MY LIFE ALONGSIDE GOD’S WORD Biblical thinking for Sudanese and South Sudanese Christians Volume Two Rev. Colin Salter, M.A. Editor My Life Alongside God’s Word (Volume 2) Published by WeeFour Publications, September 2014 Mail: 4 Adelaide Road, Redruth, Cornwall, TR15 2HQ, EnGland Phone (from within UK): 01209 315652 Email: [email protected] For more freely downloadable study resources visit our website: www.colinsalter.net Cover artwork by Jenny Nightingale Photos by Christine Perkins, Geert Jan Prins, c.b.wolf images All Bible quotations from the New International Version (Zondervan: Grand Rapids, USA) 1984, unless otherwise indicated. Deposited with the British Library ISBN 978-0-9559549-5-5 2 Introduction I am thankful to God for the team of people who have helped Get this book into your hands. All articles have been written, submitted, edited and checked back with their authors. Busy people, with responsibilities in South Sudan and Sudan, have shared their God-given understandings. Here in EnGland, folk from our church home Group have shared in typinG, proofreadinG, checkinG references and suGGestinG ideas. The home Group released me for six weeks durinG ‘the final push’, to try to meet the self-set publishinG deadline. The cover photos were collected from an appeal sent to our prayer partners, of whom several had served God in Sudan or South Sudan with us. They came to us from Kenya, Holland, New Zealand and New Mexico, USA. From England, Wales, Scotland, Canada, USA and Holland believers have provided money to cover this printinG in Juba, South Sudan. Our policy is to print the number of copies God provides for and therefore we know we can afford. In Juba local people liaise with the printers and then arrange book distribution, any nominal price charGed supporting Christian work amonG university students. I also thank God for sufficient healthy days to complete the work. He brouGht Brenda and me toGether as husband and wife in 1970 knowing how Great a help she would be at this and many other times. Only God and I know what she has to put up with when I reGularly struGGle to proGress. “For the Lord is the Great God, the Great KinG above all Gods. … Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker; for he is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care”, Psalm 95:3,6-7. Colin Salter, Redruth, Cornwall; September 2014. 3 PaGe number Index and Contributors 4 Section 1: The Lord Jesus Christ 1. LivinG in partnership with our Lord Jesus 9 2. Our suffering Saviour 10 3. Why did our Lord Jesus die? 12 Section 2: The Christian disciple 4. Grace and truth in the Christian life 17 5. My balanced world – always in it, but of it no more 23 6. LivinG worthy of the name of Jesus 27 7. Obedience and disobedience 31 8. The Great Commission: a call for Christians to “Go!” 45 Section 3: Suffering and response 9. Life is full of disappointment 51 10. A Christian’s response to persecution 57 4 PaGe number 11. Physical, psycholoGical and emotional sufferinG 64 12. What I’ve learned from failure 78 13. The power of weakness 84 14. AcceptinG trouble from the hand of God? 86 Section 4: Islam 15. The ChallenGe of Islam – a Christian Perspective 94 16. The ChallenGe of Islam in Sudan and South Sudan – a Christian perspective 109 Section 5: National development issues 17. Blueprint for the Republic of South Sudan – a proposed solution for governing the country, a basis for nation building 129 18. The “Lee” principle of development & its relevance to South Sudan 151 19. The importance of peace in a nation: a biblical viewpoint 159 20. Corruption: Its causes, costs, and combattinG it, plus the Christian stand aGainst it 177 21. Reconstruction needs team players like Nehemiah 187 5 PaGe number Section 6: Protecting peace 22. Biblical approach in the settlement of conflicts and reconciliation 191 23. Society’s problems can become danGerous when left as closed wounds 201 24. Beware the roots of bitterness 203 25. See people, love and forgive 205 26. Overcome evil with Good 206 27. God said, “Peace on earth”, so why do we have so much war? And, should we fiGht wars anyway? 210 Section 7: Important issues for Christians to understand 28. Cults and occult, the devil’s kinGdom in the church 218 29. PickinG true prophets from false 239 30. How to tell between true and false Christian prophets and teachers 241 31. Proper use of Old Testament Scriptures – use and application today 244 Section 8: Letting the future affect today 32. God sent His anGels with the messaGe of Christmas 261 6 PaGe number 33. Every Christian has hope for the future 263 34. Christian hope is Greater than you think 265 35. Heaven is every Christian’s true home 272 Contributors Pastor Israel Y. A. Adeldong, M.A., pastor of the Sudanese Church of Christ (SCOC), a Senior Pastor of Zagalona local church, Sudan, Bible translator of the Moro Old Testament and a reviewer of the Moro New Testament, a former part-time lecturer at Gideon Theological College and GTC Board chairman from January 2009-July 2013. Now convalescing in USA. Pastor Moses Angupale, B.A., M.A. in TheoloGy, pastor of Koboko Pentecostal Church since 1990, principal of Koboko Bible Training Centre, General Overseer National Pentecostal Churches of Uganda since 1995. Rt. Rev. Bismark Monday Avokaya Azumu, B.A., M.A, Bishop of Mundri, Episcopal Church of South Sudan and Sudan (ECSSS), since 2006. Former Scripture Distribution Officer of Across, September 2003 – December 2004. Assistant Secretary of the Episcopal Council. 7 Dr Alex Bolek Abuk, MD, MPH, Chairman, Christian Medical and Dental Association of South Sudan (CMDA-SS); Fellowship of Christian University Students in Sudan and South Sudan (FOCUS(S), FOCUS-SS). Elisama W Daniel, B.Sc., M.Sc., currently part-time research student on Governance and Anti-Corruption OCMS; Official in the Government Anti- Corruption Commission of South Sudan, Chair of FOCUS Board; serves in the AnGlican Church and the wider Church family in South Sudan. Pastor Matta Mubarak D. Komi, B.Th., assistant secretary of Sudanese Churches of Christ 2010- 2014, Coordinator of Training Church Planters, Nuba Mountains, pastor Kambara local church, Sudan. Rt. Rev. Anthony Dangasuk Poggo, B.Sc., M.A.BS, MBA, Bishop of Kajo Keji, Episcopal Church of South Sudan and Sudan, since 2007. Former Executive Director of ACROSS, June 2004-September 2007. Rev. Colin Salter, M.A., teacher at conferences for pastors and church leaders in Sudan 1979-1999, Pastor of Khartoum International Church, Sudan, 1999-2003, writer, editor and publisher for Sudan and South Sudan 2001 to the present day. Lives in UK. Please note: All chapters are written by me unless indicated otherwise. 8 Chapter 1 Living in partnership with our Lord Jesus! Everything around us needs power to live by. The plough needs the oxen. The leather-sewinG machine needs the operator’s foot on the pedal. The mechanical donkey needs the diesel and pump to suck up the river water for the farm. The plane needs aero fuel before it can soar into the sky. The computer needs electricity from battery, Generator, mains, clockwork or solar. Our risen Lord Jesus Christ said to His first disciples, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth”, Acts 1:8. Immediately following this Jesus was received up into the glory of heaven. The earthbound angels told His disciples that He would one day return. When we think about Ascension Day and Pentecost we must remember God Himself is the lifeblood of His true disciples. As Christians, power comes into our lives and our ministries the closer we live to the person of God. Every day try to: 1. Live in the conscious presence of your Lord Jesus Christ. 2. Live in the holy purity of God the Holy Spirit, in every thought, motive and action. 3. Live in partnership with God through every part of your life. 4. Live followinG the pattern of God’s will, witnessing to His salvation freely given to you at such a great cost to Himself. Keep in step with Jesus. 9 We do not know when our Lord Jesus will return. We do know how He has told us to live until He does. And He has given us the power to do just so. Chapter 2 Our Suffering Saviour Mark lists ten things that were to happen to our Saviour, the Lord Jesus. He will “suffer, be rejected, be killed, rise aGain, be betrayed, be condemned, be handed over to the Gentiles, be mocked, be spat upon, and be flogged”, see Mark 8:31-33, 9:30-32, 10:32-34. All ten were in our Lord’s teaching to His disciples about what it would mean for them to be genuine followers of Jesus. It was touGh, straight talkinG from the Master. The rejection of Jesus began immediately, when Peter said to Him, “Never, Lord”, Matthew 16:22. (If you think about it, those two words contradict each other). God knows best Sadly, we disciples often think we know better than our Lord Jesus. It is a satanic idea that there will be no suffering by or for the Messiah, Mark 8:33. “After His first prediction of His impendinG sufferinG, Jesus laid down the requirements for those who wanted to be members of the KinGdom, as true followers of the Messiah.
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