Section rosse ews A --------,----- -------------- 2S~ 'er Copy 42 Pages-Three Sections-Plus Insert '-::;__~-=. ~ 1M GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1980 $10 Per Yeo, .._------------ ----- ----------- - ------------------- FLEe supporters rally money problems linger "Our juv(;ni!~ counseling is up for r.......1;,1' . }';u; tl:t" 'Fr ...nd,; of FLEC' board m~rnbers team up to teach ana review and evaluation in November," tu.::! II ••.l.'\'t""--.!l.lJ fund r<ibJng. bring. Cutbacks threaten to end high Ichool "tudents about the dan. ':'60 ':1 s:;.:.OOO .-\11 L'll'; (...naml)' hdps, ger, of alcohol and drug abuse. said Ms. Reedus. "We hope to ap- tl:J: ....to ,ull hllH' a lot of problem, proach the cities for help after that's taken care of." V ,,:.t ..1 .. ~' .~.'.; ". .r..t~~It:"Cc.:,:i !bunE: U>." sc.hool alcoh~ll program The student:; then present dl"li}; awarel12SS program, to fifth and sixtfl !..t ..... 1.. r : ..f' ..... \ r .: _: ('. ~.'= ...If tt ..r A,', .,r:1Jng tu Mrs. Re-edus one graders in Jucal schools. "It's very On O,:t. I, plans to start "FLEC l .':~H' _....~t t.~l ...C... :.... j:. 1~'.:....:.r.J~'.l crease in the number of contacts the Pointe are under 20 years old, .wm" i5 dl,peUWg the 'belief succ2ssful, and typical of the type 66" will get under way. About 2,500 ..,r with the public. We also started iosing compared to 45 percent for Detroit tl,.: FLEe ()\er-t'x:ended itself in of sen'ices we provide:' said Dir. citi?ens will be contacted directly ....:" ..:."H hc,'\il:- .- ..!.i:. ~ ~.u.:.l.:t' Cl! volunteer services because the quar. contacts. "Of the Harper Woods and l!H.JI.::lg :,; Jl.; n€'",' quarters at 18412 Reedu,. "Last year alone we educated and lIsked to donate $1 (or every .j~~.:'uU.. j ~I:l. ~.l t' t • .....:..r .. t" ~!I( r:llS': ~t' ters weren't suitable," she said. St. Clair Shores contacts, 80 percent 1.300 student, this way. Programs )'p.ar since FLEe was formed. If _l'L14.t:: .1 :"(:" •.&&:1: .Ii~':' .b f["'~ m.J-~ Madi:. in the Farm,. are under 20 . like thiS Will be mis;eu if FLEC goes ...mlt... "Since moving. we've realized an s.uccessful. FLEC , h 0 u 1 d raise l.if"d(;[," "JttJ~ ULll..UJ,'li "'~ ana IS ab. 80 percent increase in contacts, plus . 'w'e idL we IlceUtU <l higgcl oui,J. ;>j.5,uw. Ail t.:vut, ~ou.t~vi:'., Cart: ~~X "~hr lli&f, hr¥: '. ~:UL: : ~C" l,.l\ot".:' oJ1 ~(I!u:el)' nt:<:essat). to FLEC," stressed greater use of our medical facilities ing," she said. "We still ieel we made deductible. The new ,fund raisil,g season for ~ U.4&1f."'.4' '.~=-.."';..~ ..1:'- A: :.~.~(".a.~t"!ll!lg as lI, Recdus. "We needed a building here. I personally feel we would have the correct decision." FLEC began Wednesd~y, Oct. 1. "I don't think the people of the r\'t=~ ,,'e could grow in. We couldn't in faded away to nothing if we hadn't our old location in the annex of the ONE SUCCESSFUl, program threat FLEe plans to approach various Pointe will let us down," said Dir. I moved into the newer building." "\A. " l.ll:: ":., 5~(lO cv!l~rib'Jtion l'nit;;riail Church on Maumee read_" ened with financial extinction is foundations for grants, plus will gear Reedus. "Any donation is an invest. ~lLl: ~v.. ~'5 c.,::J(:.wns 11; help us Ms. Reedus reported that 65 per- FLEe's Alcohol Awareness Program. up to seek help from local city ment in the young adults of this ..,,'~ :t... St-;,:.t-ttlht-r !lu.!np," said M.s. "In 1978-79 we noticed a sharp de. cent of their medical contacts from Community residents and FLEC councils. area." ------------------------_._- ----------------_._------------------ ---_._----_.~----~-------------- Signal I e a k age in newly installed televi. Hearing set sion cable lines bas caused reception prob- Revised census lems for cable and non. cable viewers in the on bagging Grosse Pointe Woods areL Officials at Grosse Pointe Cable TV Inc. shows 12% drop say they now hav~ the Park leaves leakage problem under control. Many of the I By Susan McDonald say the challenge will be examined within a few weeks. B~' Joanne Goul~he channels offered by the The U.S. census bureau re- cable firm originate in The new population statistics: A.10D:< with all the cider and New York 0. Washing, leased "final preliminary" pop- candy apples fall brings, it also ton, D.C, and are sent ulation statistics last week that • City, from 6,637 in 1970 to 5,910, brings leaves-lots of them. Do as far as 22,500 miles show an overall loss of 7,123 an 11 percent drop. to a stationary satellite y..m 'Vant to bag your own people from four Grosse Pointes • ;Farms, from 11,701 to 10,556, over the equator and lea\"es this fall or would you since 1970_ 9.8 percent decrease. then bounced back and prefer the city sweep them ..:~ caught in this dish at The !9BO population of the Pointes, • Park, from 15,641 to 13,297, a away~ the '7. Mack shopping according to the bureau, is 51,641 15 percent decrease. The Park Council would like center in the Woods. compared to the 1970 figure of 58,- The signals are then • Woods, from 21,87B to IB,812, a t..~e answer to that question 764-3 12.1 percent loss. 14 percent decrease. ......hen it me~ts for a public hear- fine tuned and fed through coaxial cable The figures is<;ued last week are • Shores, from 2,907 to 3006, a in,g Oct. 13 to consider amend- to local viewers. See ing the city's current garbage slightly higher for the :Pointes than 3.4 percent increase. story below. P,",oto by Tom Greenwood a tentative CGunt that was ma'de pub- and rubbish ordinance. lic in July. The earlier count showed The loss in population in the a 12.4 percent drop in the Pointes' Pointes is generally attributed to the BL'T BEFORE residents raise their population. Those figures were reo decline in fa..-nily size and the lack rUn in anger about the possibility • vi5()d up, based on furth~r informa. of open, developable land in the of bagging their own leaves, city GP Cable finds bugs In lines tion supplied by local city managers community. administrators point out an amended and extra field work by the census ordinance could save the community reception as a main benefit of a sets in thc neighborhood, Reynolds bureau. thousands of dollars each year. By Gregory Jakub service which some say could revo- said. Earlier this year, administrators Mrs. James Brennan 'of Severn lutionize everything from the TV in- ONLY ONE OF mE Pointes, the warned of such a possibility when dustry to family life. "It boils down to education ... as Shores. showed an increase in popu- Park humps Road in Grosse Pointe Woods lo what (cable) will and what it won't lation during the last decade. Ac. preparing the 1980~1 budget to cut said the service represep.!a,~ives down on escalating costs for city But so far the only revolution do," Reynolds said. Cable installation cording to the bureau, the Shores' se~ices, including leaf pickup. from Grosse Puinte Cable TV cable has calis",d in Grosse Pointe is people are now telling subscribers to population grew by 3.4 percent, to Inc. have bE:en very nice. Her in the turning of antennas and tuning never use their old antennas after .3,00$ people. boaters out Residents presently .'lIke leaves to only co~mplaint is that she's had dials by cable and non-eable TV Jetting cable, Reynolds said. the curbside for later pickup by the to call them four times since viewers trying to improve their less The remaining cities showed popu. city's vacuum machine. The leaves Sept. 5 to improve the reception than normal reception. Subscribers say that Grosse Pointe lation losses, ranging from 9.8 per. are then taken to Three Mile Park on channels two and fQur. Cable TV has bee.n responsive to cent in the Farms to 15 percent in of piers where they are stored usually until There are a few ; in the 3" :heir complaints which have been the Park. The City is reported to show spring before disposal at th" :irosse "Even during the week of 'Shogup' miles of cable instailed during the pouring into their offices in the a 11 percent decline and the Woods By Joanne Gculerhe Pointe Refuse Authority in Clinton people couldn't get channels two and summer, admits Mike Reynolds, man. lIIack-7 shopping center. A repair a 14 percent drop. Township_ . four," said Mrs. Brennan echoing the ager of Grosse Pointe Cable TV. But crew spent four hours outside a home The only city to for:-llally dispute Grosse Pointe Park admini~- -complaints of at least 15 to 20 of her the kinds of initial reception prob- on Severn Road after the family's While bagging leaves may be a bu-. the census bureau's findings is the trators can't really recall when neighbcs ....h,)Cc TV receptiol1 h~sn't reception j. '-,hle,:: r~ Jccurred four den for olde:' persons and the "_ with lems occurring in the Woods are not Woods, which showed a loss of 3,01)6 they had to enforce the city's large property lots, ali.'llinistrators been quite the same since cable pro- uncommon in areas where cable TV timE's, the resident's said.
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