HHaannddffoorrtthh & AAllttrriinncchhaamm DDiissttrriicctt JJaannuuaarryy - JJuunnee 22001188 Healthy Heart Month - June 2018 Welcome to the first six months of the 2018 Events Diary for the CCoonnttaacctt DDeettaaiillss Handforth & Altrincham Branch District Secretary: of the Oddfellows. Sharon Hulse Cottle As a local Branch of the national Telephone: 01925 758117 membership organisation the Email: Oddfellows, we offer you a great [email protected] opportunity to make new friends and Address: enjoy a variety of activities. We also 8 Venables Way, provide our members with a range of advice and support services when High Legh, you need them. Knutsford, Cheshire WA16 6LY We have arranged an exciting calendar of events for the spring so Everyone is welcome at Oddfellows you can meet up with friends and to events. Even if you are not a make some new ones. member, we extend an invitation to you and your friends to attend any Front cover: Handforth Hall by Mike in Macc of our events that take your fancy - and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. you’ll receive a warm welcome and a good time. A bbiitt aabboouutt uuss...... The Oddfellows is a friendly society with Branches across the UK. Through friendship and social events, we help our members get more enjoyment out of life, and offer care, advice and support in times of need. We welcome everyone of all ages. From January 2018 there are two membership packages: £25 for standard membership and £35 for standard membership plus dental/optical. To find out more visit www.oddfellows.co.uk or call 0800 028 1810. Page 2 diary JJaannuuaarryy 22001188 In case of bad weather in January, we have arranged to meet up around the District in the garden centre coffee shops, lots of space, large free car parking and a chance to get some January sale bargains in the gift shops. Monday 8 - Coffee Morning at Flora Tearooms, Henbury Macclesfield, 10.30am Please book with Sharon. Address: Chelford Road, Henbury Macclesfield SK11 9PG. Tuesday 16 - Coffee Morning at The Rosary at Fryers Garden Centre, Knutsford, 10.30am Please book with Sharon. Address: Manchester Road, Knutsford WA16 0SX. Wednesday 24 - Coffee Morning at Wyevale Garden Centre, Altrincham, 10.30am Please book with Sharon. Address: Green Lane, Timperley, Altrincham WA15 8QP. Monday 29 - Coffee Morning at Wilmslow Garden Centre, 10.30am Please book with Sharon. Address: Manchester Road, Wilmslow SK9 2JN. Monday 29 - Theatre Trip to the Altrincham Garrick to see ‘Go Back for Murder’, 7.30pm After receiving a letter from beyond the grave, Carla Crale believes her mother, who died in prison was wrongly convicted of her father’s death. In a passionate attempt to clear her name, she persuades those present on the day of her father’s death to return to the scene of the crime and ‘go back’ 15 years to recount their version of events. Tickets are £7.50 each. Please book with Sharon by Tuesday 19 December 2017. FFeebbrruuaarryy Tuesday 13 - Winter Deer Walk at Tatton Park, 10am to 12 noon Join the rangers for a guided walk of the winter parkland, observing Tatton’s deer in their natural surroundings. Must be pre-booked. Please book with Sharon as soon as possible. Cost: £12 per person (plus park entry admission on the day). Address: Tatton Park, Knutsford WA16 6QN. Page 3 diary CChhiinneessee NNeeww YYeeaarr LLuunncchh Friday 16 February at 12 noon 97 Knutsford Road, Warrington WA4 2NS ‘Kung Hei Fat Choi’ or ‘Happy Chinese New Year’ at the Choy Hing Village in Grappenhall. Celebrate the ‘Year of the Dog’ with a fabulous three course Chinese lunch for approximately £7.90 per person. Please book with Sharon. Monday 19 - Coffee Morning at Jack Sevens art gallery (smaller room upstairs) in Macclesfield, 10.30am Come along to our monthly coffee morning, where we will be joined by Jennifer Perry’s daughter and granddaughter Charlotte Lord, who will tell us all about her recent epic Nepal trip. Please let Sharon know if you are coming. Address: Chestergate, Macclesfield SK11 6BX. Monday 26 - Theatre Trip to the Altrincham Garrick to see ‘Up and Coming’, 7.30pm A riotous political farce from the writer of Rising Damp. When the Deputy Prime Minister and Leader of the House attends party conference, tipped to be the new party leader, his campaign for power is in serious danger of collapse. Visits from rivals, fellow conspirators, the world’s press in the lobby, threats of assassination and students rioting outside the hotel, who will get his or her - just deserts? Tickets are £7.50 each. Please book with Sharon by Monday 15 January. MMaarrcchh Monday 5 - Branch Meeting and Annual Summoned Meeting, High Legh (main room) Village Hall, 11am Meeting at 10.30am for coffee and a chat before the Branch meeting starts at 11am prompt. All members are invited to attend. The Annual Summoned Meeting will start at 12 noon and copies of the 2017 accounts will be available. Please let Sharon know if you are coming. Address: West Lane, Knutsford WA16 6LR. Page 4 diary Wednesday 7 TBC - ‘Stars of the Silver Screen’ Themed Diner at Aspire, Trafford College, 7pm Following an amazing Alice in Wonderful meal at the college in the summer, we have managed to book tables at some more themed meals this year. Please let Sharon know as soon as possible if you would like to join us as places will go quickly. Cost: £18.99 per person. Address: Manchester Road, Timperley, Altrincham WA14 5PQ Monday 12 - Coffee Morning at Gastown in Macclesfield, 10.30am Join friends in Macclesfield for coffee and cake at this new venue for us. Address: 15 Chestergate, Macclesfield SK11 6BX. Monday 12 - Theatre trip to the Altrincham Garrick to see ‘Jerusalem’, 7pm On St George’s Day, the morning of the local county fair, Johnny ‘Rooster’ Byron, local waster and modern day Pied Piper, is a wanted man. The council officials want to serve him an eviction notice, his son wants him to take him to the fair, Troy Whitworth wants to give him a serious kicking, and a motley crew of mates want his ample supply of drugs and alcohol. An extraordinary play that breaks every single rule in the book. Tickets are £7.50 each. Please book with Sharon by Monday 29 January. Monday 19 - Active Travel Club/Ellen Smith Holidays offer a five day holiday to Eastbourne (Mature Singles holiday) Ellen Smith Holidays offer a taxi door-to-door pick-up and drop-off in Altrincham, Lymm and Warrington (main coach departures go from Poplar Lymm Services or Birch Services) at £299 per person. Booking hotline is 01706 648126 or visit www.ellensmith.co.uk for further information. Wednesday 21 - Coffee Morning at Toast in Altrincham, 10.30am Join us at this newly opened concept restaurant, where everything is served on toast. From eggs, a full English breakfast to apple pie. Please book with Sharon. Address: 63 Stamford Road, Altrincham WA14 1DR. Page 5 diary MMaarrcchh Monday 26 - Talk by The Sepsis Trust, 11.30am Sepsis (blood poisoning) is the reaction to an infection, where the body attacks its own organs and tissue. Sepsis claims approximately six million lives worldwide every year, but many of those could be saved with increased awareness. Join us for this important talk given by Julie Cadman from The Sepsis Trust. Easter themed refreshments provided. Address: Knutsford Methodist Church, Princess Street WA16 6BY. AApprriill Wednesday 4 - Spring Garden Tour at Hare Hill in Over Alderley, 11am We’ll join gardeners for a walk around the beautiful spring garden to see the azaleas, magnolias and rhododendrons. Afterwards, we’ll drive a few minutes down the road to The Wizard Tearooms for lunch (soup, sandwiches or bacon butty). Please book with Sharon. Cost: £7 for the garden ticket (£7 car parking for non NT members which is refundable on entry to the garden). Free garden tour. Address: Over Alderley, Macclesfield SK10 4PY. BBooookk LLaauunncchh Monday 9 April at 11am Plumley Village Hall Join our friend and Handforth and Altrincham member, Joy Pearson to celebrate the publication of her first novel ‘Untangling the Webs’. Joy will be reading extracts, answering questions and talking about her inspiration for writing the book. You’ll also have the chance to buy her book on the day. The story is about four women and their lives and their bonds of loyalty, unconditional love and the support of their friends - the message key to being an Oddfellow! Refreshments will be provided. Page 6 diary Monday 9 - Theatre trip to the Altrincham Garrick to see ‘Goodnight Mr Tom’, 7.30pm One of the most uplifting stories ever written, Michelle Magorian’s stunning book is brought gloriously to life in this stage adaptation. Tickets are £7.50 per person. Please book with Sharon by Monday 26 February. Thursday 19 - ‘Caribbean’ Themed Meal at Aspire, Trafford College, 7pm Join us for a wonderful themed evening, prepared by the catering students. Please book early with Sharon as places will go quickly. Costs: £18.50 per person. Address: Manchester Road, Timperley WA14 5PQ. Monday 23 - Coffee Morning at Arighi Bianchi Café Bar in Macclesfield, 10.30am Join us at this iconic Macclesfield furniture shop. Please book with Sharon. Address: The Silk Room, Macclesfield SK10 1LH. VViissiitt ttoo CCrreewwee HHeerriittaaggee RRaaiillwwaayy CCeennttrree Wednesday 25 April at 11am Address: Vernon Way, Crewe CW1 2DB Do you know where all the engines on Sodor go when they are poorly? They go to Crewe Works! Part of our local industrial heritage. We have arranged a guided visit to the Heritage Centre in Crewe, on the site of the original Crewe locomotive works.
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