă. Riscul de a se ajunge la deportări era mai mare acolo unde existau tensiuni mai vechi şi presiuni pentru rezolvarea acestora atât din partea populaţiei civile, cât şi din partea autorităţilor locale precum primăria sau poliţia. De asemenea, dacă, din varii motive, acestor probleme nu li se găsiseră remedii adecvate în timp de pace, treptat se va acumula o presiune care va exploda în noul context al politicii regimului Antonescu faţă de romi. Practic, pentru a-şi rezolva propriile probleme cu romii, autorităţile locale profită de criteriile foarte vagi pentru clasificarea aşa-zişilor „ţigani-problemă“, forţându-le limitele. Apare astfel un spaţiu de manevră foarte mare pentru poliţişti şi jandarmi în a stabili cine sunt cei periculoşi şi deportabili, chiar şi fără ca aceştia să se fi făcut vinovaţi de vreo infracţiune. Piteştiul se distinge de celelalte localităţi prin marele număr de romi deportaţi. La aceasta au contribuit: 1) ponderea însemnată a romilor în ansamblul populaţiei; 2) concentrarea romilor în anumite zone ale oraşului, situate relativ central; 3) existenţa unor tensiuni mai vechi faţă de romi; 4) relaţia specială a lui Ion Antonescu cu Piteştiul. Cuvinte-cheie Romi, deportări, radicalizare, poliţie, Ion Antonescu The Romanianization Policies and their Socio-Economic Implications: A Dark Chapter of the Holocaust LIVIU WARTER, IULIAN WARTER Abstract The mass murder of as many as 6 million Jews in the Holocaust during the Second World War was one of the main shocking events of the 20th century. The Holocaust unquestionably had many diverse cultural, social, and psychological effects, many of which have been studied by scholars. Notwithstanding, it appears that the socio-economic consequences of the Holocaust for long-term economic development have not previously been examined in depth. In order to create a productive middle class part of an ideal society based on ethno-nationalism, the Antonescu regime (1940-1944) pursued Romanianization - a policy of excluding “foreigners”, especially Jews, from the economic domain, through property and business seizure and exclusion from employment. Romanianization was a manifestation of greediness, corruption, opportunism, antisemitism and ethno-centered policy, the government’s central domestic project under Ion Antonescu. Given the fact that such particular implications of Romanianization were insufficiently explored, in both Romanian and European socio-economic literature, it is scientifically relevant to properly investigate the emergence and development of Romanianization by taking into account its individual manifestations. In this article we investigate some of the socio- economic implications of the Romanianization policies, a dark and insufficiently researched chapter of the Holocaust. Keywords Romanianization, Aryanization, Holocaust, Romania, Second World War Crainic’s Imagined Community: Framing Romanianhood and its Enemy(ies) ANA BĂRBULESCU Abstract This paper tums toward the work of a well-known figure of interwar Romania, Nichifor Crainic, and aims to point out the powerful connection that seems to exist between the symbolic frame he constructs to define Romanian identity and the social and political systems he proposes for this imagined community. As constructing identity means both including what is perceived as similar and excluding what is defined as different, a second emphasis will be put on the antisemitic discourse Crainic develops and its consonance with the essentialist view he proposes. Keywords Romanianhood, essentialist identity, autochthonous spirit, antisemitism Preventing and Combating Racism, Xenophobia and Hate Crimes: from the Decisions of the European Commission to the Implementation in Member States ADINA BABES Abstract The past few decades witnessed an increase and diversification of racism, xenophobia and hate crimes. The social online space is just one of the most recent examples. In this article I discuss the decisions and initiatives the European Commission made concerning this, how they were approached by the Member States, what are the latest discussions and solutions are, and how racism, xenophobia and hate crimes could be prevented and combated. A special focus will be placed on antisemitism. Keywords racism, xenophobia, hate crimes, antisemitism, European Commission, Romania Behind the Online Access. Notes and Papers of Everett C. Hughes: a Small Treasure for the Post-Holocaust Sociology ADELE VALERIA MESSINA Abstract This article is an effort to improve our picture of the post-war scholarly approach to Nazism and the Holocaust. Its aim is twofold: the work will deal with the specific topic of the Holocaust and with the relevance of the EBSCO database in unearthing less-known writings about the Holocaust. It discusses how digital tools are suitable to investigate the changes of Holocaust history in the digital era; and to re-write some features of the destruction of the Jews in Europe. It provides an overview of representative post-Holocaust sociological texts, addressing how the handling of electronic tools and open access to full-texts affects research productivity and changes consolidated schools of minds. A special attention will be given to Everett C. Hughes’s productivity (how many written works the scholar has produced), his visibility (how many times the name of the author appears in articles and reviews on EBSCO), and also his degree of appreciation in post- Holocaust sociological works (calculated based on the number of citations that the academic environment has reserved for him). Hughes’s academic activity in the Chicago School will show us that the notion of a sociological delay in confronting the Holocaust is erroneous. In conclusion, a set of situations (political, academic, and cultural) constituted a tradition of missing scholarship in post-Holocaust sociology. The delay was not due to a lack of scholarship, but rather to a reticence to support the work of scholars like Hughes. This contribution seeks to show how it is proper to readdress the problem of accessing archives. Keywords Antisemitism, EBSCO database, “Good People and Dirty Work”, Holocaust, sociological delay The Duty to Remember v the Right to be Forgotten: Holocaust Archiving and Research, and European Data Protection Law ARYE SCHREIBER Abstract European data privacy laws arose largely in reaction to the horrors of authoritarian rule generally, and the Holocaust specifically. Privacy and data protection have consistently been a barrier to Holocaust justice. The Data Theory of the Dutch Holocaust, widely cited as a justification for EU data protection law, has long served as a smokescreen for extensive collaboration with the Nazis. The largest Holocaust archive was inaccessible to victims and researchers for decades, principally on account of privacy considerations. Privacy prevented publication of indictments of Auschwitz SS, and served as principle grounds for non-cooperation of banks and insurance companies in restitution of property of Holocaust victims and survivors. The EU’s new data protection regulation (GDPR) and its new Right to be Forgotten threaten to pose further challenges to Holocaust research, and bold legal positions may need to be taken in order to avoid Holocaust research being stifled, as several approaches are analysed. Holocaust justice has been central in informing legal responses to other atrocities. For all its importance, data protection law must not be allowed to prevent justice in human-rights abuses, nor to prevent proper research and victims’ healing. Keywords Privacy, data protection, archives, GDPR Ethical Aspects of Gazing upon Archival Photographs from Online Primary Sources DAVID PATTERSON Abstract This article explores the ethical implications of viewing the photographs from Holocaust archives by posing several questions. Does viewing such photographs ultimately render us numb? Do we add to the humiliation of the victims in the photographs by gazing upon these images? Or do the demands of history, memory, and testimony require us to view such archival material? The article argues that, while viewing the photographs is
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