REPORT OF THE COl\1MISSIONER-GENERAL OF THE UNITED NATIONS RELIEF AND WORKS AGENCY FOR PALESTINE REFUGEES IN THE NEAR EAST 1 Joly 1983-30 June 1984 GENERAL ASSEMBlY OFFICIAL RECORDS: THIRTY-NINTH SESSION SUPPLEMENT No. 13 (A/39/13) UNITED NATIONS REPORT OF THE COl\1MISSIONER-GENERAL OF THE UNITED NATIONS RELIEF AND WORKS AGENCY FOR PALESTINE REFUGEES IN THE NEAR EAST 1 Joly 1983-30 June 1984 GENERAL ASSEMBLY OFFICIAL RECORDS: THIRTY-NINTH SESSION SUPPLEMENT No. 13 (A/39/13) i 1 .,; J \ ;:.{ 1 1 JI 1 ,i 1 1 ':,j r J , j ~1 ;1 'J ,,1 i .j l, [ 1 ~ -, 1 1 f r UNITED NATIONS 1 l'i New York,1984 1 l'~ I~ l~ ~ !1 i f L L NOTE Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capitalletters combined with figures. Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United Nations document. In the present report, the term "West Bank" refers to the occupied West Bank of the Hashemite Kingdom ofJordan and the term "Jordan" refers to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan excluding the occupied West Bank, wherever it is necessary to differentiate between these two fields of the Agency's area cf operations. r [Oriqinal~ Arabic/EnqlisQ/French) [12 Septernber 1984] CONTENTS paraqraphs LE'rTER OF TRANSMITTAL ••••••••••••••••••••••••• "............................. vi LETTER FROM 'l'HE CHAIRMAN OF THE ADVISORY COMMISSION OF THE UNITED NATIONS RELIEF AND wORKS AGEI>X:Y FOR PALESTINE REFUGEES IN THE NEAR EAST TO THE COMMIS SIONER-GENERAL •••••••••••••••••••• "................................... vii FOREWORD BY OLOF RYDBECK, OOMMISSIONER-GENERAL OF UNRWA ••••••••••••••••••••• ix Chapter REPORT OF THE COMMIS SIONER-GENERAL 1. EMERGENCY OPERATION IN L EBANON •••••••••••••••• 1 ~ 39 1 A. The operational context ••••••••••••••••••• , ••••••••• 1 - Il 1 B. Emerqency relief measures ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 12 - 16 2 C. Restoration of reQular services ..•...•••.••••.•••••. 17 - 21 3 D. Rehousinq the refuqees 22 - 23 4 E. Repair of UNRWA installations and ~econstruction •••• 24 - 29 4 F. Protection of the refuqees •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 30 - 32 5 G. Co-ordination of the relief prOQramme 33 - 36 6 H. Evaluation of the emerqenc operation 37 - 39 6 II. REGULAR OPERATIONS OF THE AGENCY •••••••••••••••••••••••• 40 - 192 7 A. OrQanization and manaqement of UNRWA operations ••••• 40 - 45 7 B. Bducation and tra Ln.i no services ••••••••••••••••••••• 46 - 47 8 1. General education c. e ••• 48 - 58 8 2. Vocational and technical education •••••••••••••• 59 - 63 Il 3. 'IEacher traininq o ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 64 - 72 12 4. University scholarships ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 73 - 74 13 c. Health services . 75 13 1. Curative medical care •.••..••••...••...••.•..... 76 - 83 14 2. Control of communicable diseases 84 88 15 -iii- COÏliTEl\ITS (continued) Paraqraphs Paqe 3. MaternaI and chiLd health •.•••••..•.•••.•••••••• 89 - 97 16 4. Nursinq services •.••..•.••••.•.....•.•.•••.••••. 98 - 100 17 5. Environmental health ••••..•.••••.••.•••.•••••.•• 101 - 108 18 6 • Nu tr i t ion . 109 - 113 19 7. Medical and para-rnedical education and traininq • 114 - 117 20 D. Re lief services 118 - 122 21 1. Eliqibility and reqistration ...•.•...•.••.•...•• 123- 125 22 2. Ra t ions ct 0 li ••••••••••••• 126 133 22 3. Camps and shelters •••••..•..•••.••.•...•••••.••• 134 - 143 24 4. Welfare e •••••••••••••••• c 144 - 150 25 E. Personnel and administrative matters •..••••.•••••.•• 151 - 163 27 1. Chanqes in the staffinq table •.•.•..••..••••.••• 151 - 154 27 2. Local staff pay administration 155 - 161 28 3. Staff traininq and development 162 - 163 30 F. Leo a L matters ••••.••..•..•..........••.•....••..•••• 164 - 192 30 1. Aqency staff . 164 - 175 30 2. Aqency services ana premises .•••••..•.••.••••••• 176 189 32 3. Claims aqainst Governments ...••....••.•••••••.•• 190 - 192 35 II 1. FlNAN:ING UNRWA OPERATIONS ••.•••.•..•••.••••.••...•.•••• 193 - 217 36 A. Reqular financia1 operations 1983 .•...••••..•••••.•• 193 36 B. Financinq the Lebanon emerqency relief operation 194 36 i i' C. Lebanon emerqency reconstruction proqramme. pha se l CI .. D .. 195 - 196 37 D. Revised reqular budqet for 1984 •••••.••••••••••••.•• 197 38 E. Proposed requ1ar budqet for 1985 .•••••.•••..•••••••• 198 - 214 38 F. Summary of reqular budqet estimates. 1984 and 1985 ....•........................ " . 215 41 1.-f' • t:~ 1 G. Fundinq the reqular budqet , 1984 and 1985 ..••••••••• 216 - 217 45 l'"le ' ~' . t~ . -iv- CONTENTS (continued) ANNEXES 16 1. Statistical information ••••••••••••••••••• Al •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 47 17 II. Pertinent records of the General Assembly and other United Nations 18 bodi es. Cl 0 ••••• 0 .. • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 ••••••••••••••••••• ••••• 78 19 20 21 22 22 24 25 27 27 28 30 30 30 32 35 36 36 36 37 38 38 41 45 -v- --.-.;. L_-... -.;.... _ LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 31 Aucust 1984 17 l have the honour to submit my annual report to the General Assembly on the work cf the United Nations Reliet and Works Aqency for Palestine Refuqees in the Near East (UNRWA) for the period l July 1983 to 30 June 1984, in compliance wi th 18 the req~est in paragraph 21 of resolution 302 (IV) of 8 December 1949 and paraqraph 8 of resolution 1315 (XIII) of 12 December 1958. It has aqain been incumbent upon me to focus in the foreword to the report on the serious financial difficulties faced by the AQency. In past years, the lack of funds to cover budqeted expenditure could be met to a certain extent by cuttinq proqrammes of lower priority and by postponing much-needed construction and maintenance. FUrther cuts would now endanqer the Aqency's operations. The support of Governments will therefore be determinant for the AQency's future activities. Chapter l of the report qives a detailed account of the Aqency's emerQency operations in Lebanon. Chapter II reports on the reQular education, health and reliet operations and the support services. The third chapter treats the financinq of the reqular operations and the Lebanon emerqency relief and reconstruction proqrammes. It also presents the Aqency's proposed budqet for 1985, for consideration by the General Assembly at its thirty-ninth session, and the revised budqet for 1984. The two annexes supply statistical intormation on UNRwA's proqrammes and finances and references to the pertinent records ot the C~neral Assembly and other United Nations bodies. The Advisory Commission of UNRWA examined this report in draft. Its views are set forth in a letter dated 30 Auqust 1984 from its Chairman, of which l enclose a copy. l have deemed it appropriate to maintain the practice of showinq the draft to representatives of the Government of Israel and to qive consideration to their comments, qiven that a major part of the Ao ency ts operations is c onduct.ed in areas occupied by Israel in 1967 and thereafter. Accept, Sir, the assurances of my hiqhest consideraton. (Siqned) Olof RYDBECK Comrnissioner-General j',­ f,i 1.' ,r;:" 1.' !:·m Ij The President of the General Assembly I~ United Nations '~ New York t"~ L';~ [.Î ,1 -vi- 1 ___t._ - LETTER FROM THE CHAIRMAN OF THE ADV ISORY CXlMMlSSION OF THE UNITED NATIONS RELIEF AND WORKS AGENCY FOR PALESTINE REFUGi::ES IN THE t 1984 NEAR EAST Ta THE CDMMISSIONER-GENERAL 30 Auqust 1984 :>0 the Dear Mr. Rydbeck, in the e with At its meetinQ in Vienna toàay, the Advisory Commission of UNRWA considered the draft report on the ~ency's operations cur i nq the period 1 July 1983- 30 June 1984. which is to be submitted to the United Nations General Assembly at its thirty-ninth session. spor t; on = lack of The Commission reaffirms to the international community the importance of the ttinq ~ency's fulfilment of its obliQations to the Palestine refuqees until a just j solution to their problem is found, in accorClance with United Nations resolutions. = support lt further considers that the continued existence of the lQency contributes lties. effectively towaras easinq the situation in the Near East and in providinq the minimum stability needed in that reQion. iencv 1 and Realizinq and understandinq the financial straits of the Aqency and V'le .Lnancd no scarcity of resources available to it, the Comnlission urqes vou ana the ~orkinq lon Group to continue your efforts to obtain additional cont~ibutions. lt appeals at the same time to aIl Member States of the UniteCl Nations General Assembly to revised contribute sufficiently qenerously to UNRWA to enable it to continue to carry out its tasks, particularly in health and education, and to recommence ration distribution to aIl refuqees throuqhout the area of operations. md Id other ln view of the continued sutferinq of the Palestine refuqees in Lebanon, the threats to the lives of the refuqees and the destitution which they face because of their inability to leave their camps in search of work, the Commission considers it 'iews are necessary that the Aqency continue to provide aIl services. includinq rations, to icIose a the Palestine refuqees in Lebanon. The Commission shares your concern for the secvrity conditions under which the Palestine refuqees live, especially those in south Lebanon, as a result ot the lsraeli invasion, and for the attacks, raft to kidnappinqs and killinqs to which they and the Aqency's locally-recruited and .ei r international staff are exposed. lt requests vou to pursue your efforts and n areas representations to put an end to these practices. The Commission also notes with deep concern the arbitrary practices to which the refuqee camps, particularly those in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, are exposed. It appeals to Vou to make the necessary r~~resentations to the authorities concerned wi th a view to puttinq an end tu those practices. DBECK r-General Recallinq the General Assembly resolutions requestinq you to reunify your headquarters in its former site in Beirut, as soon as practicable, the Commission asks that you keep this in mind as a matter of priority. The Commission also notes the ofter of the Government of the Hashemite KinqClom of Joràan to host the headquarters in Amman, until the return to Beirut becames possible.
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