u C u; (ll < AJC Ollicial Warns Against ..J < u .0 Renewed Anti-Semitism 0 c,: 0- ST. LOUIS - The executive controlled Congress," terming it 0 N .... 0 vice pre-sident of the American "unconscionable." Mr. Gold told en Jewish Commillee warned the of a number of recent anti-Semitic American Jewish community to remarks by radio commentators . "be alert to an anti-Semitic and by listeners who supported f-o­ backlash" in the wake of the war remarks. ::: II> between Israel and the Arab He traced three recent stages in ..3 IE LVII, NUMBER !:'.? ~ 35 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1973 20~ PER COPY 16 PAGES states, according to a New York American Jewish history. Mr. E= ...J WW • ----------::,--:-= =====------------- Times article by Irving Spiegel. Gold said the period up to World ., C .0 z Tourism Minister Bertram H . Gold , the War II was marked by overt anti­ • < • professional head of the 67-year­ Semitism, including discrimination > o ld. human relations agency, told against Jews in employment, 0- 0 Hits Cancellations 500 Jewish leaders of various parts housing and college entrance. • C ~ NEW YORK Israeli 0:: N 0.. From end of World War II to Ministry of Tourism of the country at the annual meeting of its national execu­ 1967, he said, there was a period representative for North America often characterized as "the gold en Amram Zur has expressed tive council that " Jews may once age of Jewish life in America," surprise and disappointment at again be the victims of scapegoat actions.·· with anti-Jewish discrimination those people who have cancelled minimized . their plans to visit Israel rather Mr. Gold pointed to shortages The third period. from the time than just postponing them. in space, electricity. gasoline, steel and lumber and other essential of the six-day war in 1967, he ·· I fail to understand why a goods. said, has been characterized by person would ask for a return of Crilical Remarks Notrd group conflict and calls for quotas his deposit, signalling cancellation, "One result of all this," he said, and new definitions of equality. rather than showing his support "is a sharp increase in personal Whatever else the Israeli-Arab for Israel by leuing his deposit frustration and disillusionment. It confl ict has done, Mr. Gold stand and merely arranging a is a situat i on ripe for contended, "it has exposed how substitute departure date," said scapegoating. When homes go vulnerable Jews are. We now have Zur. unheated and prices for gasoline a more realistic conception of the sharply rise. whom do you think st atus of the Jew in America, a Zur said he could well the American people will blame?" heightened sense of Jewish understand why a person might Mr. Gold held that Jews seem affirmation and new strong bonds not feel that right now is the best to have become a " vi sible irritant between American and Israeli moment for a visit to Israel but. to the body politic" for Jews." he noted, " I also feel this is not ex ample. in their insistence on Mr. Gold proposed a number of the best moment to cancel travel tying . most-favored-nation status programs to arrest the threat of plans." for the Soviet U ni on to the free anti-Semitism because of the movement of Jews a nd other Arab-I s raeli c o nflict. His Soviet citizens. "thus displeasing programs call for encouragement big business interests that seek "of• new forms of religious dc tente and trade wi th Russia ." express io n. " more intensified Mr. Gold singled out Senator J . Jewish youth and adult education. W . Fulbrig ht fo r his recent and increased support for fe ll ow assertion about a "so-ca ll ed Israel- Jews in Israel. the Soviet Union and the world over. ,j Ladies' Association At Home '.~ ED GERSHMAN shapes a piece of copper with a hammer. The finished product might be a leaf or a butterfly wing. Plans Linen, Equipment Event Mrs. Max Rose is the chairma n Metal Sculpture More Thon Hobby of " Fur Fun Fa nt asy" · wh ich will be presented by Wilham H. Harri s To Pawtucket's Ed Gershman at the annual Linen and Equip­ ment Event of the Ladies Associ­ tree he was making from copper By PAULA TURANO ation ·or the Jewish Home for the wire. The base of the tree was set Ed Gerhsman is a very busy Aged on Wednesday. November 7 in a large piece of granite and the WILLIAM FELLNER man. He has a fu II time job as a at I p.m . at the Temple Emanu-EI trunk and branches rose about sheet metal worker with the Jack meeting house. A coffee hour will eight inches high. He had been Farber Company, goes bowling precede the program which will be working on this piece. he said. for Pawtucket Division with the Emanu-EI Men's Club a presentati on of fun furs to high about 30 hours and still had more and some nights stays up until 2 Plans D-Day Drive fa shion furs. to go. According to him, one of or 3 in the morning working on The niodels are courtesy of the the trees takes about 72 hours to metal sculpture, which he enters in The P a wtu ck et-Blackstone Barbizon Modeling Agency and complete. various area shows. Valley Division of the Jewish Fed-_ music is by Irving Rosen. The pro­ Ed was born in Russia and Ed , 55. works with brass, copper eration of Rhode Island will hold ceeds will be used not only to re­ came to the U nited States .Z hen and solder to create butterflies, a one day house-to-house collec­ plenish supplies of the Home, but he was five. He- and his wife of 30 trees, or just aboutanything you tion within the Jewish community aso to enlarge the nursing station years have two grown children. can im agi ne. He gets the ideas for on Sunday, November 4. Known and examining room for the sec­ His daughter, Mrs. Fred Half. is a the original work he creates fr om as D-Day, this event will climax ond floor. school teacher in Pennsylvania, the shapes of the jewelry findings the fund-raising activity of this and hi s son is a mechanical engi­ Mrs. Elliot Revkin is a member he is working with or from the group in the 1973 campaign. neer in Washington. D.C. of the committee on arrange­ shapes in nature. MRS. MAX ROSE Like so many other artists in Volunteer workers have been ments, ex officio and assisting His adventure with metal sculp­ the Rhode Island area, Ed says asked to meet at the home of Wil­ Mrs. Rose are Mrs. Ben Sine!, co­ Rosenberg, Mrs. Wallace H. ture began about two years ago that most of the people who buy li am Fellner, area D-Day chair­ chairman; Mrs. Arthur Rosen, Serge and Mrs. Louis Strauss, when he auended a local art show his work are from out of state. man, at 9 Lowden Street, Paw­ treasurer; Mrs. Irving Feldman, tickets. and saw someone working with "Most of the Rhode Island people tucket, at 10 a.m. on Sunday. secretary; Miss Nancy Chaset. Area chairmen are Mrs. Ben metal. He decided he cou ld a lso just come to a show to look, not They will be briefed and assigned program; Mrs. Harry Seltzer, pub-• Poulten, Westerly; Mrs. Maxwell do it and went home to start. to buy," explains Ed. "I have a to various sections of the city to licity; Mrs. Harry Greenspan, Lopatin, Barrington; Mrs. Sheppie His first endeavors were wa ll following of people from Rlrode make door-to-door soli citations. Mrs. Ben Sine!, Mrs. Harry Sklut, Dressler, Woonsocket, and Mrs. plaques of • leaves made from Isla nd, but mostly they come to Mrs. Jack Sondler and Mrs. Leon­ Perry Summer, Newport. Samuel Shlevin is area vice brass. He continued that kind of see what new kind of work I'm ard White, financial secretaries; chairman, and other Pawtucket TO PAY FOR HIJACKER work until he tried to enter one of doing.'' / Mrs. Abraham Freedman, typing. TORONTO - Mayor Harry area leaders include cochairmen his pieces in an art show and was Mr. Gershman is a member of _Mrs. George Ludman, hospi­ David Horvitz, William Fellner, Veiner, the Jewish Mayor of told that this kind of work was the East Greenwich Art Club and tality chairman will be assisted by E.Morton Percelay, J acob N . Medicine Hat, Alberta, says he is considered craft and not art. The a member of Art Group 70 from Mrs. Irving Abrams, Mrs. Aaron prepared to pay up to $5000 Temkin and Abraham Snyder: D­ man at the show told him to "go G reenville. If you· would like to Caslowitz, Mrs. Leo Greenberg, Day cochairman, and Mrs. Mervin toward t he leg al fees of home a nd make a standing piece see some of hi s work you can go Mrs. David Litchman and Mrs. Bolusky and Mrs. Eliot B. Barron, Muhammed Atouni, a Libyan and come back." Ed came back to Temple Beth Sholom at ho liday Eli Winkler. women's Division cochairmen, and national taken into custody in with a standing piece and was time and see hi s work at their an­ Mrs. Barney M. Goldberg, table '' Israel after he hijacked a Mrs. Benton Odessa, Mrs. Louis a ll owed into the show. nua l bazaar, or you can go to the decorations; Mrs.
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