OICK ALLEN TOM ALLEY 7ilh oidrid 105th Oishid GARY M. OWEN Speak€r 22nd Distid MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF RICHARD A. EANDSTRA LYN BANKES 93¡d Disùicr 35lh Di6Íid REPRESENTATIVES JUSIINE EARNS JERFY C. BARTNIK sth D¡srid 39th Oi$rict FOBERT BENDEF MICHAEL J. BENNANE JOHN BENNEN MAXINE L. BERMAN 88th Distid 1st DiSicl gth Dist¡ct 64lh Distícr WILBUR V. BROTHEBTON MABY C. BROWN 69lh Distiid 46th Di$rid .J MEMBERS OF THE OF W. PERRY BULLARD HOUSE WILLIAM R. BRYANT, JR. 53rd Disticl REPRESENTATIVES 13th Disticl WILLIS C. BULURD. JR J. MICHAEL BUSCH 60th DisÍict 1O0lh Distict FLOYD CLACK DOUG CARL JOHN D. CHERRY JB. NICK CIABAMITARO 80th oistid 26th Distict 79th Distict 73rd DisÍicl ryg¡ry- JìM CONNOFS WAL]"ÈFì J DoUNGE 1091h Distict 91st DisÍict DAVIO H EVANS Cle* of lhe House MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF HOBERT A. DeMARS FREDERICK P DILLINGHAM 28lh Oist¡id 51sl DisÍid REPRESENTATIVES LEWIS N. DODAK MAI J. DUNASKISS 86lh Distíict 611 Distfid DENNIS M. DUTKO ROBERT L, EMERSON COLLEÊN ENGLER RICHARD FITZPATRICK 25rh Disticr 81st Disrid 99th Distfict 49th Distid GEORGE C. FURTON PATFICK M. GAGLIARDI 75lh Disfiid 107th Distid MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF EDGAR A GEERLINGS EDGAR W. GIESE REPRESENTATIVES gnh Distid 98th Disticl DONALD H, GILMER CARL F. GNODTKE 48th Distict 43rd Distid MICHAEL J GRIFFIN GREGOFY GRUSE DAVIO M. GUBOW CHARLIE J. HAFRISON, JR. 5üh oilict 66lh DisÍid ôïh oisÍid 62nd Dì$rid MICHAËL D. HAYES CURIIS HERTEL 102nd Diskid 12lh Oi$ricl MÊLVIÑ DE SÍIGIER Assistant Cl6rk ol tho House MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF THOMAS L. HICKNEF PAUL HILLEGONDS 101si Disrict glh Distid REPRESENTATIVES ALVIN J. HOEKMAN PHILIP Ê. HOFFMAN 95th Disfiid 23rd Distiict DAVID C. HOLLISTER DAVIO M HONIGMAN MORBIS HOOD, JR. TEOLA PEAHL HUNTEB silh Distict 24th Disticl 6th Disticr slh Distict a D, J, JACOBEITI SHIRLEY JOHNSON 1081h Disrid 68th Disticl a. MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF H. LYNN JONDAHL WlLLlAl\il R. KEITH REPRESENTATIVES 59th Distid 33rd Distict CAROLYN CHEEKS KILPAÎBICK M, L. MICKEY KNIGHT 8lh Distict 96th Oisricl DONALD W KOIVISTO JAMÉS A KOSTEVA VICTOR C. KRAUSE GERALD H. LAW 1 10rh Distid 37th Distid 9üh Distict 36lh Distid BURTON LELAND TERRY LONDON 2nd Disticl 761h Disrid FBANK FOLARON Chiêf Sergeanl at Arms MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF THOMAS C. MATHIEU JOHN M. MAYNAFO 92nd Disticl 741h Disùid REPRESENTATIVES MATTHEW MCNEELY JAMES [4ICK MIOOAUGH 3rd OisÍid Æth D¡srid ',rñtç JUDITH MILLEF CHARLES L, MUELLEB BAYMOND ¡¿I. MURPHY KEITH MUXLOW ffith Distid 03rd Disilict 17th Dist¡ict 78th DisÍict ERNEST W. NASH MICHAEL E. NYE sth Distid 41st Disticl MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF MARGARET O'CONNOR JAMES E. O'NEILL, JR. 52nd Distict 851h Oistid REPRESENTATIVES RALPH A. OSTLING SIDNEY OUWINGA 103rd Dìstict 18th Disficl PAUMARA ROBERT A. PERAKIS F. OWEN GLENN S. OXENDEB JOSEPH LYNN Distid 72nd Distici 21st DisÍicl 42nd Distid 30th VINCENT "JOE'' PORRECA THOMAS G. POWEB 27th Distict 1041h Distict MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF JOHN O, PRIDNIA GARY L. RANOALL l06th DisÍicl 89lh Dilricr REPRESENTATIVES SAL ROCCA WILLIAM J. RUNCO 71sl Distid 31sl Disticl NELSON W. SAUNOEBS IHoMAS E. SCOfr JELT SIETSE[,4A BtcK slTZ 7th Oisrid 82nd Distid 94lh Olstid 29th DisÍicl VIRGIL C. SMITH, JR FRANCIS B. SPANIOLA 10th Distid 87rh Ois¡d MEMBERS OF THE . HOUSE OF GORDON R. SPARKS DE88IÊ STABENOW REPRESENTATIVES 63rd Distid 581h DìsÍict LAD S. STACEY ALMA G STALLWORTH 44th oistict 4th Distici åü STANLEY SIOPCZYNSKI JOHN GHEGORY STRAND ETHFL TFRRELL CUUDE A, lRIM 1 lth Disticl 84th Disticr glh oisticl 20ih Distid WLLIAI\4 VAN REGENMORTER DONALD VAN SINGEL 55th D¡st¡d 1 gth D¡sÍ¡d MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF TIMOÎHY L. WALBËFG PAUL WARTNER 40th Dislrid 47th Distid REPRESENTATIVES l I JUANITA WATKINS LLOYD F. WEEKS 16th Distid 70h Distid JOE YOUNG. SR. JOSEPH F. YOUNG, JR, RICHARD A. YOUNG 14th DisÍid 15th DisÍ¡d 32nd Dist¡d BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 139 REPRESENTATIVES DICK ALLEN 77th Representative District Counties of Huron, Tuscola (part). Republican, of Fairgrove, born at Caro, March 7, 1938. Married to the former Janet Butcher; two sons, David and Brian. Member of the Caro United Methodist Church. Graduated from Caro High School, attended University of Illinois, University of Maryland. Newspaper editor for 19 years prior to election to the House of Representatives. Veteran: U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Air Force. Charter member of Help Line program crisis interventior, charter member of Tuscola County Community Mental Health Services Board, Caro Arts Society, served as its theatre arts director; former member Caro Jaycees; Caro Board of Commerce; member of the Caro Community Hospital Advisory Board, member Mt. Moriah Lodge #226, F & A.M.; Caro Chapter #96, Royal Arch Masons; Scottish Rite Consistory of Bay City; Elf Khurafeh Shrine Temple Club of Saginaw. Elected to the Michigan House of Representatives in 1982. TOM ALLEY 105th Representative District: Counties of Arenac, Gladwin, Iosco, and Ogemaw. Democrat, of West Branch; born Feb. 19, 1946 in Bay County; B.A. 1968, M.A. 1975 Central Michipn University; married Aug. 19, 1967, son, Michael; Catholic; school teacher; Ogemaw Township Supervisor (Ogemaw County); Democratic Party offrces held: Ogemaw County Democratic chairman 6 years, Democratic State Central Committee member, offrcer-atJarge Michigan Democratic Party, Jimmy Carter delegate 1976 National Conv., county co-ordinator for Frank Kelley for Senate 1974, county co-ordinator for Sander lævin for Gov. 1974, county co-ordinator for Donald Riegle for Senate 1976; Knights of Columbus, Ioyal Order of Moose, Eagles, Lions International; elected to House of Representatives in 1978. RICHARD A. BANDSTRA 93rd Representative District: County of Kent (part). Republican, of Grand Rapids; born April 2, 1950 in Chicago; Calvin College 1968-1972 8.4., University of Chicago 1972-1975 M.A. and t977-1980 J.D., married to Cynthia Triezenberg 1970, children: Carissa, and Justine; Eastern Avenue Christian Reformed Church member and deacon; sociologist, lawyer and former college instructor; Grand Rapids Bar Association; Michigan Bar Association; Federal Bar Association; elected to House of Representatives in June, 1985. Member of Committee on Colleges and Universities, Conservation and Environment, and Public Health. LYN BANKES 35th Representative District: County of Wayne (part). Republican, of Livonia; born August 10, l94l at Detroit, Michigan; Redford High School, Detroit; Schoolcraft Community College; graduated from Madonna College; married 1962, children: John Jr., and Mark S.; Episcopalian; Wayne County Charter Commission; Livonia Republican Club, Iæague of Wornen Voters; Livonia Family Y Board; Schoolcraft College Women's Advisory Board; Human Relations Commissioner; elected to House of Representa- tives November 6, 1984. JUSTINE BARNS 38th Representative District: County of V/ayne (part). Democrat, of Westland; born February 2, 1925 at Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; attended Dearborn Public Schools (Fordson High), attended Wayne State University and University of Michigan; married 1943, husband Jonathan, sons Duane (married to Barbara and father of Christine & Kathleen), and Scott; six years elder First United Presbyterian Church of Wayne; elected Westland City Councilperson; Westland City Councilperson 1966-1983, Westland City Charter Commissioner 1964-1966, council president t976-1978, vice presi- dent Wayne County Charter Commission 1981-1983, Democratic precinct delegate 1957 to present; member Peoples Community Hospital Authority board of directors, chairperson 140 MICHIGAN MANUAL SEMCOG Community Development and Block Grant Committee and executive board member, past state-wide trustee Michigan Municipal læague, life member Wayne Ford Civic læague, past president Jefferson P.T.A., chairperson Westland United Fund Drive 1963-1964, member 14 years United Community Services, member Westland Advisory Commission on Economic Development, vice-president Westland læague of Democratic Voters, Westland Woman of the Year 1975, Ford Motor Company "Citizen of the Year" 1967, member Westland Goodfellows, member Westland Business and Professional Women, member Westland Chamber of Commerce; elected to House of Representatives in November 1982. JERRY C. BARTNIK 39th Representative District: County of Monroe (part). Democrat, of Temperance; born June 27, 1943, at Toledo, Ohio; Bachelor of Science Bowling Green State LJniversity 1967; majored in history and political science at Toledo University; currently graduate student in Masters of Public Administration Western Michi- gan University, member of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church, Temperance; employee at Chessie Railway System; secretary Housing Commission Bedford Township 1975-1976, Monroe County Commissioner 1976-1980, Monroe County Board of Health chairman 1980-1982, Monroe County Road Commissioner 1981-1983, secretary Inter- County Highway Commission of Southeastern Michigan; Monroe Rod & Gun Club, Monroe County Democratic Club, Bedford Township Lions, Erie Lions, Knights of Columbus, member Bedford Township Senior Advisory Board (RSVP), founder Citizens Health Council of South Monroe County and Mercy Hospital Urgent C-are Center; Knights of Columbus Council No. 7413 Erie; Knights of Columbus 4th Degree member of Raisin River No. 0488 Assembly; Forks Conservation Association; Vietnam Veterans of America Chaper 142 Monroe Michigan; Member North Cape Yacht Club; elected to House of Representatives in Novembet 1982. ROBERT BENDER 88th Representative Districl: Counties of Ionia and Barry (part). Republican of Middleville; born September 28, 1936 in Grand Rapids, Michigan;
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