This paper is the official organ of the Western Penmen's Association. Tenth Year. CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA, APRIL, 1893. ).i FOR COMMERCIAL SCHOOLS, NORMAL SCHOOLS, ACADEMIES AND HIGH SCHOOLS. "THE AUTOMATIC MAN,' Sells AUTOMATIC SHADING PENS AND INK Spelling and Letter-Writing.—Cloth, 204 pages. Twenty-fourth thousand. cheaper than any other dealer in the United States. Price $1.00. A handsome and popular book. Typewriting Instructor and Sten= You can get the best and save money by buying ographer's Hand=Book.—Cloth, 96 pages, two colors, $1.00. Used in the largest jof him. C. P. ZANER SAYS: and best schools. Plain English, a practical work on language, discarding most of • •* .* Your book of alphabets and designs is the uninteresting subject matter in the average grammar. Handsomely bound in cloth, the finest I know of'and actually worth $10. All go cents. IN PREPARATION:—Shorthand, a model phonographic text-book, aspiring artists should have a copy. * * " containing many pages of finely engraved notes. Commercial Law, a complete Descriptive circular and sheet of 18 different shades of shading ink sent free. treatise on business law and legal forms. Bookkeeping, a book giving modern C. A. FAUST, Galesburg, 111. forms and methods, illustrated with elegant script. A copy of either book sent post­ paid at price given above. Specimen pages free. For rates to schools, address the publishers, THE PRACTICAL TEXT-BOOK FOR SALE. CO., CLEVELAND, OHIO. A well-established business college, in a growing Western city. Well equipped; good attendance; healthy climate. For further information, ad­ dress, "BUSINESS CHANCE," DEMENTS P1TMANIC SHORTHAND! Care Western Penman. Are You Fully Informed in Regard to the World's Congress of The flodern Text=book on Shorthand. Graham Stenographers ? Elucidated. Pitman Elaborated. If not. you should read THE NATIONAL STEN= OGRAPHER, which contains a department de­ voted to that subject. A report of the Congress A second edition was necessary before it had been on the market four months,. vill be given in full in a special issue, which alone Send for free descriptive circular, Price $2.00. Special discounts to schools. Send well be worth the price of a year's subscription. for teachers' examination price. Address, $1 per year, 10 cents per copy. One sample copy 5 cents. ISAAC S. DEMENT, Address, THE NATIONAL STENOGRAPHER CO., 116 Dearborn St. Chicago, 111. 505 Royal Insurance Building. CHICAGO, ILL. Every teacher, student and writer of shorthand should read THE NATIONAL STENOGRAPHER. Send for sample copy. A TRIP TO THE Address, THE NATIONAL STENOGRAPHER CO., WORLD'S FAIR No. 116 Dearborn Street, CHICAGO, ILL. FREE TO ANY TEACHER OR STITDEN r. If you wish to visit the GREAT WORLD'S Write cards with PALMER'S FINE FAIR at Chicago without costing you one cent PEN NO. 2. A new pen that does the of money, on easy conditions, write at once. En­ AGENTS business better than any other. A quarter close reference and self-addressed stamped envel­ ope to WORLDS FAIR ENTERTAINMENT CO., Are making money selling Dakin's Epitome. If gross box, postpaid, costs 30 cents. 1602 HonadnockBldg., CHICAGO, ILL. you want to make a few dollars easier than you WESTERN PENMAN PUBLISHING Co., ever did before, send One Dollar for an outfit. Cedar Rapids, Iowa. about time to send me that big order Circulars free. you've been think­ ing of sending? You ft PRIZE GIVEN TO THE, PERSON tbinISk I can'ITt write NO, do you? TSend a two-cent stamp guessing the nearest the number of replies I re­ and get my circular—then send your order. No ceive to this advertisement, and enclosing 10 cents free specimens for anybody. The new pen for one of my automatic shading pen designs. puller for 37 cts. Quit spoiling pens and holders EVERY Or, enclose 25 eents and receive a much larger and soiling hands by purchasing qne. No stamps Penman and Card Writer should learn to do the and finer design and you get three guesses. 50 taken. Address plainly, L. C. HORTON, cents sec i'res a copy-book containing any autom­ P. O. Box 51, CONESVILLE, IOWA. Knife Work or Card Carving. 'It will increase atic alphabet you may desire, made in sections for your income. Elegant samples of the work and the beginner in automatic work, and allows you complete instructions for doing the work sent for five chances. The prize will consist of a com­ T B ETnflB Penman, BEAR BRANCH, IND. plete course in automatic penmanship, one pen U. JA. ElLl/IJft, Cards from 10 to 50 cts. per doz.; Si. 00. Address, and one bottle of ink. Address, puzzle name cards (unique), two for 5 cents; pen- A. W, DAKIN, Auburn. N. Y, A. C. HANSFORD, Shopville. Ky. drawing for scrap-book, 22 cents. .THEC WECS5-TEI=?r-I r=EN!VIAJSI. Learn to Write! Learn to Write! Back Numbers TYPEWRITERS. For 50 cents, we will send SIXTEEN TYPEWRITERS: If you contemplate purchas­ assorted back numbers of the WESTERN ing or renting a typewriter, it will pay you to get -ELEGANTLY SIMPLE and SIMPLY- our prices and terms on NEW and SECOND­ ELEGANT PENMAN, all dating back from 1891. Some HAND machines. We have all makes from 15 to of the finest specimens of flourishing, pen- 50 per cent below manufacturers' prices and sold drawings and writing that have ever ap­ under same guarantee as given by them. Machines rented with privilege of applying rent­ Are Peirce College Writing Slips and Real Busi­ peared in any publication are in each pa­ ness Forms by PROF. A P. ROOT, for fourteen als on purchase price. years Superintendent of Writing. Cleveland, Ohio, per. We cannot send any particular pa­ "Special Rates" to Stenographers and Teachers per, but will select 16 different dates until on typewriter supplies. Public Schools. Thomas May Peirce, Publisher, Agents wanted. Write for our prices and terms, 917-919 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. Price our stock is exhausted. One Dollar. Postage prepaid. PHILADELPHIA TYPE WRITER EXCHANGE, Many of the plates have been destroyed 133 South Fifth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Something Entirely New. and will never appear anywhere else again. CHAS. R. PALMER. Manager. Adopted and used in high and normal schools, ^SS**Send now and get them while you can* seminaries and our best business colleges. Address, WESTERN PENMAN, Send for pamphlet containing testimonials from leading penmen, business educators and sehool Cedar Rapids, Iowa. superintendents. NEWSPAPER CLffPIIGSS^S^: each. We read i,000 newspapers daily. Send for circular. CLEMENS NEWS AG'CY, San Francisco. Rapidly, Legibly and Easily, can only be acquired by physical cultivation, and BixlerN Physical Training In Penmanship is the only book that will tell you all about it,—a complete self-in­ KNIFE-WORK. structor, 60 pages, Fine Cloth, fully Illustrated, price It is beautiful and you will be pleased with it. 60 cents to any address. 3d large Edition. Address Send me a 50-cent postal note and I will send you one dozen fine specimens of flower work cut Bixler's Business College, Wooster. 0, with a knife with your name on. Two beautiful samples for only 10 cents. Address, W. D. CHAPMAN, Box 104. East Randolph, New York. Iowa Detective Ass'n, CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA. No Charge for Membership. Members wanted in all towns in the United States and Canada. Address with stamp for par­ ticulars. FOR 30 Df\YS I will send for a 6o-cent postal note a large pack­ age of the the finest card-writing, large variety, new styles, artistic work, three alphabets, and other work. This is my best work. Nothing like it by any other card-writer. Now, friends, give me your order, and I promise you something fine LEARN TO WRITE YOUR NAME. in return. C. W. PALMER, Send me your name written in full, and 25 cents, Sullivan, Pa. and I will send you one dozen or more ways of writing it, with instructions; or send me two cents in stamps and receive circular and price list ad­ HOTEL ENDEAVOR. dressed in my own hand. Address, F. M. Sisson, Penman, Newport, R,l. A. E. PARSONS, Souvenir of Newport of Old Stone Mill, only 10 Headquarters for Co Uge Men during the Creston Iowa. cents; with one dozen cards, 30 cents. Set Busi­ WORLD'S FAIR. No postal card requests answered. ness Capitals, 10 cents. L. D. ATWATER, N -W. U. MED. SCHOOL,'94 Special Representative. One of the most attractive places In Chicag'o during the World's Columbian Exposition will be HOTEL. ENDEAOVK. The grounds cover fully six acres. It is situated on the Beach ot Lake Michigan^ seven blocks south of the Fair Grounds, and is a veritable summer resort in itself. Its strong" points are: (1) Beautiful loca­ tion. (2) No advance room rent. (3) Unique plan, simnlar to Grand Union, at Saratoga— every room being an outside room, none open to narrow courts. (4) Prices even lower than any other first-class Hotel. These prices are $1.00 per day each person for rooms (meals on the European plan) for those who held Advanced Adopted Wherever Tested. Register Tickets. These Tickets are $3 each, ana will command a premium next summer. Thoroughly reliable; admirable in every way. A trial box Double the above prices will be charged to those who do not hold Register Tickets. will cost you but thirty cents. 2-cent stamps taken. Secure your Ticket at once, as capacity of Ho­ tel is limited, and rooms are being taken very rapidly. A SAMPLE COMMENDATION. send Register fee to J. R. CHAPMAN, T?reas.
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