BOSPOROS STUDIES 2001 Vol. I Vinokurov N.I. Acclimatization of vine and the initial period of the viticulture development in the Northern Black Sea Coast Gavrilov A. V, Kramarovsky M.G. The barrow near the village of Krinichky in the South-Eastern Crimea Petrova E.B. Menestratos and Sog (on the problem of King's official in Theodosia in the first centuries AD) Fedoseyev N.F. On the collection of ceramics stamps in Warsaw National Museum Maslennikov A.A. Rural settlements of European Bosporos (Some problems and results of research) Matkovskaya T.A. Men's costume of European Bosporos of the first centuries AD (materials of Kerch lapidarium) Sidorenko V.A. The highest military positions in Bosporos in the 2nd – the beginning of the 4th centuries (on the materials of epigraphies) Zin’ko V.N., Ponomarev L.Yu. Research of early medieval monuments in the neighborhood of Geroevskoye settlement Fleorov V.S. Burnished bowls, dishes, chalices and kubyshki of Khazar Kaghanate Gavrilov A.V. New finds of antique coins in the South-Eastern Crimea Zin’ko V.N. Bosporos City of Nymphaion and the Barbarians Illarioshkina E.N. Gods and heroes of Greek myths in Bosporos gypsum plastics Kulikov A.V. On the problem of the crisis of money circulation in Bosporos in the 3rd century ВС Petrova E.B. On cults of ancient Theodosia Ponomarev D.Yu. Paleopathogeography of kidney stone illness in the Crimea in ancient and Medieval epoch Magomedov B. Cherniakhovskaya culture and Bosporos Niezabitowska V. Collection of things from Kerch and Caucasus in Wroclaw Archaeology Museum 2002 Vol. II Aibabin A.I., Pilet Ch. Barbarians on the frontiers of the Roman Empire in Normandy and Crimea in the Epoch of Great Migration of Peoples Vdovichenko I.I. Cult dances in pages on the vases of "Kerch Styles" (on the materials of the Crimean Museums) Vinokurov N.I. Ancient socium: cult of vine and wine Matkovskaya T.A. The image of a Bosporus woman (the materials of Kerch lapidarium) Moleva N. V. Anthropomorphic monuments in the burial rite in Bosporus Rusjaeva A.S. The Bosporos queen Kamasaria Rusjaeva M.V. The main scene on the gold goritos overlays of the so-called "Chortomlyk series" Ponomareov L.Yu. Saltovo-Mayak funeral monuments of the Kerch Peninsula Gavrilov A.V. The Fortified Monuments of Antique Epoch in the Neighbourhood Close to Theodosia Zhuravleov D.V. Ceramic complex of the Roman period from Pantikapaion Zin’ko V.N. New earthen cemetery on the chora of Nymphei Zin’ko Е.A. Cult symbolism in the painting of a new crypt in Panticapeum necropolis Kulikov A.V. The review of coin findings from the ancient site of Akra settlement (1981-2001) and the problems of division monetary circulation in Bosporus into periods Maslennikov A.A. The Settlement of "Pustinny Bereg I" Molev E.A. Defense system of Kytei Khrshnovsky V.A. Burial complexes of the 4th century AD in the necropolis of Kytei Shonov I. V. For coinage of Theodosia of 5th-4th centuries AD Nepomniashchi A.A. Bibliography of A.B. Ashik in studying Crimea in the 19th century 2003 Vol. III Vinokurov N.I. Ancient Wine Trading on the Northern Black Sea Coast Zubar V.M. Latin Epigraphic Monuments of Pantikapaion Zin’ko E.A. On Topography of Late Ancient Necropolis of Panticapaeum Tortika A.A. On the Problem of Historic Interpretation of the Legend about the Huns Crossing the Bosporus Cimmerian Sorochan S.B. «Carceris Habitatores»? The Rule of Cherson in the Second Half of the 9th Century Mavrina O.S. Customs Documents Dating Back to 1487-1490 in Osman Province of Keffe Martsinovsky P.N. Kerch as a Trade Port in the Second Half of the 19th – the Beginning of the 20th centuries Bobkov V.V. Kerch-Enikale Statistics Committee: the Formation and Main Tendencies of Activity Gavrilov A.V. New Monuments of Ancient Time in the Neighbourhood of Starokrymskaya Valley Zin’ko V.N. Necropolis of Rural Settlement Near Myrmekion Zubar V.M. On Dating the Inscription from Preslav with Reference to Bosporus War Kubarev G.V., Akmedov I.R., Zhuravlev D.V. Catacomb grave with armoire from Gospital'naya street in Kerch (preliminary information) Kulikov A.V. Monetary Complexes Dating back to the Mid-3rd Century AD (On the Problem of the End of Monetary Crisis in Bosporus) Matkovskaya T.A. Bosporan Memorial Sculpture from Kerch Lapidarium Molev E.A., Moleva N.V. Terracota Statuettes from Kytaia Sanctuary Ponomarev L.Yu. Saltovo Fortification and Sanctuary Near the Village of Zavetnoye Sidorenko V.A. Bank Operations at Temples in Bosporus at the End of the 1st Century ВС – the 2nd Century AD (on Graffiti Materials) Tolstikov V.P., Zhuravlev D.V., Lomtadze G.A. Late hellenistic ceramic context from Panticapaeum Khanutina Z.V., Khrshanovsky V.A. Ritual Constructions in the Necropolis of Ilurat Khrapunov I.N. New Data on the Sarmatian-German Contacts in Crimea (On the Materials of Excavations of Neizats Cemetery) Shonov I.V. Coinage of the Bospor from 280 to 253 BC Nepomnyashchy A.A. Person Utterly Devoted to Studying Bosporan Antiquities: Yu.A. Kulakovsky Vdovichenko I.I. Kerch Vases Vol. IV – Monograph Zin’ko V.N. The chora of the Bosporus city Nymphaion 2004 Vol. V – On the occasion of 100th anniversary of V.F. Gaidukevitch Molev Е.А. Viktor Frantzevich Gaidukevitch in my Life Buiskikh A.V. On the Problem of Decorative Completion of the Altars in Late Archaic Period from Pantikapaion Zin’kо V.N. Settlements Dating back to the 6th Century ВС on the European Coast of the Bosporus Cimmerian Khrapunov I.N. Ethnic History of the Tauri Vinokurov N.I. Natural Conditions for the Development of Viticulture and Winemaking in the Northern Black Sea Coast Skrshinskaya M.V. Principal Aspects of Ancient Greek Festivals and their Substantiation through Bosporus Archaeological Findings Rusyaeva A.S. Demeter Sanctuary on Hippolaos Cape Krapivina V.V. The Board of Agoranomoi in Olbia Zhuravlev D.V. Trick Cup from Myrmekeion Zubar V.M. On Semantics of a Group of Funeral Inventory in Necropolis of Chersonesos Dating to the Hellenistic Period Rusyaeva M.V. Gravestone of Theophantos, Son of Apemantos, from Tauric Chersonesos Ponomarev D.Yu. Peculiarities of Palaeo-Botanical Research of Anthropological Materials from the Necropolises in Coastal Regions (on the Example of Azov -Black Sea Basin) Nezabitovskaya B. Rectangular Mirrors and Mirrors with Perforation from Sarmatian Burials – Roman Import or Bosporus Imitations Stoyanova A.A. Beads and Pendants from the Cemetery of Neizatz Sorochan S.B. The Eye and Shield of the Empire. Chersonesos by the End of the Rule by Justinian I and his Nearest Successors Tortika A.A. Kimmerian Bospor in Khazar times according to Arab-Persian and Khazar-Jewish authors Bubenok O.B. On the Mongolian Presence in Bosporus in 1222-1223 and 1238-1239 AD Mavrina O.S. Crimean Khanate and Ottoman Province Kefe in the System of the Black Sea Trade at the End of the 15th Century Molev E.A. Fragments of Glass Vessels from the Excavations in Kytaia Kostromichev D.A. Metal Wares from the Excavations of the Ash Pit Dating to the Roman Period in Kerch Gavrilov A.V. The Complex of Storage Amphorae and Pottery from Fortified Site Sary Kaya near Theodosia Ponomarev L.Yu. Bi-ritual Saltovo Mayak Cemetery Near the Village of Eltigen Nepomniashchy A.A. A.L. Berthier-Delagarde: Bibliographic Studies Wasowicz A. Niobides en stuc provenant de Kertch dans les musees polonais Bykovskaya N.B. Precious Metal Artifacts Collection of Kerch Museum of Antiquities Matkovskaya T.A. Decorative Sculpture from Kerch Lapidarium Vol. VI – Monograph Khrapunov I.N. An ethnic history of the Crimea in the Early Iron Age Vol. VII Moshinskiy A., Perevodchikova Е. Skythian animal style in necropolis of Koban’ culture of Digoria Skakov A., Dzhopua A. Complexes with «egretkae» of the second half of the 6th-5th century ВС from Abkhazia Fialko E. Scythian Argimpasa (interpretation of a picture on a tracery plate) Vakhtina M. On iconography of Goddesses at the mirror and rython from Kelermes Vinogradov Yu.A. The burial mound Malaya Bliznitsa (history of studying and dating) Zin’kо V., Tokhtas’ev S. Epitaph of Hephestion from Nymphaion Kovalenko S. On one phenomenon of the Chersonesian numismatics Andruchenko N. Technical achievements of constructing lever presses Zhuravlev D., Zubar V., Sorochan S. Trade of Tauric Chersonesos in the middle of the 1st – the first half of the 3rd centuries AD Simonenko A. Some late Sarmatian elements in inhumations of Tcherniakov culture Frolova N. The catalogue of coins of Tyra. Autonomous coinage. The second half of the 4th – early 3rd centuries ВС Diatroptov P. Two unpublished reliefs with the image of «funeral feast» from the collection of the State Historical Museum Zaytsev Yu., Koltukhov S. The burial of warrior of Hellenisic period near Chisten’koe village at the foothills of Crimea Mordvintseva V., Zaytsev Yu. The bronze patrix from Ust’-Alma necropolis Zhuravlev D. Clay «rattle» from the Belbek IV necropolis Puzdrovskiy A. The burial with fibula-brooch with the image of a Goddess from the Ust’-Alma necropolis Khrapunov I., Mool’d S. The vaults with the burials of the 3rd century AD from the cemetery of Neyzats Khomenko V. A statue of a «Skythian» from the suburbs of Bakchisarai Voloshinov A. To the article of V.N. Khomenko «А statue of a «Skythian» from the suburbs of Bakchisarai» Voloshinov A. Two Late Skythian gravestones from the river Kacha valley Zaitseva K. Lead objects in the form of bullheads, ram-heads and axes from Olbia 2005 Vol. VIII Kryzhitsky S., Rusyaeva A., Nazarchuk V. Architectural Terracotta of Late Archaic Period from Olbia Stoyanov R.
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