SREE NARAYANA COLLEGE NATTIKA, THRISSUR PIN- 680566 ESTD : 1967 Affiliated to the University of Calicut NAAC Reaccredited with B+ Grade DST-FIST Supported Institution Phone : 0487 - 2391246 Fax : 0487 - 2391246 E-mail : [email protected] Web : www.sncollegenattika.org HANDBOOK & CALENDAR 2017 - 2018 GOLDEN JUBILEE YEAR SREE NARAYANA COLLEGE NATTIKA PmXn-t`Zw aX-tZz-j˛ taXp-an-√msX k¿∆cpw tkmZ-c-tXz\ hmgp∂ amXrIm-ÿm-\-am-WnXv {io\m-cm-bW Kpcp. Revision, Compilation and Editing : Smt. Babitha B. Printed & Published by: Dr. C. Anitha Sankar, Principal Sree Narayana College, Nattika, Thrissur, Kerala. 2 GOLDEN JUBILEE YEAR SREE NARAYANA COLLEGE NATTIKA CONTENTS 1. Daiva Dasakam 4 2. Profile 5 3. Programmes Offered 7 4. Management of the College 23 5. College Council 24 6. Faculty 25 7. Non Teaching Staff 36 8. College Byelaws 39 9. College Library 49 10. Scholarships and Endowments 51 11. Committees, Study Centres and Clubs 54 12. College Calendar 61 13. Forms of Applications 66 14. Colleges under S.N. Trusts 69 15. Important Telephone Numbers 70 16. Academic Calendar 71 3 GOLDEN JUBILEE YEAR SREE NARAYANA COLLEGE NATTIKA ssZh-Z-iIw ssZhta ImØpsImƒIßp ssIhn-Sm-Xn-ßp Rßsf \mhn-I≥ \o `hm-_v[n-s°m-cm-hn-h≥tXmWn \n≥]Zw Hs∂m-∂msbÆn-sb-Æn-sØm-s´Æpw s]mcp-sfm-Sp-ßn-bm¬ \n∂nSpw Zr°p-t]m-ep≈w \n∂n-e-kv]-µ-am-IWw A∂-h-kv{Xm-Zn-ap-´msX X∂p-c-£n®p Rßsf [\y-cm-°p∂ \osbm-∂p-Xs∂ R߃°p Xºp-cm≥ Bgnbpw Xncbpw Im‰pw Bghpw t]mse Rßfpw ambbpw \n≥ aln-abpw \obp-sa-∂p-≈n-em-IWw \obt√m krjvSnbpw {kjvSm-hm-bXpw krjvSn-Pm-ehpw \obt√m ssZh-ta, krjvSn-°p≈ kma-{Kn-bm-bXpw \obt√m ambbpw ambm-hnbpw ambm-hn-t\m-Z\pw \obt√m ambsb \o°n- kmbqPyw \¬Ip-am-cy\pw \o kXyw ⁄m\-am-\µw \o Xs∂ h¿Ø-am-\hpw `qXhpw `mhnbpw thd--t√mXpw samgn-bp-tam¿°n¬ \o AIhpw ]pdhpw Xnßpw aln-am-hm¿∂ \n≥]Zw ]pI-gvØp∂q Rß-fßv `K-hmt\ Pbn-°pI Pbn-°pI alm-tZh Zo\m-h-\-]-cm-bW Pbn-°pI NnZm-\µ Zbm-knt‘m Pbn-°p-I. Bgtadpw \n≥al- m-am-gn-bn¬ Rß-fm-Ith BgWw hmgWw \nXyw hmgWw hmgWw kpJw. ({io-\m-cm-b-W-Kp-cp) 4 GOLDEN JUBILEE YEAR SREE NARAYANA COLLEGE NATTIKA SREE NARAYANA COLLEGE NATTIKA : A PROFILE Inspired by Sree Narayana Guru’s call to seek freedom and enlightenment through education, a few distinguished citizens of Nattika decided to establish a college in this backward area. They sought the guidance of Sree Narayana Trusts, Kollam. A meeting presided over by the Late Sri. R. Sankar, held at Ayyanthole, Thrissur, on 15 October 1965, took the decision to establish the college. Consequently, Nattika Sree Narayana College Local Committee was constituted, which elected the Late Sri. T. R. Raghavan as President and the Late Adv. N. K. Kuttiraman as Secretary. The committee proceeded with the endeavour to collect funds, acquire land and property and set up a building for the college. Messrs Elite Fabrics, Thrissur, contributed land worth more than Rs. 1 Lakh. The committee succeeded in collecting the requisite funds within a remarkably short period. The foundation stone of the building was laid by the Late Sri. R. Sankar in the presence of a large and distinguished gathering on 10 April 1966. The building was completed within the stipulated time limit and affiliation was secured from the University of Kerala. The college was formally inaugurated by the Late Sri. K. Ayyappan (Sahodaran) on 30 June 1967. In July 1969 the college was affiliated to the newly constituted University of Calicut. In June 1970 the college attained the status of a first grade college in Kerala, with the commencement of Degree courses in Economics, Commerce, Botany and Zoology. B.Sc. Physics was begun in 1978, M. Com. in 1979 and B.Sc. Mathematics in 1981. 5 GOLDEN JUBILEE YEAR SREE NARAYANA COLLEGE NATTIKA The South Block was constructed in 1982. B.Sc. Chemistry and M. Sc. Zoology were started in 1983 and M.Sc. Mathematics in 1984. The construction of the North Block was completed in 1992 and the building was inaugurated by the Late Sri. M. K. Raghavan, the then Gen. Secretary of S. N. Trusts. The college celebrated its Silver Jubilee during 1993-1994. B. A. Malayalam was begun in the same year. The college obtained further growth when M. A. Economics was introduced in 1995, M.Sc. Physics in 1998, M. Sc. Botany in 1999, M.Sc.Chemistry in 2001, followed by M.A.Malayalam and Ph.D programme in Botany in 2013. A Ladies Hostel, which can accommodate 100 students, began functioning in 2007. The R.O.T. (Receive only Terminal) of EDUSAT was installed in the same year, to enable students to have access to the latest teaching-learning techniques. The college upholds and promotes academic excellence, development of skill and character based on human values and scientific temper. It plays a vital role in bringing about an intellectual awakening and socio-economic revolution in the region. With the assessment and re-accreditation by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) at B+ Grade in 2014, it is hoped that the college will scale greater heights in the years to come. The college expects co-operation from all the stakeholders of the society in maintaining the reputation of this institution as a centre of excellence. 6 GOLDEN JUBILEE YEAR SREE NARAYANA COLLEGE NATTIKA PROGRAMMES OFFERED The college offers instruction in the following programmes of study under the University of Calicut Every UG Programme includes four types of courses: A. Common Courses (English,Malayalam/Hindi/Sanskrit) B. Core Courses (Main) C. Complementary Courses (Subsidiary) D. Open Courses (Students may choose from a variety of courses in Vth Semester) UG Core Course Related Complementary Courses 1. 1. Economics 1. Indian Constitution & Politics 2. Modern Indian History 2. Malayalam 1. Sanskrit 2. Kerala Padhanam 3 Mathematics 1. Physics 2. Statistics 4. Physics 1. Chemistry 2. Mathematics 5. Chemistry 1. Mathematics 2. Physics 6. Botany 1. Chemistry 2. Zoology 7. Zoology 1. Chemistry 2. Botany 8. Commerce 1. Banking 2. Insurance Post Graduate (Credit Semester System) Programmes 1. M.A. (Economics) 2. M.Sc. (Mathematics) 3. M.Sc. (Physics) 4. M.Sc. (Pure Chemistry) 5. M.Sc. (Botany) 6. M.Sc. (Zoology) 7. M.Com. (With Group (A) Financial Management) 8. M.A. Malayalam Research Programme Ph.D. in Botany 7 GOLDEN JUBILEE YEAR SREE NARAYANA COLLEGE NATTIKA PROGRAMMES & SEMESTER DETAILS M.A.ECONOMICS SEM.SEM.SEM.PAPER CODE TITLE OF THE PAPER CRE- NO.NO.NO. DITS I I MICROECONOMICS: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS-I 4 II MACROECONOMICS:THEORIES AND POLICIES - I 4 II INDIAN ECONOMY :PROBLEMS AND POLICIES 4 IV QUANTITATIVE METHODS FOR ECONOMIC ANALYSIS -I 4 II V MICRO ECONOMICS :THEORY AND APPLICATIONS -II 4 VI MACRO ECONOMICS : THEORIES AND POLICIES -II 4 VII PUBLIC FINANCE :THEORY AND PRACTICE 4 VIII QUANTITATIVE METHODS FOR ECONOMIC ANALYSIS - II 4 III IX INTERNATIONAL TRADE 4 X GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 4 XI BANKING : THEORY AND PRACTICE 4 XII BASIC ECONOMETRICS 4 IV XIII INTERNATIONAL FINANCE 4 XIV FINANCIAL MARKETS 4 ELECTIVE - I DEMOGRAPHY 4 ELECTIVE- II GENDER ECONOMICS 4 DISSERTATION 4 B.A.ECONOMICS I ENG1 AO1 ENGLISH 3 ENG1AO2 ENGLISH 3 MALIAO1/AO7/ SKT1AO7(01) MALAYALAM/HINDI /SANSKRIT 4 EC1 BO1 MICRO ECONOMICS -I 5 ICPICO2 INDIAN CONSTITUTION AND POLITICS – BASIC FEATURES 2 HYI CO1 MODERN INDIAN HISTORY(1857 TO THE PRESENT) INDIA UNDER COLONIAL RULE AND EARLY RESISTENCE 2 II ENG2A03 ENGLISH 4 ENG2AO4 ENGLISH 4 MAL2AO2/AO8 / SKTA08(01) MALAYALAM /HINDI/SANSKRIT 4 EC2BO2 MICROECONOMICS-II 5 ICP2CO2 INDIAN CONSTITUTION AND POLITICS: GOVERNMENTAL STRUCTURES 2 HY2CO1 HISTORY (1857 TO PRESENT) INDIAN NATIONAL MOVEMENT FIRST PHASE 2 III ENG3AO5 ENGLISH 4 MAL3AO3/AO9 /SKT3A09(01) MALAYALAM/ HINDI/SANSKRIT 4 EC3BO3 QUANTITATIVE METHODS FOR ECONOMIC ANALYSIS-I 4 EC3BO4 MODERN BANKING AND INSURANCE 4 8 GOLDEN JUBILEE YEAR SREE NARAYANA COLLEGE NATTIKA ICP3CO3 INDIAN CONSTITUTION AND POLITICS :POLITICAL DYNAMICS 2 HY3 COI MODERN INDIAN HISTORY (1857 TO PRESENT) INDIAN NATIONAL MOVEMENT – GHANDIAN PHASE (1917-947) 2 IV ENG4AO6 ENGLISH 4 MAL4AO4/A10 /SKT4A10(01) MALAYALAM/HINDI/SANSKRIT 4 ECO4BO5 QUANTITATIVE METHODS FOR ECONOMIC ANALYSIS-II 4 ECO4BO6 COMPUTER APPLICATIONFOR ECONOMIC ANALYSIS 4 ICP4CO4 INDIAN CONSTITUTION AND POLITICS : FEDERAL DYNAMICS AND DECENTRALISATION 2 HY4CO1 MODERN INDIAN HISTORY(1857 TO PRESENT): SELECTED THEMES IN CONTEMPORARY INDIA 2 V ECO5B07 MACRO ECONOMICS-1 4 ECO5BO8 INDIAS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT:NATIONAL & REGIONAL 4 ECO5 BO9 ECONOMICS OF CAPITAL MARKET 4 ECO5 BO10 INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS 4 PROJECT WORK TO BE CONTINUED IN VITH SEM OPEN COURSE ECO5 DO2 INTERNATIONAL TRADE & FINANCE VI ECO6 B11 MACRO ECONOMICS II 4 ECO6 B12 MATHEMATICAL ECONOMICS 4 ECO6 B13 PUBLIC FINANCE 4 ECO6 B14 DEVELPMENT ECONOMICS 4 ECO6 EO1(ELECTIVE) ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS 2 ECO6 B15 PROJECT WORK INDIVIDUAL / GROUP 4 2 M.A.MALAYALAM I MAL1CO1 ADHYAKALA MALAYALA GADHYAM 5 MAL1C02 ADHYAKALA MALAYALA KAVITHA 5 MAL1C03 ADHUNIKA KAVITHA 5 MAL1E1/4 D-STHREE -DALITH-PARISTHITHI SAHITHYAM 5 II MAL2C05 ADHUNIKA MALAYALA GADHYAM 5 MAL2C06 MALAYALA VYAKARANAM 5 MAL2C07 BHASHA SASTHRAM 5 MAL2E2/8 D-NAVEENA KAVITHA 5 III MAL3C09 SAHITHYA SIDHANTHAM(PRACHEENAM) 5 MAL3CO10 KERALA SAMSKARAM 5 MAL3CO11 SANSKTIT( I) 5 MAL3E3/12 B-JANAPRIYA SAHITHYAM 5 SKT3E10 BASIC SANSKRIT I 4 IV MAL4CO13 SAHITHYA SITHANDHAM(ADHUNIKAM) 5 MAL4CO14 VIVARTHANAM- THATHWAVUM PRAYOGAVUM 5 MAL4CO15 SANSKRIT-II 5 MAL4E4/16 D-FOKLORE 5 9 GOLDEN JUBILEE YEAR SREE NARAYANA COLLEGE NATTIKA SKT4E12 BASIC SANSKRIT II 4 DESSERTATION 5 VACHAPAREEKSHA 2 B.A.MALAYALAM I ENG1 AO1 ENGLISH 3 ENG1AO2 ENGLISH 3 MALIAO1/AO7 /SKT1AO7(01) MALAYALAM/HINDI /SANSKRIT 4 MAL1B01 CORE COURSE-1 MALAYALAKAVITHA NAVODHANAGHATTAM 5
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