[2541] ztit OF WESTERN AL STRALIA. [Published by Authority at 3.30 p.m.] [REGISTERED AT PER GENERAL POST OFFICE, PERTH, FOR TRANSMISSION BE POST AS A NEWSPAPER.] No. 56.] PERTH :TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13. [1928. to the Horse tie IHire Brands Directry, being Brands registered during the Years ending 31s and 1927, including Sheep Earmarks and Woo_ Brands and Cattle Earmarks. 119 of DIAGRAM Marif DIAGRAM 35 2 37 1 4 1 22 Note 23 4 usic Note (00 2 41 ask Note (left) 42 (kit) 26 &It ond(ifht) left) 28 wo/lovi & Note &le /2 2 30 -4' 7 right) 31 Bent Slit (left) /5 32 Diamond 6 4 Bloc step (r7.:917t) CENTRE MARKS 77ffer Alarit /0/ Nov '.mBER 13, 1928. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 2543 Supplement to the Horse and Cattle Fire Brands Directory, being Brands Legistered during the Year ending 31st December, 1926. A. Brand. Reg. No. Name. Name of Holding. Address. Mulganup ;Wonnerup. Brand. Reg. No. Name. Name of Holding. Address. Z Q 9- 15460- Bridle, Harry Alfred ; 1 B-22739-Bristow, John West ;Ardath. 1 A-22872-Adam, William Wellesley, Group No. 11,Loc. -' 2 D- 22522Broad, John Samuel ;Meekatharra. 9445, Manjimup. B 5-22790-Bromfield, Walter Morrison ;York Q5A 8-22552-Addison, Gordon John,Fitzgerald,Loc.356 ; MR.4-22770-Brown, Robert ;Halls Creek. Salmon Gums 2 6-22852-Brown, Walter Brown ;Newlands ;Manjimup <2 a-22755-Ahrens, Carl, Wickepin. Post Office. 4-A 1-22452-Allen, Frank ; " Springfield," Beverley. 4 J X- 6685-Buck, T. R. E.; Avon Locs. 4875, 3590, 4229, S 1 M- 13092 -Allen, F. C. ;Laverton Downs Station, Laverton. 3873 Perenjori. 9i M- 9360-Allen, John ;Nelson Loc. 9585 ;Pemberton. < 7 B-22627-Budiselic, Annie ;Esperance Loc. 368 ;69 Es- OA 4-22280-Altus, Richard Leslie ;Mulrinbudin. perance Road, via Norseman. <Q 1 -22731 Amalgamated Collieries of W.A., Ltd. ;Box A34, 3 ZB-22578-Budiselic, Mate ;Fitzgerald Loc. 374 ;Dowak, Perth and Box 9, Collie. via Norseman 01,r 7-26461-Anderson, Cyril Victor ;Esperance Loc. 864, 928 ; GOB 0-22831-Burnside, B. ; " Clintock," Golf Links Road, Scaddan, via Norseman. Katanning. 03 (;- 224S5- Anderson, Douglas Cran ;" Thainstone," Circle TUB 4- 9035-Bushalla, E. ;Suburban Farm, Narrogin. Valley, via Norseman. D D 9- 2350-Butcher, Vera Ruth ;" Mayfield," Dale River ; 8 0 A- 22562Anderson, George Henry ;" Llewellyn," Williams Brookton. Loc, 10099 ;Kuhn. Ca 4 B-22611-Butler Bros. ;Greenhills. E A 3-22803-Angel, Mervin Thomas ;" Bellevue," East Chap- 5B-22550-Butler, Frederick ; Yilgarn Loc. 468 ;Boddalin. man. 6-22745-Butler, James Richard ;Lone Pine Farm, Cross 5 BT- 1316-Antonio, Thos. J. ;Brooklyn Farm, Southern Roads, Yealering ;E. Pingelly. Brook. U 0 -22295-Arthur, James ;Wubin. 2 1A-22526-Ashurst, Harold, " Jilbadgi," Loc. 103 ;Burra- C. coppin. W1 C-22829-Caesar, Ernest ;Dairy, Fremantle. RA 2-12003-Ashworth, Charles Alexander ;Redhill ;York. 111 X 9- 9670-Camden, Reginald James ; " Sandhurst," Wokalup. P. J 1-22657-Atkins, Arthur Fred Roden ; Dumberning ; Y 0 Q-17711-Cameron, Alec. Mackintosh ; Contractor, Car- Narrogin. narvon. 1 XL-22515-Aylward, Thomas James ;Fitzgerald Loe. 319 and d.) 3 a-22671-Cannon, C. E. ;Perenjori. 221 ;Grass Patch. -"a a 4- 22843Causer, James ;Federal Dairy, Katanning. a 8 A-22786-Aylward, William Stephen ;Hamel. 3-22750-Carroll, William John ;Brunswick Estate Lots 17 and 29 ;Brunswick Junction. OH 1-22449 Carter & Hounslow ;Wattle Grove Farm, Ardath. B. 08 0-22853-Casey, Catherine Elizabeth ;Crystal Hill Farm, Meckering. <5 6-22875-Bailey, Alfred Henry ;Try Farm, Worsely. C.5 a 7-22469-Cavanagh, Gordon James ; Yilgarn Loc. 226 ; North 81U Z- 9749-Baker, Ernest ;Bridgetown Common, Bridgetown. Redhill ;Onslow Burracoppin. S 1C 2 -13023-Barrett-Lennard & McGuire ; <7 a-22873-Chafin, Arleigh Fargo ;Marleigh ;Salmon Gums. TU Y 9292-Barr-Smith, Tom Elder ;White Wells Station ; Rebels Farm, East Brook. Wubin. IL1a-22481-Chalk, Frank Reginald ; C.P. Loc. 1890 ;Hoffman via cr- 3 &- 22805Challis, Frederick ;Bay Farm, No. 4 Group, Ku- B 1-22532-Barry, James ; dardup. Yarloop. Collie. <1B-22588-Bates, Arthur Francis ;Balingup. M1M- 3592-Chamberlain & Son Capercup Siding ; X 4B-16545-Bates, T. E. & Son ;Silverdale.; Arthur River. &- 22406 - Chapman, Christopher ;Group 67, Peel Estate. 1D EC- 2542-Battams, N. J. ;Kootharra ;Barberton. U0Q-14711-Chapman, Frederick Lewin, Hovea Hill ;Group 8 B-22839-Ba,ty, Norman ;" Gordie Valley," Dulbeling. 10, Manjimup. 2 WB-22432-Beers, William Ewart ;Warwick Farm, Mobrup. V bQ-15467-Chisholm, Sarah Jane ;Northampton. Hamilton Hill, Market Street 2<&- 22711- Clinton, Alfred ;Claymore. 1E-22861-Biddles, Frank ; 1 -22297-Clune, Jeremiah James ;Waorie ; Mogumber. Fremantle. &- 22677 -Cole, Leslie James ; Attwood ;Bullaring. T 0 M- 13841- Binning & Sons ;Mooka Station, Carnarvon. " Arakon," Keswick ;TambelluPi <5Q- 22615- Coleman, Albert Thomas Milton ; 1 2 8- 22763 -Birt, Howard. Preston ; Oldbury, via Mundijong. al 1 Z- 22471- Bisset, Harold Lisle ;Mt. Ida, via Menzies and Palmyra ;E. Fre- Leonora. 0a-22699-Colleran, William Edward ; Roe Loc. 76 and 634 ; mantle. C5 2 B-22633-Black, George Earlton ; E-22545-Collins, Elvin William ; Nannine District ; Nannie. Newdegate. E-b Morbining ;Beverley. ® X1 -22835-Collins, Frank Henry Herbert ; Buckinghams, J E 1- 6122-Blechynden, H. E. ; via Collie. laW- 2152-Boolardy Past. Co., Boolardy, and Badjie Stations; Avon Locs. 15990, Murchison ; Cranniore Park, Moora 0-22666-Coffins, Norman Hastings ; 15 B-22687-Borgas, Henry Hugo ;Woodville ;Highbury. 15988, 24681 ;Campion. U.100-22455-Connelly, Edward ; Golden Valley Dairy, Palmyra. TV 5-14106-Borinelli, J ;Meadows of Cornwall, Trafalgar. Mountview ;Greenough. b CO B- 22511 -Bore, Sidney Alfred ; Mandogalup ; Peel Estate. E4a- 3075-Connolly, G. J. ; Ob B-22848-Boucher, George ;Dowak, via Norseman. 5-22862-Cook, Herbert ;" The Shack," Calingiri. " Coln Valley," Lake &- 22787- Cooper, Jack ;Gabbin. 4 B- 22608- Boulton, Wilfred Dennis ; 1,2-22665-Cooper, William John ;Wellington Loc. 50, Lots Grace. 21 and 22 ;Wokalup. L 7 L 7815-Bowar, R. ;Doolgunna, Peak Hill. Carnarvon Common, Carnar- -37 B- 22417 - Bowden, John ;Fitzgerald Loc. 71 ;C/0. Grass S -22513-Cornish & Silvester ; Patch Hotel. von. Hollydene ;Konnon- 7 ao- 1915-Cornwall Bros. ; Carnegie ;Narrogin. B B -22433-Bo wen, Herbert Edmond 2 &- 22626- Couchman, Wilfred George Chalmers ;Avon Lees. go rring. Lake Brown Toodyay Farm. Wongamine, 14332, 24308, 24706 ;Kalkalling ; J B 9- 6040-Bowen, W. F. ; Siding. 2 6-22705-Bowers, Edward ;Yilgarn ;Loc. 241 ;Westfield Glen Mervyn Farm, Bunt- Farm, Geelakin ;Via Burracoppin. 5Na-22678-Counsel, Philip Walter ; ine. <3 7-22438-Brady, Augustus Michael ;Wattle Dale ;Wan Southern Cross neroo. 5 e-22754-Coward, John ; Sunnyside Farm ; Post Office. 1 WB-22294-Branigan, Ethel Maude ;" Glen Vista,' Group 5, Homebush ;Red Lake. Dix-vale ;Manjiinup. 3X 0-22599-Cross, William Bailey ; < 0 a-22710-Crump, Albert Henry ;Station Creek ; Leonora. O A-22S63-Brasington & Anspach, Mundaqunda, New Noreia, Avon Locs <B b-22508-Brayshaw, Arthur, Roundhay ;Nareinbeen. Pi 0 4-22519-Cunningham, PercivalFrancis ; <46-22672-Brenton, Angus ;Oyarna Street, Osborne Park. 19521, 19523 ;Karlgarin, via Kondinin. 2514 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [NovEmnFa: 13, 11)28. HORSE AND CATTLEBRANDS-continued. Brand. Reg. No. Name. Name of Holding. Address. Brand. Reg. No. Name. Name of Holding. Address. a D 4-22429-Cusack, William Luke ;Avon Locs. 18344, 18352, LIF-22427-Farrell, Edward ThomasUpper Gascoyne. 24547 ;Narembeen. 5'F'- 22556 - Farrell, George Avest ;Jiberding. RY 7 -12698-Fiegert, H. H. :Valorbi ; Wagin. Z- 4492-Finch, L. V. and C. J.;Yeelirrie Station ; Lawlers. D. F1T- 4302-Fitt, H. W. ; Narrogin. 4D- 22660 - Dillow,FrederickCharles ; " Coronation" ; O D 3-22501Fitzpatrick, Claire Stephanie ; Yilgarn Loc. 141; Thomso n's Brook, Donnybrook. Westonia. Z D 9- 18100Davey, C. W. ;Belmont Avenue, Belmont. b F-2244S-Fitzpatriek, Rupert Hotham ;Ningham Lees. e 2 Z- 2233-Davidson, N. G. ;Fairview ;Bedfordale 1485, 14S6Gabbin. 1 D- 22713- Davies, Donald, C/o. L. H. Richardson ;Broome- F 8 Z- 4489-Fitzsimmons, G. M. ; Windy Hill Farm ;Nem- hill. budding. 2 B D- 863-Davies, F. B. ;Redlands :Manjinutp. 2F-22544 Forbes, John ; Williams Locs. 9934, 14094, 9946 ; lb D-22717-Davies, Hedley John ;" Hillside." :Benjaberrit Hartismitl L. Fr- 2 D-22525-Davies & Davies ;Corinthian Loc. 560, 56 E_ 8F -22768 -Ford, Thomas Charles ; Banlcside ; Chjnocup Siding. Cefn Coed Corinthian, via Southern Cross. ce 3 F-22881-Forclham, Reginald ; Esperance Locs. 502 and 916 ; D-22473-Davison, Arthur Charles ; Long Acre ; Narembeon. Scacldan. OD 1-22434-Daw, Oscar John Wickeham ;Coonabidgee Farm ; 3 H e- 5334-Forrest, G. : Aston Villa ; Yallingup. Gingin. <1F-22864 Forrester, Arthur Gilbert ;" Seychelles " ;Ben- 4D-22521-Dawkins, Joseph William ;Fitzgerald Locs. 480, cubbin. 895 ;Salmon Gums. 0 D A- 2271-Forrester Bros. :Balline Station ; Northampton. 1D-22507-Dawson, John Willis ;Lot 230, Sheet 0, AV estonia < 0 F-22296 -Fo ste r, Allan ; Peel Estate Lots 71 and 93 ; 7-Mile " West Australian" Office, Perth. Post Office, Peel Estate. 02D-22738-Dean, Charles Wilson ;Yilgarn Loc. 730 ;N,R)11- 9 HW- 5910-Fowler, Florence C. ;14-Mile Brook ; Congling. gar. b F -22833-Francis, William John ;Morrell Hill ;Datatine, ID 0 -22464-Dean, Harold ;Fitzgerald Locs. 3S6 and 769 ; via Katanning. Salmon Gums. FiF 7- 22557 - Fraser, Leila Blanche and William ;Blamain ; Toodvay. -31 D-22482-Dear, John Alfred ; Avon Loc. 22725 ; Lyminster Farm, Mukinbudin. 2 3 F-22832-Fraser, William Alfred ; Caded Park Farm ;Es- 04D- 22709 -Dee, Dora May ;Coorow. nc 0 1 D- 22769- Deering, Charles Gaston ;Wattle Valley ;Scar- B 0 7- 1148-Fr n1 Lionel; Bunker's Hill, Clackline. borough. 5 MR-8756-The DeGrey River PastoralCo., Ltd., DeGrey Station, Port Hedland. G. 7 D -22474Delano, Gerald Victor : Dunromyn ; North C5 4 a-22830-Gale, George ; Waterson ; Murudup. Burraeoppin. W ('-15949-Cannaway, H. J. ;Linda Farm ;East Wagin.
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