No. 32179 2 No.32179 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 15 MAY 2009

No. 32179 2 No.32179 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 15 MAY 2009

Vol. 527 Pretoria, 15 May 2009 Mel No. 32179 2 No.32179 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 15 MAY 2009 CONTENTS INHOUD Page Gazette Bladsy Koerant No. No. No. No. No. No. GOVERNMENT NOTICE GOEWERMENTSKENNISGEWING Transport, Department of Vervoer, Departement van Government Notice Goewermen~kenn~gewmg 462 South African National Roads Agency 462 Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Padagent­ Limited and the National Roads Act skap Beperk en die Nasionale Paaie Wet (7/1998): The South African National (7/1998): Die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Roads Agency Limited: Declaration Padagentskap Beperk: Verklaring wysi­ amendment of National Road N12 ging van Nasionale Pad N12 Seksie 9: Section 9: Amendment of Declaration Wysiging van Verklaring No. 631 van No. 631 of 2005 . 3 32179 2005 . 4 32179 STAATSKOERANT, 15 MEl 2009 No.32179 3 GOVERNMENT NOTICE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT No. 462 15 May 2009 THE SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL ROADS AGENCY LIMITED Registration No: 98/09584/06 DECLARATION AMENDMENT OF NATIONAL ROAD N12 SECTION 9 AMENDMENT OF DECLARATION No. 631 OF 2005 By virtue of section 40(1)(b) of the South African National Roads Agency Limited and the National Roads Act, 1998 (Act No.7 of 1998), I hereby amend Declaration No. 631 of 2005, by substituting the descriptive section of the route from Hopetown up to Kimberley, with the subjoined sheets 1 to 25 of Plan No. P737/09. (National Road N12 section 9: Hopetown - Kimberley) 4 No. 32179 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 15 MAY 2009 GOEWERMENTSKENNISGEWII\lG DEPARTEMENT VAN VERVOER No. 462 15 Mei 2009 DIE SUID-AFRIKAANSE NASIONALE PADAGENTSKAPBEPERK Registrasie No: 98/09584/06 VERKLARING WYSIGING VAN NASIONALE PAD N12 SEKSIE 9. WYSIGING VAN VERKLARING NO. 631 VAN 2005 Kragtens ArtikeI40(1)(b) van die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Padagentskap Beperk en die Nasionale Paaie Wet, 1998 (Wet nO.7 van 1998), wysig ek hiermee Verklaring no. 631 van 2005, deur die beskrywende gedeelte van die roete vanaf Hopetown tot by Kimberley, te vervang met meegaande velie 1 tot 25 van Plan no. P737/09. (Nasionale Pad N12 Seksie 9: Hopetown - Kimberley) ISTER VAN VERVOER + ,,,0 ,,00 .~ REM 1 ~ k'O' 409 k'O' REM DECLARATION .-'~ 2570>PLAN No.P698/08 ~'l.' L5 L6 L7 L8 ~L9 '-' ,-'~ L2 .... A rII ... ••••• .... + R~ ~ N12/8 -, REM 1 .-'~ HOPETOWN EXT.5"'~ >' /1> 5 I TUATE ON ERF 8~8 ,'b. , ,,00 ~ k'O' w- ~ - '~ ... ~ k'O'o STATE LAND ~ '" ~ Ptn.3 ..,~ LEFT BANK OF REM .. ~ (j) ~ '" ~ ORANGE FARM 291 Ptn.14 0 0_ ~ REM 1 ... 0·.·.·.",·.· .. --- ...................... ~ L26 L27 .......... R33 (j) 487 L2S R32 A REM R31 o R26 R27 I R28 m LANGFORD 221 JJ 3189 REM Ptn.3 » MIDDLE OF Z ORANGE RIVER .-1 HOPETOWN STATE LAND (J1 ~ m N o o ~ (D REM Ptn.12 + + LANGFORD 221 ':J ;r v ,,0° .-'__ "'-- R33 ~ R50A fb" .s .s°o 4. /' ~oo stei die podreserwe voor von 'n gedeelte Vel von Die Suid Afrikoonse Nosionole Podogenlskop Beperk Die figuur getoon 1 25 z represents the rood reserve of a portion Sheet of o The figure shown von Nasionole Roete Seksie W The South African Notional Roods Agency Limited ()y)\) N12 9 Plan N WE of Notional Route Section P737/09 ..... -.J (D U1 Ol l:) z -t ~ -t" o ".1 <:is ",e ~ ~~~ c.> ~~.1 i? I\) i? $00 l ..... 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" stel die padreserwe voor van 'n gedeelte Vel van Die Suid Afrikaanse Nasionale Padagentskap Beperk Die figuur getoon 25 .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:-: represents the road reserve of a portion Sheet 2 of :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:. ...................... von Nosionale Roete Seksie The South African National Roods Agency Limited The figure shown [II...:.........:.......: N12 9 Plan of National Route Section P737/09 ~ 0 ~ 00 ~' ~ o0 '? REMAINDER "".~6 ...'b "" <'69 ...... 9 . 000 ;-'" SPR INGVALE 240~esoO " SOO .... .... .... REMAINDER L68Ao Ptn.l U8A ..0:.:.:..................•.. L69 L 781 f':"? :-:-:.:-: -:.:-:-:.;. ~;5A R67A •••....•..••.....-:........................~ L70L71L72L73L74L75L76L77-~.;.;. R75 R71 R72 R73 R74 SPRINGVALE 214 ~ ~ <'6 c'. LEINSTER 222 "" 9 "" REMAINDER SOO ~ 0 o0 "" <'6,> SPRINGVALE 240 ...'" (J) SOO .... .... 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