• PUBLIC DOCUMENT No. 85. i \ REPORT O F TH E TAX COMMISSIONER O F T H E (îommomucaltl) of ittaosacljusdts FOB THE YEAK ENDING DECEMBER 3 1, 1 87 8. BOSTON: ÎSanÏJ, abcro, & Co., printers to tfje Commcmtocaltlj, 117 F banexin Stbeet. 1879. (ftommontucaltl) of iftassadjuoetts. T r e a su r y D e pa r t m e n t , B oston, Jan. 28, 1879. Hon. L e v i C. W a d e , Speaker of the House of Representatives. S ir , — J have the honor to transmit herewith to the Legislature the Annual Report of the Deputy Tax Commis­ sioner made to this Department. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, CHAS. ENDICOTT, Treasurer. (iommonrocaltl) of Jitassacliitsrtts, T a x Commissioner ’s O f f ic e , B o ston, Jan. 28, 1879. Hon. Ch a r l e s E n d ic o t t , Tax Commissioner. Sir, — The following tables exhibit a summary statement of the results of the Co r po r a tio n T a x L a w for the cur­ rent year:— Whole amount of Taxes assessed under Chapter 283, Acts of 1865. General l i s t .....................................................................$931,030 91 On Coal-Mining, Quarrying, and Oil Companies,— May a s s e s s m e n t................................... $1,40505 75 November assessment .... 1,41515 40 2,821 15 Aggregate of assessments . $933,852 06 Taxes of 1878, paid to Jan. 1, 1879, — General list ...... $922,081 59 Under section eight ..... 748 50 Taxes of 1878 unpaid, — General l i s t ........................................... $7,609 90 Abatements ...... 1,339 42 Under section eight................................... 2,072 65 ,852 06 6 TAX COMMISSIONER’S REPORT. [Jan. The following statement exhibits the outstanding taxes of corporations on the general list, unpaid at the end of last year, and the changes during the year : — Taxes of 1871, — Outstanding, Oec. 31, 1877 . $761 29 Outstanding, Dec. 31, 1878 . $761 29 Taxes of 1873, — Outstanding, Dec. 31, 1877 72 45 Outstanding, Dec. 31, 1878 72 45 Taxes of 1S74, — Outstanding, Dec. 31, 1877 248 15 Outstanding, Dec. 31, 1878 248 15 Taxes of 1875,— Outstanding, Dec. 31, 1877 233 09 Outstanding, Dec. 31, 1878 . 233 09 Taxes of 1876,— Outstanding, Dec. 31, 1877 . 1,056 00 Outstanding, Dec. 31, 1878 . 1,056 00 Taxes of 1877,— Outstanding, Dec. 31, 1877 . 23,971 55 P a i d .................................................... 627,667 51 Abated ....... 2,593 81 Outstanding, Dec. 31, 1878 710 23 Taxes of 1878, — Outstanding, Dec. 31, 1878 7,609 90 Aggregate of unpaid taxes $10,691 11 The amount accruing to the Commonwealth, under the operation of the law, for the current year, is as follows: — From General List Corporations, — Net amount assessed .... $929,691 49 Amount due to cities and towns 691,468 25 Balance accruing to the Commonwealth $238,223 24 From corporations under section eight 2,821 15 Total amount accruing to the Commonwealth . $241,044: 39 1879.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 35. 7 Of the amount of tax assessed the present year, the sum of $691,468.25 has been paid, and will be payable under the terms of the law to the various cities and towns of the Com­ monwealth. A table is appended, marked “ C,” giving the amounts to which each city or town is entitled. As usual, a dis­ tribution of that portion of the above amount which had been collected on the first day of December was made and certified in season to be offset against the amount due from the cities and towns, on account of the State tax, on the tenth day of December. The amount collected at that date was .... $856,394 47 distributed w a s ........................................... 645,556 85 The amount retained w a s ........................................... $210,837 62 The comparative valuation of the capital stock and real estate of corporations during the years 1877 and 1878 is as follows: — The total valuation of the capital stock of corporations, — In 1877 $214,106,311 26 1878 207,539,857 33 Excess of 1877 ................................................... $6,566,453 93 The valuation of real estate and machinery, — In 1877 $157,140,732 00 1878 148,992,112 55 Excess of 1877 ................................................... $8,148,619 45 The aggregate excess on which a tax was laid, — In 1877 ..................................................................... $72,536,046 76 1878 ..................................................................... 74,138,072 38 Excess of 1878 ................................................... $1,602,025 62 The whole amount realized by the Commonwealth during the financial year ending Dec. 31, 1878, has been,— 8 TAX COMMISSIONER’S REPORT. [Jan. From taxes of 1878, — General list d istrib u te d ..........................................................$210,837 62 not distributed ...... 27,890 24 Mining l i s t ..................................................................... 748 50 $238,976 36 Taxes of previous years collected in 1878, — General list ...... $5,527 68 Mining list ...... 1,297 95 -------------- 6,825 63 Total amount realized ...... $245,801 99 To harmonize this result with that which appears in the Treasurer’s Report, there should be added, — The amount now in the treasury to be dis­ tributed to cities and towns . $38,462 50 Amount collected in 1878 on account of taxes of previous years paid to cities and towns ...... 15,139 83 Amount received in adjustment of claims, 6,707 99 First distribution of 1878, not called for . 365 87 60,676 19 $306,478 18 And there should be deducted, — For payments on account of taxes of pre­ vious years ...... $75,291 49 And in equalization of claims and advances by the Commonwealth in settlement thereof ....... 5,465 21 First distribution of 1877 82 18 Mining tax kept separate .... 2,046 45 ----------- 82,885 33 Treasury balance $223,592 85 Whole amount paid by Coal-Mining, Quarrying, and Oil Companies, during the year ending Dec. 31, 1878, is as follows: — 1879.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 35. 9 Taxes of 1870 ....... $10 00 of 1S71...............................................................5 00 of 1872 .................................................... 5 00 of 1S73 .................................................... 25 00 of 1S74.............................................................45 00 of 1875 .................................................... 25 00 of 1S76 .................................................... 67 00 of 1S77 .................................................... 552 50 of 1S78 .................................................... 748 50 Four per cent taxes of 1877 .... 560 05 Interest ............................................................. 3 40 Aggregate of collections in 1878 .... $2,046 45 Whole amount of mining, &c., taxes in 1878: — Taxes p a i d ............................................ $748 50 unpaid Jan. 1, 1879 . , 2,072 65 ----------- 2,821 15 The whole number of Massachusetts corporations and char­ ters to which my attention has been directed the present vear, is ' 1,487. Of this number, 43 have been dissolved by the courts or are in process of dissolution, 2 have expired by limitation, and 68 new corporations have been chartered or organized ; leaving as the number of corporations and charters to be re­ ported, Dec. 31, 1878, 1,442. The authorized net increase of the capital in the State during the year is as follows : — Authorized by special Act, — New corporations ........ $1,310,000 00 Under chapter 224, Acts of 1870, — Corporations under section 11, and amendments thereof (63) . 5,052,750 00 Certificates of increase of capital by 14 companies, under serction 34 775,000 00 $7,137,750 00 Certificates of reduction of capital under section 35 of the same Act (15) . $1,597,000 00 Dissolution by the Supreme Judicial Court or in process ..... 2,966,291 00 ----------------- 4,563,291 00 Net increase $2,064,459 00 2 10 TAX COMMISSIONER’S REPORT. [Jan. The Board of Appeal was constituted by the appointment of the Hon. Francis Childs, of the Council, to serve with the Treasurer and Auditor. The Board organized May 31, 1878, by the choice of the Hon. Charles Endicott as chairman, when the first session was held. Since that time seventy-eight appeals by corpora­ tions have been heard, with the results indicated in the accompanying table. There have been some appeals by towns, in many of which the action of the Board was requisite to sanction a transfer of credits from one town to another, where all parties were agreed, and the parties for whose stock credit was claimed, were shown to be residents of the appellant towns. As heretofore, however, several cases have been brought before the Board, requiring a nice and extremely careful application of the rules of law applicable to questions of domicile. Appeals in 1878. Whole number of appeals from taxes of 1877 . 12 from taxes of 1878 . 66 ----- 78 Abatements allowed ....... 63 Abatements refused ....... 9 Appeals withdrawn ....... 6 ----- 78 A list of cases considered, with the result in each case, is appended, marked “ B.” B a n k T a x A ct. Whole amount of tax on bank shares assessed . $1,364,085 36 Of which there was retained by towns on account of shares owned by residents . $500,168 84 And there was paid into the treasury . 863,916 52 ---------------- 1,364,085 36 There was paid into the treasury, on account of taxes of 1878 ............................................................................. 863,916 52 There was certified due to cities and towns on account of tax on bank shares owned by residents for 1878 .... $347,376 62 Savings institutions ..... 302,534 16 Insurance companies .... 29,752 06 Amounts carried forward $679,662 S4 $863,916 52 1879.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 35. 11 Amounts brought, forward . $679,662 84 1863,916 52 Literary, scientific, and charitable soci­ eties .................................................... 17,199 33 And, in addition, there is supposed to be due to cities and towns, savings institu­ tions, and insurance companies, on ac­ count of claims not fully adjusted so as to admit of a certificate . 12,085 63 708,947 80 Leaving as a balance for the Commonwealth . $154,968 72 The accounts of the bank tax are kept in this office for the tax year, and in the treasury for the financial year.
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