Paramita:Paramita: Historical Historical Studies Studies Journal, Journal, 28 (2),28(2), 2018: 2018 184 -197 ISSN: 0854-0039, E-ISSN: 2407-5825 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15294/paramita.v28i2.16205 ALGEMENE MIDDELBARE SCHOOL SOLO 1925-1932: PORTRAIT OF THE FIRST MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION IN INDONESIA Heri Priyatmoko History Departement, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University ABSTRACT ABSTRAK Six decades ago, Muhammad Yamin with Enam dekade silam, Muhammad Yamin ber- some other scholars actualized the dream of sama kaum cerdik pandai lainnya “indigenization” of Indonesian historiography mewujudkan impian “pribumisasi” historio- in the Indonesian National Historical Seminar grafi Indonesia dalam forum Seminar Sejarah I. Yamin obtained the knowledge about Nasional Indonesia I. Pengetahuan tentang Nusantara history when he attended Alge- sejarah Nusantara diperoleh Yamin tatkala mene Middelbare School (AMS) Solo in sec- duduk di Algemmene Middelbare School tion A1, Oostersch Letterkundige (Eastern (AMS) Solo. Di sini pula, perspektif siswa Letter) class. Under the care of Dr. W.F. Stut- diperluas dengan pandangan dari sudut Islam, terheim, archaeologist, AMS students were Hindu, dan Buddha lantaran mereka dicekoki taught about Indonesian culture. In here, stu- kebudayaan Indonesia yang terbentuk dari dents’ perspective was broadened with the percampuran antara unsur budaya Islam, Hin- point of views of Islam, Hinduism, and Bud- du, dan Buddha. Tidak lupa mempelajari juga dhism since they were taught about Indone- kesusasteraan Jawa dan Melayu dengan guru sian culture that formed from a mixed element Raden Tumenggung Yasawidagda. Pada era of Islam, Hindu, and Buddhist culture. Not to 1926, tercatat sekolahan ini sudah mem- forget, they also studied Javanese and Malay peroleh murid lebih dari 100 orang. Mereka literature with Raden Tumenggung berasal dari Ambon, Batak, Padang, Aceh, Yasawidagda. In the era of 1926, it is recorded Betawi, Priyangan, Madura, Sumatra, Bali, that this school had more than 100 students. dan Jawa bagian tengah, serta kelompok They came from Ambon, Batak, Padang, Tionghoa dan Belanda. Fakta historis tersebut Aceh, Betawi, Priyangan, Madura, Sumatra, menujukkan bahwa AMS Solo merupakan Bali, and Central Java, as well as Chinese and sekolah favorit kala itu, setidaknya terdengar Dutch people. That historical fact shown that sampai ke luar Jawa. Sekolah pertama di Indo- AMS Solo was the favorite school at that mo- nesia yang mengajarkan pendidikan multikul- ment, at least was heard until outside Java. tural ini melahirkan banyak tokoh terkemuka This first school in Indonesia that taught mul- di kemudian hari seperti Dr. Prijono, Dr Tjan ticultural education produced many magnates Tjoe Siem, Armijn Pane, Amir Hamzah, at a later time like Dr. Prijono, Dr. Tjan Tjoe Ahdiat K. Mihardja, Prof. Mr. Kusumadi, Siem, Armijn Pane, Amir Hamzah, Ahdiat K. Prof. Ali Afandi dan lainnya. Makalah ini ber- Mihardja, Prof. Mr. Kusumadi, Prof. Ali tujuan untuk mendiskusikan model pembelaja- Afandi, etc. This paper aims to discuss the ran di AMS Solo yang berbasis keragaman learning model in AMS Solo based on cultural budaya, profil para guru hebat di AMS yang diversity, profiles of great teachers in AMS berhasil menelurkan sederet tokoh bangsa, who had produced many national figures, as serta respon pemerintah kolonial Belanda dan well as the response of Dutch colonial govern- kerajaan pribumi. ment and indigenous kingdom. Kata kunci: AMS Solo, Pendidikan Multikul- Keyword: AMS Solo, multicultural education, tural, W.F. Stutterheim, Oostersch Letterkun- W.F. Stutterheim, Oostersch Letterkundige dige Author correspondence Email: [email protected] 184 Available online at http://journal.unnes.ac.id/nju/index.php/paramita Paramita: Historical Studies Journal, 28(2), 2018 INTRODUCTION by the Mission (Roman Catholic). Initial- Ethical political policy in education field ly, the institution was established in rolled fast in Solo City at the beginning of Magelang in 1890, then spread to the area the twentieth century. In addition to trans- of Surakarta. In 1930, 17 of their schools migration and irrigation, educational path spread in Margoyudan, Manahan, around was believed to be able encouraging social Pasar Legi, and Gajahan. change of society in the colonies in a bet- This was also born a school handled ter direction. The Dutch government was by Muhammadiyah in response to the rise asked to pay off “debt” because they had of Christian and Catholic schools. Institu- dredged millions from the colony and sur- tion under the command of K.H. Ahmad vived bankruptcy. Indeed, no regulation Dahlan was spread in Mangkunegaran, that cornered the Netherlands to repay the Kampung Sewu, Serengan, Kauman “debt”. However, the law of honor and Pasar Legi, Notokusuman, and Kleco, honesty requires that it must be fulfilled as then followed by school managed by a moral duty, and ethical politics is the Boedi Oetomo in Lumbung Wetan, Ti- answer (Locher-Scholten, 1996: 238-241). muran, Colomadu and Tegalgondo. This Not for so long ethical politics was institution was difficult to move because launched, the school in Surakarta grew as of insufficient fund and it was relatively much as fungus in the rainy season. Also, slow in responding to government regula- this established the Western rules of edu- tions that make restrictions on the educa- cation which can only be caught by the tion sector. European class, the foreign East, and chil- The schools run by the royal also dren of priyayi. Salaries and social status appeared. Referring from Kabar Paprenta- of parents are the key to determine wheth- han (1932), the Kasunanan palace was er indigenous children can be admitted to concerned about education and proven by European educational institutions. It establishing HIS Kasatriyan in 1910, fol- needs to be arranged these various kinds lowed by Froberschool Pamardi Putri in of schools. Referring to the information of 1926, and HIS Pamardi Putri in 1927. Opgave Van Openbare Onderwijsriehtingen in Like other HIS, student acceptance in HIS Het Gewest Soerakarta (1936), local lan- Kasatriyan was also based on economic guage public schools consisted of 13 Sec- factors and descendants, at least raden ond Class School (De Scholen der Tweede class students. Nevertheless, Kasunanan Klasse), 2 All-Girls Schools (Misesschool) built Volkschool (Vilage School) with Java- and 7 Teachers Preparatory School for nese language for paupers. In 1905, Paku Village School (Onderbouw Holland Inlander Buwana X opened an Islamic-based Kweekschool). This series of schools were school, Mambaul Ulum. Meanwhile, Pra- spread in Pasar Kliwon, Serengan, Jebres, ja Mangkunegaran built Sekolah Siswo dan Laweyan, Colomadu, and Mangku- Sisworini, also known as Pawulangan Bocah negaran City. Wadon Ing Mangkunegaran (education for Three Dutch-speaking Neutral girls in Mangkunegaran). Then, Schools were HIS (Hollandsch-Inlandsche Mangkunegara VII founded MULO School) Jongen School in Mangkunegaran, (Middelbare Uitgebreid Lagere Onderwijs) in HIS Meisjesschool in Slompretan, and his territory after pocketing permit from Schakelschool in Mangkunegaran. Fol- the directorate of education and culture in lowed by a school managed by Zending Batavia in 1938. MULO in Solo fulfilled received much funds from the colonial the first-born MULO in Yogyakarta and government. This institution was easy to Bandung in 1903. grow. Until 1930, they established 20 Alumni MULO, which is equivalent schools scattered in Sidokare, Jebres, to junior high school, needed to be chan- Kerten, Margoyudan, Danukusuman, Ka- neled to the higher level. Therefore, HBS watan, Gilingan Villapark, Gemblegan, (Hogere Burgerschool) and AMS (Algemene and Manahan. Next, school was carried Middelbare School) were created. According 185 Paramita: Historical Studies Journal, 28(2), 2018 to Nasution (2008: 137), when HIS and dents to continue studies in various facul- MULO inaugurated, pushed the idea of ties. Only after being abolished as a col- opening a special high school for different lege requirement in 1903, Greek was not Indonesian children, but equivalent to included in this high school program. Ini- HBS. The government was aware of these tially, section A I was felt a bit awkward demands and assured them. MULO grad- for students living outside the Hindu- uated who was barred from tasting the Javanese culture that became the subject same education as HBS requested to be of the lesson in that section. However, this given the opportunity to enter university, a aspect precisely that determines the flow request that was reasonable and needed to of great thought of AMS section A I alum- be met in terms of wise educational poli- nus. tics. Considering also, the Chinese people After the idea is cooked, the govern- urged the government to open HCS for ment fulfills the elite's request to establish their children. this institution. AMS B I prioritized math- To enter universities through ELS ematics and physics to be opened in Jakar- (Europeesche Lagere School) – HBS, the re- ta (1919), and AMS A II, Western classi- quirement to master French was consid- cal studies in Bandung (1920) and AMS A ered difficult to grasp by Indonesian chil- I Eastern classical studies in Solo (1926). dren. In fact, intelligent indigenes also The development of AMS AI in Solo was choked up with that. It was feared that discussed specifically below. Indonesian students run to various univer- “Ing taoen 1925 wonten kabar ramé sities outside the country.
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