6078 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. JUNE 14, SENATE. Mr. EDMUNDS. I report back (it should have gone with the bill tio be reported back formally) a petition in favor of preference of em­ SATURDAY, June 14, 1890. ployment in the public service to veterans of the late war. The bill Prayer by the Chaplain Rev. J. G. BUTLER, D. D. was reported back from the Judiciary Committee to be discharged and The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. sent to the Committee on Civil Service, which was done and I now · repor.t the petition, which should have accompanied the bill, and ask PETITIONS AND l\IEMORIA..LS. that it may be referred to that committee. The PRESIDENT pro tf.'lnpore presented a petition of citizens of The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The petition will be referred to the !3rown °?unty, _Kansa;s, praying for legislation which will prohibit the Committee to Examine the Several Branches of the Civil Service. importation of liquor mto the State of Kansas; which was ordered to 1\Ir. MORRILL,fromtheCommitteeonPublicBuilding.sandGrounds lie on the table. to w~om . was referr~d the bill (H. R. 7217) to amend "An act for th~ He also presented the petition of Eugene Bloodgood Beebe of New erection of an appraisers' warehouse in the city of New York and for York City, praying for legi'.slatton which will enable the Sec:etacy of other purposes," reported it without amendment. ' the Treasury to carry out his policy of creating more credits redeem­ Mr. PASCO, from the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds able in gold; which was referred to the Committee on Finance. to whom was referred the bill (H. R. 8342) for the removal of the United Mr. SHERMAN presented a petition of 45ex-Unionsoldiers ofOhio States court-house building at Balliimore, Md., reported it without a petition of 19 ex-Union soldiers of Ohio, a petition of26 ex-Union sol: amendment. diers of ~hio, a petition of 30 ex-Union soldiers of-Ohio, a petition of Mr. VEST, from theCommitteeon Public Buildings and Grounds, to 40 ex-Umon soldiers of Ohio, a petition of 32 ex-Union soldiei:sofOhio whor:i was referred the bill (H. R. 516) to extend the limit for the a_petition of74 ex-Union soldiers of Ohio, a petitionof25 ex-Union sol~ erection ofa public building at Springfield, Mo., reported it without diers of Ohio, a petition of 32 ex-Union soldiers of Ohio, a petition of amendment. Z7 ex-Union soldiers of Ohio, a petitionof28ex-Union soldiers of Ohio Mr. DAWES, from the Committee on Indian Affairs to whom was a petition of 18 ex-Union soldiers ofOhio, a petition of 70 ex-Union sol~ ~eferred the bill (S. 3863) to extend the time for the ~onstruction of diers of Ohio, a petition of 70 ex-Union soldiers of Ohio, a petition of it.a ro~d by th~ Newport and Kings Valley Railroad Company through 24 ex-Union soldiers of Ohio, a petition of25 ex-Union soldiers of Ohio the Siletz Indian reservation, reported it with amen:dments. a petition of 40 ex-Union soldiers of Ohio, a petition of 40 ex-Union sol~ BILLS INTRODUCED. diers of_ Ohio, a petition of George C. Yeagley Post, Grand Army of the Mr. F ARW~ELL introduced a bill (S. 4088) for the relief of Frank Repubhc, New Somerset, Ohio; a petition of 30 ex-Union soldiers of penham; which was read twice by its title, and, with the accompany­ Huron, Ohio, a petition of 59 ex-Union soldiers of Ohio, a petition of mg papers, Ie~erred to the Committee on Military Affairs. I. Jesse Alexander Post, No. 470, Department of Ohio; a petition of23 ~r. Q~AY mtroduced a bill (S. 4089) reinstating and placing on the ex-Union soldiers of Ohio, a petition. of ex-Union soldiers of Middle­ ret~red ltst George_W. O~ens~tter, late gunner United States Navy; port, Ohio; a petition of 109 ex-Union soldiers of Ohio, a petition of67 which was read twice by its title, and referred to the Committee on ex-Union soldiers of Somerset, ~hio; a petition of34 ex-soldiers of Rock Naval Affairs. Creek: Ohio, a petition of 106 ex-Union soldiers of Ohio, a petition of l\Ir. BUTLER introduced a joint resolution (S. R. JOO) to authorize 89 ex-Union soldiers ofWestUnity, Ohio, andapetitionof29 ex-Union Carl Berlin to accept from the King of Sweden and Norway the deco­ S?ldie~ of W_arren; Ohio, all praying for th~ passage of the service-pen­ ~ati~n of the "~oyal Order of the Sword;" which was read twice by sion bill; which were referred to the Committee on Pensions. its title, and, with the accompanying papers, referred to the Commit­ He also presented a petition of 170 citizens of the State of Ohio tee on Foreign Relations. praying for the passage of a national Sunday-rest law; which was re: ferred to the Committee on Education and Labor. WILLLUtI OLAWSON. Mr. FARWELL presented a petition of citizens of Englewood Ill. The PRESIDENT pto tempore. Is there further morning business? praying for the passage of legislation t;o limit the hours of w~rk of If there be none, that order is clofled, and the Senate proceeds to the con­ clerks and employes i? first and second class post-offices; which was sideration of the Calendar under Rule VIII. T11e first Order of Busi­ referred t;o the Comtnlttee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads. ness on the Calendar will be stated. Mr. EVARTS presented a petition of 57 members of the Grand Army The SECRETARY. A b!Jl (S. 1971) for the relief of William Clawson. of the Republic of New York, praying for the passage of Senate bill . The S~nate, as in Committee of the Whole, proceeded to consider the 3146, giving preference to veterans in appointments, employment and bi!J. which had been reported from the Committee ou Military Affairs retention th~rein in the public service of the United States; which was with an amendment, to strike out all after the enacting clause and in­ referred to the Committee t;o Examine the Several Branches of the sert: Civil Service. '!-'h.at the Secretary of 1Var be, and he is hereby, directed to enter the name of He also presented a petition of 16 citizens of Corning, N. Y. pray­ W1l liam Clawson as a private of Company I, Fourth Regiment oflowaVolunteer ing for the passage of the pending tariff bill, especially the cl~use t;o Infantry, upon the rolls of said company, mustered into the service August2, 1861, and honorably mustered out August 8, 1863, and to issue to him an honor­ protect the tobacco growers; which wa.s referred to the Committee on able discharge accordingly; and said Clawson shall be paid all the pay allow­ Finance. ances, and bounties due to a soldier regularly serving in said company b'etwcen -Mr. CAMEBON presented a petition of 134 citizens of the State of the dates aforesaid. Pennsylvama, praying for the passage of a, national Sunday-rest law· Mr. EDMUNDS. Let the report be read . which was referred to the Committee on Education and :Labor. ' The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The report will be read. Mr. PAD DOCK presented a petition of the Banner Farmers' Alli­ The Secretary read the following report, submitted by Mr. W ALTHA.LL ance, No. 948, of Odell, Nebr., praying for the passage of House bill April 24, 1890: 283, known as the Conger lard bill; which was referred t;o the Com­ The Committee on Mllitary Affairs, to whom was referred the bill (S.1971) for mittee on Agriculture and Forestry. relief of William. Clawson, having considered the same, i·eport a.s follows: He also presented a petition of the Banner Farmers' Alliance, No. Tpe facts of this case, as shown by the sworn petition of William Clawson 948, of ~dell, N ~br., praying fc;>r t"?e passage of House bill 5353, t;o pre­ supported in a.11 material respects by a number of affidavits or members of Com: vent option dealmg and gamblmg rn farm prodnets; which was referred pany I, Fourth Regiment Iowa Volunteers, are these: Clawson enlisted as a private in that company on the 2d day of August 1861 t;o the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. and was f;lWOrn into service by its captain, but the mustering officer refu~ed u; . Mr. QUAY presented ape~ition of 169 ci?zens of Pennsylvania, pray­ muster !tun because he tho?ght Clawson had consumption, which proved to mg for the passage of a national Sunday-rest law; which was referred be a mistake. .Clawson, with the consent of the capt~in, remained with the company and did regular service and participated in e1·ery action in which to the Committee on Education and Labor. his command was engaged, including the siege o! Vicksburg, until the 8th of Mr. TELLER presented the petition of Mrs. Caroline Hanneman August, 186~, when his ca.pta._in resi~ned and ~e left the company, having, in t;o the mean tune, contracted disease m the service. The fa.ct of his service be· praying be allowed an increase of pension; which was referred to th~ tween the dates named is clearly established, and although his name is not Committee on Pensions, to accompany Senate bill 3549. borne on the rolls of the company on file in the War Department t..be actual service he performed seems to entitle him to relief.
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