www.ukrweekly.com '^^^^' Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc.. a fraternal non-profit association rainianWee Vol. LVI No. 36 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 4,1988 50 cents Lviv residents, informal groups react Former Israeli judge joins Demjanjuk defense CLEVELAND - Dov Eitan, a re­ Defense Fund noted. tired Israeli judge of 17 years, has joined Additionally, Messrs. Sheftel and to violent retribution against meeting the defense team of John Demjanjuk, Eitan were to petition the court to JERSEY CITY, N.J. - Residents the association, including the editorial who was convicted of war crimes and intervene with the Italian government and various informal groups in the staff and contributors to the group's sentenced to death this past April in to gain access to files relating to new western Ukrainian city of Lviv have journal, Kafedra, labelled the day of the Israel. allegations that Mr. Demjanjuk was reacted with indignance to the violent disrupted meeting "Bloody Thursday." Midway through the District Court also a concentration camp guard in way local authorities broke up a recent The press service of the Ukrainian proceedings, Mr. Eitan expressed his Triest, Italy, from 1943 to 1945. This public meeting and arrested, among Helsinki Union issued newsletter No. 10 concern about the conduct of the three- information is critical to the defense as others, its chief organizer, reported the on August 20, titled, "Lviv Engineer judge panel. it now places Mr. Demjanjuk in three External Representation of the Ukrai­ Ivan Makar - the First Political Mr. Eitan was the youngest judge separate locations at the same time nian Helsinki Union. Prisoner of Perestroika in Ukraine." ever to preside in the history of Israel. In committing war crimes. With the help of a unit of special riot Dedicated entirely to Mr. Makar's 1983 he retired to a full pension and The final request to be made on police, local militia reportedly used arrest, the newsletter revealed details joined the legal firm of Bar-On, Eitan, September 2 will be to allow the defense violent measures against many of the surrounding his detainment on charges Mandel and Co. Mr. Eitan has more access to the videotapes of the entire thousands who gathered on August 4 in of "disrupting public order," which years of experience than either Judge trial and isolate the actions of the three- Lviv's Ivan Franko Park for a regular carries a maximum sentence of three Zvi Tal or Judge Dalia Dorner, who sat judge panel, in order to point out what it public meeting, organized by the recent­ years' incarceration. on the panel that convicted Mr. Dem­ believes to be the court's prejudice ly formed Initiative Group of the The newsletter included a statement janjuk. towards defense witnesses and defense Democratic Front to Promote Pere- by the Ukrainian Helsinki Union calling Ironically, Judge Tal, who read the counsel. stroika. Scores were injured as they the Ukrainian republican leadership death sentence to Mr. Demjanjuk only Mr. Eitan's first v^sit with Mr. Dem­ were forcibly dragged from the scene "the most reactionary regime in all the months ago, now occupies Mr. Eitan's janjuk is scheduled Ao take place Sun­ and beaten by police, while nearly two Soviet republics," made evident by its seat in the District Court of Jerusalem. day, September 4, at Ayalon Prison, dozen participants were detained or brutal reaction to public meetings that On Friday, September 2, Mr. Eitan where Mr. Demjanjuk has been held for fined, according to the press service of are tolerated in other republics, such as and Yoram Sheftel, who has represent­ the past 31 months. the unofficial Ukrainian Helsinki the Baltic states. ed Mr. Demjanjuk throughout the Mr. Eitan was born in Tel-Aviv in Union. The g^oup also announced in its Israeli proceedings, were scheduled to 1935. He served in the Israeli defense Ivan Makar, the 30-year-old leader of newsletter the formation of a Citizens' appear before the registrar of the forces and completed Jerusalem Uni­ the Initiative Group, was arrested on Committee in Defense of Ivan Makar, Supreme Court of Israel. versity's faculty of law in 1962. the morning before the public meeting following the official announcement by They were to request the Supreme He was a lawyer in private practice in and was charged with "disrupting the the Lviv procurator's office of Mr. Court to compel archival centers in 1962-1967, specializing in civil and public order" under Article 187-3 of the Makar's arrest. West Germany, Poland and other East criminal law. In 1967 he was elected a Ukrainian SSR Criminal Code. No The committee, which was created in bloc countries to open their doors to magistrate, and in the years 1969 to sentence has yet been set for the young an effort to coordinate citizens' the defense. 1974 he was deputy director of Israeli engineer, a Communist Party member, actions on behalf of Mr. Makar, These centers contain voluminous courts and chief magistrate. who declared a hunger strike upon his includes the following members: files of Treblinka survivor testimony In 1974-1978 he was chief magistrate arrest. Bohdan Horyn, head of the Lviv and other material critical to the de­ and registrar of the Jerusalem District In an August 17 statement, members branch of the Ukrainian Helsinki fense. Unlike the open archival access Court. Then in 1978 to 1983 he was a of the Ukrainian Association of Inde­ Union; Oles Shevchenko, head of the policy afforded to the prosecution both district court judge in Jerusalem. pendent Creative Intelligentsia called group's Kiev branch; Vasyl Sichko, in Israel and in the U.S., the doors have In 1983 he retired and joined the legal Mr. Makar '4he first victim in Ukraine head of the initiative group for the remained closed to the defense for the firm of Bar-On, Eitan, Mandel and Co., of political repression during the period formation of an Ivano-Frankivske past 12 years, the John Demjanjuk which handles mostly criminal cases. of glasnost." branch of the union; and union mem­ In the statement titled, "Freedom for bers Ihor Derkacz, Ivan Zhelenchuk, the Engineer Ivan Makar," members of (Continued on page 4) Canada accepts millennium refugees WINNIPEG - Canada has agreed to that the group is entering under the 1989 allow more than 300 Ukrainian refugees quota. Estonians call for independence from Poland to enter the country, the The Ukrainians will enter Canada Winnipeg Free Press reported on Sep­ under the category of self-exiled re­ tember 1. Most of the refugees have fugees. in political party platform been stranded in Austria since July 3 The federal government said it ex­ NEW YORK - "Forty-eight years of The ERSP's goal is to "restore an when they defected while on a bus tour pects to spend about S7,000 per refugee rule by a hostile foreign power have independent democratic Estonian na­ from Poland to Rome. on settlement costs. The Canadian pushed our country and our people to tion based on universally recognized The Canadian government's decision Ukrainian Immigrant Aid Society is the edge of catastrophe," states the international principles of justice." to accept the refugees came after weeks sponsoring 40 of the refugees at a cost of manifesto of the just-founded Estonian Excerpts from the party's declaration of stonewalling by bureaucrats in the about S2,000 per person. National Independence Party (ERSP). follow. Immigration Department, Ukrainian Bob Mykytiuk, president of the First proposed in January, ERSP community spokesmen told Michael CUIAS, noted that he hopes other publicly announced and formally rati­ Bbciurkiw of the Winnipeg Free Press. Ukrainian organizations also will spon­ fied its platform and political structure The community responded by flood­ sor refugees. He added that the refugees in ceremonies at the Pilitvere Church in We have reached a state of affairs ing the offices of Tory caucus members want to come to Canada because of its the Viljandi region of Estonia on where we do not have enough clean air, with phone calls and letters. And, on large Ukrainian community. August 20. water, or earth to sustain life, let alone August 30, representatives of the Ukrai­ The group members will first have to Congratulations came from the Lat­ freedom. Add to that the danger of nian Canadian community met with undergo routine medical tests and vian National Independence Movement becoming a minority in our own ancient immigration officials. security checks. Processing will begin and Helsinki 86. Press Club Glasnost land, which has already happened in Immigration Minister Barbara Mc- almost immediately, but the refugees representatives from Moscow filmed some regions, including our capital. Dougall gave in to Tory requests and will not be allowed to arrive before the proceedings. Every thinking and responsible Esto­ agreed to allow the Ukrainians to come January 1, 1989, said Ian Sadinsky, an Tlie new opposition party has 102 nian senses a most dire threat to survi­ to Canada. She made the decision at the immigration official. Other sources, founding members. Long-time political val. Every system founded on the power request of Deputy Prime Minister Don however, said the first group of refugees activists Mati Kiirend, Lagle Parek, Eve monopoly of one single party has Mazankowski and Finance Minister could reach Canada as early as October. Parnaste, Velio Salum and Erik Udam turned out perverse and unproductive, Michael Wilson. Both have large Ukrai­ Meanwhile, the Canadian Ukrainian were chosen as directors. They also unable to satisfy either man's material nian constituences in their ridings. Immigrant Aid Society is continuing its serve on the 21-member executive needs or spiritual aspirations..
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