»' A V--- •• 1 • ' ^ ■' THURSDAY, AUGUST 80, 1956 Average Daily Net Press ifiin The Weather . Far tb« Week Ended . Faraeaat of C. S. Waathw ■araBB PAGE ^WBNTTf 1 June 16, 1956 iiand;(Bt|fr lEttt'tttng H^ralb lig h t ralh or dritsle, fog agalB tonight. new 6#. Fag early Sunset Council. No. 45. Degree ditional workers Mrs. John S. G. i 12,065 Saturday, warmer, scattered ahaw- of PocahonUf, will omit lU meet­ GOP Woiiimi Plan Rottner served as district direc-1 Member of the Audit ers during day. High near S9. About Town 1ing Monday evening on account of tor of the drive. ' Bureau of CIreulatlon Manchester— A City of Village Charm the holiday. The next meeting will YearVAclivities The president Mrs. Thomas F. r,i'' ,rt*ra«nber the Peiwrh festl\;8l j Ferguson, conducted the meeting i Pinehurst be held ,on Monday, Sept. 17. and •n ■’Sept. »-4 to 7 P.M .,'*f the ^ at which plans were made for fall ; at 302 'MAIN members arc urged to reseiwe the (I^laaalfled Advertising an Pago 14) PRICE FIVE CENTS a n u tii pwinds^ Young ana old i date. At that time, plans will be Mrs. .Tonh J. Wallett. 133 Wara- activities, to be presented litter to VOL. LXXV, NO. 28.3 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MAE(CHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST .31, 1956 «r*^ Invited. j made for the Great Council in noke Rd., corresponding secretary the full membentliip. M’*' svere-, Hartford in October. .of the Manchester Republican tary, Mrs. Raymond T. Schaller. OPEN TILL 9 The annual peach festival by the | Women's Club, was hostes.s at the .Mrs. Wallett setwed delicious re­ PLA^^A LABOR Hl-Laague'of Emanuel Lutheran | first executive board meeting of freshments after which her guests | Ctiurch will be held this evening , Firms Sponsor admired her marvelou.s collection THURSDAY from 6:30 to 9:30 on the church ^ the new serfson yesterday aftfer- of violets, the brilliant, flowers in and Show at Theater noon. DAY PI€1VI€ lawn, sveather permitting: other- the'gaden and the new patio with m --- ------ R M i Wlae In Luther Hall. Proceeds will . « Mrs^Wallett also Manchester fireplace at the rear of the house.' FRIDAY be devoted to their "On to Chicago A "Back to School" kiddie show chairman o f the "Thank you, Mr. aii inkat. You'll obo A-Test, Fund” for the International Youth will be featured at the State Kha aur caurtaaut Mrviea. Convention next .Time. Tickets Theater tomorrow afternoon. 'Fhe President," fund-raising campaign maj' be obtained at the door. program will include 20 cartoons successfully conducted this sum­ NIGHTS and "Little Rascals Fun Comedy.” mer throughout the nation to fi­ k inUddCd-DCLIO 4 Mrs. Bessie Farris. 9 Durkin » t ..' For the third year in a row. nance Pre.sident Ri.senhower's c ^ i- L .MEN and WU>tEN 2 paign for reelectlon this fall. Mrs. THURS.'lnd FRT: and three of her grandchildren are , Marlow's and .Weldon’s Drug will ^ EXPERT FITTERS ^ enjoying a tour, of Canada, and a ' present a free, complete .9-plece Walleti has been assisted by a com­ FRESH visit with relanves In New Bruns­ pencil-box to children attending. mittee, of 16 of the most active wick. On their return, they will The two firms are co-spOnaoring members of "the loocal GOP ^ArthurJ^ug^^OTMj SWORDFISH hroff' Seeks Suez Use by All Nations travel through the White Moun­ the show, which w4ll start at 2 Women’s Club, each of whom was tains. o'clock. responsible for securing three ad­ V <//((: Relax, Man, Relax! PINEHURST EVERYDAY LOW PRICES Says Canal For ^Mr, Lazy’ Title Different N-Weapon Just as Macey's checks Gimbals and the J. W. Hale Co. Ownership Covington, Ky.. Aug. 31 i/P) checks quality and price at Burton’s, \ve make weekly - ■ Remember the fellow who chocks of prices at major chain, and individually op­ advocated a national "Do i+l erated stores to see that Pinehurst prices on nationally Nothing Week"? ClaimecL by' Russia advertised fhods are always in line. Not Argued , Well, the residents of on* of Covington’s subdivisions have come up with a .Labor Moscow, A uk* *31 (TP)— The Soviet Union announced today Wa.shington. Aug. 31 (TP)— Day weekend contest that it exploded a “ new and different’’ nuclear weapon yesterday. AAA Check quality Pre.aident Eisenhower offered; calls for absolute relaxation. I And the man who relaxes The announcement, said the weapon was “ applicable to arm* ... chock price • • •, Egypt a.ssurantes today that I' the most will gel the title of inK various kinds of troops.” The implication was that Raasia the United States is not tlial-|I "Mr. Laz.v." is proKressinK in efforts to adapt nuclear power to tactical use. y P O ld M u rC A U n X B 2 leiiging its ownershii. of tlie Each.,contest entry w ill have The Moscow Radio said that Soviet te.sts were held Aug. 24 A A A You will find it A Suez Canal l)v insisting on , his blood -pressiii p taken when j he gets home from work to- and .30 to “ perfect nuclear weapon.s.” poyi to shop at .safeguarding tlie rights of all Ij day. It will be taken again at r 1 FOUbaiTMTIMIHlI SHOP FOR ALL YOUR FOOD nations to use the disinitetl a community picnic Monday, Wa.shiiiKton, Aug. 31 (TP)— President Ei.seiihower announc* waterway. and the man with the lowest ed today the Russian.s have touched o ff still another atomic i m n ONI Of FitisBuftrs mm/it or akus At the same time the President ; pressure has a good chance displayed at a new^-conference no of cinching the title. e.xplosipn. He said this one was nlore powerful than the test J PillabaiylllCBRlOl 2 For NEEDS AT HALE’S SELF , open support for British and French , Chores for the weekend a week ago which had the force of almost one million tons of CIGARETTES military moves in the Suez crisis. will include lounghing in lawn TNT. ‘ -------- ^ ^ — SUNSW EET 1 He declined comment on France's chairs or hammocks and malt­ Eisenhower made the an- Cxmelx .. Luckies Safe ami Sound ' sending troops t« Cypnis. ing an occasional trip ih a nouncemenl at a news.-conference : PillsbafTPJUKAninx t ror j _ But Eisenhower declared em- , Greek Cypriots »• SERVE and MEAT DEPT. Most Regulars PRUNE Mrs. Mary Frances Poole, 25, is holding her flve-mbnlhs-old swimming pool. after recalling that last Sunday he son, Raymond, at a hospital in Charlotte, N. C. She had claimed ' phatically that he intends to ex­ As far, the ladies? ITiey'll disclosed that the Soviet Union 22c pk.-$2.20 carton the lad was kidnaped by dope smugglers, but when he was found haust every possible rncans of get- complete for prizes in an out­ had resumed tests of nuclear H EIN Z MIRACLE WHIP All Cigarettes at JU ICE 33c In buahea near a roadside, Mrs, Poole admitted ahe had aban­ ; ling a peaceful settlement. door cooking contest. weapons. Free Chief in WE'LL DO IT AGAIN! WESTERN GRADED BEEF Conneclicut'.s Lowest Prices! doned hfm. 1 Furthermore, he indicated that if On that occasion, while he was present plans for operation of the still in California. Eisenhower said RELISHES SALAD FRESHER AT PINEHURST I canal an international board can­ a blast on Aug. 24 had the force of Hospital Battle not be sold t&jEgypt ’by the IS French Bolster almost a megaton, or one million Jar I countries sujj^rting this proposi­ tons of TNT. Nicosia, CiTcus, Aug. 31 (J)—Four DRESSING It) STATE BUTTER lb. 72c tion he would keep trying to find Qt. Lean Chuck Pinehurst Mob Curbs Texa. Today the President said thfe persons were shot dead today in a STEAKS In '«!a Taste the sharp-^dge of qu4lity 'here ! some other formula for this settle­ British Forces Russians have engaged in what he fight .at Nicosia GenerM Hoapital Ground ..... lb. 55c Hamburg .... lb. 39c ment, termed another large teah' in the tlMt covered the escape of an Short, oirlein, top roHnd. tondtrhnit stooks. Egyptian President Nasser had accustomed place. TTiat would be EOKA Greek Cypriot extremiat. protested against comments by III Suez Area in Southwest Siberia, a* reported One was a Britiah' police aergeant. Cptt Ginger A le ' School Integration Dulles and Eisenhower this week Pinehurst Ready to Serve Special Patties . ...J b . 59c Carnation .Milk j for lhe.,flret Jtme officially in The EOKA man had been taken or Flavors that the Suez canal was "interna- i Eiaenhower'a announcement laat to the hospital for treatment. tionalized." by treaty in 1S88. ' Nicosia, Cypnis, Aug. 31 (AP)—j LEAN. BONELESS, THIN SLICED Full Qt. Contents The first sizable contingent o f : I Sunday. Three other members of the organ­ Clnims MIsiinderKlandlng..^ A smiling pair of conferee.s. V: K. Krishna Menon of India, Round Steak De Luxe Chopped 3 for 4.3c Man.sfield, Tc.\., Aug. .31 (iP)— A bitter mob, vowing no French troops was expected to left and Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser, are shown in CiiGrlze Red l^eaders ization engineered his flight. ■ o r DOG, HAMBURGER, 2 for 45c Eisenhower said that therif was reach this Mediterranean island to­ Tlie nfw test, Eisenhower EOKA is the fighting arm tha BARBECUE Negroes would register at the Mansfield High^School, swelled a misunderstanding with Egypt on Cairo a* they emerged from Naaser's office. They were inter- Greek Cypriot movement to ouet CREATED BY HRAFT Ground .
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