Volume 44 Number 1 January 2010 curriculum. She directed the Ugandan 2009 SEM Honorary kiganda xylophone study group from Inside Member: Lois Ann 1975-2008 and she directed/coordi- 1 2009 SEM Honorary Member nated the Javanese gamelan ensem- 1 Weapons of Mass Instruction Anderson ble from 1976-1982. 3 People and Places Lois’s colleagues in musicology By Portia K. Maultsby, Virginia Gor- 4 nC embraced her vision for a broader 2 linski, and Mellonee Burnim 7 54th Annual Meeting curriculum and a more comprehen- 9 Prizes Lois Ann Anderson was among sive approach to the study of music 11 President’s Report the first generation of ethnomusicolo- traditions, integrating ethnomusicol- 13 Calls for Participation gists to graduate from UCLA and to ogy courses into the musicology 15 SEM Crossroads Project establish ethnomusicology programs program and including related content 15 Resolution of Thanks at major research institutions through- on PhD exams. The School of Music 17 Announcements out the country. After receiving her also adopted a more democratic 21 Conferences Calendar PhD under the directorship of Mantle administrative structure that rotated division chairs between the two disciplines. Over Weapons of Mass In- her forty years at the University of struction Wisconsin, Lois By Gage Averill, SEM President served as chair several times and “Ethnomusicology At the End Of she served as Di- Petroglobalization” rector of the Cen- You will notice as you attempt to ter for Southeast open up this edition of the Asian Studies Newslet- and spread it on the desk that it from 1981-1982. ter is no longer made of paper. As we Lois was com- make clear elsewhere, it is in transi- mitted to training tion (a PDF file for now) to a digital, first-rate ethno- linkable, web-resident version that musicologists. will support multimedia content, that She challenged will be archivable on our website, and and encouraged that will not result in the unnecessary her students to harvest of trees. Of course the Web extend estab- comes with its own carbon footprint, lished intellectual which we can scarcely ignore, but the boundaries (i.e., demise of the print should to “think outside Newsletter lessen the impact on our forests, Lois Anderson and Gini Gorlinski (photo: Alan Burdette) the box”) and to spare some carbon-intensive mail become critical Hood and Klaus Wachsmann in1968, thinkers, as evidenced by the copious delivery impacts, and save the Soci- she began her teaching career at the comments on papers that character- ety tens of thousands of dollars each University of Wisconsin, Madison, ized her grading style. Lois was intel- year. And if you like, you can still print where she retired in spring 2008. lectually intense and she expected it out for your kitchen table. As the only ethnomusicologist in the her students to perform at the highest We are also exploring having School of Music for fourteen years, level of excellence. Routine revisions our Journal available at the time of she established a viable graduate of papers became the norm for those publication in a digital version. Such and undergraduate academic curricu- of us who strove to meet her expecta- an arrangement could vastly expand lum. In addition to the core ethnomu- tions. Regardless of the world area our readership, increase the citation sicology theory, methods, and world specialization of her students, Lois rates for our scholars, and be avail- area courses, Lois established two able throughout the developing world performance courses as part of the Continued on page 6 Continued on page 16 Ethnomusicology Sites Internet Resources The Society for Ethnomusicol- American Folklife Center ogy and the SEM Newsletter The SEM Website http://lcweb.loc.gov/folklife/ http://www.ethnomusicology.org Editor, SEM Newsletter British Forum for Ethnomusicology Henry Spiller The SEM Discussion List: SEM-L Department of Music http://www.bfe.org.uk University of California To subscribe, send email message British Library Sound Archive One Shields Avenue to: [email protected]. Davis, CA 95616, USA World and Traditional Music Section: (Tel) 530.757.5791 (Fax) 530.752.0983 EDU. Leave subject line blank. Type (Email) [email protected] the following message: SUBSCRIBE http://www.bl.uk/wtm SEM-L yourfirstname yourlastname. Catalog: The SEM Newsletter The SEM Newsletter is a vehicle for ex- SEM Applied Ethnomusicology Section http://cadensa.bl.uk change of ideas, news, and information among Christian Musicological Society of India the Society’s members. Readers’ contributions http://www.appliedethnomusicology.org are welcome and should be sent to the editor. http://www.thecmsindia.org See the guidelines for contributions on this page. SEM Chapter Websites The SEM Newsletter is published four times Mid Atlantic Chapter Ethnomusicology OnLine (EOL) annually, in January, March, May, and Septem- http://umbc.edu/eol (home site) ber, by the Society for Ethnomusicology. Inc., and http://www.macsem.org is distributed free to members of the Society. International Council for Traditional Back issues, 1981-present [Vols. 14-18 Mid-West Chapter (1981-84), 3 times a year; Vols. 19-32 (1985- http://sem-midwest.osu.edu/ Music 1998), 4 times a year] are available and may be http://www.ictmusic.org/ICTM ordered at $2 each. Add $2.50/order for postage. Niagara Chapter Address changes, orders for back issues of http://www.people.iup.edu/ rahkonen/ Iranian Musicology Group the SEM Newsletter, and all other non-editorial inquiries should be sent to the Business Office, NiagaraSEM/NiagaraSEM.htm http://groups.yahoo.com/group/iranian_ Society for Ethnomusicology, Indiana University, musicology Morrison Hall 005, 1165 East 3rd Street, Bloom- Northeast Chapter ington, IN, 47405-3700; (Tel) 812.855.6672; (Fax) http://www.necsem.org Music & Anthropology 812.855.6673; (Email) sem@ indiana.edu. http://www.muspe.unibo.it/period/MA Northwest Chapter (SEM-NW) SEM Membership http://www.music.washington.edu/eth- http://research.umbc.edu/eol/MA/index. The object of the Society for Ethnomusicol- htm ogy is the advancement of research and study in no/semnw.html the field of ethnomusicology, for which purpose Southeast-Caribbean Chapter Smithsonian Institution Websites all interested persons, regardless of race, ethnici- http://www.smithsonianglobalsound.org ty, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or physical http://otto.cmr.fsu.edu/~cma/SEM/ ability are encouraged to become members. Its SEMSEC02.htm/ http://www.folkways.si.edu aims include serving the membership and society at large through the dissemination of knowledge Southern California & Hawai`i Chapter Society for American Music concerning the music of the world’s peoples. The Society, incorporated in the United States, has an (SEMSCHC) www.American-Music.org international membership. http://www.ucr.edu/ethnomus/semscc. UCLA Ethnomusicology Archive Members receive free copies of the journal and the newsletter and have the right to vote and html http://www.ethnomusic.ucla.edu/ar- participate in the activities of the Society. Life Southern Plains Chapter chive members receive free copies of all publications of the Society. Institutional members receive the http://katchie.com/semsouthernplains/ University of Washington Ethnomusi- journal and the newsletter. Pages/SEMsouthernplains.html cology Archive Student (full-time only) (one year) .............. $40 Southwest Chapter http://www.music.washington.edu/eth- Individual/Emeritus (one year) no/index.php?page=archives income $25,000 or less ........................... $60 http://www.u.arizona.edu/~sturman/ income $25,000-$40,000 ......................... $75 SEMSW/SEMSWhome.html income $40,000-$60,000 ......................... $85 income $60,000-$80,000 ......................... $95 SEM Newsletter Guidelines income $80,000 and above ................... $105 Spouse/Partner Individual (one year) ......... $35 Guidelines for Contributors Life membership ......................................$1200 Spouse/Partner Life ................................ $1400 • Send articles to the editor by email or on a disk with a paper copy. Micro- Sponsored* (one year) ................................ $57 soft Word is preferable, but other Macintosh or IBM-compatible software is Institutional membership (one year) ......... $115 Overseas postage ............... $22 acceptable. • Identify the software you use. *Donated membership for individuals and institutions in soft-currency countries. Send sponsorship letter with dues ($35) and postage ($22) to the SEM Business • Please send faxes or paper copies without a disk only as a last resort. Office. Advertising Rates Copy Deadlines Rates for Camera Ready Copy Ethnomusicology: Back Issues March issue ..................January 15 The Society’s journal, Ethnomusicology, is Full Page $200 May issue ....................... March 15 currently published three times a year. Back is- sues are available through the SEM Business Of- 2/3 Page $145 September issue.................July 15 fice, Indiana University, Morrison Hall 005, 1165 1/2 Page $110 January issue ...........November 15 East 3rd Street, Bloomington, IN 47405-3700; 1/3 Page $60 (Tel) 812.855.6672; (Fax) 812.855.6673; (Email) 1/6 Page $40 [email protected]. Additional charges apply to non-camera-ready materials. ISSN 0036-1291 SEM Newsletter People and Places Sami Abu Shumays is develop- ing a website to provide comprehen- sive online instruction in the Maqam (Arabic Modal) system, featuring melodic phrases in each Jins, and producing an educational
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