Taipei Liaison Office in the RSA SA-TAIWAN eNews AUGUST 31ST 2020 PUBLISHER: MATTHEW CHOU ISSUE 8 Taiwan, US issue joint declaration on 5G security Taiwan and the U.S. issued the Joint Declaration on 5G Security Taiwan is now a member of the Aug. 26 in Taipei City, underscor- U.S. 5G Clean Path Initiative, with ing both sides’ commitment to all five local telecom providers protecting next-generation com- designated “clean carriers,” Wu munication networks, according said. The government looks for- to the Ministry of Foreign Af- ward to working with other like- fairs. minded countries to foster resil- ient, secure and trustworthy 5G Under the initiative, the two will staged at the American Innovation ecosystems that can contribute to work to raise awareness globally Center, MOFA Minister Jaushieh stable socioeconomic develop- about the opportunities and risks Joseph Wu said Taiwan and the ment around the world, he added. posed by 5G networks through U.S. are close partners dedicated the Global Cooperation and Train- to ensuring prosperity, security Also at the event, American Insti- ing Framework while developing and stability in the Indo-Pacific tute in Taiwan Director Brent appropriate standards, guidelines based on the shared values of de- Christensen said the U.S. is a and best practices, the MOFA said. mocracy, freedom, and respect for strong advocate for the digital human rights. economy, which is poised for Launched in June 2015, GCTF is a rapid growth thanks to the power platform for expanding collabora- According to Wu, information se- of 5G networks. tion on global and regional chal- curity is one of the six core strate- lenges. Workshops have been or- gic industries unveiled by Presi- The U.S. welcomes the endorse- ganized under the initiative in ar- dent Tsai Ing-wen during her 2020 ment of its 5G Clean Path Initia- eas spanning e-commerce, en- inauguration speech. To guard tive, Christensen said, adding Tai- ergy, environmental protection, against data breaches, the govern- wan is a reliable partner whose media literacy, public health and ment has excluded all problematic shared values lend themselves women’s empowerment. or untrusted suppliers from taking perfectly to close cooperation on part in Taiwan’s 5G infrastructure 5G and information security. During the announcement event development, he said. August Snapshots of Taiwan Left,Ambassadors and representatives from 23 countries and territories are all smiles during a biomedical technology tour Aug. 20-21 at Medigen Vaccine Biologics Corp. in northern Taiwan’s Hsinchu County. (MOFA);Middle,Vice President Lai Ching-te (fourth left) applauds winners of an asset management award organized by locally-based Business Today magazine Aug. 26 in Taipei City. (Courtesy of Presidential Of- fice);Right,A Cargolux Airlines Boeing 747 jet spotted recently at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport fea- tures an eye-catching mask livery painted by Taoyuan-based Evergreen Aviation Technology Corp. (Courtesy of @Cargolux_Intl) ISSUE 8 SA-TAIWAN ENEWS PAGE 4 Headline News Page 2 Tsai vows to strengthen Taiwan’s investment climate at AmCham Taipei’s Hsieh Nien Fan President Tsai Ing-wen said Aug. 25 that playing an important role in making the the government is committed to strong partnership between Taiwan and AmCham Taipei’s Business Climate Sur- strengthening the country’s robust in- the U.S. even stronger. The organization vey was another source of good news, vestment climate while advancing Tai- links businesses from both sides, and Tsai said. The majority of member com- wan-U.S. mutual interests and shared makes invaluable contributions through pany respondents are bullish on Taiwan’s values with like-minded partners such as economic and trade policy recommenda- economic outlook over the next three the American Chamber of Commerce in tions contained in the annual Taiwan years, and see the U.S.-China trade dis- Taipei. White Paper, she said. pute as having a largely positive impact on the country’s economy, she added. 2020 has been a year of challenges, Tsai This year’s paper revealed that 11 of the said. But government policies are prov- 82 issues raised in 2019 edition have Tsai also took the opportunity to call for ing effective in protecting Taiwan’s eco- been resolved, Tsai said. This ties the Taiwan and the U.S. to pursue a bilateral nomic climate and public health so do- record from two years ago and augurs trade agreement. Such a pact would al- mestic and international businesses can well for further progress going forward, low both sides to capitalize on the com- operate without concern, she added. she added. plementary nature of their industries and create even more mutually benefi- Tsai made the comments while deliver- Tsai said the paper’s new chapter focus- cial business opportunities, she said. ing the keynote at AmCham Taipei’s ing on developing talent and cultivating a Hsieh Nien Fan celebration in Taipei City. more internationalized workforce in Tai- A strong, consistent and stable partner- The annual gathering of business leaders wan reflects the organization’s involve- ship between Taiwan and the U.S. con- from Taiwan and the U.S. was also at- ment in the Talent Circulation Alliance tributes to the maintenance of a free and tended by VIPs such as Foreign Minister launched by AIT last year. This commit- open Indo-Pacific, Tsai said. Rest as- Jaushieh Joseph Wu, Health Minister ment will assist Taiwan in becoming a sured, the country is an unwavering part- Chen Shih-chung and American Institute critical force in the global economy and ner and friend, dedicated to contributing in Taiwan Director Brent Christensen. the most reliable partner of the U.S. in to the prosperity of both sides and the According to Tsai, AmCham Taipei is Asia, she added. region, she added. President Tsai addresses videoconference hosted by US think tanks President Taiwan is committed to promoting will strengthen Taiwan’s military by ac- Tsai Ing- peaceful coexistence in the cross-strait celerating development of asymmetric wen dis- relationship, as well as strengthening the capabilities, identifying ways to more cussed partnership with the U.S. across the effectively utilize geographical advan- Taiwan’s board. tages and fast tracking military reforms, role as a Tsai said. bastion According to Tsai, Taiwan has fared rela- of free- tively well during the COVID-19 pan- With regards to expanding ties with dom and demic thanks to a raft of stimulus meas- Washington, Tsai said Taiwan is forging a democracy in the Indo-Pacific during a ures implemented by the government to constructive security relationship with videoconference Aug. 12 hosted by U.S.- keep the local economy on track. Grow- the U.S. to preserve a free and open Indo based think tanks the Hudson Institute ing threats to freedom and democracy in -Pacific based on mutual trust and and Center for American Progress. the Indo-Pacific are a concern, however, shared interests. Another priority is with recent developments in Hong Kong opening negotiations on a free trade Focusing on the economic, diplomatic serving as a salient example, she added. agreement, she added, noting that re- and security challenges facing Taiwan, cent months have shown the importance the event was also attended by, among In response to the situation, Tsai said the of economic linkages and supply chain others, Hsiao Bi-khim, head of Taipei government recently established the security for both sides. Economic and Cultural Representative Taiwan-Hong Kong Services and Ex- Office in the U.S., Hudson Institute Chief change Office to provide humanitarian Key to the relationship is working with Operating Officer John Walters and CAP support and assist Hong Kongers hoping the U.S. to engage other like-minded President and Chief Executive Officer to relocate to Taiwan. She also called on partners, Tsai said, adding that more Neera Tanden. the global community to speak out institutional and cohesive support for against the loss of Hong Kong’s freedom. Taiwan’s international participation During the speech delivered from the should be the first step in defending Presidential Office in Taipei City, Tsai said Faced with such threats, the government global democracy. ISSUE 8 SA-TAIWAN ENEWS PAGE 4 Headline News Page 3 MOFA Minister Wu discusses Taiwan-US relations in CNN interview eas spanning culture, economy, pub- Kong, Wu said. The government must lic health, security and trade, he therefore carefully manage cross- added. strait relations to avoid giving China any pretext for using force, he added. Wu made the remarks during an in- terview in Taipei City with Paula Han- In the face of such coercion, Taiwan cocks, Korea correspondent for U.S.- remains committed to strengthening headquartered media organization its capabilities and safeguarding free- Foreign Minister Jaushieh Joseph Wu CNN. dom and democracy, Wu said, adding praised strong Taiwan-U.S. relations the government will continue to co- Aug. 12, saying the recent visit by According to Wu, tension in the Indo- operate with the U.S. on defense go- U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Pacific is increasing as a result of ing forward. Services Alex Azar is a clear show of China’s aggression. This includes not support for Taiwan and its manage- only the Taiwan Strait but also Hong With regard to the upcoming U.S. ment of the COVID-19 pandemic. Kong, militarization in the South presidential election, Wu said Taiwan China Sea and the dispute along the enjoys bipartisan support from the The U.S. is a close partner and under- Sino-Indian border, he said. Democratic and Republican parties. stands the military and diplomatic The two sides will enjoy a close rela- threats Taiwan faces, Wu said.
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