THE ANDHRA PRADESH MINERAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LIMITED (A STATE GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH UNDERTAKING) BIDDING DOCUMENTS (Through the website of AP E-PROCUREMENT) for PLANNING, ENGINEERING, FINANCING, CONSTRUCTION, DEVELOPMENT, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF BRAHMADIHA COAL MINE, STATE OF JHARKHAND, INDIA REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL DOCUMENT NO: APMDC/HO/COAL/BRAHMADIHA/MDO/2020-21/ dated ____ (This Document is meant for the exclusive purpose of submitting Proposal for Selection of Mine Developer Cum Operator (MDO) for the Planning, Engineering, Financing, Construction, Development, Operation and Maintenance of Brahmadiha Coal Mine and shall not be transferred, reproduced or otherwise used for purposes other than that for which it is specifically issued without the written permission of The Andhra Pradesh Mineral Development Corporation Limited) Page 1 of 66 The Andhra Pradesh Mineral Development Corporation Limited Corporate Office: Door No. 294/1D, 100 feet Road (Tadigadapa to Enikepadu Road), Kanuru, Vijayawada – 521137, Andhra Pradesh, India Tel: +91-866-2429999 Fax: +91-866-2429977 Email: [email protected] website: http://www.apmdc.ap.gov.in/ RFP NOTIFICATION XX.XX.2021 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR PLANNING, ENGINEERING, FINANCING, CONSTRUCTION, DEVELOPMENT, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF BRAHMADIHA COAL MINE APMDC invites proposals from experienced mine developer and operators and mining contractors for planning, engineering, financing, construction, development, operation and maintenance of the Brahmadiha Coal Mine (opencast) located in Jharkhand, with a peak rated capacity of 0.15 Mtpa. The executive summary of the bidding process shall be available on the website of AP E- PROCUREMENT Ltd. (www.tender.apeprocurement.gov.in) and websites of APMDC (www.apmdc.ap.gov.in), from _______. The bidding documents (RPF No APMDC/HO/COAL/BRAHMADIHA/MDO/2020-21/ can be downloaded from the website of AP E-PROCUREMENT Ltd. after registration on the AP E-PROCUREMENT website and payment of the bid document cost of Rs. 5,00,000/- [Rupees Five Lakhs Only, excluding GST] from ___________. The last date for submission of proposals is 15:00 hrs IST on _______. Any further communications, amendments etc. shall only be uploaded on the above website of AP e- procurement and the website of APMDC and there will be no newspaper notification/advertisement in this regard. APMDC reserves the right to cancel/ reschedule/ extend the tender or reject any or all bids without assigning any reasons whatsoever at any stage. Nodal officer for this bidding process: Sri R. Kedarnath Reddy, APMDC, Email: [email protected], Phone: +91-866-2429999; Fax: +91- 866-2429977. Sd/- Vice Chairman and Managing Director The A.P. Mineral Development Corporation Limited Page 2 of 66 SCHEDULE OF BIDDING PROCESS Sl. No. Event Tentative Schedule 1 Publication of advertisement in newspapers 2 Availability of an Executive Summary (free of cost) on the internet on the following websites: i) AP E-PROCUREMENT (www.tender.apeprocurement.gov.in) ii) APMDC (www.apmdc.ap.gov.in) 3 Start of registration of Bidders on AP E- PROCUREMENT website 4 Start of receipt of Bid Document Cost and download of bid documents 5 Pre-Bid conference Not Applicable* 6 Site visit 7 Demo of e-tendering submission on the AP E- PROCUREMENT website 8 Start date for submission of Technical Bid and Initial Offer on AP E-PROCUREMENT website and physical submission of the original documents related to Proposal submission 9 Last date for registration and receipt of bid document cost 10 Last date for downloading the Bidding Documents 11 Last date for submission of Technical Bid and Initial Offer on AP E-PROCUREMENT website 12 Last date for physical submission of the original documents related to Proposal submission 13 Opening of Technical Bids (on the AP E-PROCUREMENT website) 14 Opening of envelopes submitted by bidders - containing the original documents related to Proposal submission (in presence of bidders who choose to attend) 15 Announcement of Qualified bidders and intimation To be communicated later to the Qualified Bidders by email Page 3 of 66 16 Opening of Initial Offers To be communicated later 17 Declaration of floor ceiling for e-auction to the To be communicated later Qualified bidders 18 Forward auction process To be communicated later 19 Display of comparative statement To be communicated later 20 Issue of LOA To be communicated later 21 Signing of Agreement To be communicated later Note: • APMDC may change the above bidding schedule at its discretion with appropriate intimation. • In case any of the dates fall on a holiday, the date will automatically shift to the next working day • *The Bidding documents has been submitted for Judicial preview in the official website of Judge Judicial Preview i.e. www.judicialpreview.ap.gov.in, where the interested bidders have option to offer comments.. As per the guidelines, for such tenders the pre-bid meeting will not be arranged Page 4 of 66 DATA SHEET Sl. Particular Remarks No. 1 Representative/ Contact Person/ Sri R. Kedarnath Reddy, General Manager Nodal Officer and Address of (Mining) Communication Door No. 294/1D, 100 feet Road (Tadigadapa to Enikepadu Road), Kanuru, Vijayawada – 521137, Andhra Pradesh, India Tel: +91-866-2429999 / Fax: +91-866-2429977 Email id: [email protected] 2 Type of Proposal Two Stage: 1. Technical Bid & Initial Offer 2. Forward Auction 3 Validity of Proposal Six (6) months from the date of opening of Technical Bid 4 Submission time and date of As per “Schedule of Bidding Process” Proposal (Technical Bid and Initial Offer) 5 Opening time and date of Technical As per “Schedule of Bidding Process” Bid 6 Opening time and date of Price As per “Schedule of Bidding Process” Proposal 7 Forward auction Date As per “Schedule of Bidding Process” 8 Bid Document Cost Rs, 5,00,000/- (Indian Rupees Five lakhs Only) along with GST at the rate of 18% {Total Rs 5,90,000/- (Rupees Five lakhs Ninety Thousand only)} 9 Amount of Earnest Money Deposit Rs. 1,00,00,000/- (to be furnished by Bidders during (Indian Rupees One Crore only) Proposal submission) 10 Address of e-auction portal www.tender.apeprocurement.gov.in 11 RFP No. APMDC/HO/COAL/BRAHMADIHA/MDO/202 0-21/ Page 5 of 66 BIDDER MAY TAKE NOTE OF THE FOLLOWING POINTS WHILE SUBMITTING ITS PROPOSAL • BIDDERS ARE REQUIRED TO FURNISH REQUISITE DETAILS IN THE FORMATS SPECIFIED IN THE BIDDING DOCUMENTS FOR MEETING THE STIPULATED QUALIFYING REQUIREMENTS (QR) ALONG WITH ALL SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS LIKE CERTIFICATES FROM STATUTORY AUDITOR, COPIES OF CLIENT'S CERTIFICATES, WORK ORDER AND CONTRACT AGREEMENTS ETC. • IN CASE OF EXTENSION OF TECHNICAL BID OPENING DATE, BIDDER TO FURNISH AUDITED ANNUAL REPORTS ALONG WITH ITS PROPOSAL AS PER EXTENDED DATE OF TECHNICAL BID OPENING TO MEET THE STIPULATED FINANCIAL CRITERIA. • POWER OF ATTORNEY DULY NOTARIZED BY A NOTARY PUBLIC INDICATING THAT THE PERSON(S) SIGNING THE PROPOSAL HAS/ HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO SIGN THE PROPOSAL AND THE PROPOSAL IS BINDING UPON THE BIDDER DURING THE FULL PERIOD OF ITS VALIDITY WITH SUPPORTING DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE SUCH AS A COPY OF BOARD RESOLUTION/ OTHER RELEVANT DOCUMENTS TO DEMONSTRATE THE AUTHORITY OF THE PERSON ISSUING THE POWER OF ATTORNEY TO BE FURNISHED OFFLINE IN SEPARATE SEALED ENVELOPE PRIOR TO THE SCHEDLUED DATE AND TIME OF SUBMISSION AND OPENING OF TECHNICAL BID. • POWER OF ATTORNEY TO THE AUTHORISED SIGNATORY OF THE BIDDER FOR SIGNING OF PROPOSAL, JOINT OPERATING AGREEMENT/ CONSORTIUM OPERATING AGREEMENT ETC., WHEREVER APPLICABLE, TO BE SUBMITTED ALONG WITH PROPOSAL AND SHOULD BE DATED NOT LATER THAN THE DATE OF SIGNING THE PROPOSAL. • BIDDER TO ENSURE THAT EMD, INTEGRITY PACT, CONSORTIUM OPERATING AGREEMENT/ JOINT OPERATING AGREEMENT PACT TO BE SUBMITTED [OFFLINE IN SEPARATE SEALED ENVELOPE PRIOR TO THE SCHEDLUED DATE AND TIME OF SUBMISSION AND OPENING OF TECHNICAL BID] IN ORIGINAL STRICTLY AS PER SPECIFIED FORMATS DULY SIGNED IN ORIGINAL BY AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY AND STAMPED ON EACH PAGE. Page 6 of 66 Table of Contents Table of Contents _Toc65840349 SCHEDULE OF BIDDING PROCESS .............................................................................................. 3 DATA SHEET ....................................................................................................................................... 5 1. Disclaimer ................................................................................................................................... 8 2. List of Abbreviations................................................................................................................ 10 3. Definitions and Rules of Construction ................................................................................... 12 4. Introduction & Background ................................................................................................... 19 5. Technical Requirements from the bidder .............................................................................. 22 6. Description of Selection Process/ Bidding Process ................................................................ 27 7. Qualifying Requirements ........................................................................................................ 32 8. Contents of the Technical Bid ................................................................................................. 38 9. Technical Details with respect to Auction .............................................................................. 42 10. Calculation of
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